Fortnite Season 4 Week 1 Challenges: F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E Letter Locations

Ford James,

May 1, 2018 10:09 AM

Season 4 has started with a bang as Dusty Depot is now Dusty Divot, and craters litter the Fortnite map. New challenges are here, and we've got the location of the treasure for the map found in Tomato Town.

Season 4 is here and everyone is rejoicing as the meteor has finally crash landed on Dusty Depot, turning one of the hangars into rubble and bringing down anti-gravity consumables with it. Alongside these mysterious crystals you can inhale, there’s eight letters littered across the map, that when put together, spell FORTNITE. I wonder why? If you’re struggling to find all of them, we’ve put together a handy map with all eight locations that you can see below.

All of the F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E letter locations we've found so far.

If you can’t make them out from the map, read on for our descriptions:

Anarchy Acres - Red Barn, on top of the weathervane

Dusty Divot - On the blue power line to the east of the crater

Racetrack - In the triangle of trees to the west

Tilted Towers - On top of the clocktower

Haunted Hills - On top of the grave with an eagle figurehead, to the west side

Risky Reels - On top of the screen

Pleasant Park - On top of the gazebo in the middle of the town

Salty Springs - On top of the sniper nest overlooking the town

Greasy Grove - At the swing sets above Durrrr Burger

Moisty Mire - By the helicopter and big green screen

It’s important to remember that these locations aren’t for specific letters, no matter where you go you’ll always find them in the correct order. There’s also only eight letters and more than eight locations, these are just the ones we’ve found so far. If you find more that we haven’t added to the guide, please let us know in the comments.

Elsewhere in Fortnite news, we’ve got a guide to the Tomato Town treasure map coming up shortly so keep your eyes peeled for that, and if you haven’t yet seen the trailer for season four of Fortnite, check it out here. Dusty Depot was the target for the meteor too, which has also brought a new drive-in theatre in the form of Risky Reels.

(Header image courtesy of /u/Vanpaa on Reddit.)


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