Track Rules
The aim of the challenge is to collect as much XP during the Lucky Egg duration as possible using normal in-game features only. The player must show their current trainer status early in the attempt and at some stage after. Note that the difference between the trainer status pages' XP is not used for calculating the score. It is only used to show that there is no untoward XP attributed but it must still be shown to provide confirmation of normal XP progression. Only one Lucky Egg may be used or activated for the attempt. The attempt lasts for the duration of one 30 minute Lucky Egg. Player may make any in-game preparations prior to the attempt but the player must not make any purchases from the Shop during the Lucky Egg activation. Any items collected by other in-game features are permissible (leveling up / Pokestops, for example). Only XP gained while the Lucky Egg duration is active is counted. All activity which gains XP must be shown during the attempt for it to be counted towards the total. Any XP deemed to have been gained before or after the Lucky Egg's duration is not counted (for example, accidental Egg hatching prior or delayed receipt of XP from activity during). The score entered is the sum of XP receipts during the Lucky Egg's activation as shown by the evidence. Any XP gain which is not shown by the evidence is not counted. It is the player's responsibility to ensure they're attempt has the best opportunity to complete. If circumstances (unexpected, unforeseen or otherwise) occur to cause the Lucky Egg or the game to terminate (such as game crash or battery life ended, for example), the attempt ends. The player may submit the sum of available XP earned in evidence - the run need not represent a full Lucky Egg duration.
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