FFXIV Director Yoshida Says 'Classic' Server Would Be a 'Nightmare'

Wyatt Fossett,

June 16, 2019 4:32 AM

In an interview with Easy Allies, Final Fantasy XIV Producer and Director burst into laughter before calling the idea of a classic XIV server a "nightmare!"

We’re still in the deep-end of excitement regarding the recently released Closed Beta for World of Warcraft Classic. There are a few months left between now and the release of the full set of servers to the public. At this point, it seems that fans are absolutely clamoring for that original World of Warcraft experience. 

So it wouldn’t seem too crazy that content creators and video gaming enthusiasts would explore other popular Massively Multiplayer Online games to see if they would also entice the same reaction from their original set of fans.

During a chat at E3 2019 with Producer and Director of Final Fantasy XIV, Naoki Yoshida, content creators from Easy Allies asked about the potential for a “Classic” version. 

“It’s almost been a decade since Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 launched, and many years since anyone had a chance to play it. Would you ever consider bringing back a limited amount of servers with some version of the 1.x series for people to experience it,” asked Michael Damiani, the Easy Allies resident FFXIV expert. 

After posing the question, the room begins to rumble with giggles as Yoshida’s translator repeats what Damiani asks, before Yoshida himself laughs out loud and simply says “NIGHTMARE!”

“We acknowledge that that request is there, but those are the people that do not know just how scary the original Final Fantasy XIV is,” responded Yoshida. 

Unlike WoW, Final Fantasy XIV needed nearly an entire rework in order to make it really stick with fans. Going back to something that was in a messy and less functioning state would not only be a nightmare, but also a far less appealing experience for players. 

“We do not have plans to do something like that just yet, or at all,” ended Yoshida. 

What do you think? Would going to a pre-Realm Reborn FFXIV “classic” server be something you would be interested in?


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