Today’s Pokemon Go Community Day revolves around Squirtle, the beloved Generation 1 Water-type starter. Squirtle will be joining Pikachu in the summertime festivities by appearing with sunglasses on, similar to Ash’s Squirtle from the animated series, where he led the “Squirtle Squad” before joining with the protagonist. Trainers will also have the opportunity to evolve their Squirtles into a Blastoise with an exclusive move, Hydro Cannon. Lastly, Shiny encounter rates will be raised for the event. Don't worry, we'll help you be able to tell the difference between normal and Shiny! The Pokemon Go Squirtle Community Day starts at 2PM EST/ 11AM PST today, July 8.
How to Catch Sunglasses Squirtle on Pokemon Go Squirtle Community Day
The event will function similarly to Larvitar’s event, where the spawn rate for the character of the day will be astronomical. Simply pick your favorite spot to catch Pokemon at to get yourself in line for a Sunglasse version of the turtle character. We recommend a spot with a nice amount of PokeStops that Trainers can use Lure Modules to attract even more of them! Trainers who spin PokeStops can also receive a Field Research mission to “Catch 5 Squirtle” which will then reward Trainers with a Sunglasses Squirtle encounter. There is a high chance for the one that appears to be a Shiny, so good luck!
Shiny Squirtle
Speaking of which, it might be helpful to know exactly what a Shiny version of the creature looks like. Above is an image (courtesy of Reddit) which shows the slight difference between the default and Shiny colorations of the fan-favorite character. These changes become much more apparent when your little turtle evolves into their other forms, where they take on a purple and green color scheme.
Hydro Cannon Blastoise
Almost lost in the commotion of Sunglasses Squirtle is that Trainers who evolve their creatures into Blastoises will receive an exclusive move for their efforts, Hydro Cannon. Similar to Blast Burn Charizard, this move is a super-powered Water-type move that will give the Shellfish Pokemon a spot on raid teams in need of some Water-type support. Plus. the sunglasses carry over upon evolution, so rest assured your Blastoise will look cool while beating the heat in battle.
Trainers will also receive a number of added benefits during the Pokemon Go Community Day, just like last month’s event:
- Eggs received during the event will hatch in a quarter of the time
- Triple EXP rewarded for hatching eggs and catching Pokemon
- Lure modules last for three hours
Best of luck in catching yourselves the best Sunglasses Pokemon and Hydro Cannon Blastoises you can! Also be sure to keep a Sunglasses Wartortle as a cute little memento of the Pokemon Go Squirtle Community Day. If you haven’t gotten your hands on a Summer Pikachu just yet, click here to ensure you don’t miss out. For more Pokemon Go info, check out our Pokemon Go guide hub!