admin staff's Feed

admin staff
01-10-2018 at 04:53 AM

Dear Community

The TWIN GALAXIES main forum area has been retired , please use this post to report any scoreboard or website errors. We understand that users need immediate response on issues, please try to post the link to the score with the description of the error and a screenshot. Regards Admin Staff

User comments (5348)

Unregistered's Avatar

There is a wrong screenshot on this track

here is a correct img I found on google

Some missing screenshots make it hard to figure out which game it is. For example, here it just says "Ivan" and since we can't see any replay, what is it? Maybe "Ivan Ironman Stewart's Off Road"?

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Could the EMU track on the C64 game "Ivan" be moved to the full title game: Ivan "Ironman" Stewarts Super Off Road, please. This will join it with the NTSC and PAL tracks of the same game (they all have the same rules).

Ivan "Ironman" Stewarts Super Off-Road:


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On the accepted score of 0 does not show up in the live listing.

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The track at has two unequal scores but both have an ESI of zero. The "Version" string appears to be empty for both, so is that missing or are they the same version?

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The name of this track is wrong:

It should be called:

"Nintendo Switch - Nintendo World Championships NES Edition - Fastest Time - Super Mario Bros. 3 (Super Leaf in the Wind)".


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The rules of this track:

should be updated to avoid confusion.

Please add:

"The decimal values will be ".01" through ".11" for 1-11 inches."


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When sending someone a DM a box pops up where you type your message. At the bottom of the box there is a button which says 'send' or 'submit'. Im not sure what it says because I cannot scroll down to see the button.

People newer to TG probably wouldnt even be able to send the message. I can barely see the top edge of the box, and I know to click it, and it sends.

This is similar to an issue I reported a while back which was fixed about not being able to scroll up when making a wall post.

Im on desktop btw, if that matters

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The accepted score on does not appear live on the scoreboard. The pre-TGSAP score was successfully disputed based on this submission & hid this submission until the dispute went through. The successful dispute of the legacy score has not brought this accepted score to the fore, however.

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For "Guitar Hero: Metallica" track "Mommy's Little Monster" there's an error in the track said. The track says "Mommey's Little Monster". However, the correct title is "Mommy's Little Monster".

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  • Poco was tinkering around and discovered that you can cut laps short in this game and they register as complete laps:

That would ruin the competition for the game. Please add the following line to the 8 tracks for the game:

"No glitch laps. Must complete the lap in its entirety."


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ESI appears to be calculated for IN PROCESS submissions if another submission gets added:

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Not sure if this is a glitch with the site, or the glitch is with me.

Trying to add a track for a game not currently existing on TG.
The name of the game is "Splatform".

While creating the track, we are prompted to enter "Track Title".
This particular game has only one variation, so I want to simply call it "NTSC - Points" or "NTSC (Points)" or some iteration of that.
No matter what format or combination of "NTSC" and "Points" I put in that Track Title field, I get the following errors:

I am not understanding how this is possible on a game that does not yet exist on TG.
If this limitation is *supposed* to span across all games, and no two games can have the same "Track Title", then a) how are we supposed to maintain a consistent format across platforms and b) this can't actually be the case, because many games currently have the same exact title, in the same format.

Or ... perhaps I am doing something wrong?

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Quote Originally Posted by Garrett Holland

Not sure if this is a glitch with the site, or the glitch is with me.

Trying to add a track for a game not currently existing on TG.
The name of the game is "Splatform".

While creating the track, we are prompted to enter "Track Title".
This particular game has only one variation, so I want to simply call it "NTSC - Points" or "NTSC (Points)" or some iteration of that.
No matter what format or combination of "NTSC" and "Points" I put in that Track Title field, I get the following errors:

I am not understanding how this is possible on a game that does not yet exist on TG.
If this limitation is *supposed* to span across all games, and no two games can have the same "Track Title", then a) how are we supposed to maintain a consistent format across platforms and b) this can't actually be the case, because many games currently have the same exact title, in the same format.

Or ... perhaps I am doing something wrong?

You aren't doing anything wrong. I've had this same thing happen numerous times in the past. I would type 'Easy Level' for example and because I have added a track in the past with that EXACT level phrase on the same console, it errors out... Fkin stupid... I eventually just got to the point where I quit adding tracks... Why even bother? Too much fkin grief for something that should be so simple....

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Quote Originally Posted by Rickster8

You aren't doing anything wrong. I've had this same thing happen numerous times in the past. I would type 'Easy Level' for example and because I have added a track in the past with that EXACT level phrase on the same console, it errors out... Fkin stupid... I eventually just got to the point where I quit adding tracks... Why even bother? Too much fkin grief for something that should be so simple....

Yeah, the check is at the creation stage appears to be "unique across the scoreboard" rather than "unique for the game" for some reason. I usually put the game name in front of what I want. Then after creation, edit the track and remove it - at this point the check is only then "unique across the game".

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Whenever I try to post a picture in a wall post it doesnt let me. Instead I get this blacked out pop-up which reads 'parsing response failed'

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What is this track for? Should it be removed?

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Again, when people post videos to their wall they are impossible to view by other members. They just do this:

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Quote Originally Posted by Barthax

Yeah, the check is at the creation stage appears to be "unique across the scoreboard" rather than "unique for the game" for some reason. I usually put the game name in front of what I want. Then after creation, edit the track and remove it - at this point the check is only then "unique across the game".

One can edit the track after creation?.How so?

  • alarm

Quote Originally Posted by Excelliron

Again, when people post videos to their wall they are impossible to view by other members. They just do this:

This may be unique to your system/browser. I just tried it with multiple browsers and different accounts with different levels of access, and the youtube video played fine. Can you try with a different browser? Do you happen to have an ad blocker or something? Not sure what the problem is you are experiencing....

  • alarm

Quote Originally Posted by Rickster8

You aren't doing anything wrong. I've had this same thing happen numerous times in the past. I would type 'Easy Level' for example and because I have added a track in the past with that EXACT level phrase on the same console, it errors out... Fkin stupid... I eventually just got to the point where I quit adding tracks... Why even bother? Too much fkin grief for something that should be so simple....

Ya this seems to be a global check instead of a game-specific check. Let me see if I can get @admin staff to raise the priority on fixing this. Please understand that the team is in the process of an entire re-engineering of the TG platform from the ground up that is almost done (and it is much better in nearly every single way imaginable), so the resources have been strained for a long time trying to balance fixing the old while creating the new.

I believe this issue of the global check may translate to the new version of TG, so fixing it here may fix it there as well if it exists, so I may be able to get some priority on this because it helps the new site as well.

Appreciate everyone's patience.

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