JJT_Defender replied to a poll Nintendo Wii Virtual Console - Metroid - NTSC - Metroid - Fastest Completion - 01:32:39.0 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll SNES / SFC - The Ninja Warriors - EMU - Fastest Time Speedrun - 01:26:02.0 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Sega Genesis / Sega Mega Drive - Streets of Rage 2 - EMU - Fastest Completion - 59:10.0 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll NES / FAMICOM / DISK - Super Mario Bros. - EMU - Fastest Minimalist Completion - 09:05.0 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Sega Genesis / Sega Mega Drive - Atomic Runner - EMU - Points - 63,460 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - R-Type [Japan] - Points - 339,200 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Xbox 360 - Forza Horizon - Festival Race - Horizon presents Ultimate Mega Tune [Time] - 02:23.991 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Xbox 360 - Forza Horizon - Festival Race - Adidas Urban Avalanche - Lap [Time] - 46.932 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Xbox 360 - Forza Horizon - Festival Race - Adidas Urban Avalanche - Race, 4 Laps [Time] - 03:14.643 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Atari 2600 / VCS - Ninja Hashiru - Ninja Hashiru - EMU - Points - 4,955 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll SNES / SFC - RoboCop Versus The Terminator - NTSC - Points - 449,050 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Mr. Do! - Points [Tournament Settings] - 225,850 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Vs. Ice Climber - Points - 2,836,480 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll PC - Sackboy: A Big Adventure - Littlebig Finale (score) - 10,733 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Xbox 360 - Forza Horizon - Speed Trap - Rt. 33 Speed Trap [MPH] - 167.990 in
Jace Hall created a blog entry The Most Obscure Unsolved Video Game Mysteries in Jace Hall
Very interesting!The content creator discusses 4 relatively undiscussed mysteries regarding classic games from the retro era. One involving artwork for Space Invaders, one involving Namco's former home division, one involving the origin of a certain Mario character's name, and some involving a certa
JJT_Defender created a blog entry Williams Sinister 1 of the hardest arcade all-time to play & designs, sound effects/quotes in JJT_Defender
https://youtu.be/r0nwFvHsM68?si=6ZUPIZ0pSBFbJlmaVoting yesCredibility: 59,43752,075Submission Points: 48,14748,393JJT_DEFENDERTotal TG Records448TG World Records:443 Other TG Records:25Williams Sinister 1 of the hardest arcade all-time to play & score 500k/million pts. I owned the game for 5 years
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Xbox 360 - Forza Horizon - Speed Trap - Rt. 6 Speed Trap [MPH] - 172.660 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Xbox 360 - Forza Horizon - Speed Zone - Rt. 27 Speed Zone [MPH] - 111.910 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - M.A.M.E. 1 Life Only Challenge 2025 - Zippy Race - 1 Life - 127,400 in
JJT_Defender replied to a poll Atari 2600 / VCS - Star Castle Arcade - NTSC - Game 1 (Difficulty BB) - 10,090 in