Cygames Beast Daigo: "I'm Ready For My Team Anytime They Need Me"

Ford James,

August 8, 2018 9:20 AM

Daigo may have finished in 13th at EVO 2018's Street Fighter V, but he recently spoke to a bigger role with CyGames Beast to try and help his team however he can.

Daigo Umehara has become one of the main faces of Street Fighter V esports over the years and his role has only grown with his engagement in a leader role at CyGames Beast. Despite a Street Fighter V run at EVO 2018 fell short of a Top 8 Apperance, Daigo has become a leader for his team and PR Balrog, Fuudo, and the other members of Cygames Beast look to him for assistance and guidance where it’s needed.

“Physically, our difference of locations doesn’t allow me to help the others on a day to day basis except for Fuudo who lives in the same area,” Daigo told us at EVO 2018 in Las Vegas. “Whenever I see him I do give my advice and we practice together. The others, unfortunately, are more difficult to reach and help because of where they live. Whenever I see them at tournaments I do try to help them. I’m willing to become their practice partner for Guile and I’m ready for them anytime they need me.”

He’s more than capable too, explaining that he is still practicing and playing Street Fighter V like nobody else. “Every new installment that comes out I put all the effort I can to try and be the best I can. So far with Street Fighter V I haven’t been able to win major tournaments per se, but I believe I’m at the level where I can win at any moment, and the amount of practice I am putting into this game cannot be compared to anyone else.”

As time has gone on for Daigo, he explained to us that while he used to feel a lot of pressure to perform, he doesn’t anymore. “I’m really grateful that I’m in this position and because of that I am able to enjoy the tournaments everywhere I go.”

He’s not planning on giving up any time soon either, as he also told us he “can’t imagine not playing.” You can read more on his thoughts on retirement here, or check out what Fuudo had to say shortly after he took home the bronze.

[Featured Image By Twin Galaxies]


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