Created BY:Evan0402-17-2023 09:12 AM
Ms. Pac-Man - 1 Life Only [Turbo Speed]
Achieve the highest score on Ms. Pac-Man [Turbo] with 1 Life Only by 04-04-2023 to be the winner. (Arcade and WolfM.A.M.E are the only two accepted platforms)
Good luck!
For MAME Please use these settings:
ROMSet: MsPacMnF
Rack Test [Cheat]: Off
Service Mode: Off
Cabinet: Upright
Lives: 1
Bonus Life: None
Difficulty: Normal
2x Speed Cheat: Disabled
Further M.A.M.E specific submission rules can be found here:
For Arcade please use the following settings:
Dip Switch Bank:
1 = OFF
2-3 = ON
4 = OFF
5-6 = ON
7-8 = OFF
3 Ms. Pac-Man
1 Bonus Ms. Pac-Man @ 10,000 Points
The above settings are the factory defaults for this title, after you loose your 1st life your scoring ends.
Please state what wolfmame version you used along with a full video recording
Please place any questions, comments or concerns in the discussion thread below!

4/4 that’s my burfday!