• WORLD RECORD OF THE DAY! M.A.M.E. - Pepper II - Points - 1,136,630 - Max Haraske


    See the full adjudication thread here:

    Score Track
    ROMSet: Pepper2 Bonus Life: 70000 Lives: 3 Special Rules: None
    Submission Message

    This game was played on .106, then the replay was played back on twitch, then also copied to youtube. Somehow the replay on twitch recorded without sound (my first twitch recording), The inp recording has sound. Game play on the YT link below starts at the 1:13 mark.

    I had many great breaks throughout this run, then abruptly lost two guys on the last board trying to clear out a distant corner of the board. Those little monsters on the last few boards move at an alarming rate.

    M.A.M.E. - Pepper II - Points - 1,136,630 - Max Haraske Max
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