I'm On The Nintendo Website
It's in Japanese and unfortunately they don't have an English counterpart, but this is super cool. There are accompanying videos for all of the weekly NWC challenges that got the number 1 spot.
JJT_Defender replied to a poll NES / FAMICOM / DISK - Formula 1: Built To Win - NTSC - Mini Cooper - Novice Race - Fastest Race - 59.4 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Bounty Challenges - Bounty Challenge - The LA Gear Retro Fighting Game Challenge - Brought To You By PerfectPacman.com! - 304,700 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Arcade - U.N. Squadron - Points - 1,245,030 in
JJT_Defender created a blog entry Play over 40,000 retrogames in JJT_Defender
Plhttps://retrostick.gadgetscustomereviews.com/?on utm_source=google&utm_medium=&utm_id=21772978052&utm_content=168771211176&utm_term=&creativeId=715725776306&gclid=CjwKCAjw9p24BhB_EiwA8ID5Bg1Lyl72qIPpK2RoeiO45af1jT8i0Ev8arxJcEi9zOBpB9KbsF1cxxoCNrgQAvD_BwE&_atid=PoWi6Jobe0iYfESqg3sfpsEEQ7tjUD
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level MR 1-Star - The Great Jagras Returns! - Single Player [Time] - 14:01.11 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level MR 1-Star - Special Arena: MR Pukei-Pukei - Single Player [Time] - 13:51.83 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level 6-Star - Special Arena: HR Pukei-Pukei - Single Player [Time] - 03:13.53 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Investigations - MR 1-Star: Hunt: xyz, etc. - Ancient Forest - Banbaro, Pukei-Pukei - Single Player [Time] - 29:03.6 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level 6-Star - The Sleeping Sylvan Queen - Single Player [Time] - 12:13.63 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level 6-Star - It Can't See You if You Don't Move - Single Player [Time] - 11:53.3 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Investigations - MR 1-Star: Capture: Tobi-Kadachi - Ancient Forest - Single Player [Time] - 28:22.91 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Investigations - MR 1-Star: Capture: Pukei-Pukei - Ancient Forest - Single Player [Time] - 28:31.3 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Optional - Level 6-Star - A Meow for Help - Single Player [Time] - 06:57.6 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Atari Lynx - California Games - EMU - BMX - 641 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PC - Midtown Madness - Amateur - Checkpoint Race - Beetle Blast-a-Thon [Time] - 02:14.43 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PC - Balls of Steel - Barbarian - Tournament - 600,274,460 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Atari 2600 / VCS - Gremlins - EMU - Game 1 (Points) - 83,050 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Atari 2600 / VCS - Xenophobe - EMU (Points) - 166,085 in