Barthax commented on blog entry Most World Records - the New Rankings? in The Evener
The more stats leader boards that can be made, the better. More ways to dive into the data = more individual ways of assessing progress and therefore more incentive to participate. More activity will leader to more swing across the leaderboards. Currently, climbing ESI is simple by pounding out mediocre
Barthax replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Race Drivin' [cockpit, rev 5] - Points [Original Track] - 50,023 in
Barthax replied to a poll Arcade - Bubble Bobble Lost Cave - Points in normal mode - Arcade or MAME allowed - 1,127,930 in
Barthax replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Tri-Sports - Points [Pool Shark - Nine Ball Mode] - 39 in
Barthax edited a page Game:MAME History, "N" ROM sets
A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.
Barthax replied to a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Anarchy In The U.K. - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 71,198 in
Barthax commented on blog entry Cultural exchange in Barthax: Nothing to see here... move along.
A couple of comparing UK/US vids: plenty of these sort of vids exist and one single item in either video can be found in many others. First is one of the many Simon Whistler channels - writers from all over the world with his Brit humour added as an overlay. Second is a more serious comparison from
Barthax replied to a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Anarchy In The U.K. - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 71,198 in
Barthax replied to a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Anarchy In The U.K. - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 71,198 in
Barthax replied to a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Anarchy In The U.K. - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 71,198 in
Barthax replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Super Tank - Points - 38,220 in
Barthax edited a page Game:MAME History, "Sp-Sz" ROM sets
A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.
Barthax edited a page Game:MAME History, "Sp-Sz" ROM sets
A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.
Barthax edited a page Game:MAME History, "F" ROM sets
A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.
Barthax edited a page Game:MAME History, "S-So" ROM sets
A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.
Barthax commented on blog entry My Top 10 Favorite Films of All-Time in Excelliron
My memory often needs jogging before anything arrives...
Barthax replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Race Drivin' [cockpit, rev 5] - Points [Original Track] - 50,023 in
Barthax replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Race Drivin' [cockpit, rev 5] - Points [Original Track] - 50,023 in
Barthax started a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Anarchy In The U.K. - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 71,198 in
Barthax edited a page Game:MAME History, "W" ROM sets
A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.
Barthax edited a page Game:MAME History, "S-So" ROM sets
A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.
Barthax started a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Paranoid - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 36,550 in
Barthax started a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Kool Thing - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 64,451 in
Barthax started a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - NTSC - 4. European Invasion - Evenflow - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points] - 91,965 in
Barthax started a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 3. Making The Video - When You Were Young - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 67,129 in
Barthax started a poll Nintendo Wii - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - [NTSC - 2. Your First Real Gig - Sunshine Of Your Love - Easy Difficulty - 1 Player [Points]] - 78,638 in
Barthax replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - F-1 Grand Prix Star II - S.Africa, Kyarami [Fastest Lap] - 54.56 in