After a heated battle the winners of our FIRST ever

    Congratulation to our winners!

    1st Place - Hector Rodriguez
    2nd Place - Don Atreides
    3rd Place - Joseph Jackmovich

    Please join us LIVE at 6pm PST
    for our Classic Arcade Decathlon
    1. starcrytas's Avatar
      starcrytas -
      Great job to everyone.
      I was only able to catch everything from the middle of Kung Fu to the end live.
    1. 1500points's Avatar
      1500points -
      Hector is the console gamer of the century! Congrats.
    1. d3scride's Avatar
      d3scride -
      Congrats on the win Hector.
    1. Fly's Avatar
      Fly -

      And for the record, I had a horrible game of Zanac. This score was on the low end of my practice games. The plan was to play Zanac and drop the controller. Back up plan was that even a bad game was good enough to keep me near the top.

      I was very fortunate to finish on top here. Nerves were getting the best of me and for good reason. Don and Joe were on my ass from the beginning and closing the gap the whole time. It was mine to lose considering I should have gotten 600k on Zanac.

      Good times Don and Joe! It was super cool hanging with you guys for a while too.


    1. bensweeneyonbass's Avatar
      bensweeneyonbass -
      Congrats to everyone and man just reading the list of games makes me jealous. I'm no pro but I'd like to see how I could stack up - I need to make plans to participate in a live tournament just for the energy!
    1. 1500points's Avatar
      1500points -
      Here are some event pictures, Paul Dean had shared...With the
      the most obnoxious watermark in the history of electronic images.
    1. timmell's Avatar
      timmell -
      so awesome!
    1. bensweeneyonbass's Avatar
      bensweeneyonbass -
      Hey this was a time limit decathlon right? Came here to compare scores but something is wrong...
    1. Fly's Avatar
      Fly -
      Hey this was a time limit decathlon right? Came here to compare scores but something is wrong...
      Yes. That was a 3 minutes per game Decathlon. Totally different from this competition. Well, fir me it is. The time needed for me to practice for this competition would be over 10x the time i practiced for the tgfest competition. Time i dont have.

    1. bensweeneyonbass's Avatar
      bensweeneyonbass -
      Yes. That was a 3 minutes per game Decathlon. Totally different from this competition. Well, fir me it is. The time needed for me to practice for this competition would be over 10x the time i practiced for the tgfest competition. Time i dont have.
      Psh who practices anyway? I'm already a pro at all ten titles :P

      Kidding of course. Three of the ten titles are brand new to me but I ain't scared! Then again I'm not the defending champ either...
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