Jace Hall created a blog entry The Most Obscure Unsolved Video Game Mysteries in Jace Hall
Very interesting!The content creator discusses 4 relatively undiscussed mysteries regarding classic games from the retro era. One involving artwork for Space Invaders, one involving Namco's former home division, one involving the origin of a certain Mario character's name, and some involving a certa
Jace Hall commented on blog entry Certificate in CoffeePrince
Information can be found here:
Jace Hall commented on blog entry Leaderboard in CoffeePrince
Jace Hall commented on blog entry Happy Friday! in RobotSword
Its great to have you! The community appreciates new members who positively participate.
Exciting times of growth ahead for this wide and diverse group of gaming achievers!
Jace Hall commented on blog entry Scoreboard Errors - Website Errors - Report them here in admin staff
Jace Hall commented on blog entry Scoreboard Errors - Website Errors - Report them here in admin staff