admin staff's Feed

admin staff
01-10-2018 at 04:53 AM

Dear Community

The TWIN GALAXIES main forum area has been retired , please use this post to report any scoreboard or website errors. We understand that users need immediate response on issues, please try to post the link to the score with the description of the error and a screenshot. Regards Admin Staff

User comments (5279)

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Quote Originally Posted by Troy_Whelan

@admin staff

@Jace Hall

Just a heads up that 17 of the Latest Submissions will not show up correctly on the Leaderboard once approved. If you look at the Vote on Performances list and you see the "potential rank" display at the bottom of each submission is missing then those are submissions with a broken link; these will go into limbo if Accepted and disappear except for on the Accepted screen. Open any of those submissions and you will see the game rules, track, platform, etc. are all missing. I noticed this for EvanorSomething (1), StressInducer (1), WretchedLord (1), Meta_Yoro (1), GamerGirl_Rukia1 (3), GirphQuake (1), Intellivision Master (1), VodkaGobalsky (2), Jason Bennett (2), Hal-Loz-Chz-Znc (2), Dennis Smithers, Jr. (1), Briana (1); all of those are latest submissions, but maybe you can also search Accepted using the same criteria to identify any submissions already in limbo.

We have checked latest submissions. We can see all potential ranks and everything seems to be normal now.

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Quote Originally Posted by admin staff

We have checked latest submissions. We can see all potential ranks and everything seems to be normal now.

It is not normal; this is exactly how my Sega Marine Fishing and Burnout Revenge submissions looked before they were Accepted and both ended up in limbo requiring intervention.

For comparison, this is one of my Latest Submissions that is correct. Notice it shows Potential Rank: 1.

For comparison, this is one of my Latest Submissions that is correct. Notice it shows the rules and other necessary data.

For comparison, this is one of Intellivision Master's Latest Submissions that is incorrect. Notice that it does not show Potential Rank.

For comparison, this is one of Intellivision Master's Latest Submissions that is incorrect. Notice it does not show the rules or other necessary data.

All of the submissions I listed for you above are like this, and all will have problems once Accepted.

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On the Leeching rules page part 3.0.b makes reference to section 1.0 but no such section exists explicitly anymore.. The history of the page suggests an explicit Section 1 didn't make it to the wiki from the original Leeching rules on the forum.

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Could one of the tracks for Vs. Tennis on MAME be updated to reflect changes in MAME history, please. DIP switches changes were buried in this note which includes a relabelling of the Difficulty options ("Difficulty Vs. Player" and "Difficulty Vs. Computer" both).
0.106-0.137 Difficulty: Easy / Normal / Hard / Hardest
0.138-0.271 Difficulty: Easy / Normal / Medium / Hard

- 0.137u3: VSNES improvements [Alex Jackson]: Moved RC2C05 PPU-based protection into the PPU itself, rather than hacking it in at the driver level. After exhaustive testing, completely sorted out the "palette" dipswitches (which are actually PPU type selection) on all games that have them. Added notes about these games in the comments. Removed GAME_IMPERFECT_COLORS and GAME_WRONG_COLORS from all games, as they should all be 100% correct now. Fixed coin inputs in tkoboxng. Removed IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag since there's no legitimate reason I can see for it. Also, fixed manufacturer and description to match the title screen. Added a bit more information about the missing sets in the comments. Removed the bogus 2C0X PPU "color remap tables" in favor of external palettes containing data reverse-engineered (several years ago) from original hardware. Each vsnes set, as well as the playch10 BIOS, now requires one of these palettes.

TG Game Entry:

Rules, Biggest Blowout - Skill: Medium: (note: the layout of the rules is crushed together unfortunately)

No submissions affected.


Difficulty Vs. Computer: MEDIUM


Difficulty Vs. Computer: MEDIUM (Note: for MAME 0.137 and prior this was incorrectly labelled Hard which should be used to match in those versions.)

Thanks. :D

The other track on this game uses a Difficulty of Normal which hasn't changed.

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Could the rules for Vs. Pinball on MAME be updated to reflect changes in MAME history, please.

- 0.137u3: VSNES improvements [Alex Jackson]: Moved RC2C05 PPU-based protection into the PPU itself, rather than hacking it in at the driver level. After exhaustive testing, completely sorted out the "palette" dipswitches (which are actually PPU type selection) on all games that have them. Added notes about these games in the comments. Removed GAME_IMPERFECT_COLORS and GAME_WRONG_COLORS from all games, as they should all be 100% correct now. Fixed coin inputs in tkoboxng. Removed IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag since there's no legitimate reason I can see for it. Also, fixed manufacturer and description to match the title screen. Added a bit more information about the missing sets in the comments. Removed the bogus 2C0X PPU "color remap tables" in favor of external palettes containing data reverse-engineered (several years ago) from original hardware. Each vsnes set, as well as the playch10 BIOS, now requires one of these palettes.

TG Game Entry:
Rules, Points:


Ball Speed: Normal

Ball Speed: Slow (Note: for MAME 0.137 and prior this was incorrectly labelled as Normal which should be used to match in those versions.)

Thanks. :D

Thanks TWIN GALAXIES thanked this post
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Could the rules for Vs. Gumshoe on MAME be updated to reflect changes in MAME history, please.

- 0.137u3: VSNES improvements [Alex Jackson]: Moved RC2C05 PPU-based protection into the PPU itself, rather than hacking it in at the driver level. After exhaustive testing, completely sorted out the "palette" dipswitches (which are actually PPU type selection) on all games that have them. Added notes about these games in the comments. Removed GAME_IMPERFECT_COLORS and GAME_WRONG_COLORS from all games, as they should all be 100% correct now. Fixed coin inputs in tkoboxng. Removed IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag since there's no legitimate reason I can see for it. Also, fixed manufacturer and description to match the title screen. Added a bit more information about the missing sets in the comments. Removed the bogus 2C0X PPU "color remap tables" in favor of external palettes containing data reverse-engineered (several years ago) from original hardware. Each vsnes set, as well as the playch10 BIOS, now requires one of these palettes.

TG Game Entry:
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]:


1 Bonus Man Awarded At 50k: 80000


1 Bonus Man Awarded At 50k: At 50000 (Note: for MAME 0.137 and prior this was incorrectly labelled as 80000 which should be used to match in those versions.)

Thanks. :D

  • alarm

Could the rules for Vs. Gradius on MAME be updated to reflect changes in the MAME history, please.

- 0.137u3: VSNES improvements [Alex Jackson]: Moved RC2C05 PPU-based protection into the PPU itself, rather than hacking it in at the driver level. After exhaustive testing, completely sorted out the "palette" dipswitches (which are actually PPU type selection) on all games that have them. Added notes about these games in the comments. Removed GAME_IMPERFECT_COLORS and GAME_WRONG_COLORS from all games, as they should all be 100% correct now. Fixed coin inputs in tkoboxng. Removed IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag since there's no legitimate reason I can see for it. Also, fixed manufacturer and description to match the title screen. Added a bit more information about the missing sets in the comments. Removed the bogus 2C0X PPU "color remap tables" in favor of external palettes containing data reverse-engineered (several years ago) from original hardware. Each vsnes set, as well as the playch10 BIOS, now requires one of these palettes.

TG Game Entry:
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]:


Difficulty: Normal


Difficulty: Easy (Note: for MAME 0.137 and prior this was incorrectly labelled as Normal and this should be used to match in those versions.)

Thanks. :D

Thanks TWIN GALAXIES thanked this post
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What happened to Vs. Excitebike on MAME/Arcade? I've found the original MAME track in the TG Historical scoreboard and three submissions (2 Arcade, 1 MAME) but no track. I've stumbled on this after finding multiple DIP switch changes in the Vs. series of games, so am doing a sweep across the series. Vs. Excitebike seems to have disappeared?!

Submissions exist (two from VerneV on Arcade):

This is VerneV's only submission to the scoreboard and appears in his history with no name:

Appears in the Historical scoreboard (which doesn't provide links, so requires manual search):

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For the game Vs. Wrecking Crew on MAME could the rules be updated to reflect changes in MAME History, please. More detail presented on the wiki with samples.

- 0.146u4: Brian Troha correct dipswitch settings for Vs. Wrecking Crew. Added dipswitches '1st Bonus Life', 'Additional Bonus Lives', 'Difficulty', 'Copyright' and 2x 'Unused'.

TG Game Entry:
Rules, Points:


Lives: 3

Unknown: Off [All]


Lives: 3

1st Bonus Life: 20,000 Pts

Additional Bonus Lives: 20,000 Pts

Difficulty: Easy

Unused or Unknown DIP switches: Off

Note: for MAME 0.146 and prior, set all "Unknown" DIP switches to Off for to match the missing options.

Thanks. :D

Thanks TWIN GALAXIES thanked this post
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Could the rules for Top Gun on MAME be updated to reflect changes in the MAME history, please.

- 0.137u3: VSNES improvements [Alex Jackson]: Moved RC2C05 PPU-based protection into the PPU itself, rather than hacking it in at the driver level. After exhaustive testing, completely sorted out the "palette" dipswitches (which are actually PPU type selection) on all games that have them. Added notes about these games in the comments. Removed GAME_IMPERFECT_COLORS and GAME_WRONG_COLORS from all games, as they should all be 100% correct now. Fixed coin inputs in tkoboxng. Removed IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag since there's no legitimate reason I can see for it. Also, fixed manufacturer and description to match the title screen. Added a bit more information about the missing sets in the comments. Removed the bogus 2C0X PPU "color remap tables" in favor of external palettes containing data reverse-engineered (several years ago) from original hardware. Each vsnes set, as well as the playch10 BIOS, now requires one of these palettes.

TG Game Entry:
Rules, Points:


Difficulty: Normal


Difficulty: Easy (Note: for MAME 0.137 and prior this was incorrectly labelled as Normal and this should be used to match in those versions.)

Thanks. :D

Thanks TWIN GALAXIES thanked this post
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For the game Vs. Super Xevious on MAME could the rules be updated to reflect changes in MAME history, please.

- 0.137u3: VSNES improvements [Alex Jackson]: Moved RC2C05 PPU-based protection into the PPU itself, rather than hacking it in at the driver level. After exhaustive testing, completely sorted out the "palette" dipswitches (which are actually PPU type selection) on all games that have them. Added notes about these games in the comments. Removed GAME_IMPERFECT_COLORS and GAME_WRONG_COLORS from all games, as they should all be 100% correct now. Fixed coin inputs in tkoboxng. Removed IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag since there's no legitimate reason I can see for it. Also, fixed manufacturer and description to match the title screen. Added a bit more information about the missing sets in the comments. Removed the bogus 2C0X PPU "color remap tables" in favor of external palettes containing data reverse-engineered (several years ago) from original hardware. Each vsnes set, as well as the playch10 BIOS, now requires one of these palettes.
- 0.247: Added 'Lives' and 'Bonus Life' DIP settings for Vs. Super Xevious. Removed as many modifications from the base VS. machine IO ports as possible for Vs. Super Xevious [kmg].
- 0.248: Correct supxevs 'Bonus Life' dipswitch settings and added 'Hidden Password Screen' dipswitch settings [kmg].

TG Game Entry:
Rules, Points:

Unknown: Off [All]
Color Palette: Normal

Bonus Life: 50k, 150k, every 150k (Note: in MAME version 0.247, use the setting 50000)
Lives: 3
Hidden Password Screen: Yes
PPU Type: RP2C04-0001 (Note: for MAME 0.137 and prior set the "Color Palette" DIP switch to Normal to match.)
Unknown: Off [All]
Note: for MAME version 0.247 and prior versions, some of these DIP swtiches are unavailable. For all versions, set all "Unknown" DIP switches to Off to match these settings.

Thanks. :D

Thanks TWIN GALAXIES thanked this post
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Could the game Vs. Super Mario Bros.on MAME be updated to reflect changes in MAME history, please.

- 0.137u3: VSNES improvements [Alex Jackson]: Moved RC2C05 PPU-based protection into the PPU itself, rather than hacking it in at the driver level. After exhaustive testing, completely sorted out the "palette" dipswitches (which are actually PPU type selection) on all games that have them. Added notes about these games in the comments. Removed GAME_IMPERFECT_COLORS and GAME_WRONG_COLORS from all games, as they should all be 100% correct now. Fixed coin inputs in tkoboxng. Removed IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag since there's no legitimate reason I can see for it. Also, fixed manufacturer and description to match the title screen. Added a bit more information about the missing sets in the comments. Removed the bogus 2C0X PPU "color remap tables" in favor of external palettes containing data reverse-engineered (several years ago) from original hardware. Each vsnes set, as well as the playch10 BIOS, now requires one of these palettes.

TG Game Entry:
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]:
Rules, Points [Factory Settings]:

For the record, the 1-Life variant is unaffected as the setting is Player's Choice.

Tournment Settings Before:

Timer: Normal

Factory Settings Before:

Timer: Slow

Both After:

Timer: Slow (Note for MAME 0.137 and prior this was incorrectly labelled as Normal and should be set as Normal to match.)

Thanks. :D

Thanks TWIN GALAXIES thanked this post
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Could the game Vs. Star Luster on MAME be updated to reflect changes in MAME history please.

- 0.137u3: VSNES improvements [Alex Jackson]: Moved RC2C05 PPU-based protection into the PPU itself, rather than hacking it in at the driver level. After exhaustive testing, completely sorted out the "palette" dipswitches (which are actually PPU type selection) on all games that have them. Added notes about these games in the comments. Removed GAME_IMPERFECT_COLORS and GAME_WRONG_COLORS from all games, as they should all be 100% correct now. Fixed coin inputs in tkoboxng. Removed IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag since there's no legitimate reason I can see for it. Also, fixed manufacturer and description to match the title screen. Added a bit more information about the missing sets in the comments. Removed the bogus 2C0X PPU "color remap tables" in favor of external palettes containing data reverse-engineered (several years ago) from original hardware. Each vsnes set, as well as the playch10 BIOS, now requires one of these palettes.

TG Game Entry:
Rules, Points [Adventure Mode]:
Rules, Points [Commander Mode]:
Rules, Points [Training Mode]:


Palette Color: Black


PPU Type: RP2C03 (Note: in MAME 0.137 and prior set the "Palette Color" to Black to match this setting.)

Thanks. :D

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Quote Originally Posted by Barthax

On the Leeching rules page part 3.0.b makes reference to section 1.0 but no such section exists explicitly anymore.. The history of the page suggests an explicit Section 1 didn't make it to the wiki from the original Leeching rules on the forum.

Section 1.0 was in reference to the first section on the page. The page has been updated to reflect this

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I can't Edit/Delete my own post or replies. I want to redo my preformence application and add a video.

I've get this error message:

Johan_Sundberg, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
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Quote Originally Posted by Johan_Sundberg


I can't Edit/Delete my own post or replies. I want to redo my preformence application and add a video.

I've get this error message:

Johan_Sundberg, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

It is correct that you cannot edit the post itself. If you want to add a video,there should be a button at the top of the submission somewhere that will allow for this.

  • alarm

Quote Originally Posted by sdwyer138

It is correct that you cannot edit the post itself. If you want to add a video,there should be a button at the top of the submission somewhere that will allow for this.

I have already tried that. The upload will not start..

  • alarm

Quote Originally Posted by Johan_Sundberg

I have already tried that. The upload will not start..

Please try while using a different browser and see if that corrects the issue.

  • alarm

On the arcade leaderboards the rules for like 90% of tracks say something like "game is to be played on default settings....Dipswitch 1 - on, Dipswitch 2-0ff, Dipswitch 3- Off"........

But on a great many of these tracks the dipswitch settings listed are, in fact, NOT the default settings. Thereby creating a ruleset which is in conflict with itself.

Here is one example of MANY:
("The rules state that DIP switch 4 must be ON for medium time and incorrectly state that this is the default.")

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