Track Rules
Dip-Switch Bank 6J:
1 = OFF
2 = ON
3-6 = OFF
8 = OFF
Dip-Switch Bank 6K:
1-3 = OFF
4 = ON
5 = OFF
6-7 = ON
8 = OFF
Position B: Normal
Note: The above Dip Switches, are not only the FACTORY DEFAULT settings, but are also the correct Twin Galaxies Settings for this title and will provide the following settings;
3 Lives
Extra Ship @ 20k, 70k and every 70k thereafter.
Difficulty: Rank D
Special Rules: Usage of the trick to cause enemies to stop firing is banned. It has been deemed permissible for a player to intentionally play on the player 2 side so as to allow the millions-digit to show up in the final score.
Additional Info
PCB need not be shown. Game settings as defined in the track description or rules must be able to be verified visually, either by info on the game play screen or by showing the game settings screen in system mode, setup mode, etc. If a game setting is not specified by the track description or rules, that setting is to be left at the factory/default game setting by using the system option on the multi PCB to restore factory/default game settings. If the multi PCB does not have a system option to restore factory/default game settings, the game setting(s) to be left at default should best reflect the factory/default game settings on the original dedicated arcade PCB whenever possible.
The main purpose of XXX-Multi tracks are for arcade cabinets :
- arcade cabinets with the original PCB and ROM where the gamer play at a shaopping maill or an arcade where the gamer is not able to record the inside of the cabinet as proof that the cabinet do contain the original PCB and ROM
- arcade cabinets with non-original PCB and ROM (clones) that play like original arcade game PCB/ROM
- arcade cabinets with ICADE setup i.e. multi 1 in 60 & 1 in 120 ect.. cabinets
- MAME Arcade Cabinets with proof that no playback/pre-recording of an .INP file was used but the game is played in real-time.
- MAME Arcade Cabinets using Wolfmame
2.10.2020 - Rules Updated
Can we have these specific settings in the rules as the current dip-switches listed don't match an iCade at all.
On iCade 6-01 (Difficulty Hardest):
1 = ON
2-3 = OFF
4 = ON
5 = OFF
6-7 = ON
1-8 = OFF