Wall Entry at 05-26-2018 03:09 PM
The BitKit FPGA now plays Titan, a game that doesn't even exist in MAME, yet.
Desidious started a poll PlayStation Portable - Gods Eater Burst - Difficulty 10 - Evil Princess - Fastest Time - 08:43.0 in
Desidious started a poll PlayStation Portable - Gods Eater Burst - Difficulty 10 - St. Elmo's Fire - Fastest Time - 08:07.0 in
bensweeneyonbass created a blog entry Fishy Behavior in bensweeneyonbass
Hey everyone!So I noticed this user this morning had a new submission with weird text in the submission message, and an unrelated Angry Birds video as video evidence.https://www.twingalaxies.com/showthread.php/278688-Android-2-For-2-Points-(Game-Modes-120-Sec)-25This user hadn't had any submissions
JJT_Defender created a blog entry Play over 40,000 retrogames in JJT_Defender
Plhttps://retrostick.gadgetscustomereviews.com/?on utm_source=google&utm_medium=&utm_id=21772978052&utm_content=168771211176&utm_term=&creativeId=715725776306&gclid=CjwKCAjw9p24BhB_EiwA8ID5Bg1Lyl72qIPpK2RoeiO45af1jT8i0Ev8arxJcEi9zOBpB9KbsF1cxxoCNrgQAvD_BwE&_atid=PoWi6Jobe0iYfESqg3sfpsEEQ7tjUD
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level MR 1-Star - The Great Jagras Returns! - Single Player [Time] - 14:01.11 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level MR 1-Star - Special Arena: MR Pukei-Pukei - Single Player [Time] - 13:51.83 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level 6-Star - Special Arena: HR Pukei-Pukei - Single Player [Time] - 03:13.53 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Investigations - MR 1-Star: Hunt: xyz, etc. - Ancient Forest - Banbaro, Pukei-Pukei - Single Player [Time] - 29:03.6 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level 6-Star - The Sleeping Sylvan Queen - Single Player [Time] - 12:13.63 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level 6-Star - It Can't See You if You Don't Move - Single Player [Time] - 11:53.3 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Investigations - MR 1-Star: Capture: Tobi-Kadachi - Ancient Forest - Single Player [Time] - 28:22.91 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Investigations - MR 1-Star: Capture: Pukei-Pukei - Ancient Forest - Single Player [Time] - 28:31.3 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level 6-Star - A Meow for Help - Single Player [Time] - 06:57.6 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Atari Lynx - California Games - EMU - BMX - 641 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PC - Midtown Madness - Amateur - Checkpoint Race - Beetle Blast-a-Thon [Time] - 02:14.43 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PC - Balls of Steel - Barbarian - Tournament - 600,274,460 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Atari 2600 / VCS - Gremlins - EMU - Game 1 (Points) - 83,050 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Atari 2600 / VCS - Xenophobe - EMU (Points) - 166,085 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll iOS - Candy Crush Soda Saga - Level 104 - 86,360 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll iOS - Candy Crush Saga - Level 172 - 218,940 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll iOS - Candy Crush Saga - Level 193 - 628,900 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll iOS - Candy Crush Saga - Level 187 - 66,540 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll iOS - Candy Crush Saga - Level 197 - 340,470 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll iOS - Candy Crush Saga - Level 40 - 150,260 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll iOS - Candy Crush Soda Saga - Level 103 - 49,820 in