• The End of an Era. A New Future Awaits.

    Prior to acquiring Twin Galaxies, I spent a lot of time researching its past, the community, and its many prior achievements. I spoke with people, listened to numerous perspectives, and paid close attention to the all of the nuance of TG history that I could find.

    As a long time participant of video game culture in general, and being old enough to remember the actual beginning of Twin Galaxies, I was very interested in trying to understand why Twin Galaxies never seemed to reach its full potential.

    In my view, after 30 years, Twin Galaxies should have been a household name where video game players worldwide would unilaterally look to for challenges and achievement recognition for everything video game related. The vision of TG was so grand, the opportunities so vast…

    When I acquired TG, it seemed to be in the most deteriorated state that it had been in over 10 years. Just about every aspect of TG that one can imagine needed repair of some kind. The work that lay ahead was tremendous…

    However, when I addressed the TG community for the first time, I expressed my enthusiasm and commitment to the process of helping to restore TG to full functionality and to work to provide video game players around the world with an opportunity to be recognized and honored. The new TG wished to extend the hand of friendship to the community and offered a new chance to begin again.

    And so the work began…

    Now many of you are aware that the TG community is filled with long standing arguments, accusations, battles and controversy. People attack each other frequently and there are numerous grudges being held even as I write this.

    Some people appear to be forever gripped in the same battle, locked in an infinite loop of righteous indignation. It’s the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s with a video game backdrop. The negativity can sometimes seem so overwhelming, it actually takes the fun out of the whole experience of participating in general for many people.

    More to the point - The long memory past history of TG and the community has produced the feeling of everything being frozen in a circular battle, repeating itself, over and over. Negativity in an echo chamber, amplifying itself. For some people, preventing growth, preventing change, preventing fun and happiness.

    There are people who are scarred from all the forum battles. There are people who are defensive. People have been lied to and promised so many things that they lost count and now all that is left is perhaps a deep inner skepticism about things in the community and potentially about TG. It’s completely understandable– because you can’t fault anyone for wanting to protect themselves if they feel this way.

    Given all this emotional history, when the new TG was finally brought online, I made it clear that the new era of TG was leaving the past in the past, that all transgressions had been forgiven, and that we all collectively should try to move forward to build something great together.

    I was serious when I said that. I meant it. I learned a long time ago that the problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that one may turn around to find the future has run out on them.

    So great! Let’s just all forget the past! Let’s forget the things that happened! I wasn’t there. I didn’t have anything to do with any of it! I don’t carry the baggage and you now don’t have to either! Away we go to a new and brighter future! Wheeeee!



    You see, I have come to realize that while I can be forward looking and positive about the future of TG and the community, many people can’t do the same easily. Not because they don’t want to, but because of old historical emotional reasons that they are reminded of (perhaps needing closure of some kind. – or fear of disappointment once again…)

    I’ve further realized that when I stepped into Twin Galaxies, I became the focal point for numerous unresolved historical emotional issues between some members of the community. It doesn’t matter that I have had nothing to do with these issues; I am still the focal point.

    Why is this the case? It is because many of these matters can be traced back to something related to the culture of the old historical Twin Galaxies itself in either a direct way or an abstract one.

    So I feel strongly now that it is time to more directly address these unspoken issues.

    Here is one issue: All kinds of various things happened in the past that ultimately resulted in many people’s feelings being hurt at one time or another. Even though everyone involved had the best of intentions, events happened that were not always positive.

    The issue is that as far as I can determine, Twin Galaxies as a historical organization has not ever fully acknowledged its participation in contributing to this situation. Always knowing that it was approaching things with nothing but the best of intentions, TG has either denied, ignored, or simply did not realize it somehow could have had a hand in any of it. So for many people, proper and complete emotional closure has never been possible – and wounds have not ever fully healed.

    I believe that Twin Galaxies’ historical participation in these issues primarily stemmed from the kind of system it used to adjudicate scores. Much like the famous Milgram experiment or the story “Lord of The Flies,” the function of a system and environment help to define the behavior of its participants. The very method Twin Galaxies used could definitely adjudicate a video game score, but it could also create unintended conditions for all the people involved to participate in.

    Let me give an example:

    The previous eras of Twin Galaxies had a traditional style referee system. This system was composed of numerous volunteers or minimally paid staff whose job it was to review thousands of hours of performances and adjudicate scores.

    Many of these people were friends, or became friends. Many of these people spent time together at events, or on the phone, or in discussion forums. Communication was essential to adjudication and submission procedures. In fact, in the past, Twin Galaxies maintained a discussion forum just for the referees and site moderators to communicate with each other privately about outstanding issues and concerns. This was essential and camaraderie was built as the ever escalating demand for more and more score adjudication overflowed the Twin Galaxies’ submission inbox.

    These dedicated people were all well-intended, hard working, passionate individuals, taking their responsibilities seriously and offering their viewpoints and expertise and cumulatively working together to help build the incredible database and information repository that is Twin Galaxies itself. Most were doing it as a passion without pay of any kind. The contributions over 30 years have been nothing short of amazing.

    During its time, the above system of score adjudication was the most comprehensive and professional method of its kind – and until the recent rise of modern technology, it was the only true viable system of adjudication available.

    Ok so what is the issue? The issue is that when you are talking about score adjudication being subjectively reviewed by single referees in private environments, and a score gets rejected, it is VERY easy for the owner of the rejected score to suggest that they are being treated unfairly/unethically. It’s also easy to make accusations about other scores that have been adjudicated previously. Lastly, due to the closed-off private nature of the old TG adjudication system, it was easy to accuse referee friendship and communication between refs as collusion or a private club that worked not for players but against them.

    It doesn’t matter if a claim was true or not. The point is that the very nature of this type of adjudication system allows claims like this to be easily made at any time and this can undercut credibility.

    A suggestion like any of the above of course would put ANY volunteer referee into an immediate defensive position, and depending on the personality type of that particular volunteer referee, numerous kinds of responses may take place. Since we are talking about volunteer human beings and their feelings, these responses could be all across the map, appropriate or inappropriate.

    That of course begins a cycle of accusations going in all directions, and then at some point a decision is rendered with the losing party potentially carrying emotional baggage from the entire experience.

    Wash, rinse and repeat this cycle in various forms for 30 years. Now add well-meaning Twin Galaxies senior ownership that just wants everyone to be happy and is willing to potentially placate, sometimes telling one person one thing and another person something slightly different which then creates an overall sensation of emotional and policy inconsistency for everyone involved. This was an unfortunate side-effect of just trying to do the right thing and help people get along in tough situations.

    So clearly, while this older system was quite effective at adjudicating scores professionally, it could only be as unbiased and efficient as its human voluntary referee staff was collectively capable of managing while they also managed their own REAL jobs and lives.

    It’s incredible when I think about it. Passion drove this process. Passion built Twin Galaxies. Every single ref that ever contributed to Twin Galaxies I personally greatly appreciate, honor and thank them for doing their very best under incredibly challenging circumstances for numerous YEARS.

    This was the system that Twin Galaxies had, and despite its obvious flaws, it still was the best. It set the standard and the tone. It still does.

    Clearly, a system like this, running for years, is going create some human issues. It is ridiculous to think that it wouldn’t. Every organization has issues. When you are talking about people, you are talking about issues.

    One of the issues that I have found with Twin Galaxies is that it had a tendency to hide or downplay these issues. I have determined that it did not do this with any malicious intent – in fact it is the exact opposite – Twin Galaxies downplayed issues specifically to keep people from getting hurt or upset - At least in the short term.

    The problem with that approach is that eventually the avoidance of confrontation and clear communication results in the creation of a culture and tone of more diffusion/denial and not one of inspiring directional leadership.

    I have noticed a lot of conversations throughout the community that thematically revolves around this issue and it is one of the reasons why the community has trouble forgetting and forgiving the past and moving forward.

    So lets get back to the referee stuff, because it is important.

    As I mentioned, in the past, Twin Galaxies maintained a discussion forum just for the referees and site moderators to communicate with each other privately about outstanding issues and concerns. These forums are no longer in use for the new TG Era and they were last updated in 2012 during previous ownership.

    The forums contain very candid discussion and debates about scores, variation tracking, events, records, abusive users, potential cheating, etc. All the stuff you would expect volunteer referees and mods to be talking about. Under the old TG adjudication system, referees and mods had to historically take a tremendous amount of verbal abuse and harassment from all kinds of external people who would have their own agendas. There are rants of frustration about things, and accusations and apologies. Free speech and all that. Pretty much just like our public forums now.

    There is nothing particularly unusual about the forums or their content, other than the fact that the old TG kept them private as part of its more non-confrontational and behind-the-scenes style adjudication philosophy.

    (In contrast, the new TG has no inaccessible active user participating hidden forums. All VERIFIED members can see everything. Everything is overt, deliberately.)

    When I resurrected and restored all the old Twin Galaxies forum data, those old private referee forums were restored as well. These forums have been left closed, locked, and deactivated, as they serve no function at this time. There are no current TG referees.

    Recently, I was informed by semi-panicked former referee that a certain member of the community with an axe to grind managed to acquire and copy these old referee forum posts and was threatening to release them to the world. OH NOES!

    I found it very strange how concerned, upset this former ref was when he contacted me about it. My thought was, “So What? Big Deal.” There are no nuclear secrets in there. It is just refs doing refs work. The stuff is old and has no bearing at all on how the new Twin Galaxies currently functions or will function.

    But then I started thinking about it more. I realized that part of this person’s panic was a byproduct of the general tone set by previous versions of Twin Galaxies itself. …Keep things quiet, downplay an issue, just try to keep everyone happy, etc. “If that information gets out, some crazy person will just try to use it against us!” Etc.. Fear and avoidance. It was the side effect of the old system I was bearing witness to.

    Making matters worse, there have been many times historically that people have felt that despite their hard work, when some trouble came along, TG left them holding the bag and looked the other direction or acted like it had no idea.

    No, this former referee was honestly reacting this way because that was the condition and environment he was brought into, that was his past – and this was an example in my face of why it is hard for many to move forward and break the cycle – because TG has not yet cleared the “air” of certain things. TG has not yet stepped forward in its own right and taken responsibility.

    Anyway, back to the stolen forum stuff:

    After I was able to verify that indeed this person was in possession of the old forum stuff, I investigated how it might have occurred:
    Was it a successful hack attempt?
    Maybe it was pulled from the stolen database hack back before I owned TG.
    Maybe it was a leak from the previous ownership who possessed the database.
    Or it was leaked by a former TG staffer who has a retained a copy of the old server stuff.

    But what we actually think is the likely scenario
    relates to the fact that we are currently and constantly working on this new TG site (fixing database, adding functionality, adjudication, etc.) and this particular user was in a very unique user account type, and somehow during our work on the site, that specific account type became able to view those archived, deactivated forums for a period of time. So when this user logged in, they just were able to see something that was not available to the public. This was a computer error. Eventually, through our normal work, it reverted back and access was restricted again (this is why when we initially looked at it, everything seemed normal.) We have since gone through and made sure that this situation could no longer be possible under any theoretical server state condition.

    Ok, so with proof in one hand and a plausible understanding of how it may have occurred in the other, I called the particular user who had taken the information and listened to what they had to say.

    They made demands. Wanted things. Attempted to convince me to do some kind of back room deal as if they were a kidnapper negotiating for a payment.

    This got me thinking. Why would this person think that I would be calling them to negotiate anything? Once again, the bell goes off in my head. This is the kind of thing that must have transpired in the past. Placation. Submission. Just doing everything possible to keep things quiet and people happy in the short term when a big noisy problem happens. To be fair, this approach was always historically done with the best of intentions, certainly.

    So here in my face is yet another part of that historic insidious aspect of the community culture behavior, weakly attempting veiled threats and manipulation to get what it wants. Ultimately, this is a byproduct of that old TG adjudication system that had individual volunteer moderators and referees infused with so much authority that conversations like this became possible. This method is being used on the new TG now, because it must have worked in the past.

    No longer. Not in this new era. Please.

    After listening to the demands and various justifications for why this person took the information, I explained to this community member that they were in possession of stolen data and they should delete it immediately. I explained that just because a systemic error granted them temporary access to that information, that data was not public and they are not granted any rights to use it or own the material. I additionally explained that in order to use the TG site every user must agree to the Terms of Service and that clarifies the matter even further. Lastly I explained that any release or unauthorized use of that information would be dealt with harshly in the appropriate legal manner.

    Now what is interesting about this situation is that the new TG is under no legal obligation to keep the old adjudication and forum messages private in any way. The fact is that TG owns the messages outright and no privacy obligations of any kind were transferred in the acquisition agreement. So really, the new TG could publish a book with all the forum messages if it wanted to. However, those rights belong to TG and not to the user who stole them, and all of TG’s rights to own its own data need to be protected, regardless of what the data is. That is the primary point and issue at hand here.

    When I think of the nervous referee who had contacted me about the matter initially, the primary concern was “OH NOES, people will see what referees discussed! They may take things out of context and use it against me!”

    Let me be crystal clear on this matter:


    As I mentioned earlier in this long posting, the referees are human beings who have mostly volunteered their time do help support Twin Galaxies and give what they could to the adjudication process. This means they these people were spending hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of their limited free time watching video game performances. They were working within a TG system that was set up in such a manner that problems were going to happen no matter what.

    But of course, as mentioned earlier, the system was not perfect, and claims of occasional wrong doings were made. Most of the time, these claims were flat out wrong, but sometimes the claims were in fact TRUE but never given much formal acknowledgement.

    This is one of those things that has been festering for a long time and interfering with the healing process. So it is time for Twin Galaxies to acknowledge some things.

    In the 30 year history of TG adjudication, depending on an individual’s point of view, did anything ever happen in one specific situation or another that could be construed or interpreted as:



    False promises?

    YES YES YES YES to just about every normal negative social aspect of the human condition.
    Did historical refs and mods and TG ownership sometimes get emotionally caught up in things? YES. Were some people’s feelings potentially hurt by it? YES

    Was it all intentional?

    You will find that this message I am typing does not contain names. It doesn’t need to. Single individuals aren’t to blame for these historical issues. The cumulative effect of the historical Twin Galaxies was what set the stage, the “game” if you will and the resulting players just moved in that system doing their job. It’s not about individuals.

    For example, imagine that Twin Galaxies invented Basketball. It set the rules, the goals, etc. Now the players move on to the court and play. While playing, player one bumps into the referee while going for the ball. This is what happens in Basketball. Although bumping into people and knocking them down is not the goal of Basketball, this unintentional side-effect is what the system of Basketball can produce.

    So again, it was the nature of the system that created all the above effects – And it is the creator of that system, Twin Galaxies itself, that needs to step up.

    We are all ultimately flawed and it will show itself in our work from time to time. This is not news. This is not surprising. We all learn from our mistakes, apologize and move forward.

    It is important to also recognize that the door swings both ways. To wit:

    In the 30 year history of TG adjudication, did anything ever happen that could be construed or interpreted as:
    Absolute professional best of class score adjudication ?

    Cooperation and support for video game players worldwide?

    Promises being made and kept and even exceeded?


    We are talking about nearly 30 years of people working together just doing the best they could (which was pretty damn great.) Were there mistakes made? ABSOLUTELY – but nothing can be perfect. There can be no reasonable expectation that normal human error and emotion hasn’t played a role within a large, ever changing, volunteer staff of passionate people dedicating their time, hearts and energies to adjudicating video game scores.

    With that being said, the old TG ref forums are still a very positive thing. Why?

    It is because:


    A person can take anything and pick it apart to serve their own purpose. That’s easy to do. It’s always easier to destroy than create. Pay those people no mind as they are wasting your time and are bitter, emotionally challenged individuals.

    I believe that in order for the community to really heal and move forward, Twin Galaxies must recognize its historic role in all things, not just the “good” things.

    So here it is:

    Twin Galaxies is stepping up. Twin Galaxies is admitting its historic faults up front right here and right now. Twin Galaxies wants to apologize to every single person who fell victim to some of the negative aspects of the community culture that Twin Galaxies helped to create through some of the very systems it used to adjudicate scores - which would invariably wind up creating interpersonal conflict from time to time. Twin Galaxies apologizes for historically attempting to placate people for the short-term dissipation of a problem instead of confronting and leading for the long term. Twin Galaxies apologizes to every ref that ever felt unsupported in really tough adjudication situations. Twin Galaxies apologizes to outside organizations or players for any mistreatment, lack of respect or attempt at stealing their media attention. Twin Galaxies apologies for any highly biased mistreatment that anyone may have ever received from the organization or system that it established for whatever reason.

    These things DID happen. Twin Galaxies is standing before you and admitting it point blank and it is very sorry that any of it did.

    I’m sure I’ve missed many specific things, but please understand the basic intention with this post. The new Twin Galaxies is not hiding behind anything. No secrets. It came right out of the gate telling everyone that it has forgiven everyone’s past transgressions. It only hopes that everyone will in turn forgive the historical Twin Galaxies.

    As we look toward the future please know that the new TG era is working very hard to make sure that it does not create systems and situations that might accidentally reproduce this old issues. The new Twin Galaxies is incredibly aware and sensitive of the historical matters.

    While Twin Galaxies is formally apologizing it also wants to make it crystal clear that all Twin Galaxies ever has done, is the best it can, given its resources. The growth, vision and ambition of Twin Galaxies would sometimes overwhelm and exceed its grasp. The intentions of TG and its volunteer staff were ALWAYS positive.

    With everything that has now been stated, rest assured that there is now no need to try to prove some minor point regarding any individual’s past statements, behavior or decisions. It accomplishes nothing today and the past can be let go of. This posting is final proof and acknowledgement of all that historic stuff. Hopefully some closure can be found. Twin Galaxies has taken responsibility and recognizes that it may have inadvertently helped to set the stage that some of the historical community circus show took place on.

    While this letter is an acknowledgement of the past, it is not intended to be an indictment of it or anybody. Former staff's cumulative accomplishments are nothing short of incredible and this new era of Twin Galaxies today is not implying that the previous eras were invalid in any way. TG only exists BECAUSE of its history. This posting is merely TG, a member of the community, publicly recognizing the reality of its historic existence. This is the end of the past being allowed to have any more negative life and it is being done as a once-and-for-all effort so that we can all together heal our wounds and finally allow ourselves to move forward toward positivity.

    What about the people who hacked TG in the past and stole the database?

    What about people who tried to ruin the Guinness relationship?

    What about those people who just have tried to ruin and discredit TG in the past?

    If TG can forgive these things and offer people a second chance, then perhaps the community itself can do that too, and people can give each other second chances. We are all in this together.

    Everyone is invited for an opportunity in this future. For those that wish to remain in the past, they can stay there. It is their choice. Just like Red said in the film The Shawshank Redemption, “Get busy living, or get busy dying.”

    We are working hard here at TG to get the new submission and adjudication process complete. We are eager to start taking scores and recognizing achievement. We appreciate the community’s patience in all of this and we are taking everything step-by-step. Exciting times are ahead of us. Welcome to the new era.

    If you made it to the end of this message you are a champion. Hopefully the biggest skeptics will be able to slowly find a way to continue to believe and support this renewed effort that is Twin Galaxies.

    Humbly and respectfully,
    1. RTM's Avatar
      RTM -
      Well said, Jace, and thanks for taking the time to craft such an all-inclusive response !!
    1. ~Elle's Avatar
      ~Elle -
      :D Game on!
    1. 1500points's Avatar
      1500points -
      Top shelf, Mr. Hall. I read it all and feel it further supports why you are such a perfect leader for this venture.

      I was one of those folks who was involved at the start when it was all just fun stuff, was away during the 2k era of which it appears you are heavily speaking above, and watching the rebirth. Walter and I briefly touch on the current path of TG and it leaves us with a few simple words. Much respect and Appreciation.

      Cheers buddy.
    1. Zeno's Avatar
      Zeno -
      Great post and great way to summarize everything while at the same time taking responsibility for the way things are.

      I could not think of a more measured, intelligent or responsible way to handle this situation, your candor and professionalism are unparallelled Jace, well done!
    1. kernzyp's Avatar
      kernzyp -
      That, was impressively awesome.
      That, is what you call putting a line through it, and underlining it.
      What a superb entity this will become.
      Thanks Jace.
      We've been waiting for you to come along.
    1. datagod's Avatar
      datagod -
      Wow. That was an ending I did not see coming at all. As I was reading your extensive post, a voice in my head was saying "oh man, it's all over, TG is going to close shop again!!". I was not a member of the historical TG community, but over the past few years I have had my own passion for gaming rekindled and I greatly looked forward to participating in a reborn Twin Galaxies.

      I have witnessed the accusations, the rantings and ravings, the harassments back and forth on facebook between various people or their proxies. I have even read articles written by people who clearly had insider information and were intent on damaging Twin Galaxies, the founders, and interfering with the sale to new owners. Mutual hatred and unforgiveness drives these people to extremes.

      What you have done so far, Jace, is nothing short of amazing. I can only imagine the effort it has taken to get TG back up and running while dodging the constant mortar fire of detractors and belligerent opponents. To openly forgive these people is, well, incredible.

      I thank you so much for all you have done, and I eagerly await the day that I can submit my first score.
    1. freeko's Avatar
      freeko -
      Rudy and Caroline are being unbanned when? If all is forgiven, then that must be as well. Nevermind the trbunal system that was implemented to remove them was so very similar to the backalley deals you mention in this article. You also outright admitted that neither of them did anything wrong according to twin galaxies rules of conduct. I could certainly bring forward "dirt" of all kinds on a great number of people, though I choose not to as it is not going to do anyone any good to do so.

      Hopefully this is not the first double standard that someone can hold against you. As much as someone wants to just drop the past, there is something to the name. Go out and ask people what their opinion of twin galaxies is, and you will see that this one letter is simply not enough to change their opinion. Hell, I was in Iowa last year at the ICON gallery trying to do exactly that during the art expo.

      Now, I hold judgment on things until I see the end result. I will not criticize the cuisine before it is served if you will, but I certainly will form my opinions however on the way I see things going. So far, I have seen a database get restored (again), that if a certain someone didnt blow the whole thing up when they pulled the plug on it, could have saved everyone alot of time and effort.

      So I hereby challenge you Jace. You need to prove, day in and day out, that this is not just more lip service and the same old same old. The only one here that can change anything is you. Actions outside your influence are outside of your control. This article, as much as I want to belive it, has been done before. I remember writing the one from the previous regime that went very similar to this one, albeit no where near as long. Show us all why this will be different from the past.
    1. Fleshy's Avatar
      Fleshy -
      I was at ICON last year, freeko, and what is it you were exactly doing? I distinctly remember a conversation where I believe it was about mame records, where you tried to show dominance and go on about how mame shouldnt count...Thats all I recall from you was chestpuffing..

      Edit and add:

      If you want to get technical, what stood out most of all, were several key people burying the hatchet, and the drama. THATS what people saw, THATS what changed their feelings, emotions and opinions.
    1. pacmantab's Avatar
      pacmantab -

      I for one applaud Jace for this post. The "future" road sign images express better than words the main points.

      Indeed there are still outstanding grievances lingering out there....from some that have hinted at a revelation coming concerning material alluded to in this post. I have been inadvertently pulled into discussions about the same a time or two....and I have attempted to convey many of the points that Jace makes here. It is my hope that it will ring truer coming from him.

      I am reminded of the saying: "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it," so remembering the past is important. That said, at some point one needs to, in the words of a popular Disney song, "let it go" in order to move forward. Does that mean it is always easy to do so? Not at all....but not impossible; and imagine what one could accomplish once they focus on the future.

      I for one will be patient and wait for things to develop and see what the future holds....not so much for myself, but for currently active and future players going forward.

      My $0.02....

      - Tim B.
    1. JackBando's Avatar
      JackBando -

      *Rudy and Caroline are being unbanned when? If all is forgiven, then that must be as well.

      **Nevermind the trbunal system that was implemented to remove them was so very similar to the backalley deals you mention in this article.

      ***You also outright admitted that neither of them did anything wrong according to twin galaxies rules of conduct.
      *When Jace bought TG he basically said "All is forgiven from the past, let's work on the future." And after that was Rudy and Caroline's actions.

      **How is a system that is in public "backalley"?

      ***And the TOC has nothing to do with the forum tribunal system.
    1. Jace Hall's Avatar
      Jace Hall -
      Rudy and Caroline are being unbanned when? If all is forgiven, then that must be as well. Nevermind the trbunal system that was implemented to remove them was so very similar to the backalley deals you mention in this article. You also outright admitted that neither of them did anything wrong according to twin galaxies rules of conduct. I could certainly bring forward "dirt" of all kinds on a great number of people, though I choose not to as it is not going to do anyone any good to do so.

      Hopefully this is not the first double standard that someone can hold against you. As much as someone wants to just drop the past, there is something to the name. Go out and ask people what their opinion of twin galaxies is, and you will see that this one letter is simply not enough to change their opinion. Hell, I was in Iowa last year at the ICON gallery trying to do exactly that during the art expo.

      Now, I hold judgment on things until I see the end result. I will not criticize the cuisine before it is served if you will, but I certainly will form my opinions however on the way I see things going. So far, I have seen a database get restored (again), that if a certain someone didnt blow the whole thing up when they pulled the plug on it, could have saved everyone alot of time and effort.

      So I hereby challenge you Jace. You need to prove, day in and day out, that this is not just more lip service and the same old same old. The only one here that can change anything is you. Actions outside your influence are outside of your control. This article, as much as I want to belive it, has been done before. I remember writing the one from the previous regime that went very similar to this one, albeit no where near as long. Show us all why this will be different from the past.
      To be crystal clear: There is no double standard and there is nothing to hold against me. You should re-evaluate your perspective on this.

      Forgiveness is genuine and is for the old TG era, and everyone involved in it from the players to the staff. The system of the older eras evolved to be set up in a manner that unintentionally caused problems and everyone and everything fell victim to it over time, including TG itself. The whole article is specifically about that historical time period and that is all. Rudy himself was forgiven right from the launch of the new TG, his access to TG granted back to him (previous eras had him banned.)

      You are correct in that I have stated that Rudy and Caroline did not break any TG policy. If they had, they would be BANNED. They are not banned, they are COMMUNITY RESTRICTED - which means they can access the site, read the postings, but not post any content to the site itself. They can not communicate with the community on this site, because the collective community has made it clear that it is not interested in their participation in the conversations here.

      Rudy and Caroline will not be unrestricted until the community nominates and votes in that change. For policy violations, the new era has no forgiveness. You are given a clean opportunity and if you blow it, too bad. Poor behavior now, is judged on its own merits. Rudy's and Caroline's community restrictions are the result of the community participating NOW, judging their recent behavior on the forums - not their historical pre new era behavior.

      Hopefully that clarifies the matter.
    1. Megamatt79's Avatar
      Megamatt79 -
      An extremely thoughtful and inspiring piece!

      TG's future is so bright, I gotta wear shades!
    1. timmell's Avatar
      timmell -
      Does anyone feel a sence of relief after this post? I do. Then there was also a post on Facebook that made it even better. Ahhhh. After 5 years, I believe now the turning point has come, when we are back to gaming.

      Just play video games and go for high scores.
    1. RLKDragon's Avatar
      RLKDragon -
      The vibe I'm gathering here is that Jace Hall is the old police chief making the bold "We don't negotiate with terrorists" speech.

      And for that I say go on you. Don't let the threats of what possibly is/isn't on those forums dictate what you needed to do.
    1. unclechicken's Avatar
      unclechicken -
      Making a mistake on banning someone and giving them extra permissions is not a crime in the UK. Copying a forum post and posting it somewhere else is not a crime in the UK. Fair Use would be a very, very good defense in court, and works about 99% of the time, especially if the forum posts are derogatory or defame someones character.
    1. unclechicken's Avatar
      unclechicken -
      Large ban hammer in 3.....2......1.......
    1. Boofhead's Avatar
      Boofhead -
      Rudy and Caroline are being unbanned when? If all is forgiven, then that must be as well. Nevermind the trbunal system that was implemented to remove them was so very similar to the backalley deals you mention in this article. You also outright admitted that neither of them did anything wrong according to twin galaxies rules of conduct. I could certainly bring forward "dirt" of all kinds on a great number of people, though I choose not to as it is not going to do anyone any good to do so.

      Hopefully this is not the first double standard that someone can hold against you. As much as someone wants to just drop the past, there is something to the name. Go out and ask people what their opinion of twin galaxies is, and you will see that this one letter is simply not enough to change their opinion. Hell, I was in Iowa last year at the ICON gallery trying to do exactly that during the art expo.

      Now, I hold judgment on things until I see the end result. I will not criticize the cuisine before it is served if you will, but I certainly will form my opinions however on the way I see things going. So far, I have seen a database get restored (again), that if a certain someone didnt blow the whole thing up when they pulled the plug on it, could have saved everyone alot of time and effort.

      So I hereby challenge you Jace. You need to prove, day in and day out, that this is not just more lip service and the same old same old. The only one here that can change anything is you. Actions outside your influence are outside of your control. This article, as much as I want to belive it, has been done before. I remember writing the one from the previous regime that went very similar to this one, albeit no where near as long. Show us all why this will be different from the past.
      Jesus freeko, you blew any possible credibility you had with your "insightful" posts on the last owners forums. Have you got that super sweet corporate sponsorship deal for your classic arcade gaming career yet ;)

      I was never really involved in the community directly as I either ran or helped run emulation sites so this doesn't really affect me in any way however this IS yet another positive step for TG and the future so can only be applauded.

      I'm more interested in being able to submit world records AND for TG to reacquire Guinness recognition. This process is taking an age...yes I know a lot of work required and all of that but it's still frustrating for some of us.

      In the meantime I'll continue to occasionally pop in to catch up on the organisations progression and hopefully in some unknown future time be able to submit world records =)

    1. Jace Hall's Avatar
      Jace Hall -
      Making a mistake on banning someone and giving them extra permissions is not a crime in the UK. Copying a forum post and posting it somewhere else is not a crime in the UK. Fair Use would be a very, very good defense in court, and works about 99% of the time, especially if the forum posts are derogatory or defame someones character.
      This statement is actually incorrect. Fair Use does not cover illegally obtained information. Just like a situation where a grocery store clerk leaves to go to the bathroom and accidentally does not close the cash register all the way. Just because you can easily reach in and take the money that is in plain sight in front of you does not entitle you to fair use of it. Legally, you can stand there and stare at the money all day long while the register is open, however it is a crime to reach in and take the money home, regardless of how easy it is and even if there is no one there to stop you. The money is not yours. You have stolen it.

      Fortunately, the UK has numerous and specific laws that proscribes obtaining information without authorization or in excess of authorized access from a protected computer; and it also has harsher laws that proscribes accessing a computer without authorization or in excess of authorized access with an intent to defraud and obtain value. The act is criminal.
      I know this is the situation because I have recently paid to know this. The UK is actually much harsher than the U.S. in many ways when it comes to computer crimes. It's very interesting.

      But there is no need to get into that discussion. That is for the lawyers to handle. You had an interesting theory though!
    1. Ripper's Avatar
      Ripper -
      Well said Jace Hall! I tell people all the time, when the TG conversation comes up, that TG is in really good hands!

      As I read this blog I really can tell you have done your homework. When you mention all the past referees and how they had to spend countless hours verifying scores for FREE, it's like you were actually there and went through it yourself. Yes, we did things like that for many different reasons from just wanting to see TG thrive to wanting to be the verifying referee to accept a WR on Donkey Kong or Pac-Man to just doing it for the love of the games! After time it also became my 2nd full time job. I would sometimes come home to see 4 new arcade replays sitting on my coffee table, meaning I needed to get them done ASAP because I could see the same amount the next day and possibly fall behind. Working a full time job, raising two kids, finding time to do homework with my kids AND having a good relationship with my wife was also in the equation. So what I'm getting at is some negativity sometimes came my way because people wanted to know why their score wasn't added sooner than a few days or even a week. People also submitted MAME scores by the hundreds and it would fall behind in a matter of just days. Variations needed to be corrected as they were discovered to be incorrect (dip settings) or corrected as a gamer would mention a certain cheat that could be used in a game. New variations were also added when I could find the time. And dealing with some negative comments here and there were hard to handle because I was working so hard to do all the right things and sometimes I simply felt it wasn't appreciated enough.

      So I can truly relate to what your saying Jace! And in summing this all up... if I could go back in time, would I do this all over again? Absolutely, 100% YES!
    1. gavv's Avatar
      gavv -
      Well said Jace Hall! I tell people all the time, when the TG conversation comes up, that TG is in really good hands!

      As I read this blog I really can tell you have done your homework. When you mention all the past referees and how they had to spend countless hours verifying scores for FREE, it's like you were actually there and went through it yourself. Yes, we did things like that for many different reasons from just wanting to see TG thrive to wanting to be the verifying referee to accept a WR on Donkey Kong or Pac-Man to just doing it for the love of the games! After time it also became my 2nd full time job. I would sometimes come home to see 4 new arcade replays sitting on my coffee table, meaning I needed to get them done ASAP because I could see the same amount the next day and possibly fall behind. Working a full time job, raising two kids, finding time to do homework with my kids AND having a good relationship with my wife was also in the equation. So what I'm getting at is some negativity sometimes came my way because people wanted to know why their score wasn't added sooner than a few days or even a week. People also submitted MAME scores by the hundreds and it would fall behind in a matter of just days. Variations needed to be corrected as they were discovered to be incorrect (dip settings) or corrected as a gamer would mention a certain cheat that could be used in a game. New variations were also added when I could find the time. And dealing with some negative comments here and there were hard to handle because I was working so hard to do all the right things and sometimes I simply felt it wasn't appreciated enough.

      So I can truly relate to what your saying Jace! And in summing this all up... if I could go back in time, would I do this all over again? Absolutely, 100% YES!

      If i never thanked you for a great job in handling the occasional console submission of mine that added to your workload, I'm doing so now! I never had anything but the best of experiences dealing with yourself, Robert, Mike M, Tom, and other referees.

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