Ninja Roasts Dr DisRespect in Hilarious Comeback on Twitter

Nicholas Barth,

March 28, 2019 8:20 PM

Popular Twitch streamers Ninja and Dr DisRespect exchanged some blows on Twitter today that resulted in Ninja dishing out a comeback that many believed had won him the Twitter exchange.

Tyler "Ninja" Belvins and Guy "Dr DisRespect" Beahm are two of the most popular streamers on the platform of Twitch. Boasting massive followings on Twitch and various other social media platforms, there are always plenty of eyes on what Ninja and Dr DisRespect are saying. This was the case on Thursday, March 28th when the two high-profile content creators got into a Twitter exchange that resulted in plenty of laughs. 

Ninja and dr disrespect Twitter
Ninja was well prepared for the Twitter battle with Dr DisRespect. (Source: Red Bull)

Ninja and Dr DisRespect Twitter Battle

Taking to his Twitter account, Nina had posted a message stating his current displeasure with the squad game mode for Fortnite Battle Royale due to the less than well-received changes made to the public playlists of Fortnite by the way of the recently implemented v8.20 content update. 

This Twitter post by the content creator regarding Fortnite squads being "dumb and boring" was soon replied to by Dr DisRespect where he stated that Ninja was being a "whiny, bratty, complainer" and that the Fortnite developers of Epic Games know what they are doing. 

While the response by Dr DisRespect was obviously a joking jab at Ninja by the outspoken Twitch streamer, the popular Fortnite player decided to not let the Doc off of the hook easily and posted footage of a Twitch stream from Dr DisRespect where the Doc had been recorded providing plenty of complaints about Fortnite, after being eliminated in a match, where he called the battle royale title a "boring piece of sh*t game" that he hated. 

The hilarious comeback by Ninja towards Dr DisRespect soon had the Twitter community laughing up a storm with the likes of fellow popular Twitch personality Timothy "TimTheTatman" Betar proclaiming Ninja the victor of the Twitter battle between the two. 

Who do you think won the recent comical Twitter exchange between Ninja and Dr DisRespect? Let us know in the comments below!

(cover photo courtesy of Red Bull and G Fuel)


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