Track Rules
ROMSet: 0.106-0.121: socbrawl - "Soccer Brawl"
0.122-0.138: socbrawl - "Soccer Brawl (set 1)"
0.138u4-0.143: socbrawlh - "Soccer Brawl (set 2)"
0.144-0.170: socbrawlh - "Soccer Brawl (NGH-031)"
League Play: 02min 30sec
VS Play: 03min 00sec
Bonus Time: 02min 00sec
Continue: WITH OUT
Demo Sound: ON
How To Play: ON
Difficulty: LEVEL 4
Credit Disp.: ON
Special Rules: You may freely choose from any available team and Stadium but you must use League Play. You must complete at least ONE Round by winning by at least 1 point, for your attempt to count. This game will use The Special Blowout Rules for final score, where it is tabulated by how many goals you have won each round by. [Ex. If you beat the computer 10-2, your final score will then be 8, which is how goals you've won by for that round.] Due to the game advancing you to a new team every time you win, your Biggest Blowout total will be cumulative of all the Rounds won. If at any point you lose a Round, your cumulative score only counts for the Round(s) you've already won. [Ex. You won 2 Rounds 5-0 each and lose the 3rd Round. Your cumulative Biggest Blowout would be 10. If you won Round 1, 5-2 and Round 2 5-3 and lost the 3rd Round 0-1, your cumulative Biggest Blowout would be 4.]
Members of the adjudicating user base who assist the community in MAME INP file analysis have requested that submitters consider the below community recommendations -
Submitters should use MAME version 183 or higher, preferably 183 or 220.
Submitters should name their inp and zip file in the following manner:
elf_bosco_588800_w183.inp inp
elf_bosco_588800_w183 zip file
so name the inp the same as the zip
xxx your initials
yyy rom name
zzz version of wolfmame
More community info on the MAME verification process:
Sample MAME Verification Process
Community Wiki Exploring MAME History for the TG Rules:
Exploring MAME history for TG rules
Additional Info
Additional ROM Sets added 5 Apr 2018