Created BY:ersatz_cats06-05-2024 03:51 PM
NES Tetris: Score the most points while clearing only triples [PPMDC]
The pros can clear four-line Tetrises all day. But for this challenge, we're looking for who can get the furthest clearing exactly three lines at a time. All winners of this bounty will be featured in a future piece at
I don't know if this is the best time or the worst time to issue an NES Tetris challenge, but we're gonna go for it. While the top pros are currently stacking four-bars on their way to "Rebirth", this challenge aims to twist the game by requiring "triples only". In other words, all line-clears must come exactly three at a time.
I feel like this should be self-explanatory, but in case elaboration is necessary, any line clears are allowed if and only if they clear exactly three lines with a single piece. Usually this will be done by dropping an "L" piece into a well with a notch, but this can also be done by dropping a four-bar into a Tetris well where a missing block results in three line clears instead of four. You do you. Be creative!
Your run is considered over whenever you top out, or whenever you clear a single line, or a double, or a four-line Tetris, or when your game otherwise malfunctions. Your final score will be whatever score you had in the immediate moment before any disallowed line clear. (This will not include drop points from the piece completing the disallowed line clear, but will include drop points for any previous pieces.) Similarly, your final line total will be whatever line total you had immediately before any disallowed line clear or death.
Obviously the game mode must be "A-TYPE" and single player. You may start on any level the original game allows, from 0 up to and including level 19. For this reason, two separate bounty pages have been opened - one for highest score (favoring higher level starts) and one for most lines cleared (favoring early level starts). Note that, for prizing purposes, any approved submission to either the "highest score" or "most lines" bounties will be counted as valid for both challenges. Even if you appear to be leading on one page, your high mark may be eclipsed by a valid submission on the other thread.
This bounty posting is for highest triples-only score. For the "most triples-only lines" entry, see the TG bounties page:
This challenge must be attempted on either original NES Tetris, or the "Tetris Gym" romhack approved by the Tetris community. (For competitive consistency, other Tetris releases are not allowed for this challenge.) Either console or emulation is allowed.
RNG manipulation is ALLOWED. If you can manipulate your way to a massive triples-only score, I want to see it! That said, please don't feel like such advanced applications are required. I say this every time, but playing with swag strats (including added difficulty) is always encouraged.
Other PPMDC bounty rules:
- All performances must be recorded from start to finish, and must adhere to general TGSAP rules and community expectations, including those particular to the platform and emulation being used. Multiple attempts in the same recording are allowed.
- The date of this achievement must be stated. It is requested, but not required, that submissions for this bounty be achieved on or after the date this bounty is posted. No proof is required for date of achievement, and submitted runs for this bounty will not be disqualified on that basis. (In other words, it's safe to vote on submissions that lack proof of date but appear otherwise genuine.) However, submitting old runs, or misrepresenting dates, may disqualify the submitter from recognition for this or future PPMDC bounties.
- No major glitches aside from any specified in the bounty description.
- Swag strats are encouraged, and will be featured in the eventual write-up.
Read more about PPMDC bounties here:
In October 2024, will post a write-up featuring the results of the most recent PPMDC bounties hosted at TG. Everyone who submits a valid run will be featured. Winners will also be given the opportunity to have their comments about this challenge or any other appropriate gaming-related topic published. (The site is not monetized, and this is all just for fun.)
For this challenge, the player with the highest "triples only" score will be named Video Game Player of the Century. The player to complete the most "triples only" lines will also be named Video Game Player of the Century. In both cases, the quickest to achieve their mark will win any tiebreaker. Any approved submission to either the "highest score" or "most lines" bounties will be counted as valid for both challenges.
For full details and prizing rules, see the PPMDC bounty page:
Please place any questions, comments or concerns in the discussion thread below!

thanks for info