1. Game
  2. MAME History, "A" ROM sets

This page is a chapter in 'Game Exploring MAME history for TG rules'


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: aafb - "All American Football (rev E)"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-aafb.bin EEPROM.
- 0.139u2: Phil Bennett added missing gfx1 rom (03-28008.u93) to 'All American Football (rev E)'. Marked in clone (rev B) rom 24015-02.u59 as BAD_DUMP and demoted set to GAME_NOT_WORKING.

Resolution, 0.106-0.260: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/al...ll-rev-e/mame/
Rules, Biggest Blowout: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21433

Service Mode:
Typical Cinematronics Leland BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed using the combination of P1 Start button (1) and the Service Test button (9). Navigation is with P1 Start button with selection made with P2 Start button (2).

Default Settings:
Game Set-Up:
Note: no DIP switches or Machine Configuration options in the MAME user interface:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.146: abcop - "A.B. Cop (FD1094 317-0169b)"
0.147-0.165: abcop - "A.B. Cop (World, FD1094 317-0169b)" (minor description change)
0.166-0.175: abcop - "A.B. Cop (World) (FD1094 317-0169b)" (very minor description change)

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=A.B.%20Cop%20[FD1094%20317-0169b]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21423


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: abscam - "Abscam"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288 x 224 @ 60.606060 Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 288 x 224 @ 60.606061 Hz

Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=124832

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?platformid=46&gamename=Ab$cam
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=124832


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.181: aburner2 - "After Burner II"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.181: 320x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....fter+Burner+II
Rules, Points [Tournament Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11817

NOTE: Ship increase DIP was removed at 0.121


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.150: aburner - "After Burner (Japan)"
0.151-0.175: aburner - "After Burner" (minor description change)

MAME History:
- 0.151: Andrew Welburn and The Dumping Union added clone After Burner II (German). Changed description of clone (Japan) to 'After Burner'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....er%20Burner%20[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=42028


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: acrobatm - "Acrobat Mission"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.154: 256x224 @ 56.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.250: 256x224 @ 56.180000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/acrobat-mission/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11815
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11816

Note: Service Mode can only be entered by enabling the Service DIP Switch and then resetting so this is not something that would be recorded in an INP. Additionally, Service Mode only permits a read-only view of the DIP Switch current settings (which will include the Service DIP switch being enabled in DIP-SW2).

Default Settings:
As they are seen in the Service Mode after the Service DIP switch is enabled (DIP-SW2's 00000001 mask).


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.187: actfancr - "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)"
0.188- : actfancr2 - "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)"

MAME History:
- 0.188: Corrado Tomaselli and The Dumping Union added Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 3). Renamed (actfancr) to (actfancr2).

Resolution, 0.106-0.188: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....+Hyper+Weapon+[World+revision+2]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21441


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.188.

MAME History:
- 0.188: Corrado Tomaselli and The Dumping Union added Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 3). Renamed (actfancr) to (actfancr2).

Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.187: actfancr - "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)"
0.188- : actfancr2 - "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.188: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....+Hyper+Weapon+[World+revision+2]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21441

Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 3)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.188.

0.188- : actfancr2 - "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 3)"

Resolution, 0.188- : 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.265: actionhw - "Action Hollywood"

Resolution, 0.106-0.265: 352x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ac...ollywood/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23239
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23243

Score Rollover.
The game internally uses a 16-bit Integer to retain the score and appends a pair of 0 visually. Thus an internal game score of 12345 is displayed as 1234500. In 16-bit Integer mathematics, there is a maximum Integer value of 65535. Addin 1 to 65535 in 16-bit Integer mathematics results in a zero. Thus, visually, there is a score rollover every 6553600.

Service Mode:
Typical TCH Kick Goal hardware.
No service mode found due to missing EEPROM? - Barthax, Oct 2024

Default Settings:
Note: it is impossible to change the difficulty and retain the setting due to unemulated EEPROM issues. (Confirmed to 0.265.) The settings menu defaults to Easy difficulty is therefore likely to be the only playable difficulty option. However, without referencing actual hardware play examples of other difficulties, Easy is only an assumption.


ROM set changed:
0.106-0.180: ad2083 - "A. D. 2083"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.180: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....me=A.D.%202083
Rules, https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23238


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: aeroboto - "Aeroboto"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 248x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Aeroboto
Rules, TGTS: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11870


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.147: aerofgt - "Aero Fighters"
0.148-0.271: aerofgt - "Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware)"

MAME History:
- 0.135u1: Corrado Tomaselli verified/changed clocks and VSync to 61.31 Hz in Aero Fighters.
- 0.147u2: Changed region gfx3 to gfx2 ($200000). Changed description to 'Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware)' and clones (Turbo Force hardware set 1) to 'Aero Fighters (Taiwan / Japan, set 1)' and (Turbo Force hardware set 2) to 'Aero Fighters (Taiwan / Japan, set 2)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.135: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.136-0.271: 320x224 @ 61.310000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/aero-fighters/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19192
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19193

Service Mode:
Typical Video System Co. "Aero Fighters" hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) and then reset the machie so cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1. DIP switches are shown read-only.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.125: afighter - "Action Fighter, FD1089A 317-0018"
0.126-0.210: afighter - "Action Fighter (FD1089A 317-0018)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.210: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ac...317-0018/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21425

agallet, agalletu

ROM Set changes: no and yes*
0.106-0.121: agallet - "Air Gallet"
0.122-0.137: agallet - "Air Gallet (JUEHTK)" (minor description change only)
0.138-0.265: agallet - "Air Gallet (Europe)"
0.138-0.265: agalletu - "Air Gallet (USA)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.550645 Hz.
- 0.136: Added eeprom-agallet.bin EEPROM.
- 0.137u1: Added clones Air Gallet (Hong Kong), (Japan), (Korea), (Taiwan) and (USA). Changed parent description to 'Air Gallet (Europe)'.

* For all versions prior to 0.137u1, there is only one ROM set, due to the EEPROM being implemented in a fake DIP switch. The EEPROM was added as a separate ROM in 0.136 with the fake DIP switch removed in 0.137u1.
* The region rule of the variation determines which region DIP switch should be used for 0.137 and prior.
* The region rule of the variation determines which ROM set should be used for 0.138 and onwards.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 57.550644Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x240 @ 57.550645Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/air-gallet/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21428 (USA region)
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21429 (USA region)

Service Mode:
Typical Cave (Motorola 68000) BIOS
Non-region relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, hold the Service button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Use P1 Button 1 to select top menu. P1 Left * Right to adjust settings.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.147: agress - "Agress"
0.148-0.175: agress - "Agress - Missile Daisenryaku (Japan)" (description change only)

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Agress
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21426


ROM set changed:
0.106-0.113: airattck - "Air Attack"
0.114-0.250: airattck - "Air Attack (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.154: 256x224 @ 56.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.250: 256x224 @ 56.180000Hz

MAME History:
- 0.163: According to the Air Attack manual at: https://www.arcade-museum.com/manual...r%20Attack.pdf all unknown dipswitches should be changed to unused [D Go Go Fan]. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.
- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Air Attack. Renamed (airattca) to (airattcka).
- 0.114: Guru added clone Air Attack (set 2). Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 8MHz and OKI6295 sound to 1MHz. Added PROMs ($0, 100 - unknown). Changed parent description to 'Air Attack (set 1)'. Fixed rom names.

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/air-attack/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24419
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24420


ROM Set changed: yes
0.35-0.60: airbustr
0.61-0.133: airbustj - "Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (Japan)"
0.134-0.175: airbustrj - "Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.155: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.175: 256x224 @ 57.400000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Unit%20(Japan)
Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM Set changed: yes
0.35-0.60: airbustr
0.61-0.133: airbustj - "Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (Japan)"
0.134-0.175: airbustrj - "Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.155: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.175: 256x224 @ 57.400000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Unit%20(Japan)
Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: airbustr - "Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (World)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.155: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.250: 256x224 @ 57.400000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ai...it-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11818
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24401

airduel, airduelm72, airdueljm72

Note: multiple sets are represented by airduel with 0.167 and 0.225 being changes.

MAME History:
- 0.122u5: Implemented proper video timing and scanline interrupts in the M72 driver [Mamesick, Aaron Giles]. This fixes also the missing score and other status infos. Changed VSync to 55.017606 Hz.
- 0.167: System11 and The Dumping Union added Air Duel (World, M82-A-A + M82-B-A). Make it clearer that Air Duel (the M82 PCB) is actually a conversion of Major Title, the sprite roms used for the extra sprite layer in Major Title are still present on the board! [David Haywood]. Changed (Japan) to clone 'Air Duel (Japan, M72)'. Renamed (airduel) to (airduelm72).
- 0.215: Replaced MCU simulation/hack with proper MCU code for clone Air Duel (Japan, M72 PCB version) [Caius, Jorge Silva, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]. Changed description of clone (Japan, M72) to 'Air Duel (Japan, M72 PCB version)'.
- 0.222: HaloWarrior40 added clone Air Duel (US location test, M82 hardware). Fixed rom names. Changed parent description to 'Air Duel (World, M82 hardware)' and clone (Japan, M72 PCB version) to 'Air Duel (Japan, M72 hardware)'.
- 0.225: Jon Exidy added clone Air Duel (World, M72 hardware). Renamed (airduelm72) to (airdueljm72).

Air Duel (Japan, M72 hardware)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.166: airduel - "Air Duel (Japan)"
0.167-0.214: airduelm72 - "Air Duel (Japan, M72)"
0.215-0.221: airduelm72 - "Air Duel (Japan, M72 PCB version)"
0.222-0.224: airduelm72 - "Air Duel (Japan, M72 hardware)"
0.225-0.250: airdueljm72 - "Air Duel (Japan, M72 hardware)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 384x256 @ 55.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.250: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/air-duel-japan/mame/
Rules, Single Player: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11820
Rules, Two Player: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11821

Air Duel (World, M72 hardware)
Note: this set not represented on TG yet.
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.224: NOT SUPPORTED
0.225-0.250: airduelm72 - "Air Duel (World, M72 hardware)"

Resolution, 0.167-0.250: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Air Duel (World, M82 hardware)
Note: this set not represented on TG yet.
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.166: NOT SUPPORTED
0.167-0.221: airduel - "Air Duel (World, M82-A-A + M82-B-A)"
0.222-0.250: airduel - "Air Duel (World, M82 hardware)"

Resolution, 0.167-0.250: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Seems to run hardware checks only.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.119: airwolf - "Airwolf"
0.120-0.122: airwolf - "Airwolf (set 1)"
0.123-0.265: airwolf - "Airwolf"

MAME History:
- 0.119u4: David Haywood added clone Airwolf (US). Changed parent description to 'Airwolf (set 1)'.
- 0.122u8: Changed description to 'Airwolf'.
- 0.220: Added DIP locations [Guru]. Simplified handlers [Osso].

Resolution, 0.106-0.265: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/airwolf/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11839

Service Mode:
Typical Kyugo hardware games.
No service mode found. - Barthax, Nov 2024.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.220:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.196: ajax - "Ajax"

Resolution, 0.106-0.164: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.165-0.176: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz
Resolution, 0.177-0.196: 304x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ajax/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15632


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.192.
0.106-0.191: NOT SUPPORTED
0.192-0.239: akatana - "Akai Katana (2010/ 8/13 MASTER VER.)"
0.240-0.272: NOT SUPPORTED

MAME History:
- 0.192: Bicycle Repairman added 'Akai Katana (2010/ 8/13 MASTER VER.)' (Cave (AMI license) 2010). Demoted all sets to imperfect speed, set audio output to mono. Added YMZ770 pan, main volume level and clip limit control. Added YMZ770 2nd volume control and notes. Document dipswitches. Consistent service mode enter button [MetalliC]. Added some SH3/4 recompiler changes that got lost at some point. It fixes an issue where futaribl sound would cut out if left in attract mode on first boot due to timer IRQ 0 being missed and then never refiring due to the way the DRC code blocks work [David Haywood]. Use pre-calculated cosine table for DCT decoding, yields significant performance improvement (sound\mpeg_audio.cpp) [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]. Added 4x 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 0.240: Removed Akai Katana (2010/ 8/13 MASTER VER.) and DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou (2012/ 4/20) following a request by exA-Arcadia, current rightholders [O. Galibert].

Resolution, 0.192-0.224: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.225-0.226: 320x240 @ 60.020000Hz
Resolution, 0.227-0.239: 320x240 @ 60.024000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ak...ster-ver/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=215706

Service Mode:
Standard Cave CV1000 BIOS.
This game has both DIPs & internal settings covered by the rules. If not shown during playback, press & hold "Service 2" (typically '0') for a few seconds to access & check internal settings afterwards. Navigation is with P Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1.


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.253.
0.106-0.253: NOT SUPPORTED
0.253: akazukin - "Akazukin (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.253: Alberto Salso, Ignacio Seki and Angelo Salese added 'Akazukin (Japan)' (Sigma 1983). Created a device to encapsulate the orca\orca40c.cpp video code. Better sprite flip handling (orca\vastar_viddev.cpp) [David Haywood]. TODO: Unify '46C to common device implementations and sound section, it's ported from sigma/sub.cpp. Notes: Akazukin is the Japanese name of the fairy tale story Little Red Riding Hood. Wolves "teleports" left and right when coming from rocks, btanb.

Resolution, 0.253: 256x224 @ 60.580000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/akazukin-japan/mame/
Rules, Emu - Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=255809

Service Mode:
No service mode.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.138u3-0.213: alcon - "Alcon (US)"

MAME History:
- 0.138u3: Phil Bennett and Dr. Decapitator hooked up Slap Fight/Alcon 68705 MCU. Brian Troha and Guru corrected rom names for the Slap Fight sets, added PCB locations to any set where possible, added DIP locations and moved PCB information down to matching rom sets. Changed clone 'Alcon' to parent 'Alcon (US)', (set 1) to clone 'Slap Fight (Japan set 1)', (set 2) to 'Slap Fight (Japan set 2)', (Japan bootleg) to 'Slap Fight (bootleg set 1)', (English bootleg) to 'Slap Fight (bootleg set 2)' and (bootleg) to 'Slap Fight (bootleg set 3)'. Renamed (slapbtjp) to (slapfighb1), (slapbtuk) to (slapfighb2) and (slapfgtr) to (slapfighb3).

Resolution, 0.106-0.213: 280x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/alcon/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=220933

NOTE: this game is considered NOT WORKING until 0.138u3


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: alexkidd - "Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 2, unprotected)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ost%20Stars%20[Set%202,%20Unprotected]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21430


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: alibaba - "Ali Baba and 40 Thieves"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....2040%20Thieves
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10493


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: alien3 - "Alien3: The Gun (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.220: Make the 4 DIPs selectable singularly and added DIP locations [Osso]. Added 4x 'Unknown' dipswitches.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 416x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/al...un-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21431
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21432

Service Mode:
Typical Sega System 32 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Navigation is with the Test button (9) and selection with the Service button (F2). Instructions are given on each screen.

Default Settings:
The Unknown DIP switches were introduced in MAME 0.220. No DIP switch options existing prior to this.
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: alienar - "Alien Arena"

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 292x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.175: 292x240 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=Alien%20Arena
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41117


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.118: baraduke - "Baraduke (set 1)"
0.118u5-0.210: aliensec - "Alien Sector" (name correction only)

MAME History:
- 0.118u5: Changed description of 'Baraduke (set 1)' to 'Alien Sector' and clone (set 2) to 'Baraduke'. Added new gfx2 roms ($0, 8000). Fixed rom names. Renamed (baraduke) to (aliensec) and (baraduka) to (baraduke).

Resolution, 0.106-0.152: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.210: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/baraduke-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11911

Because of the unusual nature of the ROM set change, here's added information to help understand the transition was minor:
C:\MAME>mame118 -listcrc baraduke
ea2ea790 prg1.9c Baraduke (set 1)
9a0a9a87 prg2.9a Baraduke (set 1)
383e5458 prg3.9b Baraduke (set 1)
abda0fe7 prg4.3b Baraduke (set 1)
076ea82a cus60-60a1.mcu Baraduke (set 1)
706b7fee ch1.3j Baraduke (set 1)
b0bb0710 ch2.4p Baraduke (set 1)
0d7ebec9 ch3.4n Baraduke (set 1)
e5da0896 ch4.4m Baraduke (set 1)
87a29acc obj1.8k Baraduke (set 1)
72b6d20c obj2.8l Baraduke (set 1)
3076af9c obj3.8m Baraduke (set 1)
8b4c09a3 obj4.8n Baraduke (set 1)
0d78ebc6 prmcolbg.1n Baraduke (set 1)
03f7241f prmcolr.2m Baraduke (set 1)

C:\MAME>mame119 -listcrc aliensec
ea2ea790 bd1_3.9c Alien Sector
9a0a9a87 bd2_1.9a Alien Sector
383e5458 bd2_2.9b Alien Sector
abda0fe7 bd1_4.3b Alien Sector
076ea82a cus60-60a1.mcu Alien Sector
706b7fee bd1_5.3j Alien Sector
432bd7d9 bd2_8.4p Alien Sector
0d7ebec9 bd1_7.4n Alien Sector
f4c1df60 bd2_6.4m Alien Sector
87a29acc bd1_9.8k Alien Sector
72b6d20c bd1_10.8l Alien Sector
3076af9c bd1_11.8m Alien Sector
8b4c09a3 bd1_12.8n Alien Sector
0d78ebc6 bd1-1.1n Alien Sector
03f7241f bd1-2.2m Alien Sector


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: aliens - "Aliens (World set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.145: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.146-0.164: 288x224 @ 59.170000Hz
Resolution, 0.165-0.250: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/al...ld-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11838
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41118
Note: Service Mode performs an extension ROM check with checksum. No settings can be seen or manipulated.


ROM Set changed: None
0.106-0.250: aliensyn - "Alien Syndrome (set 4, System 16B, unprotected)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.116: 321x224 @ 60.054389Hz
Resolution, 0.117-0.250: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/al...rotected/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=17089
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=17090
Note: Service Mode can be accessed using the Service button (F2). Service Mode will initially display DIP switch current settings and is largely a test/booking implementation.

Default Settings:

aligatorun, aligatun

ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.133: aligatun - "Alligator Hunt (unprotected)"
0.133u1-0.188: aligatorun - "Alligator Hunt (unprotected)"
0.189-0.250: aligatorun - "Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Alligator Hunt. Renamed (aligatun) to (aligatorun).
- 0.189: David Haywood and Peter Wilhelmsen added clone Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 2). Note: This was purchased as part of the quest to find a 2nd working Alligator Hunt still using the DS5002FP rather than the unprotected code, took a gamble on it because it was an unknown set, turns out it's unprotected but very different to the set in MAME. Changed description of clone (unprotected) to 'Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 1)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 59.099998Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 320x240 @ 59.100000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/al...rotected/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21434
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21435


ROM set changed:
0.106-0.260: alleymas - "Alley Master"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-alleymas.bin and eeprom-upyoural.bin EEPROMs.
- 0.209: Changed 'Up Your Alley' from a parent set to a clone of Alley Master. Note: Prototype of Alley Master? Fixed rom names.

Resolution: 0.106-0.260: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/alley-master/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41119

Service Mode:
Typical Cinematronics Leland BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed using the combination of P1 Start button (1) and the Service Test button (9). Navigation is with P1 Start button with selection made with P2 Start button (2).

Default Settings:
Game Set-Up:
Note: no DIP switches or Machine Configuration options in the MAME user interface:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: alpham2 - "Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian"
0.144-0.173: alpham2 - "Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007)(NGH-007)"
0.174-0.272: alpham2 - "Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007 ~ NGH-007)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.143u1: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007)(NGH-007)'.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007 ~ NGH-007)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.272: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/al...guardian/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14659
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24402

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS [neogeo/neogeo.cpp].
SM access logical after playback: Yes.
SM access recordable in INP: Yes.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent COMM Setting DIP switch values and split to COMM Setting (Cabinet No.) + COMM Setting (Link Enable) pair:
0.106-0.129 COMM Setting: Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Cabinet No.): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Link Enable): Off / On
Equivalent Test Switch/Service Mode/Setting Mode DIP switch values:
0.106-0.149 Test Switch: Off / On
0.150 Service Mode: Off / On
0.151-0.272 Setting Mode: Off / On
Equivalent Coin Chutes ? / Cabinet DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Coin Chutes ?: 1? / 2?
0.151-0.271 Cabinet : Normal / VS Mode
Equivalent Autofire (in some games) / Controller DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Autofire (in some games): Off / On
0.151-0.271 Controller: Joystick / Mahjong Panel

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.265: alpine - "Alpine Ski (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.221: Consistency and better documentation of 4 PCB vs 5 PCB sets [Brian Troha]. Added DIP location and verified DIPs [Guru]. Simplified some handlers (machine\taitosjsec.cpp) [Osso].
- 0.255: johnmcallister fixed 'End of Race Time Bonus' dipswitch.
- 0.258: Fixed bitmap size regression (taito\taitosj_v.cpp) [hap]. Use raw parameters for screen [AJR].

Resolution, 0.106-0.257: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.258-0.265: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/alpine-ski-set-1/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10090

Service Mode:
Typical Taito SJ System hardware.
No service mode found. - Barthax, Jun 2024.

Default Settings:
Note: for MAME 0.254 and prior the "End of Race Time Bonus" has incorrect description in the MAME GUI. A value of 0:20 yields 10 seconds bonus and a value of 0:10 yields a 20 second bonus.
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.221:
MAME 0.250:
MAME 0.255:


ROM set changed: No. Added in 0.109u2.
0.106-0.109: NOT SUPPORTED
0.109u2-0.250: altair - "Altair"

Resolution, 0.106-0.109: NOT SUPPORTED
Resolution, 0.110-0.111: 360x312 @ 50.089031Hz
Resolution, 0.112: 240x200 @ 50.089031Hz
Resolution, 0.113-0.250: 294x294 @ 50.089031Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/altair/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=200125

Service Mode:
No service mode.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.138: altbeast - "Altered Beast (set 7, 8751 317-0078)"
0.139-0.165: altbeast - "Altered Beast (set 8, 8751 317-0078)" (minor description change)
0.166-0.251: altbeast - "Altered Beast (set 8) (8751 317-0078)" (very minor description change)

MAME History:
- 0.138u4: Stefan Lindberg and The Dumping Union added clone Juuouki (set 5, Japan, FD1094 317-0069). Changed description of clones (set 5, 8751 317-0076) to 'Altered Beast (set 6, 8751 317-0076)', (set 7, 8751 317-0078) to 'Altered Beast (set 8, 8751 317-0078)' and 'Juuouki (set 6, Japan, 8751 317-0077)' to 'Juuouki (set 7, Japan, 8751 317-0077)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.251: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/al...317-0078/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21437
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24609

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2). P1 Up and Down to navigate menu and Service button to select an option. Settings are view-only.

Default settings:
From MAME 0.251:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: amazon - "Soldier Girl Amazon"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....0Girl%20Amazon
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110697


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: ambush - "Ambush"
0.138u1-0.201: ambushj - "Ambush (Japan)"

- 0.138u1: Changed clone (Tecfri) to parent 'Ambush', 'Ambush' to clone 'Ambush (Japan)' and clone (Volt Elec co-ltd) to 'Ambush (Volt Electronics)'. Note: Ambush (Tecfri) displays an M next to ROM 1 during the test, why is internal checksum wrong (0x02 instead of 0x00)? Renamed (ambush) to (ambushj) and (ambusht) to (ambush).

Resolution, 0.106-0.182: 256x222 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.183-0.201: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ambush/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21438


Note: two sets are represented here with the switchover at 0.138u1.

- 0.138u1: Changed 'Ambush' to clone 'Ambush (Japan)', clone (Tecfri) to parent 'Ambush' and clone (Volt Elec co-ltd) to 'Ambush (Volt Electronics)'. Note: Ambush (Tecfri) displays an M next to ROM 1 during the test, why is internal checksum wrong (0x02 instead of 0x00)? Renamed (ambush) to (ambushj) and (ambusht) to (ambush).

Ambush (Japan) (Nippon Amuse license)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: ambush - "Ambush"
0.138u1-0.201: ambushj - "Ambush (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.182: 256x222 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.183-0.201: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ambush/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21438

Ambush (Tecfri SA logo)
Note: this set not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.137: NOT SUPPORTED
0.138u1-0.201: ambush - "Ambush"

Resolution, 0.139-0.182: 256x222 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.183-0.201: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: amerdart - "AmeriDarts (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.114u1: Changed visible area to 322x241, VSync to 60.012477 Hz and palettesize to 4096 colors.

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.250: 322x241 @ 60.012477Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ameridarts/mame/
Rules, Points [High Score]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41120
Rules, Points [Sector Shoot]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41121

Service Mode:
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. P1 Button 1 selects an option. Each setting is on its own screen.

Default settings:
| | | | |


NOTE: both amidar/amidar1 (renamed) & amidaru ROM sets are tracked separately. This is the easier ROM set.
Please make sure to use the right set!

ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.142: amidar - "Amidar"
0.142u4-0.193: amidar1 - "Amidar (older)"

MAME History:
- 0.142u4: Patrik Styrnell added Amidar (Konami 1982). Renamed (amidar) to (amidar1).
- 0.124u1: Added Discrete sound. Changed visible area to 224x768 and palettesize to 32 colors. Removed 2x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.124: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.193: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/amidar/mame/
(Note that this link also covers the US/Stern set.)
Rules, Points [Konami ROMSet]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41122


NOTE 1: both amidar/amidar1 (renamed) & amidaru ROM sets are tracked separately. This is the easier ROM set.
Please make sure to use the right set!
NOTE 2: even after 0.106 amidar represents two sets with the switchover at 0.142u4.

MAME History:
- 0.142u4: Patrik Styrnell added Amidar (Konami 1982). Renamed (amidar) to (amidar1).
- 0.124u1: Added Discrete sound. Changed visible area to 224x768 and palettesize to 32 colors. Removed 2x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.35b8: Changed 'Amidar (US)' to clone '(Stern)' and '(Japan)' to parent 'Amidar'. Renamed (amidar) to (amidaru) and (amidarjp) to (amidar).
- 0.33b7: Changed description of 'Amidar (US version)' to 'Amidar (US)' and clones 'Amidar (Japanese version)' to 'Amidar (Japan)' and 'Amigo (Amidar US bootleg)' to 'Amigo'.
- 0.14: Nicola Salmoria renamed (amidar) to (amidarjp) and (amidarus) to (amidar). Since the US version is better, Amidar (Japanese version) has a worse attract mode and does not display the number of jumps left.
- 0.07: Added Amidar (US version). This version is quite different, it has a better attract mode and displayes the number of jumps left.
- 0.06: Nicola Salmoria added Amidar (Japanese version) (Konami 1982). Game is playable with wrong colors and no sound. Control: Arrows = Move around and CTRL = Jump. Known issues: What do the dipswitches do?

Amidar (older)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.142: amidar - "Amidar"
0.142u4-0.193: amidar1 - "Amidar (older)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.124: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.193: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/amidar/mame/
(Note that this link also covers the US/Stern set.)
Rules, Points [Konami ROMSet]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41122

Amidar (newer)
Note: this set not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.142: NOT SUPPORTED
0.142u4-0.193: amidar - "Amidar"

Resolution, 0.145-0.193: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Historical, not relevant to current tracking but may provide clarity
* 0.006-0.013: amidar - "Amidar (Japanese version) (Konami 1982)"
* 0.014-0.033: amidarjp - "Amidar (Japanese version) (Konami 1982)"
* 0.033b7-0.035: amidarjp - "Amidar (Japan)" (minor description change only)
* 0.035b8-0.106: amidar - "Amidar"


NOTE: both amidar/amidar1 (renamed) & amidaru ROM sets are tracked separately. This is the harder ROM set.
Please make sure to use the right set!

ROM set changed: amidaru has not been renamed since 0.035b8
Historical, not relevant to current tracking but may provide clarity:
* 0.007-0.013: amidarus - "Amidar (US version)"
* 0.014-0.033: amidar - "Amidar (US version)"
* 0.033b7-0.035: amidar - "Amidar (US)" (minor description change only)
* 0.035b8-0.105: amidaru - "Amidar (Stern)"
0.106-0.138: amidaru - "Amidar (Stern)"
0.138b8-0.205: amidaru - "Amidar (Stern Electronics)"

MAME History:
- 0.07: Added Amidar (US version). This version is quite different, it has a better attract mode and displayes the number of jumps left.
- 0.14: Nicola Salmoria renamed (amidar) to (amidarjp) and (amidarus) to (amidar). Since the US version is better, Amidar (Japanese version) has a worse attract mode and does not display the number of jumps left.
- 0.33b7: Changed description of 'Amidar (US version)' to 'Amidar (US)' and clones 'Amidar (Japanese version)' to 'Amidar (Japan)' and 'Amigo (Amidar US bootleg)' to 'Amigo'.
- 0.35b8: Changed 'Amidar (US)' to clone '(Stern)' and '(Japan)' to parent 'Amidar'. Renamed (amidar) to (amidaru) and (amidarjp) to (amidar).
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.124u1: Added Discrete sound. Changed visible area to 224x768 and palettesize to 32 colors. Removed 2x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.138u1: Changed description of clone 'Amidar (Stern)' to 'Amidar (Stern Electronics)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.124: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.205: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/amidar/mame/ (Note that this link also covers the Japanese/Konami set.)
Rules, Points [Stern ROMSet]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7673


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: amspdwy - "American Speedway (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....%20Speedway%20[Set%201]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21439


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: androdun - "Andro Dunos"
0.144-0.173: androdun - "Andro Dunos (NGM-049)(NGH-049)"
0.174-0.272: androdun - "Andro Dunos (NGM-049 ~ NGH-049)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.143u4: Changed description to 'Andro Dunos (NGM-049)(NGH-049)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Andro Dunos (NGM-049 ~ NGH-049)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.272: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/andro-dunos/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14660
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24403

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS [neogeo/neogeo.cpp].
SM access logical after playback: Yes.
SM access recordable in INP: Yes.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent COMM Setting DIP switch values and split to COMM Setting (Cabinet No.) + COMM Setting (Link Enable) pair:
0.106-0.129 COMM Setting: Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Cabinet No.): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Link Enable): Off / On
Equivalent Test Switch/Service Mode/Setting Mode DIP switch values:
0.106-0.149 Test Switch: Off / On
0.150 Service Mode: Off / On
0.151-0.272 Setting Mode: Off / On
Equivalent Coin Chutes ? / Cabinet DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Coin Chutes ?: 1? / 2?
0.151-0.272 Cabinet : Normal / VS Mode
Equivalent Autofire (in some games) / Controller DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Autofire (in some games): Off / On
0.151-0.272 Controller: Joystick / Mahjong Panel

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: angelkds - "Angel Kids (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ngel%20Kids%20[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21443


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.272: anteater - "Anteater"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.118u1: Galaxian driver updates [Stephane Humbert]: Fixed Space Dragon (Moon Cresta bootleg, set 2) gfx rom loading. 100% verified dipswitches for all sets. Added long notes for all sets.
- 0.124u1: Added Discrete sound. Changed visible area to 224x768 and palettesize to 32 colors. Removed 3x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.137u2: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches and inputs (after verification of the Z80 code) in Anteater.
- 0.141u4: hap added background color split to Anteater and clones. Moved clones (UK) and (German) from Scobra to Galaxian driver, added DISCRETE sound, changed visible area to 224x768 and palettesize to 32 colors. Renamed (anteatgb) to (anteateruk) and (anteatg) to (anteaterg).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.124: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.272: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/anteater/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10091
Rules, Points - Anthill 1: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=208011

Service Mode:
Typical Galaxian and derived hardware [galaxian/galaxian.cpp].
No service mode found. - Barthax, Nov 2024.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Coinage DIP switch values:
- 0.106-0.137 Coinage: "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "Coin A 1/2 Coin B 2/1" / "Coin A 1/3 Coin B 3/1" / "Coin A 1/4 Coin B 4/1"
- 0.138-0.272 Coinage: "A 1/1 B 1/1" / "A 1/2 B 2/1" / "A 1/3 B 3/1" / "A 1/4 B 4/1"

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: aodk - "Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku"
0.144-0.173: aodk - "Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008)(ADH-008)"
0.174-0.272: aodk - "Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008 ~ ADH-008)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.143u4: Changed description to 'Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008)(ADH-008)'.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008 ~ ADH-008)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.272: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ag...hinkyoku/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14658

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS [neogeo/neogeo.cpp].
SM access logical after playback: Yes.
SM access recordable in INP: Yes.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent COMM Setting DIP switch values and split to COMM Setting (Cabinet No.) + COMM Setting (Link Enable) pair:
0.106-0.129 COMM Setting: Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Cabinet No.): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Link Enable): Off / On
Equivalent Test Switch/Service Mode/Setting Mode DIP switch values:
0.106-0.149 Test Switch: Off / On
0.150 Service Mode: Off / On
0.151-0.272 Setting Mode: Off / On
Equivalent Coin Chutes ? / Cabinet DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Coin Chutes ?: 1? / 2?
0.151-0.272 Cabinet : Normal / VS Mode
Equivalent Autofire (in some games) / Controller DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Autofire (in some games): Off / On
0.151-0.272 Controller: Joystick / Mahjong Panel

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.272: aof3 - "Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.272: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ar...g-ryuuko/mame/
Rules, Fastest Completion [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14663

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS [neogeo/neogeo.cpp].
SM access logical after playback: Yes.
SM access recordable in INP: Yes.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent COMM Setting DIP switch values and split to COMM Setting (Cabinet No.) + COMM Setting (Link Enable) pair:
0.106-0.129 COMM Setting: Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Cabinet No.): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Link Enable): Off / On
Equivalent Test Switch/Service Mode/Setting Mode DIP switch values:
0.106-0.149 Test Switch: Off / On
0.150 Service Mode: Off / On
0.151-0.272 Setting Mode: Off / On
Equivalent Coin Chutes ? / Cabinet DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Coin Chutes ?: 1? / 2?
0.151-0.272 Cabinet : Normal / VS Mode
Equivalent Autofire (in some games) / Controller DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Autofire (in some games): Off / On
0.151-0.272 Controller: Joystick / Mahjong Panel

Default Settings:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: aof - "Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken"
0.144-0.173: aof - "Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044)(NGH-044)"
0.174-0.272: aof - "Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044 ~ NGH-044)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.143u2: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044)(NGH-044)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044 ~ NGH-044)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.272: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ar...o-no-ken/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14661

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS [neogeo/neogeo.cpp].
SM access logical after playback: Yes.
SM access recordable in INP: Yes.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent COMM Setting DIP switch values and split to COMM Setting (Cabinet No.) + COMM Setting (Link Enable) pair:
0.106-0.129 COMM Setting: Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Cabinet No.): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Link Enable): Off / On
Equivalent Test Switch/Service Mode/Setting Mode DIP switch values:
0.106-0.149 Test Switch: Off / On
0.150 Service Mode: Off / On
0.151-0.272 Setting Mode: Off / On
Equivalent Coin Chutes ? / Cabinet DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Coin Chutes ?: 1? / 2?
0.151-0.272 Cabinet : Normal / VS Mode
Equivalent Autofire (in some games) / Controller DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Autofire (in some games): Off / On
0.151-0.272 Controller: Joystick / Mahjong Panel

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: apache3 - "Apache 3"

Resolution, 0.106-0.129: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.130-0.175: 320x240 @ 55.803571Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Apache%203
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41123


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.201: apb - "APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 7)"

MAME History:
- 0.122u5: Atari System 2 driver cleanup [Aaron Giles]: Proper video timing. Full memory maps. Save state support. Removed 720 sound CPU hack in favor of prepopulated EEPROM like the other games. Changed VSync to 60.096154Hz.
- 0.123u4: RasnAckeR improved dipswitch definitions, added DIP locations and simplified input ports in Atari System 2 driver.
- 0.123u4: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 512x384 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.201: 512x384 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ap...bulletin/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=196597
Rules, Points [Currently Not Being Tracked!]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20941


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: appoooh - "Appoooh"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Appoooh
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21444


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: aquajack - "Aqua Jack (World)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Aqua%20Jack%20[World]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11840


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.168: aquarium - "Aquarium (Japan)"
0.169-0.183: aquariumj - "Aquarium (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.169: Funstuff added Aquarium (US). Fixed sound banking using reference video. Fixed video priorities too based on reference video, also fixed bg colour based on WDUD logo in US set. Renamed (aquarium) to (aquariumj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.183: 320x256 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....me=Aquarium%20[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21465


Note: two sets are represented here with the switchover at 0.169.

MAME History:
- 0.169: Funstuff added Aquarium (US). Fixed sound banking using reference video. Fixed video priorities too based on reference video, also fixed bg colour based on WDUD logo in US set. Renamed (aquarium) to (aquariumj).

Aquarium (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.168: aquarium - "Aquarium (Japan)"
0.169-0.183: aquariumj - "Aquarium (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.183: 320x256 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....name=Aquarium+[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21465

Aquarium (US)
Note: this set not currently tracked at TG
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.168: NOT SUPPORTED
0.169-0.183: aquarium - "Aquarium (US)"

Resolution, 0.169-0.183: 320x256 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: arabfgt - "Arabian Fight (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.220: Make the 4 DIPs selectable singularly and added DIP locations [Osso]. Added 4x 'Unknown' dipswitches.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 416x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ar...ht-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21466
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21467
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21468
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21469

Service Mode:
Typical Sega System 32 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode is accessed with Service button (F2). Navigation is performed with the Test button (9) and selection with Service button. Settings are adjusted with P1 Up and P1 Down. Screens have instructions at the bottom.

Default Settings:
The Unknown DIP switches were introduced in MAME 0.220. No DIP switch options existing prior to this.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: arabianm - "Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0O 1992/07/06)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 58.970000 Hz.
- 0.266: Major rewrite [ywy, 12Me21]. Optimized for performance (taito\taito_f3_v.cpp): Changed per-pixed blend Z buffers from array-of-structures to structure-of-arrays. Allow vectorization of line blending operations. Restored empty line optimization by tracking tilemap row use. Consolidate sprite frame buffers (still pulls from it multiple times for each priority group). Rearranged various operations to improve performance [ywy]. Changed VSync to 58.943844 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 58.970001Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.265: 320x224 @ 58.970000Hz
Resolution, 0.266-0.271: 320x224 @ 58.943844Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ar...92-07-06/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21470
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21471
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41124
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41125

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F3 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode can be accessed using the Service button (F2). Navigate with P1 Up and Down. Select menu options with P1 Button 1. Change settings with P1 Left and Right.

Default Settings:
Internal Configuration:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: arabian - "Arabian"

- Arabian 2 Player freezes after player 1's death. Draugr (ID 08436)

MAME History:
- 0.112: Roberto Fresca added DIP locations to the Arabian driver.
- 0.128u2: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches for Arabian and clone. Removed 3rd coin slot.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 256x234 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/arabian/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5188

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2 - this inserts a credit) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A test input screen is presented with the DIP switches displayed in read-only binary format. Two optional modes are hidden in Service Mode.
1) Simultaneously press P1 Start button and P1 Button 1 to display a grid visual test: use the same key combination to exit.
2) Simultaneously press P2 Start button and P1 Button 1 to enter the level display mode which begins with a colour test screen. Used P1 Button 1 on its own to progress through the level screens until returning to the input test screen or use the key combination to exit the mode.

Default Settings:
NOTE: Somewhere between 0.123 & 0.124, the "Carry Bowls To Next Life" DIP was renamed to "Difficulty". "Difficulty = Easy" is the correct translated setting for 0.124 or later.
MAME 0.106: | MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

Comparison of DIP switch settings between 0.123 and 0.124:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: arbalest - "Arbalester"

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Added 'Demo Sounds' dipswitch.
- 0.143u2: Brian Troha implemented coin mode 1 & 2 for Arbalester and added DIP locations. Added 'Licensor Option' dipswitch.
- 0.256: Changed VSync to 57.444853 Hz.
- 0.257: Changed VSync to 60Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.256-0.256: 384x224 @ 57.444853Hz
Resolution, 0.257-0.271: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/arbalester/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11802
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11803

Service Mode:
Typical Seta hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode begins with a test pattern+colour screen. Use P1 Start button to progress past the first screen. The second screen is an input test screen which also displays the DIP switches in binary form at the bottom of the screen (in reverse order to MAME's UI depiction).

Default Settings

From MAME 0.251 after enabling the DIP switch.

Equivalent Licensed To DIP Switch gets split into two dependent options. Licenced To carries four values with Licensor Option choosing the pair used.
0.106-0.143 Licensed To: Taito / Romstar / Jordan
0.144-0.271 Licenced To: Taito / Jordan / Taito / Romstar
0.144-0.271 Licensor Option: Option 1 / Option 2
The 0.143u2 DIP switch changes can be seen below with 0.143 on the left and 0.144 on the right:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: arcadecl - "Arcade Classics (prototype)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 336x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.175: 336x240 @ 59.922743Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....%20Classics%20[Prototype]
Rules, Missile Command II [Points]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21473
Rules, Super Centipede [Points]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21472


ROM set changed: no
0.70-0.141: archrivl - "Arch Rivals (rev 4.0)"
0.142-0.203: archrivl - "Arch Rivals (rev 4.0 6/29/89)" (minor description change)

Resolution, 0.70-0.203: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ar...s-rev-40/mame/
Rules, Biggest Blowout: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41128


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: area51mx - "Area 51 / Maximum Force Duo v2.0"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 360x240 @ 59.922743Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e%20Duo%20v2.0
Rules, Points [Area 51, Single Player]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41131
Rules, Points [Area 51, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41132
Rules, Points [Maximum Force Duo, Single Player]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41133
Rules, Points [Maximum Force Duo, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41134


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: area51 - "Area 51 (R3000)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 360x240 @ 59.922743Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Area%2051%20[R3000]
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41129
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41130

arescue, arescueu

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.200.

MAME History:
- 0.155: ShouTime and The Dumping Union added clone Air Rescue (Japan). Added PCB info [David Haywood]. Changed parent description to 'Air Rescue (US)'.
- 0.163: Properly emulated the double PCB stack System 32 games with shared RAM bridge board (Air Rescue and F1 Exhaust Note). Previously these relied on a hack to make the code believe the 2nd stack was present but this caused issues, now they're correctly emulated as dual screen games without any hack. Allow individual x/y flipping on tilemaps, 2nd screen on Air Rescue needs this [David Haywood]. Added V60 (16107950 Hz) CPU3, Z80 (8053975 Hz) CPU4, 2x YM3438 (8053975 Hz) and RF5C68 (12500000 Hz) sound. Added mainpcb:screen (416x224, 60Hz) and slavepcb:screen (416x224, 60Hz).
- 0.200: Porchy, Muddymusic and The Dumping Union added Air Rescue (World). Renamed (arescue) to (arescueu).
- 0.220: Make the 4 DIPs selectable singularly and added DIP locations [Osso]. Added 4x 'Unknown' dipswitches.

Air Rescue (US)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.154: arescue - "Air Rescue"
0.155-0.199: arescue - "Air Rescue (US)" (minor description change)
0.200-0.255: arescueu - "Air Rescue (US)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.162: 416x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.163-0.255: 2 screens, both 416x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/air-rescue/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24418

Air Rescue (World)
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.200.

0.200-0.255: arescue - "Air Rescue (World)"

Resolution, 0.200-0.255: 2 screens, both 416x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Sega System 32 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed by using the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with the Test Button (9), selection is with the Service Mode button (F2). Screens have instructions at the bottom.

Default Settings:
The Unknown DIP switches were introduced in MAME 0.220. No DIP switch options existing prior to this.
| | |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: argusg - "Argus (Gottlieb, prototype)"

MAME History:
- 0.125u3: Added dipswitches 'SW5', 'SW7' and 'SW8'.
- 0.126u2: Added includes\gottlieb.h. Began Gottlieb driver cleanup [Aaron Giles]: Converted palette calculations to resistor weights. Correct video timing. Reduced the number of separate machine drivers. Fixed incorrect spriteram sizes. Populated full memory maps for the main CPU and the rev 1 sound board. More to come. Changed the 6532 RIOT device into a proper device. Rewrote the logic to be simpler and leverage the new attotime functions. Changed the I/O port setters to specify a mask, and changed the I/O port callbacks to pass in the previous value. Converted audio\gottlieb.c to use the new RIOT implementation instead of rolling their own. Changed VSync to 61.419025 Hz. Added dipswitches 'Sound Test' and 6x 'Unknown'.
- 0.143u8: Various Gottlieb driver fixes [Tafoid]: Verified through playtesting, manuals and in-game service modes all DIPs in the driver. Consolidated and added DIP locations based on all available information.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 256x240 @ 61.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.260: 256x240 @ 61.419025Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ar...rototype/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21474

Service Mode:
Typical Gottlieb hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch. Navigation is with quick-release use of the Service Select (F1) button, selection is with long-hold of the Service Select button. The Service Select button is used to exit options and return to the next option highlighted on the main menu, thus the full set of Service Mode options can be visited with repeated use of long-hold Service Select only.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.126:
MAME 0.127:
MAME 0.144:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.181: argus - "Argus"

Resolution, 0.106-0.181: 256x224 @ 54.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Argus
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11804

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Kanikani fixed service switch (was defined to port that does not exist) and DIP locations order in Argus.

NOTE: along with DIP location change at 0.133u1, difficulty labels also change as follows (*=default)...
0.106-127: Easy / *Medium / Hard / Hardest
0.128-133: Easy / *Normal / Hard / Hardest
0.133u1-181: Easy / *Normal / Medium Difficult / Difficult


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.154: arkanoid - "Arkanoid (World)"
0.155-0.169: arkanoid - "Arkanoid (World, oldest rev)"
0.170-0.207: arkanoid - "Arkanoid (World, older)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.155: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.207: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/arkanoid-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Normal Setting]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21476
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41127

NOTE: Difficulty options appear to have always been Easy/Hard. Rules require "Normal", not sure where that came from.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: arkarea - "Ark Area"

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.250: 256x192 @ 59.610000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ark-area/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21475
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41126

Note: Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the Service Mode DIP switch or via Service button (9) which toggles the DIP switch with each use. A reset must be used to enter Service Mode and therefore cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Selection is with P1 Start button, some options require a reset to exit but otherwise progress with P1 Start button.

Default Settings:
From MAME 0.250 after turning off Service Mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: arknoid2 - "Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (World)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....%20of%20DOH%20[World]
Rules, Points [Normal Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9237
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41136

arkretrnj, arkretrn

Note: this represented two arkretrn sets which switchover at 0.148u4.

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 58.970000 Hz.
- 0.148u4: Sonic, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02O 1997/02/10). Renamed (arkretrn) to (arkretrnj).
- 0.266: Major rewrite [ywy, 12Me21]. Optimized for performance (taito\taito_f3_v.cpp): Changed per-pixed blend Z buffers from array-of-structures to structure-of-arrays. Allow vectorization of line blending operations. Restored empty line optimization by tracking tilemap row use. Consolidate sprite frame buffers (still pulls from it multiple times for each priority group). Rearranged various operations to improve performance [ywy]. Changed VSync to 58.943844 Hz.

Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02J 1997/02/10)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.148: arkretrn - "Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02J 1997/02/10)"
0.149-0.271: arkretrnj - "Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02J 1997/02/10)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.265: 320x232 @ 58.970000Hz
Resolution, 0.266-0.271: 320x232 @ 58.943844Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ar...97-02-10/mame/
Rules, Points [Normal Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21477
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41135

Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02O 1997/02/10)
Note: this set is not currently represented on TG
0.106-0.148: NOT SUPPORTED
0.149-0.271: arkretrn - "Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02O 1997/02/10)"

Resolution, 0.149-0.265: 320x232 @ 58.970000Hz
Resolution, 0.266-0.271: 320x232 @ 58.943844Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F3 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode can be accessed using the Service button (F2). Navigate with P1 Up and Down. Select menu options with P1 Button 1. Change settings with P1 Left and Right.

Default Settings:
Ver 2.02O 1997/02/10: | Ver 2.02J 1997/02/10:

armedff, armedf

Note: two sets are represented by armedf with the change over at 0.138.

MAME History:
- 0.138: Takahiro Nogi added Armed Formation. Changed 'Armed Formation' to clone 'Armed Formation (Fillmore license)'. Renamed (armedf) to (armedff).
- 0.216: Changed description to 'Armed Formation (Japan)'.
- 0.217: Changed visible area to 224x320 and VSync to 59.082013 Hz.
- 0.222: Correct game title (see https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/?pa...d=4507&image=1) [J.J.Boy, hap]. Fixed the resolution difference from PCB [Sasuke]. Changed visible area to 240x320. Changed description to 'Armed F (Japan)' and clone (Fillmore license) to 'Armed F (Fillmore license)'.

Armed Formation (Fillmore license)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.137: armedf - "Armed Formation"
0.138-0.221: armedff - "Armed Formation (Fillmore license)"
0.222-0.250: armedff - "Armed F (Fillmore license)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.216: 320x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.217-0.221: 320x224 @ 59.082013Hz
Resolution, 0.222-0.250: 320x240 @ 59.082013Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/armed-formation/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10092

Armed Formation (Nichibutsu)
Note: this set not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no.
0.106-0.137: NOT SUPPORTED
0.138-0.215: armedf - "Armed Formation"
0.216-0.221: armedf - "Armed Formation (Japan)"
0.222-0.250: armedf - "Armed F (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.138-0.216: 320x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.217-0.221: 320x224 @ 59.082013Hz
Resolution, 0.222-0.250: 320x240 @ 59.082013Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Nichibutsu "Armed F"-style hardware BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the (fake?) DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2). The only screen in Service Mode is an input test screen (with scrolling test pattern). Settings shown are not interactive but will immediately reflect any change to the DIP switches.

Default Settings:
Taken from MAME 0.250.
armedf: | armedff:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling service mode:
armedf: | armedff:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: armora - "Armor Attack"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: vector @ 38.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Armor%20Attack
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7675


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: armorcar - "Armored Car (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.255: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mored%20Car%20[Set%201]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9818


ROM set change: no
0.106-0.265: armwarr1 - "Armored Warriors (Euro 941011)"

MAME History:
- 0.110u2: David Haywood added support for using CHDs to decrypt CPS2 games. This code is disabled for the moment, but will be enabled in the future. Only a handful of games have complete tables so far. These tables are huge (~4GB) and uncompressable until the encryption algorithm is understood.- 0.110u3: David Haywood added raw decryption table to choko. Enabled the use of the large CHD-based tables by default.
- 0.110u4: CPS2 updates [David Haywood]: Added table for Jyangokushi (from Guru). Note that GFX/Sound roms aren't dumped on this one. Removed old 'handcrafted' XORs for games which we have CHDs for and replaced them with XORs generated from MAME using the CHD. This means anyone with the CHD can easily generate the XORs (using the code I've left in there) if they need to be able to run the games with a shorter startup time. Disabled the loading of the XORs by default for all sets with a CHD. Now only the CHD is loaded, unless the #define is changed at the top in which case only the XORs generated from the CHD are loaded.
- 0.111u3: Added machine\cps2crpt.c. Andreas Naive and Nicola Salmoria replaced CPS2 CHDs with preliminary decryption function.
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.633333 Hz.
- 0.127u1: Derived CPS2 video timing based on measurements. These are educated guesses. The logic behind the derivations is shown in the source. Fixes the disappearing volume bar in the test menu for msh, mshvsf, xmvsf, xmcota and nwarr for sound and voice [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params. Added DSP pin info from Guru [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.259: Support for CPS2 debug dipswitches: Initial working version. Fixed incorrect mapping in memory by using a custom read handler, cleaned up unnecessary port conditions and vetter comments. Moved read handler directly into the map segment and renamed hardware type device tag. Correct accidentally moved line break. Switched from native array usage to optional_ioport_array [Damian Rogers]. Changed DSW setting order in UI from on-off to off-on [hap].

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.265: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ar...o-941011/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11896
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11899
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11907
Rules, Points[Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=258303
Rules, Yellow Wizard Special - 1 Hour [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=264347
Rules, Yellow Wizard Special - 1 Hour [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=264348
Rules, Yellow Wizard Special - 1 Hour [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=264341
Rules, Yellow Wizard Special - 1 Hour [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=264349

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-2 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. Action options are given in the instructions at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
System Configuration:
Game Configuration:

No DIP switches available prior to MAME 0.259. MAME 0.259 exposes a production/development option.
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
MAME 0.259: |

MAME 0.259 Development Mode:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.212: armwrest - "Arm Wrestling"

Resolution, 0.106: 256x448 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.212: 2 screens, both 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/arm-wrestling/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10093


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.194: ashnojoe - "Ashita no Joe (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.194: 288x208 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/ashita-no-joe-japan/mame/
Rules, Fastest Completion: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=131867

ashuraj, ashura

Note: two ROM sets are represented by ashura with the changeover at 0.131.

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Added 'Cabinet' dipswitch.
- 0.131: Tirino73 added Ashura Blaster (World). Renamed (ashura) to (ashuraj).
- 0.143u3: Major Taito B input port restructure [Brian Troha]. Fixed several incorrect dipswitches and coinage settings. Made use of PORT_INCLUDE and PORT_MODIFY for regional sets to add correct regional coinage as needed. Added DIP locations to all sets in the driver.

Ashura Blaster (Japan)
ROM Set changes: YES
0.106-0.130: ashura - "Ashura Blaster (Japan)"
0.131-0.271: ashuraj - "Ashura Blaster (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.271: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/as...er-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10689
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10690

Ashura Blaster (World)
Note: this set not represented on TG yet.
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.130: NOT SUPPORTED
0.131-0.271: ashura - "Ashura Blaster (World)"

Resolution, 0.131-0.271: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Taito B BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A test screen appears initially and can be progressed with P1 Start button. The second screen is an input test screen with DIP switches shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:
Note: no impact from 0.143u3 DIP switch update found. - Barthax, Nov 2024.
MAME 0.250:

Note: the DIP switches are reversed visually when comparing the in-game and MAME UI interfaces. DIP switch 1's Service Mode is at position 2 in the game's visual. From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: aso - "ASO - Armored Scrum Object"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 288x216 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Scrum%20Object
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11805


ROM set changed:
0.106-0.152: assault - "Assault"
0.153-0.250: assault - "Assault (Rev B)" (minor description change)

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.153: Changed description to 'Assault (Rev B)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/assault/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24421

Service Mode:
Typical Namco NS-2 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). A series of screens can be transitioned with the Test (9) button. The Game Options screen can be interacted with using P1 Up and Down for navigation and P1 Left and Right to change values.

Default Setting:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.107: astdelux - "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)"
0.108-0.260: astdelux - "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)"

MAME History:
- 0.107u4: Added clone Asteroids Deluxe (rev 1). Changed parent description to 'Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)' and clone (rev 1) to 'Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)'. Renamed (astdelu1) to (astdelu2).
In MAME 0.107 and earlier, "rev 2" was actually "rev 3" all along.
- 0.108u5: Mathis Rosenhauer rewrote the Atari vector generators, using the schematics and actual state machine PROMs. The state machine is now emulated so timing should be much more realistic. Clipping hardware in bzone and others is emulated instead of hardcoded. Improved accuracy of clocks and various other bits of cleanup. Changed M6502 CPU and POKEY sound clock speeds to 1512000 Hz and visible area to 1045x801. Added PROM ($0 - DVG PROM).
- 0.121u3: Changed visible area to 1045x789.
- 0.123u2: RansAckeR added DIP locations to Asteroids Deluxe.
- 0.153: Derive (fake) refresh rate from CPU IRQ frequency to reduce juddering [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 61.523438 Hz.
- 0.195: Use 74LS153 device for dipswitches [Dirk Best].
- 0.198: Configure all lamp/LED outputs as line callbacks. Added cocktail configuration that flips screen for 2nd Player [AJR].
- 0.199: Documented Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3) changes and correct 'Difficulty' dipswitch [Brian Troha].

Resolution, 0.106-0.152: vector @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.260: vector @ 61.523438Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/as...xe-rev-2/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7676

The rules were written to reflect MAME 0.106. MAME 0.106 had an "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)" in ROM set astdelux: so if this is what the OP has submitted then it is correct.
In MAME 0.107u4 this set was renamed (description only) to be "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)" after rev 1 was added to MAME:
- 0.107u4: Added clone Asteroids Deluxe (rev 1). Changed parent description to 'Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)' and clone (rev 1) to 'Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)'. Renamed (astdelu1) to (astdelu2).
So from MAME 0.107 the rules (as written from the perspective of 0.106) were referring to the Asteroid Deluxe rev 3 in 0.107 and beyond.
The MAME rules were then incorrectly changed, for a time, because the description was followed, not the ROM set:

> mame106.exe -listcrc astdelux | grep "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)" | sort
0dcc0be6 036433.03 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
6d720c41 036432.02 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
7d511572 036799.01 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
97953db8 034602.bin Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
a4d7a525 036430.02 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
bb8cabe1 036800.02 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
d4004aae 036431.02 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)

> mame250.exe -listcrc astdelux | sort
0dcc0be6 036433-03.j1 astdelux Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)
6d720c41 036432-02.fh1 astdelux Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)
7d511572 036799-01.np2 astdelux Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)
97953db8 034602-01.c8 astdelux Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)
a4d7a525 036430-02.d1 astdelux Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)
bb8cabe1 036800-02.r2 astdelux Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)
d4004aae 036431-02.ef1 astdelux Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)

The current astdelux2 is not the same:
> mame250.exe -listcrc astdelux2 | sort
157a8516 036431-01.ef1 astdelux2 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
3b597407 036800-01.r2 astdelux2 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
7d511572 036799-01.np2 astdelux2 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
8f5dabc6 036430-01.d1 astdelux2 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
97953db8 034602-01.c8 astdelux2 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
d8db74e3 036433-02.j1 astdelux2 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)
fdea913c 036432-01.fh1 astdelux2 Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)

Service Mode:
Typical Atari Asteroids hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using the Service Mode button (F2). A pair of numbers at the top represent the DIP switch configuration: the top number represents the L8 DIP switch with the second number representing the R5 DIP switch. The number of ships is given pictorally and the bonus life setting is given numerically.

Default Settings:
Note that 0.199 correctly identified the Difficulty DIP switch. For 0.198 and prior the "Hard" setting was actually "Easy".
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.124:
MAME 0.195:
MAME 0.198: |
0.198 - Machine Configuration added. Difficulty still wrong.
MAME 0.199:
0.199: - Difficulty label fixed.
MAME 0.250: |

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

astdelux on MAME 0.106

# MAME 0.106 source snippets [asteroid.c]

GAME( 1980, astdelux, 0,        astdelux, astdelux, astdelux, ROT0, "Atari", "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)", 0 )

/* Bit 2 and 3 are handled in the machine dependent part. */
/* Bit 2 is the 3 KHz source and Bit 3 the VG_HALT bit */


PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x00, DEF_STR( Language ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x00, DEF_STR( English ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x01, DEF_STR( German ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x02, DEF_STR( French ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x03, DEF_STR( Spanish ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0c, 0x04, DEF_STR( Lives ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x00, "2-4" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x04, "3-5" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x08, "4-6" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x0c, "5-7" )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x00, "Minimum plays" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x00, "1" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x10, "2" )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x00, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0xc0, 0x00, DEF_STR( Bonus_Life ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x00, "10000" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x40, "12000" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x80, "15000" )

PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x01, DEF_STR( Coinage ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x03, DEF_STR( Free_Play ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0c, 0x0c, "Right Coin" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x00, "*6" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x04, "*5" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x08, "*4" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x0c, "*1" )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, "Center Coin" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x00, "*2" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x10, "*1" )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0xe0, 0x80, "Bonus Coins" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x60, "1 each 5" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0x80, "2 each 4" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0xa0, "1 each 4" )
PORT_DIPSETTING ( 0xc0, "1 each 2" )

Resolution: vector @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/as...xe-rev-2/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7676

ROMSet: AstDelux
Lives: 3-5
Minimum Plays: 1
Difficulty: Hard
Bonus Life: 10,000

Sample correct TG:
DSW1: offset 0x2B, repeat every 0x7C, typical value 0x04
- DSW1: 0x03 (Language): [not relevant]
- DSW1: 0x0c (Lives): 0x04 (3-5)
- DSW1: 0x10 (Minimum Plays): 0x00 (1)
- DSW1: 0x20 (Difficulty): 0x00 (Hard)
- DSW1: 0xc0 (Bonus_Life): 0x00 (10000)

    20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 04 00 00 00 9D
A0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 9D 00 00 00 00
120: 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 9D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: asterix - "Asterix (ver EAD)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/asterix-ver-ead/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21478
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21479

Service Mode:
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.132: asteroid - "Asteroids (rev 2)"
0.132u2-0.206: asteroid2 - "Asteroids (rev 2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.152: vector @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.206: vector @ 61.523438Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/asteroids-rev-2/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=12447
Rules, Points [TG Extreme Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10094
Rules, "Stand Your Ground Challenge": https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=219032


Note: there are two sets represented by asteroid with the changeover at 0.132u2.

MAME History:
- 0.132u2: Andy Welburn and Dumping Union added Asteroids (rev 4). Renamed (asteroid) to (asteroi2).

Asteroid, Rev 2
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.132: asteroid - "Asteroids (rev 2)"
0.132u2-0.206: asteroid2 - "Asteroids (rev 2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.152: vector @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.206: vector @ 61.523438Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/asteroids-rev-2/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=12447
Rules, Points [TG Extreme Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10094
Rules, "Stand Your Ground Challenge": https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=219032

Asteroid, Rev 4
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.132u2.
0.132u2-0.206: asteroid - "Asteroids (rev 4)"

Resolution, 0.133-0.152: vector @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.206: vector @ 61.523438Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/asteroids-rev-4/mame/
Rules, TGTS: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=132358


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.184: astinvad - "Astro Invader"

Resolution, 0.106-0.184: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=Astro+Invader
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7677


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.137: astorm3 - "Alien Storm (set 3, World, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0148)"
0.138-0.165: astorm3 - "Alien Storm (World, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0148)"
0.166-0.272: astorm3 - "Alien Storm (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0148)"

MAME History:
- 0.113: Ruben added DIP locations to the Segas18 driver.
- 0.133u1: Corrado Tomaselli verified/changed VSync to 57.23 Hz in the Segas18 driver.
- 0.143u8: Added includes\segaipt.h. Kanikani fixed DIPSW and DIP locations in Segas18 driver.
- 0.220: Approved default DIPs. Fixed Coin1 & 2 mapping in common mode [Angelo Salese].

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.272: 320x224 @ 57.230000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/al...317-0148/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21279
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21280
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21281

Service Mode:
Standard Sega System 18 BIOS [sega/segas18.cpp].
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by accessed by the Service button (F2). Navigation is with the Test button (9) and selection with the Service Button.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Coin A & Coin B DIP switch values (commas added for legibility). Note: Coin A refers to Coin B and vice versa:
≡ 0.106-0.143 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 5/3 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 2/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 5/6" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"
≡ 0.144-0.272 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 5/3, 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 5/6" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 2/3" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.113:
MAME 0.144:
MAME 0.220:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.205: astrob - "Astro Blaster (version 3)"

- 0.122u8: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.107: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.108-0.113: 256x224 @ 59.998135Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.196: 256x224 @ 59.998138Hz
Resolution, 0.197-0.205: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/as...ersion-3/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7678

Default setting for "Unknown" DIPs was changed to "Off" at about 0.108, but these DIPs were later renamed to Unused at 0.122u8, which makes the "Unknown: ON [All]" rule settings moot.
Contrary to the TG "Special Rules", an extra ship is NOT awarded at 10,000 Points!


ROM changed: no.
0.106-0.271: astrob1 - "Astro Blaster (version 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.107u3: Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3867000 Hz, VSync to 59.998135 Hz and palettesize from 65 to 64 colors. Changed region cpu2 to sound1. Fixed rom names.
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.998138 Hz.
- 0.197: Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3867120 Hz and VSync to 60Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.106: 224x256 @ 60.000000Hz;
Resolution, 0.107-0.107: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz;
Resolution, 0.108-0.113: 256x224 @ 59.998135Hz;
Resolution, 0.114-0.196: 256x224 @ 59.998138Hz;
Resolution, 0.197-0.271: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz;

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/as...ersion-3/mame/ (yes, this is for other versions other than 3 also)
Rules, Points [Any Version]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=265355


ROM set change:
0.106-0.250: astrof - "Astro Fighter (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 240x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.122: 256x248 @ 59.948171Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.250: 256x256 @ 56.308461Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/as...er-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7679

Service Mode:
No service mode.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.232: astyanax - "The Astyanax"
0.233-0.260: astyanax - "The Astyanax (EPROM version)"

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Massive dipswitch update to the Mega System 1 driver [Brian Troha, Guru, Yasuhiro Ogawa].
- 0.129u1: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.
- 0.169: [...] MegaSys1 apparently runs at 56.18Hz, based on video references, this is the same as NMK16 [David Haywood]. [...] Changed VSync to 56.191350 or 56.18 Hz.
- 0.233: Ace added clone The Astyanax (mask ROM version). Changed parent description to 'The Astyanax (EPROM version)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.168: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.169-0.260: 256x224 @ 56.191350Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/the-astyanax/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120368
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120369

Service Mode:
Typical Jaleco Mega System 1 BIOS.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. A representation of the DIP switches is shown during boot up. No other service mode found - Barthax, Nov 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.107:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


See https://www.twingalaxies.com/admin-s...5#comment87449 ! Repeated again: https://www.twingalaxies.com/admin-s...3#comment98453

Note: three ROM sets are represented here due to confusion over naming with the changeovers at 0.115u4 and 0.237.

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Added 'Bonus Life' and removed 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 6th June 2007: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Asuka & Asuka (Japan). Original Japan PCB.
- 0.115u4: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Asuka & Asuka (Japan). Changed parent description to 'Asuka & Asuka (World)'.
- 0.123u3: RansAckeR added DIP locations to Asuka & Asuka.
- 0.237: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added clone Asuka & Asuka (Japan, version 1). Renamed (asukaj) to (asukaja).

Asuka & Asuka (World)
ROM set changed: no but was incorrectly labeled as (Japan) within MAME.
0.106-0.115: asuka - "Asuka & Asuka (Japan)"
0.116-0.260: asuka - "Asuka & Asuka (World)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.260: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/as...ka-japan/mame/ - should actually be (World) set...
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11806
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11807

Asuka & Asuka (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes; changed in 0.237
0.106-0.115: NOT SUPPORTED
0.116-0.236: asukaj - "Asuka & Asuka (Japan)"
0.237-0.260: asukaja - "Asuka & Asuka (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.116-0.260: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

[not yet supported]

Asuka & Asuka (Japan, version 1)
ROM set changed: yes; changed in 0.237
0.106-0.236: NOT SUPPORTED
0.237-0.260: asukaj - "Asuka & Asuka (Japan, version 1)"

Resolution, 0.237-0.260: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

[not yet supported]

Service Mode:
Typical Taito/Visco "Asuka & Asuka"-style hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. An initial test pattern appears and can be progressed using P1 Start button. It is followed by an input test screen with DIP switch details listed as H/L indications.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.107:
MAME 0.124:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: asurabld - "Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106: 320x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.175: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....f%20Dynasty%20[Japan]
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21480


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: asylum - "Asylum (prototype)"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-asylum.bin EEPROM.

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/as...rototype/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21481
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41140
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41141

Service Mode:
Typical Cinematronics Leland BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed by holding P1 Start button and then using the Service Mode button (F2) - release both once activated. Navigation is performed with P1 Button 1. Selection is performed with P1 Button 2. Instructions are given on screen.

Default Settings:
Game Set-Up:
Note: no DIP switches or Machine Configuration options in the MAME user interface:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: atetris - "Tetris (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.114u2: Aaron Giles and Couriersud added more accurate video timing to most of the Atari 68000-era games. The parameters are from published specs, not derived. The board uses an SOS-2 chip to generate video signals. Changed VSync to 59.922743 Hz.
- 0.123u4: RasnAckeR improved dipswitch definitions, added DIP locations and simplified input ports in Atari Tetris. Added dipswitches 'Freeze Step' and 2x 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 336x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.260: 336x240 @ 59.922743Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/tetris-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7878

Service Mode:
Typical Atari Tetris hardware.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2) and then requires waiting for it to become available (no reset required). Change screens using the Player 1 Button 1 (which the game refers to as Player 1 Start). Navigate with Player 1 Left/Right/Down (not Up). Toggle settings with Player 1 Left/Right.

Default Settings:
Game Options:
Coin Options:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.124:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: athena - "Athena"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 288x216 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Athena
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11808


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: atlantis - "Battle of Atlantis (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.175: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....%20Atlantis%20[Set%201]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10460


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.194: atomicp - "Atomic Point (Korea)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.194: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/at...nt-korea/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11809


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.165: aurail - "Aurail (set 3, US, unprotected)"
0.166-0.175: aurail - "Aurail (set 3, US) (unprotected)" (very minor description change)

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....name=Aurail%20[Set%203,%20US,%20Unprotected]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7680


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.209: avalnche - "Avalanche"

Resolution, 0.106-0.199: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.200-0.209: 256x240 @ 60.114504Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/avalanche/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9838

avengers, avengersc

Note: two ROM sets represented here with the changeover at 0.246.

MAME History:
- 0.246: anonymous added Avengers (US, revision C) and clone Avengers (US). Correct rom labels for Avengers sets [Brian Troha]. Added info on the Avengers protection chip. Note: The protection chip underneath the sound module. Needs dumping. The protection is extensive: Palette data, calculates player movement and even a hand in the sound. The angle/movement stuff isn't 100% accurate either [simzy39]. Added NO_DUMP placeholder for MCU [hap]. Changed (US set 1) to clone 'Avengers (US, unknown revision)' and clones (US set 2) to 'Avengers (US, revision A)' and (Japan) to 'Hissatsu Buraiken (Japan, revision A)'. Renamed (avengers) to (avengersc) and (avengers2) to (avengersa).

Avengers (US set 1) / (US, unknown revision)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.245: avengers - "Avengers (US set 1)"
0.246-0.255: avengersc - "Avengers (US, unknown revision)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/av...us-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11810
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11908

Avengers (US, revision C)
Note: not currently tracked on TG
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.246.
0.246-0.255: avengers - "Avengers (US, revision C)"

Resolution, 0.246-0.255: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom "Lethal Wings"-style hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the Service Mode DIP switch which can be toggled by the Service button (F2). A reset must be used to enter Service Mode and therefore cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode presents read-only visualisation of the DIP switches and input testing only.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP Switch.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.194: avengrgs - "Avengers In Galactic Storm (US)"
0.195-0.214: avengrgs - "Avengers In Galactic Storm (US/Europe 1.0)"

- 0.195: Changed description to 'Avengers In Galactic Storm (US/Europe 1.0)' and clone (Japan) to 'Avengers In Galactic Storm (Japan 1.2)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.214: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/av...storm-us/mame/
Rules, Points [Story Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24422
Rules, Points [VS Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=32347

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: avspirit - "Avenging Spirit"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....nging%20Spirit
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11811


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.266: avsp - "Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520)"
0.267-0.268: avsp - "Alien vs. Predator (Europe 940520)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.633333 Hz.
- 0.127u1: Derived CPS2 video timing based on measurements. These are educated guesses. The logic behind the derivations is shown in the source. Fixes the disappearing volume bar in the test menu for msh, mshvsf, xmvsf, xmcota and nwarr for sound and voice [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params. Added DSP pin info from Guru [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.259: Support for CPS2 debug DIP switches: Initial working version. Fixed incorrect mapping in memory by using a custom read handler, cleaned up unnecessary port conditions and vetter comments. Moved read handler directly into the map segment and renamed hardware type device tag. Correct accidentally moved line break. Switched from native array usage to optional_ioport_array [Damian Rogers]. Changed dsw setting order in UI from on-off to off-on [hap].
- 0.267: Changed description to 'Alien vs. Predator (Europe 940520)' and clone (Euro 940520 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) to 'Alien vs. Predator (Europe 940520 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.268: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/al...o-940520/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10089
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15335
Rules, 3 Players Team: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=131855

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-2 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. Action options are given in the instructions at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
System Configuration:
Game Configuration:

No DIP switches available prior to MAME 0.259. MAME 0.259 exposes a production/development option.
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
MAME 0.259: |

MAME 0.259 Development Mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: aztarac - "Aztarac"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: vector @ 40.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/aztarac/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10095

Service Mode:
Service Mode is entered using the Service Mode button (F2). Two test screens can be progressed passed using the Service Mode button. A series of settings can be configured on the third screen, cycling through each setting with P1 Button 1 and adjustments made with the Right Analog input's incrementor (Z).

Default Settings:
| | | | |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: azurian - "Azurian Attack"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.175: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....urian%20Attack
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10464
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