Track Rules
You must hold a rescue Pomeranian the entire time while playing a game of Vanguard. "Holding" consists of the Pomeranian in any way being held up by you. This would include sitting on your lap, being held in your arms, even laying on your feet, or any other way in which you are technically holding up the Pomeranian. If at any point you are no longer holding the Pomeranian for any reason -- accidental or intentional -- your scoring attempt is not disqualified but it does end immediately and the score you achieved at that point is your final score. You may swap Pomeranians, but during the swap you must always be holding at least one Pomeranian, meaning there would be a transitional period where you are holding two. In your submission make sure to give us some back story about your Pomeranian and how he/she was rescued. Any setting are acceptable. Must be real console. Must be original game. No everdrives or similiar devices!. Even playing on the atari adapter for the coleco vision is banned. Only the original game on an actual atari 2600, atari VCS, or sears telegames is allowed. Leniency -- although Pomeranians are highly encouraged, any rescue dog is acceptable. Rationale -- In today's modern high-tech world, the technology to cheat has surpassed the technology to catch cheaters. The only fool proof way to ensure fair game play is by involving a Pomeranian. A Pomeranian's heart is so pure, that merely touching it melts even the hardest of hearts thereby making cheating impossible as no one would ever even consider involving a pomeranian in such a nefarious act.
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