Scoreboard Spotlight: gazmatu Zaps Beamrider & More!

Twin Galaxies Editorial Staff,

March 20, 2024 3:06 PM

It seems like Earth is always under attack from outer space but we had the right gamer on stand-by to defend life, liberty, and the pursuit of high scores.

Depending on what side of the world you're on, it's finally spring or autumn! But before we get ahead of ourselves, we should take a moment to look back to winter/summer to celebrate the on-going competitive achievements of the Twin Galaxies community. For this installment of the Scoreboard Spotlight, we'll race around the track, ride the waves, bonk our heads, and ride the beam to defend our precious planet, so read on!

Daniel Yamnitz – Pole Position (Arcade) – Fastest Qualifying Lap

Daniel Yamnitz may have already broken the world record for fastest qualifying lap on Pole Position, but that doesn't mean he can't break it again. And break it he did with his latest entry on the arcade classic by whittling down his previous time by .01 seconds for a new TG record of 54.7 seconds.

leisuredrummer  –  Wave Race 64 (Nintendo 64) – Fastest Race, 3 Laps

Leisuredrummer took his training seriously when setting a new Twin Galaxies world record on Wave Race 64 for the Nintendo 64. To prepare, he recently picked up a Japanese Shindou version of Wave Race 64 to practice with the dolphin ghost, which helped push him to finally break past 1:04 to complete a fastest race on Sunny Beach with a fastest time of 1:03.898.

RaGeNyC – Formula 1 97 (PlayStation) – Fastest Lap

RaGeNyC loved the original Formula 1 by Psygnosis and decided to show some love for its sequel with his latest submission on Formula 1 Championship Edition for the Sony PlayStation. RaGeNyC was in the zone as he straightened out those corners throughout the course and crossed the finish line with a fastest lap time of 1:18.618 for an inaugural record.

Sean Dwyer – LittleBigPlanet  (PlayStation 3) – Spline Rider – High Score

Sean Dwyer headed to the wilderness to kick off competition on an icy action stage of the PS3 hit LittleBigPlanet. It all went down on the Spline Rider stage where Sean held tight and rode the toboggan along the icy tracks to beat the timer to net 18,063 points for an inaugural submission.

gazmatu – Beamrider (Atari 2600) – PAL – Points 

This February, Gazmatu joined the TG leaderboard with his first submission by battling an alien onslaught on the 1983 Activision release Beamrider for the Atari 2600 (PAL region). The Restrictor Shield had enveloped the Earth but gazmatu answered the call by demolishing the beam-hopping attackers through 6 sectors of cosmic action with a new high score of 8,430 points.

This covers our Scoreboard Spotlight for this week. As a reminder, these were just a few of exceptional records that were adjudicated and accepted recently. Every record that made it through verification and landed on our leaderboards has a well-deserved place in the Twin Galaxies gaming pantheon.

Keep scoring high, finishing fast, and game on!


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