Created BY:ersatz_cats09-29-2023 12:16 AM
Mega Man X: Get as far as you can without taking damage [PPMDC]
How far can you get in Mega Man X without taking damage? Progress will be measured in number of stages cleared. All winners of this bounty will be featured in a future piece at
Expert players have defeated Mega Man X on SNES all the way through without taking any avoidable damage. While that may sound daunting, you may enjoy seeing how far you can get along the way.
"Damage" includes literally anything that reduces your life meter, with the exception of two required story moments. During two fights with Vile, including one at the end of the intro scene, the game will not progress until he brings you to low health. Once you've reached the point where damage is required to proceed, you may take damage at any rate you wish.
Deaths are also forbidden, however, an exception is granted when acquiring the Hadouken on the Armored Armadillo stage. These must be full-health deaths, into the pit just below where the capsule appears. Any other damage taken while attempting to obtain the Hadouken does constitute the end of your damageless run. You are allowed to instead proceed without the Hadouken if you wish. (For extra swag, you can also acquired the Hadouken without dying, by re-entering the stage over and over.)
Obviously, this must be achieved as one continuous run. Console and emulation platforms (including Virtual Console) are allowed. This includes original SNES and re-releases of the original such as Legacy Collection.
The score you should enter is the number of stages you clear without taking avoidable damage, including the intro stage. If you clear six of the eight robot masters this way, your total score is 7. If you clear all eight robot masters and two Sigma stages, your score is 11. The minimum requirement for submission is to clear the intro stage damageless.
Other PPMDC bounty rules:
- All performances must be recorded from start to finish, and must adhere to general TGSAP rules and community expectations, including those particular to the platform and emulation being used.
- The date of this achievement must be stated. It is requested, but not required, that submissions for this bounty be achieved on or after the date this bounty is posted. No proof is required for date of achievement, and submitted runs for this bounty will not be disqualified on that basis. (In other words, it's safe to vote on submissions that lack proof of date but appear otherwise genuine.) However, submitting old runs, or misrepresenting dates, may disqualify the submitter from recognition for this or future PPMDC bounties.
- No major glitches aside from any specified in the bounty description.
- Swag strats are encouraged, and will be featured in the eventual write-up.
Read more about PPMDC bounties here:
In February 2024, will post a write-up featuring the results of the second round of PPMDC bounties hosted at TG. Everyone who submits a valid run will be featured. Winners will also be given the opportunity to have their comments about this challenge or any other appropriate gaming-related topic published.
Top billing will be given to the player who clears the most stages. If all eight robot masters are defeated, then it goes to whoever completes the most Sigma stages. In the event nobody defeats any robot masters, top billing will go to the fastest to clear the intro stage. In the case of a tie, the quickest to achieve their mark will win the tiebreaker.
For full details and prizing rules, see the PPMDC bounty page:
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