• Factory default settings.
• No saves allowed. You must start from a completed game. Your file will have a Triforce beside it to indicate this.
Special Rules
• Using the Jump or Fairy spell to get onto the roof of any Palace is banned. If you do land on the roof of any palace by accident (thanks to Pits this is possible), then you must drop to the ground right away, or risk disqualification at the referee's discretion.
• UP+A on Controller 2 is allowed, but you may only use the Continue option.
• You may only use the Start Button to access the subscreen to change/choose spells.
• Using the Start Button on the World Map (which pauses the game) is banned.
• Use of the Negative Edge glitch is banned.
• If during the game your levels start showing garbage characters or anything aside from 8 or 9, you MUST reset the game immediately. While this is due to old age of a cartridge, it can provide unfair advantages, especially in regards to "Attack".
• The timer begins when the lives remaining screen pops up after selecting/creating your new file and ends when you lay the final blow on Shadow Link.
• The player must complete the game or your record attempt will be disqualified.
• The Negative Edge glitch, as it has been coined by TG Member Boco, entails pressing opposite directions simultaneously or by rapidly alternating the directions. If done correctly, it can launch Link around at warp speed and if used in Elevators, you can make the Elevator go in the opposite direction that you intend but still enter the correct room (so if you move up to go down the Elevator rises out of the floor in the room).