Track Rules
ROM: puckman..
This score tracker ranks players who have completed a "perfect" stage 20 of Pac Man, according to how quickly they achieved the 12,600 point clearance..
"Stage 20" refers to the eighth maze in which the central prize, recognisable as a key, is worth 5,000 points..
A "perfect" stage 20 features the following accomplishments:-.
Eating all dots
Eating all power pellets
Eating the central prize, twice.
The timespan of a "perfect" stage 20 is the total number of frames the player has taken to score 12,600 points. Players must use a version of Wolf MAME which emulates Pac Man at a rate of 61 frames per second. Frame skipping is prohibited, so players must set Wolf MAME to draw every frame..
Measurement of the timespan begins with the starting frame. The starting frame is the frame in which the “READY!” disappears. The proper identity of the starting frame is the number assigned to it by Wolf MAME, revealed by pressing F11..
The player's score, as seen in the starting frame, is the initial score. Stage 20's initial score must be between 49,400 and 353,000 (inclusive). Any other score shall result in rejection of the player's submission..
Measurement of the timespan stops at the ending frame. The ending frame is any frame in which the player's score is 12,600 points higher than the initial score. The proper identity of the ending frame is the number assigned to it by Wolf MAME, revealed by pressing F11..
The player's score, as seen in the ending frame, is the final score. Stage 20's final score must be between 62,000 and 365,600 (inclusive). Any other score shall result in rejection of the player's submission..
All frames must be counted, so the timespan is an inclusive total. Thus:-.
Timespan = ending frame's number - starting frame's number + 1.
Submissions which have minor frame counting errors may still be accepted, provided that more frames than necessary were counted. Submissions with errors due to uncounted frames shall be rejected..
The following DIP switch settings are mandatory:-.
Difficulty Normal
Rack Test (Cheat) Off
Service Mode Off.
The following DIP switch settings are recommended:-.
Lives 5
Bonus Life 10,000.
Members of the adjudicating user base who assist the community in MAME INP file analysis have requested that submitters consider the below community recommendations -
Submitters should use MAME version 183 or higher, preferably 183 or 220.
Submitters should name their inp and zip file in the following manner:
elf_bosco_588800_w183.inp inp
elf_bosco_588800_w183 zip file
so name the inp the same as the zip
xxx your initials
yyy rom name
zzz version of wolfmame
More community info on the MAME verification process:
Sample MAME Verification Process
Community Wiki Exploring MAME History for the TG Rules:
Exploring MAME history for TG rules
Additional Info
ROM: puckman. This score tracker ranks players who have completed a "perfect" stage 20 of Pac Man, according to how quickly they achieved the 12,600 point clearance. "Stage 20" refers to the eighth maze in which the central prize, recognisable as a key, is worth 5,000 points. A "perfect" stage 20 features the following accomplishments: eating all dots; all power pellets; and the central prize, twice. The timespan of a "perfect" stage 20 is the total number of frames the player has taken to score 12,600 points. Players must use a version of Wolf MAME which emulates Pac Man at a rate of 61 frames per second. Frame skipping is prohibited, so players must set Wolf MAME to draw every frame. Measurement of the timespan begins with the starting frame. The starting frame is the frame in which the “READY!” disappears. The proper identity of the starting frame is the number assigned to it by Wolf MAME, revealed by pressing F11. The player's score, as seen in the starting frame, is the initial score. Stage 20's initial score must be between 49,400 and 353,000 (inclusive). Any other score shall result in rejection of the player's submission. Measurement of the timespan stops at the ending frame. The ending frame is any frame in which the player's score is 12,600 points higher than the initial score. The proper identity of the ending frame is the number assigned to it by Wolf MAME, revealed by pressing F11. The player's score, as seen in the ending frame, is the final score. Stage 20's final score must be between 62,000 and 365,600 (inclusive). Any other score shall result in rejection of the player's submission. All frames must be counted, so the timespan is an inclusive total. Thus: timespan = ending frame's number - starting frame's number + 1. Submissions which have minor frame counting errors may still be accepted, provided that more frames than necessary were counted. Submissions with errors due to uncounted frames shall be rejected. The following DIP switch settings are mandatory: Difficulty - Normal; Rack Test (Cheat) - Off; Service Mode - Off. The following DIP switch settings are recommended: Lives - 5; Bonus Life - 10,000.