• Trying to take down Complex X record MAME

    OMG I finally did it!

    I played a late game tonight and something strange happened. I got "in the zone" with this game. I had a bunch of really crappy games and then all of a sudden that high difficulty curve went away.

    It's almost as if you have to play the game just enough to finally master it and once you do you unlock it.

    So I had a really good game and couldn't stop doing well so I kept with it and now its 4:30 in the morning and I must get some sleep for work.

    New world record for this game is 60 million!

    Previous wr was around 11 million.

    Trying to take down Complex X record MAME erockbrox
    1. erockbrox's Avatar
      erockbrox -
      Now up to 1,600,000!
    1. erockbrox's Avatar
      erockbrox -
      First time to break 2 million. Actual wr that im going after is around 11 million.

    1. erockbrox's Avatar
      erockbrox -
      close to 3 million.

      WR to beat is 11 million.

    1. RTM's Avatar
      RTM -
      Excellent progress !! Don't let the disparity between where you are at now and the WR be an issue...typically when you reach a certain point the remaining hurdle becomes solely a matter of longevity...I am sure that you will be well past 3M and beyond in no time at all. Good luck :)
    1. erockbrox's Avatar
      erockbrox -
      here is about half the WR

    1. RTM's Avatar
      RTM -
      At this pace the WR is assuredly yours at some point. May I assume that the game by the 5M mark has "peaked" in difficulty ? Also, is it infinitely awarded lives or limited lives ?

      BTW - I just checked the original post...it was dated October 9th so you took just 3 weeks to climb from 10% of the WR to 500%+ !!
    1. erockbrox's Avatar
      erockbrox -
      Here is the deal with this game.

      There are only 5 levels and when all 5 are completed then the game just repeats.

      While going around all 5 levels there is 1 opportunity to obtain 1 extra life.

      So if you can only manage to die once per 5 levels then you got it made, however its a super hard game.

      Also the scoring for this game is pretty interesting.

      At the beginning you earn points very slowly, but once you have been playing for some time the points start to increase exponentially.

      In fact if you play even long enough you could be earning 1 million points in just 20 seconds whereas the 1st million probably takes 20 mins.

      So the higher you get the faster the points start rolling in, but the trick is that its hard to get way up there so that can happen.
    1. erockbrox's Avatar
      erockbrox -
      OMG I finally did it!

      I played a late game tonight and something strange happened. I got "in the zone" with this game. I had a bunch of really crappy games and then all of a sudden that high difficulty curve went away.

      It's almost as if you have to play the game just enough to finally master it and once you do you unlock it.

      So I had a really good game and couldn't stop doing well so I kept with it and now its 4:30 in the morning and I must get some sleep for work.

      New world record for this game is 60 million!

      Previous wr was around 11 million.

    1. RTM's Avatar
      RTM -
      Congratulations !! Just goes to show how perseverance and dedication in video gaming pays off big time. Well done indeed...getting more than 5 times a previous world record is nothing short of incredible :)
    1. erockbrox's Avatar
      erockbrox -

      I will submit this record to TG as soon as the submissions are being accepted.
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