• What You Missed Last Week! TGL Highlights for July 12-17, 2014

    Hearthstone Tournament, The Infinite Crisis Experience Takes a Serious Turn, "The Quest's" Bonnie Gordon, Disney's "Kickin' It" with Dylan R. Snyder, The Comic Book Show, League of Legends, Infinite Crisis, Street Fighter All Nighter as well as so much more!

    Check out all the highlights from last week at TwinGalaxiesLive.com - The Totally Interactive 24 Hour Video Game Culture Network.

    1. Lance's Avatar
      Lance -
      You guys were running a Hearthstone tournament? When was it? I would have joined.
    1. Jace Hall's Avatar
      Jace Hall -
      when you go to www.twingalaxieslive.com you will see the broadcast schedule there...
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