Track Rules
Rules & Settings:
Dip Switches A
Dips 1 & 2 both
ON -
Bonus points for successful jump: 500-1500
Dip 3 not used
Dips 4 & 5 both
ON -
Games time minutes: 1:00 (Game starts with 1:00)
Dip 6 Rom set 2 only OFF - Game can't be in test mode
Dip 6 Rom Set 1 only ON - For MAME the screen will say "End of Race Time Bonus" 00:20. This is the setting you want. the programmers got this backwards if you put settings on 00:10 you will get 20 seconds for End of Race Time Bonus. see pic*
Dips 7 & 8 can be
ON or OFF -
These switches are used for cabinet set up and don't change game play just set them for your cabinet needs
Dip Switches B - Use any settings you wish. This bank deals with coin and credits and doesn't effect game play.
Dip Switches C
Dips 1 & 2 both
Points to qualify for first game time extension: 25,000 pts
Dips 3,4 & 5 all
Points to qualify for 2nd game time Extension: 12,000 pts
Dip 6 can be
ON or OFF.
Display year doesn't effect game play so doesn't matter what these dips are set for.
Dip 7 OFF:
No Hit (meaning not invincible) when the player encounters an obstacle he will crash.
Dip 8 can be
ON or OFF.
these dips don't change game play. Doesn't matter what these dips are set for.
Note: If using mame or FPGA board set please show evidence that the settings give the following 6 required outcomes. The above Dip Switch settings when properly designated, will give the following outcome for this track:
500-1500 Point Bonus For A Successful Downhill Jump
1 Minute Starting Timer
3.) 1st Game Extension @
25,000 Points
4.) 2nd Game Extension @
12,000 Points
10 seconds Extension time added after every race (down hill and slalom) is completed.
Not invincible or when the player encounters an obstacle (tree, roock, other skier, etc.. ) he will crash.
Additional Info
Any glitches or game play that was not intended by design is banned.
known cheat:
*On the slalom course, when you hit a flag you get -100 points. If your score is low enough it is possible to go below 0, the game will display 999999 and less.
Is this the 1st multi platform track?
Time to put on my skiing mask!