NOTE: In MAME 1.06 the dip switches are backwards for MEDIUM & HARD. MEDIUM is actually HARD and HARD is actually MEDIUM. Please set your dip switches to MEDIUM as this will be the tracking for HARD difficulty.
Special Rules: This is a 2 Player Only Variation! Both Players must start at the same time! The record is the sum of the 2 scores when ONE of the players runs out of lives and the Game Over message appears. Please kill your game off at this point and enter your initials. All scoring achieved by the remaining player will be ignored.
Members of the adjudicating user base who assist the community in MAME INP file analysis have requested that submitters consider the below community recommendations -
Submitters should use MAME version 183 or higher, preferably 183 or 220.
Submitters should name their inp and zip file in the following manner:
elf_bosco_588800_w183.inp inp
elf_bosco_588800_w183 zip file
so name the inp the same as the zip
xxx your initials
yyy rom name
zzz version of wolfmame
Required ROMset has been renamed!
Please take care to use the correct set for your chosen version of WolfMAME.
0.106-0.119: mario - "Mario Bros. (US)"
0.119u1-0.132: marioo - "Mario Bros. (US, set 2)"
0.132u3-0.192: marioo - "Mario Bros. (US, Unknown Rev)"
0.193+ : mario - "Mario Bros. (US, Revision G)"