01-16-2024 at 09:10 AM

The matter is closed.

The enormous thanks and appreciation and additional thoughts that Twin Galaxies would like to express to the entire community will be addressed in a future post.

In the meanwhile, immediate questions can be answered on this thread.


User comments (82)

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Gear up this will be a bumpy ride.

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This is so wrong.

I can't believe that the court accepted an expert witness testimony stating that the video evidence could happen from degraded components is very laughable. The amount of effort by the community on this matter has just been wasted and this is very souring in the community. The cost and amount of damage done to the community by Billy will never be undone or excused by the outcome of this case.

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For years you’ve received numerous suggestions from numerous people to split the database seperate the corrupt good old boys ref scores from the real modern day scores

does this perhaps make you more open to reconsidering that split ?

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Quote Originally Posted by redelf

This is so wrong.

I can't believe that the court accepted an expert witness testimony stating that the video evidence could happen from degraded components is very laughable. The amount of effort by the community on this matter has just been wasted and this is very souring in the community. The cost and amount of damage done to the community by Billy will never be undone or excused by the outcome of this case.

In case there is confusion:

1. Is Billy still banned from Twin Galaxies competition?


2. Are Billy's world records going back onto the main leaderboards?


3. Has the opinion of Twin Galaxies changed regarding Billy's Donkey Kong scores?



Twin Galaxies has no problem acknowledging that there is an expert out there that has a different opinion than the one Twin Galaxies has. We very much believe that it is important that people are aware of all the information so they can make their own judgements. If people have questions about what that expert has to say, then they can inquire with that person.

On the Twin Galaxies side of things, nothing has changed - except that we are excited to have the old historic database publicly available so people can see what used to be. Thats something that TG should always have as part of history.

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How can the score's be re-entered in the old database, when clearly one of them was set with the wrong joystick?

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The battle is over and the good guys lost!

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The Mullet Muppet has owned Twin Galaxies, in every sense of the word

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Quote Originally Posted by Muerto

How can the score's be re-entered in the old database, when clearly one of them was set with the wrong joystick?

The old database already contained all the scores in it. Nothing has changed.

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This is Billy Mitchells "expert".

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Quote Originally Posted by datagod

This is Billy Mitchells "expert".

da heck with all your nerds, this guy knows how to live life. good bye video games, i have a new role model
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I like most everything about the settlement, except the public statement. I was expecting a statement of some kind at some point, I was just hoping for it to read a bit more neutral. It reads like Billy won, when in reality, he didn't get any of the things he was looking for.

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are we allowed to know if billy is getting his 80k back? or did he at least lose that? if you cant answer can you at least tell us that you cant tell us?
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Excuse me while i complete my application for sugar baby

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The comments on this link say it all. I had much the same thought when the news broke.

Death knell. So disappointed.

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Quote Originally Posted by TWIN GALAXIES

In case there is confusion:

1. Is Billy still banned from Twin Galaxies competition?


2. Are Billy's world records going back onto the main leaderboards?


3. Has the opinion of Twin Galaxies changed regarding Billy's Donkey Kong scores?



Twin Galaxies has no problem acknowledging that there is an expert out there that has a different opinion than the one Twin Galaxies has. We very much believe that it is important that people are aware of all the information so they can make their own judgements. If people have questions about what that expert has to say, then they can inquire with that person.

On the Twin Galaxies side of things, nothing has changed - except that we are excited to have the old historic database publicly available so people can see what used to be. Thats something that TG should always have as part of history.

Jace, Just make a separate database until those 3 frauds drop off the face of the earth, then the community will agree to toss them without baby raging. This statement better be good. Tash screwed up and should have his practice questioned with the BAR by taking a side and not viewing the evidence. I hope you plan to counter sue Isaiah for interfering.

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Something that recently came in to my mind, is what would have happened if TG just quietly removed the score without providing a reason, and with out all the hoopla of a dispute thread. I mean its your website and you can add or remove whatever content you want for whatever reason. I guess I just don't understand how TG has a legal liability to publish a video game score from anybody for any reason.

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Quote Originally Posted by redelf

This is so wrong.

I can't believe that the court accepted an expert witness testimony stating that the video evidence could happen from degraded components is very laughable. The amount of effort by the community on this matter has just been wasted and this is very souring in the community. The cost and amount of damage done to the community by Billy will never be undone or excused by the outcome of this case.

Agree...that "expert" in two pages of text undermined what likely have been over a thousand hours of bonafide research by REAL experts at arcade-related hardware.

It's like someone trying to blow one past a union doctor by claiming injury when, in fact, except for trips to the union doctor they are outside climbing ladders and other forms of physical activity.
In short, Billy found the biggest quack that he could to support his baseless claim, and in doing so located the "Dr Nick Rivera" of computer science.

TG's decision to create that "historical database" is nothing other than a face-saving opportunity for GBF...and by default, for another well known gamer whose scores were removed.

I can understand not wanting to spend the extra money involved, but considering that TG was going for blood with $20M or so in damages clearly a few more weeks of this would not have been THAT much more expensive.

So now, GBF will likely continue claiming to anyone who will listen that his scores are valid, that he is "Player of the Century", was given TWO (2) plaques and not just one, and much more. All face-saving. And he will likely continue with his "Road to Redemption Tour" nonsense, appear at "Kong Off" events and probably at every milestone anniversary con some proprietor into letting him show off the same old pattern skills to get a "perfect Pacman".

Maybe for his next media opportunity he should try to set the record for being the first person to get a "perfect Pacman" while seated on the toilet.

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(mirroring here for public viewing)

With regards to optics, which is all Billy has ever cared about, he got what he wanted. Facts are irrelevant in the court of public opinion if everyone not in our little circle believes he won. Billy knows this, and I am sure he is celebrating...
Talking about facts, we see that:
1.) An expert opinion is listed that is utterly false and lists ridiculous statements, such as the 2bit converter not having a sync connection (it does), and the converter outputting 30fps (it outputs 60fps). This demonstrates an absolute lack of understanding of any of the technical details involved in this case, and his opinion should be discarded. Other ridiculous statements include power supply to cable crosstalk causing MAME signatures, and use of Neil Hernandez's statement that he saw the "girder finger" (absolutely false) in his statement. I will write a full rebuttal of this nonsense and append it to my technical paper on this topic.
In summary:
- Point a is based on the false idea that there is no sync going to the converter board (there is)
- Point b says *maybe* old components could cause the MAME signatures. No evidence is presented for this, or a root-cause explained for what component must fail. A hypothesis is not evidence. Hitchen's razor. Next.
- Point c says VCR artifacts could cause the MAME signatures. Nobody has ever been able to make VCR signatures make arcade show MAME transitions. David Race tested this extensively.
- Point d says power supply crosstalk could cause MAME signatures. I am a signal integrity engineer. I work with crosstalk all day. The answer is no. The absurd odds of getting the exact same interference on the exact frame across many years and different setups is fantasy. The magnitude of crosstalk to actually alter the image would be absurdly high.
- Point e is Zyda just eating up whatever Neil says. Neil's definition of a girder finger, or the 3 girder pattern is not what we have established in our investigation. I have seen some of it, and they call a girder finger what happens when the girder is transitioning from the straight to slanted positioning when Kong is jumping on the girders in the opening. That is not what the transition is. The anomalies Neil seems to have described seem to be the result of altering power supply voltage to a very low level, where yes, you get game-breaking behavior. However, still no MAME transitions. I have a game where I achieved 20M points on Donkey Kong due to a power issue, and I still saw arcade transitions (
The final statement, "However, it is clear that the video tapes could depict game play on original Donkey Kong hardware despite the anomalies depicted.", is demonstrably false given that everything this guy said is false. I have done real root-cause analysis for why the tapes look like they do (, which is what Zyda had to do to prove the validity of his statement. Given he didn't even attempt to do this, or run his own experiments, his two page document is a meta analysis based on conjecture and bad evidence.
2.) Billy score is included in a 2014 historical database, one that also includes Todd Rogers Dragster 5.51 score. Enough said.
3.) Archiving the dispute thread. This happened in the dragster dispute already. This was inevitable. Copies will be archived and it will not be deleted from the internet.

Remember this case next time you see a legal judgement or settlement and jump to a conclusion about what happened. Things are never as they seem.

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**** off. I am done here, please delete my account.

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Quote Originally Posted by TheArea51Rider

**** off. I am done here, please delete my account.

who are you even? You have no scores here. Never seen you post before. Not following anybody nor is anybody following you. You think you are making a statement here with that? lol, gurl bye. You didn’t exist here in the first place

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