Apex Legends has rapidly grown into one of the most popular video games in the world in the past month. However, this massive rise in popularity has not stopped the community from detailing issues with how the game's weapons are balanced, especially when it comes to the powerful Wingman pistol. These balance issues are the main highlight of a major update patch notes developer Respawn Entertainment posted on the official Apex Legends Reddit that are now live and have applied a nerf to the infamous Wingman pistol.
Apex Legends Wingman Nerf Update Reddit Patch Notes
There are likely to be a wide range of emotions to the major balance update Reddit patch notes that have been implemented to the live servers of Apex Legends when it comes to the Wingman nerf. With the Wingman being the weapon of choice for the game's best players, such as solo kill world record holder Lucas "Mendokusaii" Hakansson, the nerf that has been detailed in the Apex Legends update Reddit patch notes is sure to see players not be able to go on killing rampages as easily.
However, according to Mendokusaii, the Wingman nerf will not stop talented players completely from excelling with the pistol. The talented player also commended Respawn Entertainment on staying true to their word when it came to changes to the battle royale title.
Devs staying true to their word, making minor adjustments while being very receptive to community feedback. These changes aren't crazy but hit exactly dead-on with the main points of complaints.
— exploity boi mendo (@Mendo) March 7, 2019
Wingman will still be strong in good hands, but less useful in 4Head spam situations pic.twitter.com/NfwFzelZFX
You can find the entirety of the Apex Legends balance update Reddit patch notes that were announced and implemented for the massively popular battle royale title below.
What are your thoughts on the Wingman nerf and all of the other changes that were implemented by the way of the major balance update Reddit patch notes for Apex Legends today? Do you think they will improve the already popular game or do you believe that they were not needed? Let us know in the comments below!
(cover photo courtesy of Game Loadouts)