Destiny 2 Forsaken Guide: Where to Find Ghost Fragments

Jeff Kotuby,

September 8, 2018 9:49 PM

The newest vendor in Destiny 2: Forsaken, the Spider, has juicy bounties for Guardians to take out some wanted criminals. The only catch is, you need something to give to him in order to access these bounties - Ghost Fragments. Here's how to get them.

Every Destiny expansion has some sort of new item we grind hours for in order to progress further in the game. The newest must-have item in Destiny 2: Forsaken comes in the form of Ghost Fragments. This is the currency the new vendor, The Spider, takes in exchange for lucrative bounties Guardians can perform. These bounties send Guardians to the corners of the Solar System to find former denizens of the Prison of Elders, and require 1, 3, 4, or 5 fragments depending on how difficult the target is to bring down. Guardians can take on these bounies for a shot at a Legendary Engram. They will change every 7 days, so be sure to take a peak back at the Spider's list of bounties every week to see if there are some new bad guys to smite. Without further ado, here's where to get your hands on some Ghost Fragments:

How to Get Ghost Fragments in Destiny 2

Ghost Fragments are found all over the Tangled Shore, but it's important to know what activities will award them. Here are a list of ways to get Ghost Fragments in the Tangled Shore:

  • Region Chests
  • Random Loot Chests
  • Lost Sectors
  • Patrol Activities
  • Adventures
  • Public Events
  • High Value Targets

There are probably more ways to get your hands on Ghost Fragments, but we think that's a good place to start for now. Before you go grinding these things for two days straight, be advised that he maximum amount of Ghost Fragments Guardians can hold is 10, meaning it's a good idea to visit your buddy The Spider every once in a while to get a new bounty. Trust us, he'll have a ton for you to do over the next few months. 

Now it's time to go get those bad guys, Guardian. If you need help with the guy I'm looking to take out next, Karugul, check out our guide on taking down that sucker once and for all!


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