= [ -0 (fee) -0 (sp award) +0 (sp return) +0 (won sp)]
HAN started a poll M.A.M.E. - U.N. Squadron [US] - Points [Single Player Only] - 1,678,460 in
Dk_madness replied to a poll Arcade - Makaimura - Points [Tournament Mode] - 371,700 in
Dk_madness started a poll Arcade - Donkey Kong Junior - Points - 1,373,300 in
Dk_madness replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Donkey Kong 3 [US] - Points [5 Lives - Hard/ Difficulty 3] - 2,554,200 in
Dk_madness replied to a poll Arcade - Elevator Action - Points [Hard - Difficulty 4] - 85,400 in
Dk_madness replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Anteater - Points - Anthill 1 - 20,240 in
Dk_madness replied to a poll M.A.M.E. - Donkey Kong 3 [US] - Points [Tournament - Hardest / Difficulty 4] - 1,134,500 in
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