Fast and Furious Super Cars
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Submit PerformanceFastest Race - Mulholland Dr
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Date Submitted: 2022-10-18Percent: 100 %ESI: 1.07Verification Method: TGSAPStatus: Undisputed -
Date Submitted: 2021-12-08Percent: 92.76%ESI: 0Verification Method: TGSAPStatus: Undisputed
Total Records(2)

Fast and Furious Super Cars/Super Cars DIFFICULTY has a MAJOR EFFECT on the game's final race times
Fast and Furious Super Cars / Super Cars
Originally the rules had the game DIFFICULTY that was going to be set to 5 but because myself included could not get access to the game settings because the owners and managers would not allow so I had to take it out of the rules.
The difficulty goes from 1 to 10 1 & 2 being the easiest and 9 & 10 being the hardest it similar to Time Crisis 2,3,4 & 5
Harder the difficulty is set to the more aggressive the CPU cars are, bumping you, crossing in front of you, coming at you and when you are jumping off jumps, there are cars coming at you as you jump off, more cars at level 10 it is like a Traffic congestion is a condition in transport that is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queueing. Harder the difficulty is set to, a player has more major crashes, slower race times, many more attempts, your car gets bumped into the wall or something therefore decelerates all the way to the end of the race and player has slower final race time results.
It also effects the jumps after a player's car will dig into the road pavement basically ending your run especially on the harder difficulty game settings from 5 to 10.
You can clearly see the difference throughout the race till the end when watching the races.
On Easier difficulties like 1 & 2 is VERY EASY
2 & 3 EASY
The game setting is now set to difficulty 6
Fast and Furious Super Cars and Super Cars
Game difficulty settings
1 & 2 is VERY EASY
3 & 4 EASY
5 & 6 MEDIUM
7 & 8 HARD
9 & 10 VERY HARD
Luke has earned all FFSC / SC TG wr's he does not control the game settings. I would guess the game setting are set to either 1 or 2. On these game difficulty settings cars do not bump you and there are fewer cars in the race & less aggressive and with fewer major crashes, therefore less attempts needed to set records.
It will be harder for me JJT to break the 27 FFSC / SC TG Wr's but doable even though the game difficulty setting is 6 now hopefully not harder, it can be done, but needing more attempts to do so.