Update today: Sydney News
Barthax replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Race Drivin' [cockpit, rev 5] - Points [Original Track] - 50,023 in
Barthax replied to a poll Arcade - Bubble Bobble Lost Cave - Points in normal mode - Arcade or MAME allowed - 1,127,930 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Scavantula - Large [Size] - 59.18 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Climbing Joyperch - Large [Size] - 155.09 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Cobalt Flutterfly - Large [Size] - 20.39 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Climbing Joyperch - Large [Size] - 174.11 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Pearlspring Macaque - Large [Size] - 143.27 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Anjanath - Large [Size] - 2008.68 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Hopguppy - Small [Size] - 23.42 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Gloom Gekko - Large [Size] - 70.43 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Events - 6-Star: Mosswinin' and Dinin' - Single Player [Time] - 09:04.65 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Hopguppy - Small [Size] - 23.75 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Rathalos - Small [Size] - 1550.84 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Goldenfry - Small [Size] - 40.96 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Tri-Sports - Points [Pool Shark - Nine Ball Mode] - 39 in
Barthax replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Tri-Sports - Points [Pool Shark - Nine Ball Mode] - 39 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Goldenfry - Large [Size] - 46.48 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Events - MR 1-Star: Duffel Duty - Single Player [Time] - 20:37.13 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Events - MR 1-Star: Skyward Snipers - Single Player [Time] - 02:57.05 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Events - MR 1-Star: A Fish to Whet Your Appetite - Single Player [Time] - 11:38.28 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Gunpowderfish - Large [Size] - 42.58 in
Barthax edited a page Game:MAME History, "N" ROM sets
A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Creature Dimensions - Banbaro - Small [Size] - 2404.84 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 4 - Monster Hunter World - Quest - Events - MR 1-Star: Pearl Snatchers - Single Player [Time] - 02:36.53 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Kool Thing - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 64,451 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Paranoid - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 36,550 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PlayStation 2 - Def Jam: Fight for NY - NTSC - Story - Syn Energy Power Plant - VS. Freeway [Fastest Victory] - 26.0 in