Apex Legends has a lot interesting physics in play between the ziplines, sliding, Pathfinder grapples, and at least one seemingly unintentional invisible wall on the Supply Ship. However, it turns out one particular form of contact between using the jump tower balloons and the respawn ships can send you sailing into the stratosphere a mile away and off the edge of the map to your instant doom.
It was on March 7, 2019 on the Apex Legends Subreddit that User R3AL1Z3 posted a little topic called “Map shows we’re spread out a lot,” referring to the quotes the Apex Legends characters use when you’re far away from one another. The players in the clip are moving towards Skull Town to try to engage a team trying to respawn their members. The Lifeline of the group goes for the jump tower balloon to try to get the drop as the respawn ship is getting ready to leave. The respawn ship collides with Lifeline on its way out of the map and hilarity ensues.
Map shows we're spread out a lot from r/apexlegends
We’ve seen some characters get pushed by grenades and even accomplished some excellent slingshots with Pathfinder’s grapple ability, but the altitude and distance of the physics involved with this instance are above and beyond anything we’ve seen yet. It goes to show you the momentum and weight of the respawn ship’s exit with the Lifeline reaching a top altitude of 959 meters and flying all the way from Skull Town to the northeast edge of the map near the Relay station. You better not get in a way of a moving respawn ship.
Have you caught up on the latest changes to Apex Legends? Be sure to read up on the latest patch, which saw the nerf of the Wingman and Peacekeeper.