Only One Person Remaining Still Has A Perfect Worlds Pick'em Bracket

Zac Cameron,

October 23, 2018 2:23 AM

The League of Legends World Championship has seen a ton of surprises, but one person has managed to predict them all so far.

Over three million fans have joined in the action of the League of Legends 2018 World Championships, by signing up for the Pick’em challenge. However, the event itself has proven to be extremely surprising, with many favorite teams knocked out, and teams that people thought would fall short, ending up on top. That said, at least one player has managed to predict the shifting state of the competitive tournament, correctly predicting all of the possible outcomes so far.

Of the more than three million participants, only 647 correctly predicted the group stage results, and of that much smaller number, only 23 saw the first quarterfinal match unfold with Invictus Gaming on top. That smaller number became even smaller, with just two players predicting G2 Esports would take down Royal Never Give Up. Now, with both Cloud9 and Fnatic also advancing to the semi-finals, only one Pick’em competitor remains. WANDERINGRICTIQ is the sole remaining competitor who can potentially earn a perfect Pick’em and gain the rewards that come with it.

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Should WANDERINGRICTIQ’s predictions come true, they’ll receive five League ultimate skins, including Gun Goddess Miss Fortune, Elementalist Lux, Pulsefire Ezreal, Spirit Guard Udyr, and DJ Sona, as well as the bragging rights of being the only person in the world to predict one of the most chaotic and exciting tournaments in the history of League of Legends.


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