1. Game
  2. MAME History, "D" ROM sets

This page is a chapter in 'Game Exploring MAME history for TG rules'

A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: dacholer - "Dacholer"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Dacholer
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55842

daioha, daioh

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changover at 0.146u3.

MAME History:
- 0.146u3: Roman Grantovskiy added Daioh (set 1). Correct the rom names (as per pic) for the new Daioh set. Changed Daioh to clone 'Daioh (set 2)'. Renamed (daioh) to (daioha).
- 0.154: Verify clocks and fix refresh rate for Daioh [trap15]. Changed VSync to 57.42 Hz.
- 0.160: CoolMod and trap15 added clone Daioh (prototype). Minor fixes [Brian Troha]. Changed parent description to 'Daioh' and clone (set 2) to 'Daioh (earlier)'.

Daioh (set 2) / (earlier)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.146: daioh - "Daioh"
0.147-0.159: daioha - "Daioh (set 2)"
0.160-0.272: daioha - "Daioh (earlier)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.153: 384x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.154-0.272: 384x240 @ 57.420000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/daioh/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26071
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26072

Daioh (set 1)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.146u3.
0.147-0.159: daioh - "Daioh (set 1)"
0.160-0.272: daioh - "Daioh"

Resolution, 0.147-0.153: 384x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.154-0.272: 384x240 @ 57.420000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical early Seta hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode is a set of screens. Use P1 Start button to progress past the initial screen(s). The final screen is an input test screen which also displays the DIP switches in binary form at the bottom of the screen.

Defaul Settings:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: daiskiss - "Daisu-Kiss (ver JAA)"

MAME History:
- 0.125u6: KonamiGX frequency tweaks [Yasuhiro Ogawa]: Set screen refresh rate to 58Hz (parameters from developer manual are not 100% correct). Removed sound CPU clock hack. Changed 68000 CPU2 clock speed to 8MHz.
- 0.125u7: GX era hardware [Yasuhiro Ogawa]: Update video parameters to use actual values written to the CCU. Changed VSync to 59.185606.

Resolution, 0.106-0.125: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.255: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...-ver-jaa/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55843

Service Mode:
Standard Konami GX BIOS.
Has both hardware DIP switches and internal software service mode. Hardware DIP switches will reflect the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. All other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode is access using the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
Internal Configuration: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: daitorid - "Daitoride"

Resolution, 0.106-0.144: 320x224 @ 58.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.146: 320x240 @ 59.922743Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.175: 320x224 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....name=Daitoride
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55844

dangarbt, dangarb, dangar2, dangar

Note: multiple ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.175.

MAME History:
- 0.138u2: Tafoid updated the Galivan driver with DIP locations and verified setting via Service Mode. Added comments about missing text layer in Ninja Emaki and flagged those sets with missing protection emulation.
- 0.146u5: Changed description to 'Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986)' and clones (9/26/1986) to 'Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986)' and (bootleg) to 'Ufo Robo Dangar (bootleg)'.
- 0.175: ShouTime and The Dumping Union added Ufo Robo Dangar (4/07/1987) and clone (9/26/1986, Japan). Added protection notes to clone Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, Japan) [Angelo Salese]. Renamed (dangar) to (dangara), (dangarb) to (dangarbt) and (dangar2) to (dangarb). Fixed rom names.
- 0.198: Rewrote NB1412M2 protection into a device. Fixed NB1412M2 protection in clone Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, Japan) - Game now playable. Use parent sound rom, dangarj rom is half size dumped. Note: Game has unemulated protection at I/Os 0x80-1 for missing sprites. This is a Nichibutsu 1412M2, which is the same chip used in TerraCresta and Cop01 driver. The protection here is used for a code snippet at 0xf9c0, that of course is the sprite handling. The code snippet is sum8 with 0x27 at 0x9d74 so no, the later Dangar US version snippet doesn't work [Angelo Salese]. Changed description of clones (9/26/1986) to 'Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, bootleg set 1)' and (bootleg) to 'Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, bootleg set 2)'.
- 0.217: Added hide text layer support and fixed text color attributes. This fixes missing black screen between areas (black hole warp) in dangar, some text colors in dangar and galivan and corrupt title logo in dangar. Adjusted DAC gain compared with PCB movies. Fixed dusts in lower left (video\galivan.cpp). This is for hide custom chip communication [Sasuke]. Major video config cleanups. Converted to screen.set_raw() parameters. Added IRQ acknowledge signal [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.949642 Hz.
- 0.250: Changed description to 'Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987)'.

Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.146: dangar - "Dangar - Ufo Robo (12/1/1986)"
0.147-0.174: dangar - "Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986)"
0.175-0.265: dangara - "Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.216: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.217-0.265: 256x224 @ 59.949642Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...-1211986/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10139

Ufo Robo Dangar (4/07/1987)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set change: no. Added in 0.175.
0.175-0.249: dangar - "Ufo Robo Dangar (4/07/1987)"
0.250-0.265: dangar - "Ufo Robo Dangar (4/09/1987)" (description correction)

Resolution, 0.175-0.216: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.217-0.265: 256x224 @ 59.949642Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, bootleg set 1)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes.
0.106-0.146: dangar2 - "Dangar - Ufo Robo (9/26/1986)"
0.147-0.174: dangar2 - "Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986)"
0.175-0.196: dangarb - "Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986)"
0.197-0.265: dangarb - "Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, bootleg set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.216: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.217-0.265: 256x224 @ 59.949642Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, bootleg set 2)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes.
0.106-0.146: dangarb - "Dangar - Ufo Robo (bootleg)"
0.147-0.174: dangarb - "Ufo Robo Dangar (bootleg)"
0.175-0.196: dangarbt - "Ufo Robo Dangar (bootleg)"
0.197-0.265: dangarbt - "Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, bootleg set 2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.216: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.217-0.265: 256x224 @ 59.949642Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.222: dangerz - "Danger Zone"
0.223-0.260: dangerz - "Danger Zone (rev 2)"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-dangerz.bin EEPROM.
- 0.223: Identified Danger Zone as REV 2, correct rom labels and updated documentation [Brian Troha]. Changed description to 'Danger Zone (rev 2)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.260: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/danger-zone/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55845

Service Mode:
Typical Cinematronics Leland BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed using the combination of P1 Start button (1) and the Service Test button (9). Navigation is with P1 Start button with selection made with P2 Start button (2).

Default Settings:
Game Set-Up:
Note: no DIP switches or Machine Configuration options in the MAME user interface:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.202: dangseed - "Dangerous Seed (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.152: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.202: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...ed-japan/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10842

NOTE: This game has both DIPs & internal settings covered by the rules. If not shown during playback, press F2 to access & check internal settings afterwards.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.232: daraku - "Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels"
0.233-0.250: daraku - "The Fallen Angels (World) / Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-daraku.bin EEPROM.
- 0.165: Renamed 'Debug' dipswitch to 'Tilt (Enables Debug Mode)'.
- 0.233: Changed description to 'The Fallen Angels (World) / Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels (Japan)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...n-angels/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26078

Service Mode:
Typical early Psikyo Hitachi SH-2 hardware BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection/change is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
EEPROM added at 0.136 seems to have no effect on Internal Settings.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: darius2 - "Darius II (Japan)"
0.144-0.265: darius2 - "Darius II (triple screen) (Japan)" (minor description change)

MAME History:
- 0.106u8: Aaron Giles triple screen support (3x 288x224) to Darius II.
- 0.143u8: Kanikani fixed DIPSW. Added 'Difficulty Enhancement' dipswitch. Changed description to 'Darius II (triple screen) (Japan)'.

Resolution, 0.106: 864x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.265: 3 screens, each 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/darius-ii-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26079
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26080

Service Mode:
Typical Taito Triple Screen Games.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2). Service Mode begins with a grid test screen which is exited using P1 Start Button. That leads to the read-only input test screen.

Default Settings:
From MAME 0.250 with the Service Mode DIP Switch enabled.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: dariusg - "Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5O 1994/09/19)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 58.970000 Hz.
- 0.266: Major rewrite [ywy, 12Me21]. Optimized for performance (taito\taito_f3_v.cpp): Changed per-pixed blend Z buffers from array-of-structures to structure-of-arrays. Allow vectorization of line blending operations. Restored empty line optimization by tracking tilemap row use. Consolidate sprite frame buffers (still pulls from it multiple times for each priority group). Rearranged various operations to improve performance [ywy]. Changed VSync to 58.943844 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x232 @ 58.970001Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.265: 320x232 @ 58.970000Hz
Resolution, 0.266-0.271: 320x232 @ 58.943844Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...awk-world/mame
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22923
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22924

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F3 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode can be accessed using the Service button (F2). Navigate with P1 Up and Down. Select menu options with P1 Button 1. Change settings with P1 Left and Right.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.155: darius - "Darius (World)"
0.156-0.250: darius - "Darius (World, rev 2)" (minor description change)

MAME History:
- 0.106u8: Aaron Giles added triple screen support (3x 288x224) to Darius.
- 0.156: Andrew Welburn added clone Darius (US, rev 2). Minor rom name corrections. Added dipswitch locations to the Darius sets & give the newly added US set the correction coinage. Added OSC derived clocks [Brian Troha]. Taito device tilemap assert fixes in Darius, and clean up of obsolete stuff [Alex Jackson]. Changed parent description to 'Darius (World, rev 2)' and clones (Japan) to 'Darius (Japan, rev 1)', (Japan old version) to 'Darius (Japan)' and (Extra) (Japan) to 'Darius Extra Version (Japan)'.

Resolution, 0.106: 864x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.250: 3 screens, each 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/darius-world/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10046
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10047

Service Mode:
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2). Service Mode begins with a grid test screen and then a series of test backgrounds which can be cycled through using P1 Button 1. To exit the test screens to the read-only input test screen, use P1 Start button.

Default Settings:
From MAME 0.250 with the Service Mode DIP Switch enabled.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: darkadv - "Dark Adventure"

MAME History:
- 0.124u2: Changed clock speed of the 2x 68000 to 9216000 Hz and VSync to 60.606061 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106: 320x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.123: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.250: 320x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dark-adventure/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=16890
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=16891
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=16892

Service Mode:
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded. Service Mode does not permit changing the settings. Cycling through the test screens is achieved by holding P1 Start and P2 Start simultaneously.

Default Settings:
From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: darkedge - "Dark Edge (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.220: Make the 4 DIPs selectable singularly and added DIP locations [Osso]. Added 4x 'Unknown' dipswitches.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 416x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dark-edge-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26081

Service Mode:
Typical Sega System 32 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed by using the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with the P1 Up and Down. Selection to progress to the next screen is with the Service Mode button (F2) but selection within a screen to the next field is with the Test Button (9).

Default Settings:
The Unknown DIP switches were introduced in MAME 0.220. No DIP switch options existing prior to this.
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.205: darkmist - "The Lost Castle In Darkmist"

Resolution, 0.106-0.205: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/th...darkmist/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120398


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: darkplnt - "Dark Planet"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=Dark%20Planet
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10105


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: darkseal - "Dark Seal (World revision 3)"

MAME History:
- 0.126u4: Fabio Priuli added DIP locations to Dark Seal.

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 256x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...vision-3/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11866
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55847

Service Mode:
No service mode.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: darktowr - "Dark Tower"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.444853 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x240 @ 57.444855Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dark-tower/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19194
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19195

Service Mode:
No service mode.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.197: darkwar - "Dark Warrior"

Resolution, 0.106-0.197: 240x248 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dark-warrior/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10463

NOTE: source/DIPs were changed at 0.124, after which most DIPs were renamed to "Unused".


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: darwin - "Darwin 4078 (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 240x240 @ 57.444855Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 240x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....rwin%204078%20[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26082


ROM set changes: no
0.106-0.197: dazzler - "Dazzler"

Resolution, 0.106-0.197: 240x248 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dazzler/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10106

NOTE: source/DIPs were changed at 0.124. For WolfMAME versions 0.125 or later, set Bonus Life to "80k only".

dblaxle, dblaxleul, dblaxleu

Note: multiple ROM sets represented here with changeovers at 0.147u2 and 0.207.

MAME History:
- 0.119u1: Brian Troha cleaned up input ports in the Taito Z driver.
- 0.125u9: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.
- 0.133u2: Kanikani cleanup dipswitches in Taito Z driver.
- 0.133u3: Taito Z dipswitch fixes [Kanikani].
- 0.147u2: ShouTime and The Dumping Union added Double Axle (US). Changed 'Double Axle (US)' to clone '(US, earlier)'. Renamed (dblaxle) to (dblaxleu).
- 0.207: Evan Korzon, Jordan Eldredge, Brian Troha, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added clone 'Double Axle (US)'. Identified the standalone version of Double Axle and corrected the dipswitches for it [Brian Troha]. Added dipswitches 'Handle Pulse', 'Back Gear', 'Vibration Mode', 'Steering Wheel Vibration', 'Select Round', 'Allow Continue' and 'Buy-In'. Changed parent description to 'Double Axle (US, Rev 1)' and clones (US, earlier) to 'Double Axle (US, Rev 1, Linkable)' and Power Wheels (Japan) to 'Power Wheels (Japan, Rev 2, Linkable)'. Renamed (dblaxlhtteu) to (dblaxleul).
- 0.220: Added layout\enforce.lay. Added screen raw parameters for all games. Correct h/vtotals after feedback [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 60.055992 Hz.

Double Axle (US, Rev 1, Linkable)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.147: dblaxle - "Double Axle (US)"
0.148-0.206: dblaxleu - "Double Axle (US, earlier)"
0.207-0.271: dblaxleul - "Double Axle (US, Rev 1, Linkable)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.219: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.220-0.271: 320x240 @ 60.055992Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/double-axle/mame/
Rules, Beginner [Cross Country Race - Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55857
Rules, Beginner [Cross Country Race - Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55858
Rules, Expert [Icy Road - Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55859
Rules, Expert [Icy Road - Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55860
Rules, Standard [Mud Bog Race - Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55861
Rules, Standard [Mud Bog Race - Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55862

Double Axle (US, Rev 1)
Note: not currently represented at TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.147u2.
0.148-0.206: dblaxle - "Double Axle (US)"
0.207-0.271: dblaxle - "Double Axle (US, Rev 1)"

Resolution, 0.148-0.219: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.220-0.271: 320x240 @ 60.055992Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Double Axle (US)
Note: not currently represented at TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.207.
0.106-0.206: NOT SUPPORTED.
0.207-0.271: dblaxleu - "Double Axle (US)"

Resolution, 0.207-0.219: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.220-0.271: 320x240 @ 60.055992Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Taito Z System.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. An initial test screen appears which can be progressed using P1 Start button. An input test screen follows with depiction of the DIP Switches shown.

Default Settings:
DIP changes at 0.207 are specifically for the introduced dbleaxl and not the (renamed from dblaxle) dblaxleul.
MAME 0.106 dblaxle:
MAME 0.126 dblaxle:
MAME 0.134 dblaxle:
MAME 0.207 dblaxleul: | dblaxle:
MAME 0.250 dblaxleul:


ROM set changed: no
0.084-0.222: dblewing - "Double Wings"
0.223-0.250: dblewing - "Double Wings (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Brian Troha, Guru and Yasuhiro Ogawa updated dipswitches in Double Wings. These dips are read using the protection, thus they don't currently have the stated effect on the game as the protection is not implemented right now. Also the Original PCB showed the title screen in English, and the current implementation shows it in Korean(?), so it is likely there is a Language dip/jumper setting. Added 'Coin A/B', 'Flip Screen', 'Lives', 'Difficulty', 'Bonus Life', 'Allow Continue' and 'Demo Sounds'.
- 0.128u4: Angelo Salese fixed several protection issues with Double Wings, improved video and sound. Added 'Territory' dipswitch.
- 0.150: Charles MacDonald and David Haywood fixed Double Wings - Game now playable. Started integrating DECO104 findings from Charles, done a preliminary hookup of Double Wings to it (input ports bit order not yet verified). Nuked old bad simulation code for DW. Misc cleanups [Charles MacDonald, David Haywood]. Added Guru README / clocks [David Haywood]. Fixed 'Lives' dipswitch [lain]. Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3580000 Hz, OKI6295 sound to 1MHz and VSync to 58.443 Hz. Removed dipswitches '2' and 15x 'Unknown'.
- 0.223: Jorge Silva added clone Double Wings (set 2). Changed parent description to 'Double Wings (set 1)'. Renamed (dblewinga) to (dblewingb).

Resolution, 0.084-0.095: 256x256 @ 58.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.096-0.149: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.150-0.250: 320x240 @ 58.443000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/double-wings/mame
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=214049

NOTE: seems to be playable from 0.129, but MAMEINFO.DAT only announces playability from 0.150.

Service Mode:
No service mode.


Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes
0.104u4: dbreed
0.104u5-0.133: dbreed72 - "Dragon Breed (M72 pcb version)"
0.133u1-0.175: dbreedm72 - "Dragon Breed (M72 PCB version)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Renamed (dbreed72) to (dbreedm72).

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 384x256 @ 55.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes
0.104u4: dbreed
0.104u5-0.133: dbreed72 - "Dragon Breed (M72 pcb version)"
0.133u1-0.175: dbreedm72 - "Dragon Breed (M72 PCB version)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Renamed (dbreed72) to (dbreedm72).

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 384x256 @ 55.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.104u5.
0.106-0.135: dbreed - "Dragon Breed (M81 pcb version)"
0.136-0.214: dbreed - "Dragon Breed (M81 PCB version)"
0.215-0.221: dbreed - "Dragon Breed (World, M81 PCB version)"
0.222-0.225: dbreed - "Dragon Breed (World, M81 hardware)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 384x256 @ 55.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.225: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dr...-version/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10140


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: dbz2 - "Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 384x256 @ 55.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Super%20Battle
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26138


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: dcon - "D-Con"

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/d-con/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10138
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55841

Service Mode:
No service mode.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.197: dday - "D-Day"

Resolution, 0.106-0.197: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/d-day/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26065

Since 0.173, the conditional DIPs feature of this game affects WolfMAME's inpview. Verify settings with caution! ["Start with 20000 Pts" affects "Lives"]


ROM set changed: no, several minor description changes
0.106-0.137: ddcrew - "D. D. Crew (set 4, World, 3 Player, FD1094 317-0190)"
0.138-0.143: ddcrew - "D. D. Crew (World, 3 Player, FD1094 317-0190)"
0.144-0.165: ddcrew - "D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0190)"
0.166-0.272: ddcrew - "D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190)"

MAME History:
- 0.113: Ruben added DIP locations to the Segas18 driver.
- 0.133u1: Corrado Tomaselli verified/changed VSync to 57.23 Hz in the Segas18 driver.
- 0.138: Changed description to 'D. D. Crew (World, 3 Player, FD1094 317-0190)' and clones (set 5, Japan, 2 Player, FD1094 317-0182) to 'D. D. Crew (Japan, 2 Player, FD1094 317-0182)', (set 3, US, 4 Player, FD1094 317-0186) to 'D. D. Crew (US, 4 Player, FD1094 317-0186)', (set 2, World, 2 Player, FD1094 317-0184) to 'D. D. Crew (World, 2 Player, FD1094 317-0184)' and (set 1, World, 4 Player, FD1094 317-0187) to 'D. D. Crew (World, 4 Player, FD1094 317-0187)'.
- 0.143u8: Added includes\segaipt.h. Kanikani fixed DIPSW and DIP locations in Segas18 driver.
- 0.166: David Haywood added clones 'D. D. Crew (Japan, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0182 set)', 'D. D. Crew (Japan, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0185 set)', 'D. D. Crew (US, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0186 set)', 'D. D. Crew (World, 2 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0184 set)', 'D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0190 set)' and 'D. D. Crew (World, 4 Players) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0187 set)'. Changed parent description to 'D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190)' and clones (FD1094 317-0182) to 'D. D. Crew (Japan, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0182)', (FD1094 317-0184) to 'D. D. Crew (World, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0184)', (FD1094 317-0185) to 'D. D. Crew (Japan, 4 Players) (FD1094 317-0185)', (FD1094 317-0186) to 'D. D. Crew (US, 4 Players) (FD1094 317-0186)' and (FD1094 317-0187) to 'D. D. Crew (World, 4 Players) (FD1094 317-0187)'.
- 0.220: Approved default DIPs. Fixed Coin1 & 2 mapping in common mode [Angelo Salese].

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.272: 320x224 @ 57.230000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dd...317-0190/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26067
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26068
Rules, Points [3 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26069

Service Mode:
Standard Sega System 18 BIOS [sega/segas18.cpp].
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by accessed by the Service button (F2). Navigation is with the Test button (9) and selection with the Service Button.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Coin A & Coin B DIP switch values (commas added for legibility). Note: Coin A refers to Coin B and vice versa:
≡ 0.106-0.143 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 5/3 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 2/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 5/6" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"
≡ 0.144-0.272 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 5/3, 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 5/6" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 2/3" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"

Default Settings:


Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.121: ddonpach - "DoDonPachi (International)"
0.122-0.240: ddonpach - "DoDonPachi (International, Master Ver. 97/02/05)" (minor description change)
0.241-0.250: ddonpach - "DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.550645 Hz.
- 0.122: Changed description to 'DoDonPachi (International, Master Ver. 97/02/05)' and clone (Japan) to 'DoDonPachi (Japan, Master Ver. 97/02/05)'.
- 0.241: Changed description to 'DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.)' and clone (Japan, Master Ver. 97/02/05) to 'DoDonPachi (Japan, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 57.550644Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 320x240 @ 57.550645Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Cave (Motorola 68000) BIOS
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, hold the Service button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Use P1 Button 1 to select top menu, instructions given on subsequent screens.

Default Settings:

ddonpachj, ddonpchj

ROM set changed: yes.
0.37b5-0.121: ddonpchj - "DoDonPachi (Japan)"
0.122-0.133: ddonpchj - "DoDonPachi (Japan, Master Ver. 97/02/05)"
0.133u1-0.240: ddonpachj - "DoDonPachi (Japan, Master Ver. 97/02/05)"
0.241-0.250: ddonpachj - "DoDonPachi (Japan, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.)"
NB: 0.136 added one ROM to set, but no differences in emulation.

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.550645 Hz.
- 0.122: Changed description to 'DoDonPachi (International, Master Ver. 97/02/05)' and clone (Japan) to 'DoDonPachi (Japan, Master Ver. 97/02/05)'.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (ddonpchj) to (ddonpachj).
- 0.136: Added eeprom-ddonpach.bin EEPROM.
- 0.241: Changed description to 'DoDonPachi (World, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.)' and clone (Japan, Master Ver. 97/02/05) to 'DoDonPachi (Japan, 1997 2/ 5 Master Ver.)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 57.550644Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 320x240 @ 57.550645Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/do...hi-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22925
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22926

Service Mode:
Typical Cave (Motorola 68000) BIOS
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, hold the Service button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Use P1 Button 1 to select top menu, instructions given on subsequent screens.

Default Settings:

ddp2, ddp2j

Note: mutliple ROM sets have appeared as ddp2 over the years. One important note is that the game was not playable prior to 0.145u5 so tracking precise history prior to 0.146 has little value for the TG adjudication purposes.

MAME History:
- 0.130u2: Added Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (set 1). Added ARM7 (20MHz) CPU3. Changed description of 'Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II' to 'Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (set 2)'. Renamed (ddp2) to (ddp2a).
- 0.130u3: Changed 'Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (set 2)' from a parent set to clone 'Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (ver. 102)'. Changed parent description to 'Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (ver. 100)'.
- 0.140u2: JackC added clone 'Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II (ver. 101)'. Not working. Renamed (ddp2) to (ddp2100) and (ddp2a) to (ddp2).
- 0.145u5: David Haywood and rtw fixed DoDonPachi II - Game now playable. Added speedups and improved PGM ARM irq to more likely assert/clear instead of pulse. Changed parent and clones descriptions to 'DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm'.
- 0.148u4: Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, Tormod and The Dumping Union added DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm (World, ver. 102) and clones (World, ver. 100), (World, ver. 101), (Hong Kong, ver. 100), (Hong Kong, ver. 101), (Hong Kong, ver. 102), (Korea, ver. 100), (Korea, ver. 101), (Korea, ver. 102), (Taiwan, ver. 100), (Taiwan, ver. 101), (Taiwan, ver. 102), (China, ver. 100), (China, ver. 101) and (China, ver. 102). Renamed (ddp2) to (ddp2j), (ddp2100) to (ddp2100j) and (ddp2101) to (ddp2101j).
- 0.198: Changed description of clones (China, ver. 100) to 'DoDonPachi - Feng Bao (China, ver. 100)', (China, ver. 101) to 'DoDonPachi - Feng Bao (China, ver. 101)', (China, ver. 102) to 'DoDonPachi - Feng Bao (China, ver. 102)', (Hong Kong, ver. 100) to 'DoDonPachi II - Fung Bou (Hong Kong, ver. 100)', (Hong Kong, ver. 101) to 'DoDonPachi II - Fung Bou (Hong Kong, ver. 101)', (Hong Kong, ver. 102) to 'DoDonPachi II - Fung Bou (Hong Kong, ver. 102)', (Japan, ver. 100) to 'DoDonPachi II (Japan, ver. 100)', (Japan, ver. 101) to 'DoDonPachi II (Japan, ver. 101)', (Japan, ver. 102) to 'DoDonPachi II (Japan, ver. 102)', (Taiwan, ver. 100) to 'DoDonPachi - Feng Bao (Taiwan, ver. 100)', (Taiwan, ver. 101) to 'DoDonPachi - Feng Bao (Taiwan, ver. 101)' and (Taiwan, ver. 102) to 'DoDonPachi - Feng Bao (Taiwan, ver. 102)'.

DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm (World, ver. 102)
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.148u4.
0.149-0.260: ddp2 - "DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm (World, ver. 102)"

Resolution, 0.149-0.222: 448x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.223-0.260: 448x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/do...ee-storm/mame/
Rules, Highest Score-Combat Mode: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=221381
- Note: non-author first submission using MAME 0.149.
Points[Combat :Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=249000
- Note: track author first submission using MAME 0.247.
Points[Internet Rank : Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=248999
- Note: track author first submission using MAME 0.247.
Points[Practice :Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=249001
- Note: track author first submission using MAME 0.247.

DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm (Japan, ver. 102) / DoDonPachi II (Japan, ver. 102)
ROM set changed: yes, changeover at 0.148u4.
0.146-0.148: ddp2 - "DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm (Japan, ver. 102)"
0.149-0.197: ddp2j - "DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm (Japan, ver. 102)"
0.198-0.260: ddp2j - "DoDonPachi II (Japan, ver. 102)"

Resolution, 0.149-0.222: 448x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.223-0.260: 448x224 @ 59.185606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical IGS PolyGame Master BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches and internal settings will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2) and requires a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.146:
MAME 0.250:
Internal Configuration:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

- ddp2 and clones: Desyncs on inp playback. Kale (ID 08011)


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.249: ddragon2 - "Double Dragon II - The Revenge (World)"
0.250-0.271: ddragon2 - "Double Dragon II: The Revenge (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.444853 Hz.
- 0.122u7: Replaced M6809 CPU1 with HD6309 (12MHz). Changed M6809 CPU2 clock speed to 6MHz and visible area to 256x240.
- 0.126u4: Fabio Priuli added DIP locations to Double Dragon II.
- 0.145: Roger Coltrane fixed wrong dipswitch settings in Double Dragon II.
- 0.243: Updated 'Timer' dipswitch naming for Double Dragon II and clone (Japan) [Augusto].
- 0.250: Changed description to 'Double Dragon II: The Revenge (World)' and clones (Japan) to 'Double Dragon II: The Revenge (Japan)', (US) to 'Double Dragon II: The Revenge (US)' and (US, bootleg) to 'Double Dragon II: The Revenge (US, bootleg)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 240x224 @ 57.444855Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.122: 240x224 @ 57.444853Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.271: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/do...ge-world/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=16915
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=16916

Service Mode:
Typical Technos Double Dragon hardware.
No service mode found. - Barthax, Jan 2023

Default Settings:
Note the default changes at 0.145: Difficulty, Hurricane Kick, Timer and Lives change.
Equivalent Timer DIP switch values:
0.189-0.242: 60 / 65 / 70 / 80
0.243-0.271: Very Fast / Fast / Normal / Slow
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.127:
MAME 0.145:
MAME 0.243:
MAME 0.250: Defaults: | MAME 0.106 Equivalent:

Factory Settings:
Manual: https://archive.org/details/arcadema...ge/n7/mode/2up


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: ddragon3 - "Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (US)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.109: 320x232 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.110-0.125: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.128: 320x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.149: 320x240 @ 57.444853Hz
Resolution, 0.150: 320x240 @ 49.238445Hz
Resolution, 0.151-0.175: 320x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....tta%20Stone%20[US]
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=131814
Rules, Points [2 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=131815
Rules, Points [3 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=131816


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: ddragon - "Double Dragon (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 240x224 @ 57.444855Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....le%20Dragon%20[Japan]
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26119
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26120


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: ddribble - "Double Dribble"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....uble%20Dribble
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55863


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.266: ddsom - "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619)"
0.267-0.268: ddsom - "Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Europe 960619)"

MAME History:
- 0.110u2: David Haywood added support for using CHDs to decrypt CPS2 games. This code is disabled for the moment, but will be enabled in the future. Only a handful of games have complete tables so far. These tables are huge (~4GB) and uncompressable until the encryption algorithm is understood.- 0.110u3: David Haywood added raw decryption table to choko. Enabled the use of the large CHD-based tables by default.
- 0.110u4: CPS2 updates [David Haywood]: Added table for Jyangokushi (from Guru). Note that GFX/Sound roms aren't dumped on this one. Removed old 'handcrafted' XORs for games which we have CHDs for and replaced them with XORs generated from MAME using the CHD. This means anyone with the CHD can easily generate the XORs (using the code I've left in there) if they need to be able to run the games with a shorter startup time. Disabled the loading of the XORs by default for all sets with a CHD. Now only the CHD is loaded, unless the #define is changed at the top in which case only the XORs generated from the CHD are loaded.
- 0.111u3: Added machine\cps2crpt.c. Andreas Naive and Nicola Salmoria replaced CPS2 CHDs with preliminary decryption function.
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.633333 Hz.
- 0.127u1: Derived CPS2 video timing based on measurements. These are educated guesses. The logic behind the derivations is shown in the source. Fixes the disappearing volume bar in the test menu for msh, mshvsf, xmvsf, xmcota and nwarr for sound and voice [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params. Added DSP pin info from Guru [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.259: Support for CPS2 debug DIP switches: Initial working version. Fixed incorrect mapping in memory by using a custom read handler, cleaned up unnecessary port conditions and vetter comments. Moved read handler directly into the map segment and renamed hardware type device tag. Correct accidentally moved line break. Switched from native array usage to optional_ioport_array [Damian Rogers]. Changed dsw setting order in UI from on-off to off-on [hap].
- 0.267: Changed description to 'Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Europe 960619)' and clones (Euro 960208) to 'Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Europe 960208)', (Euro 960209) to 'Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Europe 960209)' and (Euro 960223) to 'Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Europe 960223)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.268: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/du...o-960619/mame/
Rules, Most Experience [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26165
Rules, Most Experience [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26166
Rules, Most Experience [3 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55877
Rules, Most Experience [4 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55878

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-2 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. Action options are given in the instructions at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
System Configuration:
Game Configuration:

No DIP switches available prior to MAME 0.259. MAME 0.259 exposes a production/development option.
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
MAME 0.259: |

MAME 0.259 Development Mode:


ROM Set changed: no
0.106-0.260: ddtod - "Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.633333 Hz.
- 0.127u1: Derived CPS2 video timing based on measurements. These are educated guesses. The logic behind the derivations is shown in the source. Fixes the disappearing volume bar in the test menu for msh, mshvsf, xmvsf, xmcota and nwarr for sound and voice [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params. Added DSP pin info from Guru [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.259: Support for CPS2 debug DIP switches: Initial working version. Fixed incorrect mapping in memory by using a custom read handler, cleaned up unnecessary port conditions and vetter comments. Moved read handler directly into the map segment and renamed hardware type device tag. Correct accidentally moved line break. Switched from native array usage to optional_ioport_array [Damian Rogers]. Changed dsw setting order in UI from on-off to off-on [hap].

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.260: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/du...o-940412/mame/
Most Experience [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22908
Most Experience [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22909
Most Experience [3 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22910
Most Experience [4 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22911

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-2 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. Action options are given in the instructions at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
No DIP switches available. MAME 0.259 exposes a production/development option.
Internal Settings:
MAME 0.259: |
MAME 0.106: | MAME 0.250:

ddungeon, ddungene, ddungeone

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.129u5.

MAME History:
- 0.129u5: Smitdogg added Dangerous Dungeons (Game Room 1992). Changed description of clone 'Dangerous Dungeons' to 'Dangerous Dungeons (East Coast Coin Company)'. Renamed (ddungeon) to (ddungene).
- 0.141u4: Changed parent description to 'Dangerous Dungeons (set 1)' and clones 'Dangerous Dungeons (East Coast Coin Company)' to 'Dangerous Dungeons (set 2)' and 'Dangerous Dungeons (East Coast Coin Company)' to 'Dangerous Dungeons (set 2)'.

Dangerous Dungeons (East Coast Coin Company) / (set 2)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.129: ddungeon - "Dangerous Dungeons"
0.129u5-0.133: ddungene - "Dangerous Dungeons (East Coast Coin Company)"
0.134-0.141: ddungeone - "Dangerous Dungeons (East Coast Coin Company)"
0.141u4-0.250: ddungeone - "Dangerous Dungeons (set 2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x240 @ 57.444855Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...dungeons/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26073
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26074

Dangerous Dungeons (set 1)
Note: not currently tracked at TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.129u5.
0.129u5-0.141: ddungeon - "Dangerous Dungeons"
0.142-0.250: ddungeon - "Dangerous Dungeons (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.130-0.250: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
No service mode.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.150: ddux - "Dynamite Dux (set 2, FD1094 317-0096)"
0.151-0.165: ddux - "Dynamite Dux (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0096)"
0.166-0.251: ddux - "Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (FD1094 317-0096)"

MAME History:
- 0.114u1: Updated video timing in the Sega System 16 games according to measurements from the boards [Aaron Giles]. Changed visible area to 321x242 and VSync to 60.054389 Hz.
- 0.151: Charles MacDonald, ShouTime and The Dumping Union added clone Dynamite Dux (set 2, Japan, FD1094 317-0094). Changed parent description to 'Dynamite Dux (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0096)'.
- 0.166: David Haywood added clone 'Dynamite Dux (set 2, Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0094 set)' and 'Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0096 set)'. Changed parent description to 'Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (FD1094 317-0096)' and clones (8751 317-0095) to 'Dynamite Dux (set 1) (8751 317-0095)' and (FD1094 317-0094) to 'Dynamite Dux (set 2, Japan) (FD1094 317-0094)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.116: 321x224 @ 60.054389Hz
Resolution, 0.117-0.250: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dy...317-0096/mame/
Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10143
Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55880

Service Mode:
Typical Sega System 16B BIOS.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down and P1 Button 1 to select. Alternatively, the Service button can be used to cycle through all screens and menu options.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: deadang - "Dead Angle"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Dead%20Angle
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26083


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: deadconx - "Dead Connection (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.143u3: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.
- 0.147: Verified dipswitches using Dip Sheet and through playtesting for Dead Connection (World) and clone (Japan) [Tafoid]. Added dipswitches 'Life Meter', 'Number of Enemies 1/2 Player' and 2x 'Unused'.
- 0.236: Fixed mislabled and misassigned dipswitches [GoldS_TCRF, Osso]. Added 'Upright Controls' dipswitch.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/de...on-world/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26084
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26085
Note 1: "Number of Enemies 1/2 Player" DIP Switch was incorrectly labeled "Difficulty" prior to 0.147.
Note 2: "Life Meter" DIP Switch was incorrectly labeled "Damage" prior to 0.147.
Note 3: The first "Unused" DIP switch was incorrectly labeled "Cabinet" prior to 0.236.
Note 4: The "Upright Controls" DIP switch was incorrectly labeled "Game Type" prior to 0.236.

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F2 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A test screen appears initially and can be progressed with P1 Start button. The second screen is an input test screen with DIP switches shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

deadconx, MAME 0.106

MAME 0.106 snippets

/* IN0 */

/* IN1 */


PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x00, DEF_STR( Cabinet ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Upright ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Cocktail ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x02, DEF_STR( Flip_Screen ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Demo_Sounds ) )

PORT_START_TAG("DSWB") /* DSW B, missing a timer speed maybe? */
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, DEF_STR( Unknown ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x18, 0x18, "Damage" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, "Small" ) /* Hero can take 12 gun shots */
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x18, DEF_STR( Normal ) ) /* Hero can take 10 gun shots */
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, "Big" ) /* Hero can take 8 gun shots */
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "Biggest" ) /* Hero can take 5 gun shots */
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x20, DEF_STR( Unknown ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Unknown ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, "Game Type" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "1 Player only" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, "Multiplayer" )

#define TAITO_F2_PLAYERS_INPUT( player ) \
/* 0x40 and 0x80 are not always the same in all games, so they are not included here */

PORT_DIPNAME( 0x30, 0x30, DEF_STR( Coin_A ) ) \
PORT_DIPNAME( 0xc0, 0xc0, DEF_STR( Coin_B ) ) \

PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x03, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) ) \
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Easy ) ) \
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, DEF_STR( Medium ) ) \
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Hard ) ) \
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Hardest ) )

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/de...on-world/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26084
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26085
Note 1: "Number of Enemies 1/2 Player" DIP Switch was incorrectly labeled "Difficulty" prior to 0.147.
Note 2: "Life Meter" DIP Switch was incorrectly labeled "Damage" prior to 0.147.
Note 3: The first "Unused" DIP switch was incorrectly labeled "Cabinet" prior to 0.236.
Note 4: The "Upright Controls" DIP switch was incorrectly labeled "Game Type" prior to 0.236.

Sample correct TG:
DSWA: offset 0x2F, repeat every 0x7F, typical value 0xFE
- DWSA: 0x01 (Cabinet): 0x00 (Upright) <- Later corrected to "Unused"
- DWSA: 0x02 (Flip_Screen): 0x02 (Off)
- DWSA: 0x04 (Service Mode): 0x04 (Off)
- DWSA: 0x08 (Demo_Sounds): 0x08 (On)
- DWSA: 0x30 (Coin_A): 0x30 (1 Coin 1 Credit)
- DWSA: 0xc0 (Coin_B): 0xc0 (1 Coin 2 Credits)

DSWB: offset 0x33, repeat every 0x7F, typical value 0xFF
- DWSB: 0x03 (Difficulty): 0x03 (Medium) <- Later corrected to "Number of Enemies 1/2 Player"
- DWSB: 0x04 (Unknown): 0x04 (Off)
- DWSB: 0x18 (Damage): 0x18 (Normal) <- Later corrected to "Life Meter"
- DWSB: 0x20 (Unknown): 0x20 (Off)
- DWSB: 0x40 (Unknown): 0x40 (Off)
- DWSB: 0x80 (Game Type): 0x80 (Multiplayer) <- Later corrected to "Upright Controls"


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: deadeye - "Dead Eye"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Dead%20Eye
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26086


Future note: if there are multiple versions with the same date, see cv1k.cpp introduction as potential explanation.

ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.153.
0.106-0.142: NOT SUPPORTED
0.143: deathsml - "Death Smiles"
0.144-0.152: NOT SUPPORTED
0.153-0.250: deathsml - "Deathsmiles (2007/10/09 MASTER VER)"
NOTE: Earlier versions supported from 0.142u5-143u9 should not be used as the game was not working properly.

MAME History:
- 0.142u5: Added 'Death Smiles' (Cave 2007).
- 0.143u2: Added new 'game' rom. Changed description to 'Death Smiles (2007/10/09 MASTER VER)'.
- 0.143u9: Changed description to 'Deathsmiles (2007/10/09 MASTER VER)'.
- 0.144: This game was removed from MAME.
- 0.153: Re-added 'Deathsmiles (2007/10/09 MASTER VER)'.
- 0.192: [...] Added 4x 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 0.225: Slightly more accurate frame rate [rtw, MetalliC]. Changed VSync to 60.02 Hz.
- 0.227: A bit more accurate frame rate [MetalliC]. Changed VSync to 60.024 Hz.

Resolution, 0.153-0.224: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.225-0.226: 320x240 @ 60.020000Hz
Resolution, 0.227-0.250: 320x240 @ 60.024000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/de...ster-ver/mame/
Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=208949
Points[Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=249003

Service Mode:
Standard Cave CV1000 BIOS.
This game has both DIPs & internal settings covered by the rules. If not shown during playback, press & hold "Service 2" (typically '0') for a few seconds to access & check internal settings afterwards.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.196: defender - "Defender (Red label)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 294x239 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.196: 292x240 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/de...ed-label/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7715
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=127973

All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. With no previous NVRAM (as required by TG), game should start in Service Mode. Note internal settings at the start of the game!!! Much easier than checking after recording ends!
To exit Service Mode, you must cycle through the menu items in ASCENDING order.

0.154 or earlier:
While in Service Mode...
[F2] will cycle through menu items in descending order
[F1]+[F2] will cycle through in ascending order
[9] will change values

To enter Service Mode from Game Mode, press [F1]+[F2]. Pressing [F2] alone will enter System Tests.

0.155 or later:
While in Service Mode...
[F2] will cycle through menu items, starting in descending order
[F1] will toggle ascending/descending cycling order through menu items
[9] will change values

While in Game Mode, pressing [F2] will enter either Service Mode or System Tests, depending on the [F1] toggle setting, which you can't really tell beforehand!


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.123: demndrgn - "Demons and Dragons (prototype)"
0.125-0.175: demndrgn - "Demons & Dragons (prototype)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 320x204 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.175: 352x240 @ 60.054442Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6%20Dragons%20[Prototype]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55849

demoderbc, demoderb

Note: two ROM sets are represented here with changeover at 0.148u2.

MAME History:
- 0.148u2: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added Demolition Derby. Added the "full" version of Demolition Derby that is dipswitch selectable between Upright and Cocktail mode. The other version was a only supported Cocktail mode. Also added proper dipswitch settings for the Cocktail mode only version [Brian Troha]. Changed 'Demolition Derby' to clone 'Demolition Derby (cocktail)' and clone '(2-Player Mono Board Version)' to 'Demolition Derby (MCR-3 Mono Board Version)'. Renamed (demoderb) to (demoderbc). Replaced M6809 CPU3 with M6809E.

Demolition Derby (cocktail)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.148: demoderb - "Demolition Derby"
0.148u2-0.255: demoderbc - "Demolition Derby (cocktail)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/de...on-derby/mame/
Rules, 1 Player Only: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7716
Rules, 2 Player Team: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9945
Rules, 3 Player Team: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=131862
Rules, 4 Player Team: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=131863

Demolition Derby (newer)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.148u2.
0.148u2-0.255: demoderb - "Demolition Derby"

Resolution, 0.149-0.255: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) and then one of two actions should be followed. Either leave the machine alone to complete attract mode and it will automatically enter Service Mode or perform a reset but the reset action cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Button 2 and P1 Button 1, selection with P1 Start button. Configuration is described in the Player Inputs section with the internal Difficulty descriptions being "Suggested" and "Harder".

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.189: demoneye - "Demoneye-X"

Resolution, 0.106-0.189: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Demoneye-X
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19213
* NOTE: as of 18-Sep-2017, the ruleset is currently incorrect and seems to have been copied from the "Demon" track.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.189: demon - "Demon"

Resolution, 0.106-0.189: vector @ 38.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Demon
(Note: multiple games are matched by this link.)
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9948


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.126: demonwld - "Demon's World / Horror Story"
0.127-0.175: demonwld - "Demon's World / Horror Story (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 55.161545Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.133: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.144: 320x240 @ 55.140000Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.152: 320x240 @ 57.584258Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 320x240 @ 55.161545Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Horror%20Story
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26088
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26089


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.217: denjinmk - "Denjin Makai"
0.218- : denjinmka - "Denjin Makai (set 2)"

- 0.140u3: Angelo Salese, David Haywood and Tomasz Slanina fixed Denjin Makai - Game now playable. Angelo Salese fixed an un-inited bankswitch problem in the Seibu audio driver, gives preliminary working sound in Denjin Makai. Commented out a bogus irq hack in Seibu audio HW, fixes sound for good in Denjin Makai and removes a cheesy kludge. Added a preliminary DMA to the Legionnaire driver, fixes some color issues in Denjin Makai. Added dipswitches 'Demo Sounds', 'Language' and 5x 'Unknown'.
- 0.218: caius and The Dumping Union added Denjin Makai (set 1). Changed Denjin Makai to clone 'Denjin Makai (set 2)'. Renamed (denjinmk) to (denjinmka).

Resolution, 0.106-0.111: 320x224 @ 61.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.112-0.205: 320x256 @ 61.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.206-0.218: 320x256 @ 56.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/denjin-makai/mame
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=222113

NOTE: must use WolfMAME versions 0.141 or later - this title was conidered "not working" in earlier versions.


Note: two ROM sets are represented here with the changeover at 0.218.

- 0.140u3: Angelo Salese, David Haywood and Tomasz Slanina fixed Denjin Makai - Game now playable. Angelo Salese fixed an un-inited bankswitch problem in the Seibu audio driver, gives preliminary working sound in Denjin Makai. Commented out a bogus irq hack in Seibu audio HW, fixes sound for good in Denjin Makai and removes a cheesy kludge. Added a preliminary DMA to the Legionnaire driver, fixes some color issues in Denjin Makai. Added dipswitches 'Demo Sounds', 'Language' and 5x 'Unknown'.
- 0.218: caius and The Dumping Union added Denjin Makai (set 1). Changed Denjin Makai to clone 'Denjin Makai (set 2)'. Renamed (denjinmk) to (denjinmka).

Denjin Makai (set 2)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.217: denjinmk - "Denjin Makai"
0.218- : denjinmka - "Denjin Makai (set 2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.111: 320x224 @ 61.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.112-0.205: 320x256 @ 61.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.206-0.218: 320x256 @ 56.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/denjin-makai/mame
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=222113

NOTE: must use WolfMAME versions 0.141 or later - this title was conidered "not working" in earlier versions.

Denjin Makai (set 1)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.218.
0.218- : denjinmk - "Denjin Makai (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.218- : 320x256 @ 56.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.251: depthch - "Depthcharge"

MAME History:
- 0.148: hap fixed coin timing regression in VIC Dual driver. This fixes corrupt input and sound in Depthcharge.

Resolution, 0.106-0.251: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/depthcharge/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7717

Service Mode:
Typical Sega VIC Dual BIOS.
No service mode.

Default Settings:
No settings to change.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.137: desertbr - "Desert Breaker (FD1094 317-0196)"
0.138-0.165: desertbr - "Desert Breaker (World, FD1094 317-0196)"
0.166-0.272: desertbr - "Desert Breaker (World) (FD1094 317-0196)"

MAME History:
- 0.113: Ruben added DIP locations to the Segas18 driver.
- 0.133u1: Corrado Tomaselli verified/changed VSync to 57.23 Hz in the Segas18 driver.
- 0.138: Team Japump and Dumping Union added clone Desert Breaker (Japan, FD1094 317-0194). Yasuhiroyasuhiro fixed coinage of Desert Breaker. Changed parent description to 'Desert Breaker (World, FD1094 317-0196)'. Fixed rom names.
- 0.143u8: Added includes\segaipt.h. Kanikani fixed DIPSW and DIP locations in Segas18 driver.
- 0.166: David Haywood added clones 'Desert Breaker (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0194 set)' and 'Desert Breaker (World) (bootleg of FD1094 317-0196 set)'. Changed parent description to 'Desert Breaker (World) (FD1094 317-0196)' and clone (FD1094 317-0194) to 'Desert Breaker (Japan) (FD1094 317-0194)'.
- 0.220: Approved default DIPs. Fixed Coin1 & 2 mapping in common mode [Angelo Salese].

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.272: 320x224 @ 57.230000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/de...317-0196/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26090
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26091
Rules, Points [3 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55850

Service Mode:
Standard Sega System 18 BIOS [sega/segas18.cpp].
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2). Service Mode only shows the DIP switch assignments for the first switch which controls the coin interpretation.

MAME Note:
- The coin slot #1 (5 key) doesn't actually add credits to the game, although it *does* play a credit added sound ingame when pressed. Only coin slot #2 (6 key) and coin slot #3 (7 key) work correctly. This is not really a bug as it is accurately documenting the hardware. It's more of a limitation of MAME not having dynamic inputs. The current setting is necessary because if the DIP setting is changed to individual coin chute, coin1 becomes the player1 coin. An alternate solution might be to make individual coin chute the default setting. BSR

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Coin A & Coin B DIP switch values (commas added for legibility). Note: Coin A refers to Coin B and vice versa:
≡ 0.106-0.143 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 5/3 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 2/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 5/6" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"
≡ 0.144-0.272 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 5/3, 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 5/6" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 2/3" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.149u1.
0.150-0.191: desertdn - "Desert Dan"

Resolution, 0.150-0.191: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game_de...&platformid=46
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=211678


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.200: desertgu - "Desert Gun"

Resolution, 0.106-0.111: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.112-0.200: 260x224 @ 59.541985Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/desert-gun/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26092


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.194: desertwr - "Desert War / Wangan Sensou"
0.195-0.250: desertwr - "Desert War / Wangan Sensou (ver 1.0)"

MAME History:
- 0.195: Changed description to 'Desert War / Wangan Sensou (ver 1.0)'.
- 0.227: Added machine\jaleco_ms32_sysctrl.cpp/h, mame\etc\gen_device_defs.py and layout\f1superb.lay. Wrote a Jaleco MS32 System Control Unit device [Angelo Salese, Alex Marshall]. Fixed sprite transfer direction bit, removes an ugly per-game table. Fixed drawing honoring the wrong variable and causing a segmentation fault. Correct palette size. Move optional features (YUV, zooming) at init time (video\ms32_sprite.cpp) [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.410646 7Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.226: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.227-0.250: 320x224 @ 59.410646Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/de...n-sensou/mame/
Rules, Points [Average [4 Stages], Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26094
Rules, Points [Average [4 Stages], Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26097
Rules, Points [Beginner [3 Stages], Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26093
Rules, Points [Beginner [3 Stages], Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26096
Rules, Points [Expert [5 Stages], Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26095
Rules, Points [Expert [5 Stages], Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26098

Service Mode:
Service Mode will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which is toggled by the Service button (F2) then requires a reset.

Default settings:
From MAME 0.250 after enabling the Service Mode DIP switch.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.141: destroyr - "Destroyer"
0.142-0.175: destroyr - "Destroyer (version O2)"

MAME History:
- 0.141u3: Siftware added clone Destroyer (version O1). Minor Destroyer improvements [hap]: Proper addressmap masks. Added 30132-01.k4 rom, duplicate of 30132-01.f4. Added version O1 romset, dumped by Siftware. Changed VSync to 60.114504 Hz. Changed parent description to 'Destroyer (version O2)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.141: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.142-0.143: 256x240 @ 60.114504Hz
Resolution, 0.144-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....name=Destroyer
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19936


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.240: devilfsh - "Devil Fish"
0.241-0.255: devilfsh - "Devil Fish (Scramble hardware)"

MAME History:
- 0.241: chaneman added clone Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware). Note: Artic Multi-System, CPU enclosed in epoxy block. Changed parent description to 'Devil Fish (Scramble hardware)' and clone (Galaxian hardware, bootleg?) to 'Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware, bootleg)'. Renamed (devilfsg) to (devilfshgb).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/devil-fish/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=18418

Service Mode:
Typical hardware in the "Scramble" driver (which no longer contains Scramble!).
No service mode.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: devilw - "Devil World"

Resolution, 0.106: 320x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.123: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=Devil%20World
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=30455
Rules, Points [2 Platyer Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55851


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: devstors - "Devastators (ver. Z)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 304x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Devastators%20[Ver.Z]
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26099
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26100


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: devzone - "Devil Zone"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Devil%20Zone
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26101


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.121: dfeveron - "Dangun Feveron (Japan)"
0.122-0.240: dfeveron - "Dangun Feveron (Japan, Ver. 98/09/17)"
0.241-0.250: dfeveron - "Dangun Feveron (Japan, 98/09/17 VER.)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.550645 Hz.
- 0.122: Sonikos cleaned up input ports in the Cave driver. Fixed many game descriptions.
- 0.241: Added notes for version/date string in ROM. Fixed metadata matches to in-game display [cam900].

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 57.550644Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 320x240 @ 57.550645Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...on-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26076
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26077

Easter Egg:
Easter egg: Insert a coin and move joystick: Down, Up, Right, Left, Up, Down, Left and Right. You'll hear a MEOW sound and start the game and your ship is now a cat!

Service Mode:
Typical Cave (Motorola 68000) BIOS
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, hold the Service button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Use P1 Button 1 to select top menu, instructions given on subsequent screens.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.156: dharma - "Dharma Doujou"
0.157-0.224: dharmaj - "Dharma Doujou (Japan)"

- 0.157: rtw added Dharma Doujou. Changed 'Dharma Doujou' to clone 'Dharma Doujou (Japan)'. Renamed (dharma) to (dharmaj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.144: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.146: 320x240 @ 59.922743Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.191: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.192-0.224: 320x224 @ 58.232800Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dharma-doujou/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26102


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.157.

- 0.157: rtw added Dharma Doujou. Changed 'Dharma Doujou' to clone 'Dharma Doujou (Japan)'. Renamed (dharma) to (dharmaj).

Dharma Doujou (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.156: dharma - "Dharma Doujou"
0.157-0.224: dharmaj - "Dharma Doujou (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.144: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.146: 320x240 @ 59.922743Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.191: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.192-0.224: 320x224 @ 58.232800Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dharma-doujou/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26102

Dharma Doujou (newer)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.157.
0.157-0.224: dharma - "Dharma Doujou"

Resolution, 0.157-0.191: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.192-0.224: 320x224 @ 58.232800Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: diamond - "Diamond Run"

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.175: 256x224 @ 59.590000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=Diamond%20Run
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10063

dietgo, dietgoe, dietgoea, dietgoeb

Note: four ROM sets represented here with changeovers at 0.240 and 0.270.

MAME History:
- 0.240: Sergio Galiano and Recreativos Piscis added Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26 v3). Note: Same version 1.1 and same date as dietgoe but newer version in rom labels. Changed (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26) to clone 'Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26 v2)'. Renamed (dietgoe) to (dietgoea) and (dietgo) to (dietgoe).
- 0.267: Changed description to 'Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26 v3)' and clones (Euro v1.1 1992.08.04) to 'Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.08.04)' and (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26 v2) to 'Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26 v2)'.
- 0.270: Tailsnic Retroworks added Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 1). Added note about sprite roms (European versions were seen with either the MAY-01 and MAY-02, or MAY-04 and MAY-05 sprite ROMs. The latter is more common on newer versions, these contain data for alternative title screen graphics enabled with a DIP switch [hap]. Changed (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26 v3) to clone 'Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 2)' and clone (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26 v2) to 'Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3)'. Renamed (dietgoea) to (dietgoeb), (dietgoe) to (dietgoea) and (dietgo) to (dietgoe).

Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, v2 / set 3)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.239: dietgo - "Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26)"
0.240-0.266: dietgoe - "Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26 v2)"
0.267-0.269: dietgoe - "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26 v2)"
0.270-0.271: dietgoea - "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 3)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.271: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/di...19920926/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26103
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26104

Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, v3 / set 2)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.240
0.106-0.239: NOT SUPPORTED
0.240-0.266: dietgo - "Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26 v3)"
0.267-0.269: dietgo - "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26 v3)"
0.270-0.271: dietgoe - "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 2)"

Resolution, 0.240-0.271: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 1)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.270
0.106-0.269: NOT SUPPORTED
0.270-0.271: dietgo - "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26, set 1)"

Resolution, 0.270-0.271: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.08.04)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Changeover at 0.240.
0.106-0.239: dietgoe - "Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.08.04)"
0.240-0.266: dietgoea - "Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.08.04)"
0.267-0.269: dietgoea - "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.08.04)"
0.270-0.271: dietgoeb - "Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.08.04)"

Resolution, 0.240-0.271: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
No service mode.

digdug1, digdug, digdugb, digdugnm

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.79u1. There was an earlier Atari set known as "digdug", but that's not relevant to any current TG tracks.

MAME History:
- 0.26: Aaron Giles added 'Dig Dug - Namco' (Namco 1982) and clone 'Dig Dug - Atari'. Game is playable with accurate colors and sound. Control: Arrows = Move around and CTRL = Pump. Known issues: The Atari version has some glitches on sprites/chars.
- 0.27: Changed description to 'Dig Dug (Namco)' and clone Atari to 'Dig Dug (Atari)'. Renamed (digdug) to (digdugat).
- 0.35RC1: Yasuhiro Ogawa added clone Dig Dug (set 2). Changed 'Dig Dug (Namco)' to parent 'Dig Dug (set 1)'. Renamed (digdug) to (digdugat) and (digdugnm) to (digdug).
- 0.79u1: Nicola Salmoria swapped (digdug) and (digdugb), the main set should be the newer one. Added EAROM support to Dig Dug. Changed Z80 CPU1/2/3 clock speeds to 3072000 Hz. Changed clone (set 2) to parent 'Dig Dug (rev 2)' and (set 1) to clone 'Dig Dug (rev 1)'. Renamed (digdug) to (digdugb) and (digdugb) to (digdug).
- 0.131u4: Updated Galaga driver to use computed video timing [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.133u3: Yasuhiro Ogawa renamed (digdugb) to (digdug1) (it's a rev1, not a bootleg) and (digduga1) to (digdugat1). Fixed rom names.
- 0.143u8: Kanikani fixed DIP locations in DigDug.
- 0.154: Zerofill Namco 51/52/54XX at init. This fixes Dig Dug freezes just before finishing POST. It happens mostly on 32-bit platform binaries [hap].

Dig Dug (rev 1)
ROM set changed: yes. Earlier renames for historical purposes only as the track was added to the scoreboard prior to WolfMAME.
0.026 : digdugnm - "Dig Dug - Namco"
0.027-0.035: digdugnm - "Dig Dug (Namco)"
0.036-0.079: digdug - "Dig Dug (set 1)"
0.080-0.133: digdugb - "Dig Dug (rev 1)"
0.134-0.265: digdug1 - "Dig Dug (rev 1)"

Resolution, 0.078-0.131: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.132-0.265: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dig-dug-rev-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5191
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9850
Rules, Points [ADeca 2004 Only Variation]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9851

Dig Dug (rev 2)
Note: not currently represented at TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.35RC1.
0.036-0.079: digdugb - "Dig Dug (set 2)"
0.080-0.265: digdug - "Dig Dug (rev 2)"

Resolution, 0.078-0.131: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.132-0.265: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Namco Galaga-style hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. The player can use Service Mode (F2) during recording to show the settings. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2).

Default Settings:
Note: the Bonus Life setting is conditional on the Lives setting.
Lives: 1/2/3; Bonus Life options: 10K, 40K, Every 40K / 10K, 50K, Every 50K / 20K, 60K, Every 60K / 20K, 70K, Every 70K / 10K and 40K Only / 20K and 60K Only / 10K Only / None
Lives: 5; Bonus Life options: 20K, 60K, Every 60K / 30K, 80K, Every 80K / 20K and 50K Only / 20K and 60K Only / 30K and 70K Only / 20K Only / 30K Only / None
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.144:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.251: digdug2 - "Dig Dug II (New Ver.)"

MAME History:
- 0.115u4: Aaron Giles removed colortables from a number of drivers that didn't need them. Also converted pacman and mappy drivers to collapse the colortable and palette. Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz and palettesize to 512 colors.
- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Dig Dug II.
- 0.251: Undid DIP switch setting reordering [Logan B].

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.251: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/di...i-new-ver/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7718

Service Mode:
Typical "Mappy" BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the Service Mode DIP switch. The Service Mode button (F2) can be used to perform a restart while recording and thus DIP switches can be changed during recording coupled with a Service Mode button use. Any changes to the DIP settings after the display in the boot sequence will not take effect until the next Service Mode restart.


ROM set changed: yes. Earlier renames for historical purposes only.
0.026 : digdugnm - "Dig Dug - Namco"
0.027-0.035: digdugnm - "Dig Dug (Namco)"
0.036-0.079: digdug - "Dig Dug (set 1)"
0.080-0.133: digdugb - "Dig Dug (rev 1)"
0.134-0.232: digdug1 - "Dig Dug (rev 1)"

- 0.26: Aaron Giles added 'Dig Dug - Namco' (Namco 1982) and clone 'Dig Dug - Atari'. Game is playable with accurate colors and sound. Control: Arrows = Move around and CTRL = Pump. Known issues: The Atari version has some glitches on sprites/chars.
- 0.27: Changed description to 'Dig Dug (Namco)' and clone Atari to 'Dig Dug (Atari)'. Renamed (digdug) to (digdugat).
- 0.35RC1: Yasuhiro Ogawa added clone Dig Dug (set 2). Changed 'Dig Dug (Namco)' to parent 'Dig Dug (set 1)'. Renamed (digdug) to (digdugat) and (digdugnm) to (digdug).
- 0.79u1: Nicola Salmoria swapped (digdug) and (digdugb), the main set should be the newer one. Added EAROM support to Dig Dug. Changed Z80 CPU1/2/3 clock speeds to 3072000 Hz. Changed clone (set 2) to parent 'Dig Dug (rev 2)' and (set 1) to clone 'Dig Dug (rev 1)'. Renamed (digdug) to (digdugb) and (digdugb) to (digdug).
- 0.133u3: Yasuhiro Ogawa renamed (digdugb) to (digdug1) (it's a rev1, not a bootleg) and (digduga1) to (digdugat1). Fixed rom names.

Resolution, 0.078-0.131: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.132-0.232: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dig-dug-rev-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5191
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9850
Rules, Points [ADeca 2004 Only Variation]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9851


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.79u1. There was an earlier Atari set known as "digdug", but that's not relevant to any current TG tracks.

- 0.26: Aaron Giles added 'Dig Dug - Namco' (Namco 1982) and clone 'Dig Dug - Atari'. Game is playable with accurate colors and sound. Control: Arrows = Move around and CTRL = Pump. Known issues: The Atari version has some glitches on sprites/chars.
- 0.27: Changed description to 'Dig Dug (Namco)' and clone Atari to 'Dig Dug (Atari)'. Renamed (digdug) to (digdugat).
- 0.35RC1: Yasuhiro Ogawa added clone Dig Dug (set 2). Changed 'Dig Dug (Namco)' to parent 'Dig Dug (set 1)'. Renamed (digdug) to (digdugat) and (digdugnm) to (digdug).
- 0.79u1: Nicola Salmoria swapped (digdug) and (digdugb), the main set should be the newer one. Added EAROM support to Dig Dug. Changed Z80 CPU1/2/3 clock speeds to 3072000 Hz. Changed clone (set 2) to parent 'Dig Dug (rev 2)' and (set 1) to clone 'Dig Dug (rev 1)'. Renamed (digdug) to (digdugb) and (digdugb) to (digdug).
- 0.133u3: Yasuhiro Ogawa renamed (digdugb) to (digdug1) (it's a rev1, not a bootleg) and (digduga1) to (digdugat1). Fixed rom names.

Dig Dug (rev 1)
ROM set changed: yes. Earlier renames for historical purposes only.
0.026 : digdugnm - "Dig Dug - Namco"
0.027-0.035: digdugnm - "Dig Dug (Namco)"
0.036-0.079: digdug - "Dig Dug (set 1)"
0.080-0.133: digdugb - "Dig Dug (rev 1)"
0.134-0.232: digdug1 - "Dig Dug (rev 1)"

Resolution, 0.078-0.131: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.132-0.232: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dig-dug-rev-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5191
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9850
Rules, Points [ADeca 2004 Only Variation]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9851

Dig Dug (rev 2)
Note: not currently represented at TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.35RC1.
0.036-0.079: digdugb - "Dig Dug (set 2)"
0.080-0.232: digdug - "Dig Dug (rev 2)"

Resolution, 0.078-0.131: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.132-0.232: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.272: diggerc - "Digger (CVS)"

MAME History:
- 0.122u5: Zsolt Vasvari reogranized and started to clean up the CVS driver. Added emulation of the speech CPU. Removed CVS BIOS entry. Removed unnecessary patching. Fixed 2650 disassembly of the sense and flag bits. Fixed incorrect argument order in OUT instruction. Correct spacing. Added 3rd S2650 (894886 Hz) and fixed dipswitches.
- 0.123u1: Removed button 2.
- 0.123u1: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches and inputs for all games in the CVS driver.

Resolution, 0.106-0.272: 240x248 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/digger-cvs/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26106

Service Mode:
Typical Century CVS System [cvs/cvs.cpp].
No service mode found. - Barthax, Dec 2024.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Bonus/Bonus Life DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.122 Bonus: 10k only (default, value 0) / 20k only (value 4) / 30k and every 40k (value 8) / 40k and every 80k (value 12)
≡ 0.123-0.123 Bonus Life: 10k only (default, value 0) / 20k only (value 4) / 30k and every 40k (value 8) / 40k and every 80k (value 12)
≡ 0.124-0.272 Bonus Life: 50k only (default, value 12) / 100k only (value 4) / 150k only (value 8) / 200k only (value 0)


ROM set changed: no
0.106: diggerma - "Digger Man"
0.107-0.175: diggerma - "Digger Man (prototype)"

MAME History:
- 0.106u13: MAME32Plus added 'Digger Man (prototype)' (Kyle Hodgetts 2000). Unlicensed prototype, no official game ID.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Digger%20Man
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26107
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26108

Additional information confirming ROM set not changed betwen 0.106 and 0.107 (differences are in the NeoGeo BIOS only):
C:\MAME>mame106 -listcrc diggerma | find "Digger Man"
eda433d7 dig_p1.rom Digger Man
75a88c1f dig_s1.rom Digger Man
354029fc sfix.sfx Digger Man
9036d879 sp-s2.sp1 Digger Man
c7f2fa45 sp-s.sp1 Digger Man
e72943de usa_2slt.bin Digger Man
2723a5b5 sp-e.sp1 Digger Man
91b64be3 asia-s3.rom Digger Man
f0e8f27d vs-bios.rom Digger Man
acede59c sp-j2.rom Digger Man
9fb0abe4 sp1.jipan.1024 Digger Man
2d50996a uni-bios.22 Digger Man
698ebb7d neodebug.rom Digger Man
d27a71f1 aes-bios.bin Digger Man
97cf998b sm1.sm1 Digger Man
833cdf1b dig_m1.rom Digger Man
e09e253c 000-lo.lo Digger Man
ee15bda4 dig_v1.rom Digger Man
3db0a4ed dig_c1.rom Digger Man
3e632161 dig_c2.rom Digger Man

C:\MAME>mame107 -listcrc diggerma | find "Digger Man"
eda433d7 dig_p1.rom Digger Man (prototype)
75a88c1f dig_s1.rom Digger Man (prototype)
354029fc sfix.sfx Digger Man (prototype)
9036d879 sp-s2.sp1 Digger Man (prototype)
c7f2fa45 sp-s.sp1 Digger Man (prototype)
e72943de usa_2slt.bin Digger Man (prototype)
2723a5b5 sp-e.sp1 Digger Man (prototype)
91b64be3 asia-s3.rom Digger Man (prototype)
f0e8f27d vs-bios.rom Digger Man (prototype)
acede59c sp-j2.rom Digger Man (prototype)
9fb0abe4 sp1.jipan.1024 Digger Man (prototype)
97cf998b sm1.sm1 Digger Man (prototype)
833cdf1b dig_m1.rom Digger Man (prototype)
e09e253c 000-lo.lo Digger Man (prototype)
ee15bda4 dig_v1.rom Digger Man (prototype)
3db0a4ed dig_c1.rom Digger Man (prototype)
3e632161 dig_c2.rom Digger Man (prototype)


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: digger - "Digger"

- Digger is the North American version of Heiankyo Alien created by Sega and Gremlin Industries, with minor changes in appearance.

MAME History:
- 0.147u1: hap fixed Digger gameplay speed, it's running at same speed as its JP sister game Heiankyo Alien.

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/digger/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26105

Service Mode:
Typical Sega VIC Dual BIOS.
No service mode.

Default Settings:

dimahoo, dimahoou

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.118u6.

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.633333 Hz.
- 0.118u6: David Haywood added Dimahoo (Euro 000121). Renamed (dimahoo) to (dimahoou).
- 0.127u1: Derived CPS2 video timing based on measurements. These are educated guesses. The logic behind the derivations is shown in the source. Fixes the disappearing volume bar in the test menu for msh, mshvsf, xmvsf, xmcota and nwarr for sound and voice [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params. Added DSP pin info from Guru [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Dimahoo (USA 000121)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.111: dimahoo - "Dimahoo (US 000121)"
0.112-0.118: dimahoo - "Dimahoo (USA 000121)" (minor description change)
0.119-0.250: dimahoou - "Dimahoo (USA 000121)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.250: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/di...s-000121/mame/
Rules, 1 Player Only: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26109
Rules, 2 Player Team: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26110

Dimahoo (Euro 000121)
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.118u6.
0.119-0.250: dimahoo - "Dimahoo (Euro 000121)"

Resolution, 0.119-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.250: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-2 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. Action options are given in the instructions at the bottom of the screen.

Default settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.228: dingo - "Dingo"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.228: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dingo/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10064


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: dinorex - "Dino Rex (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.143u3: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitch to 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dino-rex-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26111

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F2 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A test screen appears initially and can be progressed with P1 Start button. The second screen is an input test screen with DIP switches shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: dino - "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.250: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ca...d-930201/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10811
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10812
Rules, Points [3 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10813

Service Mode:
Standard CPS1 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: disco - "Disco No.1"

MAME History:
- 0.112u1: Changed visible area to 240x256.
- 0.126u2: Fabio Priuli added DIP locations to the Burger Time driver.
- 0.126u3: Added dipswitches 'Control Panel', 'Game Speed' and 'Country Code'.
- 0.129: Burger Time hardware fixes [Aaron Giles]: Correct sound IRQ rate and handling. Removed lnc audio reset hack. Full audio memory maps based on schematics. Correct video timing. Fixed audio rom address to $e000. Changed visible area to 240x240 and VSync to 57.444853 Hz.
- 0.221: Added DIP locations and verified DIPs for all games [Guru].

Resolution, 0.106-0.112: 240x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.113-0.128: 256x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.271: 240x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/disco-no1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26112

NOTE: Due to changes at 0.126u3, the following DIP settings should be used for 0.127 or later...
Unknown[1-2]: Off [All]
Control Panel: Upright
Cabinet: Cocktail
Lives: 3
Bonus Life: 10000
Music Weapons: 5
Game Speed: Slow
Country Code: A


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: diverboy - "Diver Boy"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 318x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....me=Diver%20Boy
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10065


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: dkong3 - "Donkey Kong 3 (US)"

MAME History:
- 0.116u3: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz. Fixed proms loading.
- 0.120u4: Added 'Service Mode' dipswitch.
- 0.125u3: Added 2x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.222: Changed 'Difficulty' dipswitch string to numbers [hap].

Resolution, 0.106-0.116: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.117-0.271: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/do...ong-3-us/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7724
Rules, Points [Tournament]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55855
Rules, Points [Donkey Kong 3 [US] Hardest (Marathon settings)]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=199619
Rules, Points [Marathon - Easy / Difficulty 1]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=235497
Rules, Points [5 Lives - Hard/ Difficulty 3]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=235510
Rules, Points [Tournament - Easy / Difficulty 1]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=245322

Service Mode:
Atypical Nintendo "Donkey Kong" hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by holding the Service Mode button (F2) while initiating a reset (F3) thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Top-level navigation is with short taps of the Service Mode button and selection with holding the Service Mode button. Instructions in other sections are given at the bottom of the screen. A read-only binary display of the DIP switches is available in the "Monitor Adjustment & Self Test" area.

Default Settings:
NOTE: from 0.222 onwards, Difficulty settings have been relabelled to numbers. Verify with caution.
- Difficulty up to: 0.221: Easy / Medium / Hard / Hardest
- Difficulty from : 0.222: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.255 after accessing the Test Mode:

Comparison of Difficulty DIP switch change between 0.221 and 0.222:

dkongjp, dkongj

ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.133: dkongjp - "Donkey Kong (Japan set 1)"
0.133u1-0.265: dkongj - "Donkey Kong (Japan set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.116: Couriersud implemented discrete sound from schematics in Donkey Kong. Color generation from schematics (resistor mixer). Replaced DAC/Samples sound with Discrete. Removed all samples. Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.121u3: DKong driver updates [Couriersud]: Added configuration switch to change palette between TKG02 (radarscp conversion) and TKG04 (dkong 2board). [...]
- 0.133u1: Renamed (dkongjp) to (dkongj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.265: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/do...an-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=33137
Rules, Points [No Hammer Challenge]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=33138

Service Mode:
Typical Nintendo "Donkey Kong" hardware.
No service mode.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
Note: the video hardware option introduced in 0.121u3. The MAME indication is this is just a palette affect.
MAME 0.122: |
MAME 0.250: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.152: dkongjr - "Donkey Kong Junior (US)"
0.153-0.273: dkongjr - "Donkey Kong Junior (US set F-2)"

MAME History:
- 0.116u3: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.120u4: Vas Crabb added DIP locations for the Nintendo Donkey Kong series.
- 0.153: Kevin Eshbach changed parent description to 'Donkey Kong Junior (US set F-2)'. Corrected some rom names.
- 0.161: Tafoid fixed incorrect dipswitches in Donkey Kong Junior.

Resolution, 0.106-0.116: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.117-0.273: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/do...unior-us/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7723
TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...nge-2025/mame/
Rules, Donkey Kong Jr. - 1 Life: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=269987

Service Mode:
Typical Nintendo "Donkey Kong" hardware [nintendo/dkong.cpp].
No service mode.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Bonus Life DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.160 Bonus Life: 7000 / 10000 / 15000 / 20000
≡ 0.161-0.273 Bonus Life: 10000 / 15000 / 20000 / 25000

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.121:
MAME 0.161:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: dkong - "Donkey Kong (US set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.116: Couriersud implemented discrete sound from schematics in Donkey Kong. Color generation from schematics (resistor mixer). Replaced DAC/Samples sound with Discrete. Removed all samples. Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.120u4: Vas Crabb added DIP locations for the Nintendo Donkey Kong series.
- 0.121u3: DKong driver updates [Couriersud]: Added configuration switch to change palette between TKG02 (radarscp conversion) and TKG04 (dkong 2board). [...]
- 0.122: Another big DKong driver update [Couriersud]: Wrote M58817 sound driver and hooked it up. Uses TMS5110 speech synthesis. LPC format is identical, however coefficients seem to be different. Until coefficients are known, samples are used. Changed dkong/radarscp based games to use hardware-conformant I8035 memory maps. Added drakton clone drktnjr on dkongjr hardware. Moved address remapping proms to REGION_USER1 (hunchbkd & co). Service now adds credit. Hooked up coin_counters. Remove GAME_NOT_WORKING GAME_WRONG_COLORS from hunchbkd. Mapped more interface lines between sound and CPU boards in dkongjr. Tagged all inputs, all reads use tag names. Moved more static vars into dkong_state.
- 0.122u2: DKong updates [Couriersud]: Added dkongjr discrete sound. Proper interface Z80 - I8035 for dkongjr. Changed discrete sound output factors. Removed samples support for dkongjr. Cosmetic changes. Fixed regression in radarscp sound. Added DIP locations to dkong3b. Added discrete 74LS624(56789) implementation [Couriersud]: DISCRETE_74LS624 is a VCO needed for dkongjr. Supports Logic, Energy and Count outputs.
- 0.122u4: DKong driver improvements [Couriersud]: Hooked up Z80 DMA. Removed 2nd player inputs from sbdk input_ports. Fixed some dump "copy/paste" bugs in DIP locations.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added 'Free_Play' dipswitch to clone Donkey Kong Foundry (hack) and changed year to 2004.

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.260: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/donkey-kong-us-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7721
Rules, Points [Level 1-1]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=37975
Rules, Fastest Kill Screen Activation: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=132362
Rules, Points [No Hammer Challenge]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10814
Rules, Fastest Start: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=197163
Rules, No Kill-Screen! (The Real King of Kong): https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=197916

Service Mode:
Typical Nintendo "Donkey Kong" hardware.
No service mode.

Default Settings:
Note 0.121u3: the video hardware option introduced in 0.121u3. The MAME indication is this is just a palette affect.
Note 0.122u4: some SW2 references were relabelled SW1.
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.121:
MAME 0.122: |
MAME 0.123: |
MAME 0.250: |


ROM set changed: Added in 0.140.
0.140-0.154: dkongx - "Donkey Kong II - Jumpman Returns (V1.2) (hack)"
0.155-0.255: dkongx - "Donkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns (hack, V1.2)"

MAME History:
- 0.121u3: DKong driver updates [Couriersud]: Added configuration switch to change palette between TKG02 (radarscp conversion) and TKG04 (dkong 2board). [...]

Resolution, 0.140-0.255: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/d2k-jum...rns-v1-2/mame/
Rules, Points [6 Men to Start]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=132334
Rules, Points [3 Men to Start]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=196064

Service Mode:
Atypical Nintendo "Donkey Kong" hardware.
All settings are internal and can only be changed/shown during boot up. During boot up Service Mode is accessed using the P1 Start button when prompted. After boot up, the Service Mode merely inserts a coin.

Default Settings:
The default settings are for 6 men. However, entering the settings will default to 3 men. So if booted without entering, 6 men are used.


Note: the video hardware option introduced in 0.121u3. The MAME indication is this is just a palette affect.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: doapp - "Dead Or Alive ++ (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ve%20%2B%2B%20[JAPAN]
Rules, Fastest Completion [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55848


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.206: docastle - "Mr. Do's Castle (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.123: 240x192 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.152: 240x192 @ 59.600000Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.206: 240x192 @ 59.659091Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mr...le-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7774


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.198: dockman - "Dock Man"

Resolution, 0.106-0.118: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.119-0.198: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dock-man/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26113


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: dodgem - "Dodgem"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 720x768 @ 55.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Dodgem
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55852


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: dogfgt - "Acrobatic Dog-Fight"

Resolution: 0.106-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ic%20Dog-Fight
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21424


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: dogfight - "Dog Fight (Thunderbolt)"

MAME History:
- 0.148u4: hap changed Z80 CPU1/2 clock speeds to 3072000 Hz, AY-3-8910A to 1536000 Hz and VSync to 60.606061 Hz. This fixes the Z80 and AY8910 speeds are unverified source bug.

Resolution, 0.106-0.148: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.149-0.260: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/do...nderbolt/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22927

Service Mode:
Typical Orca Zodiack/Dogfight hardware.
No service mode found. - Barthax, Dec 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: dogpatch - "Dog Patch"

Resolution, 0.106-0.111: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.112-0.175: 260x224 @ 59.541985Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....me=Dog%20Patch
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55853


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: dogyuun - "Dogyuun"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.410646 Hz.
- 0.122u5: Corrado Tomaselli verified/correct frequencies and OKI6295 pin 7 in Dogyuun. Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 12.5MHz, OKI6295 to 1041666 Hz and VSync to 59Hz.
- 0.141u4: Alex Jackson fixed description of clones (Unite Trading license) to 'Dogyuun (older set)' and (test location version) to 'Dogyuun (location test)'. Changed VSync to 59.410646 Hz. Renamed (dogyuunk) to (dogyuuna).
- 0.144: Start of input ports cleanup in the Toaplan2 driver [Alex Jackson, Kanikani]: Removed some unused macros from toaplipt.h. Fixed polarity of DIP locations in Toaplan2. Added some missing inputs. Added more DIP locations and missing inputs. Added information about ingame test/debug features to comments. Unified Toaplan2 inputs with the other Toaplan drivers. Added 'Test Switch' dipswitch.
- 0.147u4: Bulk replace of Jumper settings from DIP-switches menu to Game Configuration in Toaplan2 driver [Angelo Salese].

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 59.410645Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.122: 320x240 @ 59.410646Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.141: 320x240 @ 59.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.142-0.151: 320x240 @ 59.410646Hz
Resolution, 0.152-0.271: 320x240 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dogyuun/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26114
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26115

Service Mode:
Typical Toaplan 2 BIOS.
Service Mode will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which is toggled by the Service button (F2) then requires a reset.

Default Settings:
Equivalent Difficulty DIP switch settings (note this is not necessarily the order as seen in the MAME UI):
0.106-0.141: Easy / Medium / Hard / Hardest
0.142-0.143: Easy / Normal / Hard / Hardest
0.144-0.271: Easy / Normal / Hard / Very Hard
Note: 0.144 also adjusted the names of the Region DIP switch but only to drop the word "license".
From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP Switch.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: dokaben - "Dokaben (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 384x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.175: 384x240 @ 57.420000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Dokaben
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55854


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: domino - "Domino Man"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Domino%20Man
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7720
Note: press Service Mode (F2) before initial screen to enter configuration during recording. Internal settings can be reviewed after playback with a reset.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.207: dommy - "Dommy"

Resolution, 0.106-0.144: 248x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.207: 240x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dommy/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26087


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: dondokod - "Don Doko Don (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.143u3: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/do...on-world/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26116
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26117

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F2 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A test screen appears initially and can be progressed with P1 Start button. The second screen is an input test screen with DIP switches shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

donpachij, donpachj, donpacjp

ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.109: donpachj - "DonPachi (Japan)"
0.109u2-0.133: donpacjp - "DonPachi (Japan)"
0.133u1-0.250: donpachij - "DonPachi (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.109u2: Arenzo Fabrice added DonPachi (Hong Kong). Renamed (donpachj) to (donpacjp) and (donpachk) to (donpackr).
- Jul 24, 2009: get rid of 8 character limitation for many clones
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.550645 Hz.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (donpacjp) to (donpachij), (donpackr) to (donpachikr) and (donpachk) to (donpachihk).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 57.550644Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 320x240 @ 57.550645Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/donpachi-japan/mame
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22928
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22929

Service Mode:
Typical Cave (Motorola 68000) BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, press & hold F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Use P1 Button 1 to select top menu, instructions given on subsequent screens.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.167: dorachan - "Dorachan"
0.168-0.175: dorachan - "Dora-chan (Japan)" (description change only)

Resolution, 0.106-0.167: 240x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.168-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Dorachan
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55856


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.204: dorodon - "Dorodon (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.204: 240x192 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dorodon-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26118


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.191: dorunrun - "Do! Run Run (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.123: 240x192 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.152: 240x192 @ 59.600000Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.191: 240x192 @ 59.659091Hz

TG Game Entry [old]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Do!+Run+Run+[Set+1]
TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game_de...&platformid=46
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7719


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.230

- 0.231: Changed 'Discs of Tron (Upright)' to clone 'Discs of Tron (Upright, 9/22/83)' and clone (Upright alternate) to 'Discs of Tron (Upright, 10/4/83)'. Fixed rom names. Renamed (dotron) to (dotrona) and (dotrona) to (dotron).

Discs of Tron (Upright, 9/22/83)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.229: dotron - "Discs of Tron (Upright)"
0.230-0.231: dotrona - "Discs of Tron (Upright, 9/22/83)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.231: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/di...-upright/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7722

Discs of Tron (Upright, 10/4/83)
Note: not currently tracked at TG.
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.229: dotrona - "Discs of Tron (Upright alternate)"
0.230-0.231: dotron - "Discs of Tron (Upright, 10/4/83)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.231: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.230

- 0.231: Changed 'Discs of Tron (Upright)' to clone 'Discs of Tron (Upright, 9/22/83)' and clone (Upright alternate) to 'Discs of Tron (Upright, 10/4/83)'. Fixed rom names. Renamed (dotron) to (dotrona) and (dotrona) to (dotron).

Discs of Tron (Upright, 9/22/83)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.229: dotron - "Discs of Tron (Upright)"
0.230-0.231: dotrona - "Discs of Tron (Upright, 9/22/83)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.231: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/di...-upright/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7722

Discs of Tron (Upright, 10/4/83)
Note: not currently tracked at TG.
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.229: dotrona - "Discs of Tron (Upright alternate)"
0.230-0.231: dotron - "Discs of Tron (Upright, 10/4/83)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.231: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROm set changed: no
0.106-0.250: doubledr - "Double Dragon (Neo-Geo)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/do...-neo-geo/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14679

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.272: dowild - "Mr. Do's Wild Ride"

MAME History:
- 0.124u3: Nicola Salmoria adjusted Mr. Do's Castle refresh rate to match PCB measurement. Changed VSync to 59.6 Hz.
- 0.129: smf and David Haywood maps all Docastle games third CPU rom to 0x0000 so that MAME doesn't log unmapped reads constantly. This fixes immense emulation speed drop bug.
- 0.139u2: Phil Bennett fixed unable to enter Service Mode in all sets in the Docastle driver.
- 0.153: Added video raw parameters to Docastle driver. Also tried to hook up CRTC but got screen offset glitches. Don't clutter error.log by default (machine\docastle.c). Note: This ia a hack, it can be accurately emulated once our Z80 core supports WAIT [hap]. Hooked up slave CPU IRQ according to schematics. Added note about CRTC and visible area, removed obsolete comments [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.659091 Hz.
- 0.204: Put maincpu IRQ back to vsync. Fixes top of screen flickers in dowild when level 1 completed (either by player or via attract mode) [hap].
- 0.272: Removed universal\docastle.h, universal\docastle_m.cpp and universal\docastle_v.cpp. Removed main-sub comms hack and hook up SN76489A ready pin. Do main-sub comms a bit differently (defer_access on subcpu was eating cycles) and re-add logging. Added retry_access with abort_timeslice for redoing the access at the same point in time (emu\devcpu.cpp and universal\docastle_m.cpp). Merged driver files and make idsoccer a subclass. Updated some dipswitches. Shorthand variable types [hap].

Resolution, 0.106-0.124: 240x192 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.152: 240x192 @ 59.600000Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.272: 240x192 @ 59.659091Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mr...ild-ride/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9684
TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...nge-2025/mame/
Rules, Do's Wild Ride - 1 Life: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=269983

Service Mode:
SM access logical after playback: No.
SM access recordable in INP: No.
Typical Universal Mr. Do's Castle hardware and similar [universal/docastle.cpp].
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by holding the P1 Button 1 during a restart thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A series of test screens occur, some with automated test that must be concluded before progression to the next is possible. Progress to the next screen with the combination of P1 Start button and P2 Start button.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Difficulty DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.271 Difficulty: 1 (Beginner) / 2 / 3 / 4 (Advanced)
≡ 0.272-0.273 Difficulty: Easy / Medium / Hard / Hardest


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.123: downtown - "DownTown (Set 1)"
0.125-0.250: downtown - "DownTown / Mokugeki (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.123u4: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'DownTown / Mokugeki'.
- 0.133u3: Corrado Tomaselli verified clocks and Vsync on DownTown. Changed game to mono sound, the PCB don't have a stereo connector. Changed VSync to 57.42 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 384x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.250: 384x240 @ 57.420000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/downtown-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26124
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26125

Service Mode:
Service Mode is enabled using the DIP switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Service Mode is only accessed at boot up, thus a reset is needed which cannot be recorded in an INP.

Default settings example:
From MAME 0.250 with the Service Mode DIP switch enabled.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: dragnblz - "Dragon Blaze"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-dragnblz.bin EEPROM.
- 0.165: Guru dumped EEPROM from Dragon Blaze, fixes security error.
- 0.165: Renamed 'Debug' dipswitch to 'Tilt (Enables Debug Mode)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dragon-blaze/mame
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26128
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26129

Service Mode:
Typical early Psikyo Hitachi SH-2 hardware BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection/change is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:

EEPROM added at 0.136 seems to have no effect on Internal Settings.
EEPROM update at 0.165 seems to have no effect on Internal Settings.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: dragngun - "Dragon Gun (US)"

MAME History:
- 0.189: Rewritten interrupt handling. Input repetition removal and labels [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 57.799650 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.188: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.189-0.255: 320x240 @ 57.799650Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dragon-gun-us/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26131
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26132

Service Mode:
Typical Data East "DECO32": 32-bit ARM hardware BIOS.
Hardware DIP settings (like Service Mode) will reflect the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is performed with P1 Button 1 and selection with P1 Start. Instructions are given for sub-menus where additional inputs are used (the Exit option, when highlighted, is usually not instructed but is selected with P1 Start).

Default Settings:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: dragrace - "Drag Race"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....me=Drag%20Race
Rules, Fastest Heat: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=32353


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.181: dreamwld - "Dream World"

Resolution, 0.106-0.111: 304x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.112-0.153: 304x224 @ 58.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.154-0.163: 304x224 @ 57.793000Hz
Resolution, 0.164-0.181: 308x224 @ 57.793000Hz

MAME History:
- 0.128u2: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches and inputs for Dream World. Added 'Lives' dipswitch'. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.
- 0.111u6: David Haywood and Guru fixed clocks and other details in Dream World based on new measurements. Changed VSync to 58Hz.
- 0.111u5: Added 2x OKI6295 (1MHz) stereo sound. Added Philips 8752 MCU protection data rom. Added Player 2, 8-way Joystick, 3x buttons and 2x coin slots. Added dipswitches 'Not Dips?', 'Lives', 'Ticket Payout', 'Free Play', 'Demo Sounds', 'Coinage', 'Difficulty' and 'Service Mode'.
- 24th December 2006: David Haywood - Dream World by Semicom is now working... The hardware is rather different to that used by most Semicom games. It uses a 68020 instead of a 68000 and has different video hardware too.

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....me=Dream+World
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=207201

- Game is playable from 0.112 onwards only
- Ongoing development had DIPs added, then later removed (0.128u2) to be controlled by internal settings. If using 0.112 to 0.128, leave all DIPs as default!!!


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.200: dremshpr - "Dream Shopper"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.200: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dream-shopper/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26140


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.153: drgnbowl - "Dragon Bowl"
0.154-0.255: drgnbowl - "Dragon Bowl (set 1, encrypted program)"

MAME History:
- 0.154: System11 added clone Dragon Bowl (set 2, unencrypted program). Changed parent description to 'Dragon Bowl (set 1, encrypted program)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dragon-bowl/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55867
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55868

Service Mode:
Atypical Tecmo "Ninja Gaiden" style hardware.
No service mode.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: drgnbstr - "Dragon Buster"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ragon%20Buster
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26130


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: drgnmst - "Dragon Master"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ragon%20Master
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26133


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: drgnunit - "Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon"

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 384x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dr...f-dragon/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26135
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26136

Service Mode:
Typical early Seta hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the Service Mode DIP switch or via Service button (9) which toggles the DIP switch with each use. A reset must be used to enter Service Mode and therefore cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode begins with a test screen which can be progressed with the P1 Start button and arrives at an input test screen.
Note : MAME's UI displays the DIP switch layout reversed and back-to-front. The Service Mode's DIP SWA is displayed in the MAME UI as SW2 and Service Mode's DIP SWB is SW1 in MAME's UI. Confirmed to MAME 0.250. - Barthax, May 2023

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.265: drifto94 - "Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.139: 336x236 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.140-0.148: 336x238 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.149-0.265: 336x238 @ 60.186720Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dr...er-japan/mame/
Rules, All 14 Stages [Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26156
Rules, Course 01 - Rallye Monte-Carlo [Round 1] [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26142
Rules, Course 02 - Rallye Monte-Carlo [Round 2] [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26143
Rules, Course 03 - Safari Rally Kenya [Round 1] [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26144
Rules, Course 04 - Safary Rally Kenya [Round 2] [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26145
Rules, Course 05 - Special Stage - Rally New Zealand [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26146
Rules, Course 06 - Acropolis Rally [Round 1] [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26147
Rules, Course 07 - Acropolis Rally [Round 2] [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26148
Rules, Course 08 - Acropolis Rally [Round 3] [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26149
Rules, Course 09 - Special Stage - Rally de Portugal [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26150
Rules, Course 10 - Swedish Rally [Round 1] [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26151
Rules, Course 11 - Swedish Rally [Round 2] [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26152
Rules, Course 12 - Special Stage - Rally Australia [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26153
Rules, Course 13 - Tajibank Finland Rally [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26154
Rules, Course 14 - Lombard Rally [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26155

driftoutj, driftoutct, driftout

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.147.

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitch to 'Unused'.
- 0.146u4: Hammy dumped/added Drift Out (Europe). Renamed (driftout) to (driftoutj).
- 0.229: twistedsymphony and Porchy added clone Drift Out (Europe, Cameltry conversion).

Drift Out (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes.
0.106-0.146: driftout - "Drift Out (Japan)"
0.147-0.265: driftoutj - "Drift Out (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.265: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/drift-out-japan/mame/
Rules, Course 01 - Lombird Rally [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26157
Rules, Course 02 - Safary Rally Kenya [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26158
Rules, Course 03 - Acropolis Rally [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26159
Rules, Course 04 - Swedish Rally [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26160
Rules, Course 05 - 1000 Lakes Rally [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26161
Rules, Course 06 - Rallye Monte-Carlo [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26162
Rules, Fastest Completion All 6 Stages: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26163

Drift Out (Europe)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.147.
0.147-0.265: driftout - "Drift Out (Europe)"

Resolution, 0.147-0.265: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Drift Out (Europe, Cameltry conversion)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.229.

0.229-0.265: driftoutct - "Drift Out (Europe, Cameltry conversion)"

Resolution, 0.229-0.265: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.194: drivedge - "Driver's Edge"
0.195-0.271: drivedge - "Driver's Edge (v1.6)"

MAME History:
- 0.112: Brian Troha added DIP locations to the ITech32 driver.
- 0.113u4: Zsolt Vasvari updated the ITech32 driver to configure video timing dynamically according to how the chip is programmed. Changed visible area to 200x200.
- 0.122u4: Aaron Giles cleaned up clocks in the ITech32 driver. Changed visible area to 384x256 and VSync to 60.106990 Hz.
- 0.130u2: Removed Player 2 and 3.
- 0.195: Hooked up stereo audio output for Driver's Edge [cam900]. Changed description to 'Driver's Edge (v1.6)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.122: 200x200 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.153: 384x256 @ 60.106990Hz
Resolution, 0.154-0.271: 384x240 @ 60.106990Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/drivers-edge/mame/
Rules, Advanced Track [Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55869
Rules, Easy Track [Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55870
Rules, Pro Track [Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55871
Rules, Points [Advanced Track]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55872
Rules, Points [Easy Track]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55873
Rules, Points [Pro Track]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55874

Service Mode:
Typical Incredible Technologies/Strata system (32-bit blitter variant).
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is performed with P1 Fan (F) for up and P1 Tow (T) for down, selection with either P1 Start button or P1 Horn (space). Each entry in Game Settings is a separate menu item which must be navigated to to view.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.190: drivfrcp - "Driving Force (Pac-Man conversion)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.190: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....+Conversion%5D
Rules, Most Miles: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26164


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.224: drmario - "Vs. Dr. Mario"

Resolution, 0.106-0.224: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/vs-dr-mario/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10981
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10982


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.208: drmicro - "Dr. Micro"

Resolution, 0.106-0.208: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dr-micro/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26126


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.203: drtoppel - "Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World)"

- 0.128u1: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.203: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dr...re-world/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26127

dsabera, dsaber

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.173.

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.173: Layer added Dragon Saber (World, DO2). Fixed rom names. Changed 'Dragon Saber' to clone 'Dragon Saber (World, older?)'. Renamed (dsaber) to (dsabera).

Dragon Saber (World, older?)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.172: dsaber - "Dragon Saber"
0.173-0.250: dsabera - "Dragon Saber (World, older?)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dragon-saber/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10141
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10142

Service Mode:
Hardware DIP settings (like Service Mode) will reflect the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Most settings are software settings (stored in NVRAM), not hardware.
NOTE: This game has both DIPs & internal settings covered by the rules. If not shown during playback, press F2 to access & check internal settings afterwards.

Dragon Saber (World, DO2)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.173.
0.173-0.250: dsaber - "Dragon Saber (World, DO2)"

Resolution, 0.173-0.250: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Namco NS-2 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). A series of screens can be transitioned with the Test (9) button. The Game Options screen can be interacted with using P1 Up and P1 Down for navigation and P1 Left and Right to change values.

Default Setting:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:


Future note: if there are multiple versions with the same date, see cv1k.cpp introduction as potential explanation.

ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.142u5, removed in 0.143u9, added in 0.153.
0.106-0.152: NOT SUPPORTED
0.153-0.251: dsmbl - "Deathsmiles MegaBlack Label (2008/10/06 MEGABLACK LABEL VER)"

MAME History:
- 0.153: Added 'Deathsmiles MegaBlack Label (2008/10/06 MEGABLACK LABEL VER)' (Cave 2008).
- 0.225: Slightly more accurate frame rate [rtw, MetalliC]. Changed VSync to 60.02 Hz.
- 0.227: A bit more accurate frame rate [MetalliC]. Changed VSync to 60.024 Hz.

Resolution, 0.153-0.224: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.225-0.226: 320x240 @ 60.020000Hz
Resolution, 0.227-0.250: 320x240 @ 60.024000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/de...abel-ver/mame/
Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=208950
Points[Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=249002

Service Mode:
Standard Cave CV1000 BIOS.
This game has both DIPs & internal settings covered by the rules. If not shown during playback, press & hold "Service 2" (typically '0') for a few seconds to access & check internal settings afterwards.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.152: dspirit - "Dragon Spirit (new version)"
0.153-0.175: dspirit - "Dragon Spirit (new version (DS3))"

Resolution, 0.106-0.152: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....on%20Spirit%20[New%20Version]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26134


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.201: dstlk - "Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Euro 940705)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.201: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...o-940705/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19149


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.145: NOT SUPPORTED
0.146-0.250: dtfamily - "Diet Family"

MAME History:
- 0.145u1: Added 'Diet Family' (SemiCom 2001). David Haywood added correct speed up to Diet Family.
- 0.146u2: Readjusted visible area in the vamphalf.c driver based on tests comparing emulation and original PCB observations [David Haywood, Smitdogg]. Changed visible area to 320x236.
- 0.202: Changed the common base refresh rate to 59Hz and added a note of measured sync clocks for 'Cool Minigame Collection' [Brian Troha].

Resolution, 0.146 : 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.201: 320x236 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.202-0.250: 320x236 @ 59.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/diet-family/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=231641

Service Mode:
Typical Hyperstone System hardware.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.140: duckhunt - "Vs. Duck Hunt"
0.141-0.146: duckhunt - "Vs. Duck Hunt (set E)"
0.147-0.175: duckhunt - "Vs. Duck Hunt (set DH3 E)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....%20Duck%20Hunt
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120579


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: dungeonm - "Dungeon Magic (Ver 2.1O 1994/02/18)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 58.970000 Hz.
- 0.266: Major rewrite [ywy, 12Me21]. Optimized for performance (taito\taito_f3_v.cpp): Changed per-pixed blend Z buffers from array-of-structures to structure-of-arrays. Allow vectorization of line blending operations. Restored empty line optimization by tracking tilemap row use. Consolidate sprite frame buffers (still pulls from it multiple times for each priority group). Rearranged various operations to improve performance [ywy]. Changed VSync to 58.943844 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 58.970001Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.265: 320x224 @ 58.970000Hz
Resolution, 0.266-0.271: 320x224 @ 58.943844Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/du...94-02-18/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11855
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11856
Rules, Points [3 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55875
Rules, Points [4 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=55876

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F3 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode can be accessed using the Service button (F2). Navigate with P1 Up and Down. Select menu options with P1 Button 1. Change settings with P1 Left and Right.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: dyger - "Dyger (Korea set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.148: Brian Troha added DIP locations to the Dyger sets. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.
- 0.245: Changed Z80 CPU2 clock speed to 8MHz and VSync to 61.033800 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.244: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.245-0.260: 384x224 @ 61.033800Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dy...ea-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26167

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom "Sidearms" hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. After some initialisation the test input screen appears. I have not found any other options or way passed this screen. - Barthax, Dec 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.148:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changes: no
0.106-0.271: dynablst - "Dynablaster / Bomber Man"

Resolution, 0.106-0.271: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dy...omberman/mame/
Rules, Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dy...er-only/page/1
Rules, Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dy...2-player-team/
Rules, Points [3 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dy...3-player-team/
Rules, Points [4 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dy...4-player-team/

Service Mode:
Typical Irem M90/M97/M99 system games.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP switch and then resetting the machine, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. After an initial ROM and RAM test, the menu screen is accessed with the combination of P1 Start and P2 Start. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down; P1 Button 1 to enter menu option; P1 Start and P2 Start to exit an option. On the I/O Test screen, a binary representation of the DIP Switches is given in descending placement, SW2 right and SW1 left.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.251: dynagear - "Dyna Gear"

MAME History:
- 0.120u3: Vas Crabb added DIP locations to several SSV games.
- 0.148u3: Added SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS to SSV hardware [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 60.186720 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.139: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.140-0.148: 336x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.149-0.251: 336x240 @ 60.186720Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dyna-gear/mame/
Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26168
Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26169

Service Mode:
No service mode.


ROM set changed: no but has undergone significant description change.

0.106-0.124: dynwar - "Dynasty Wars (World)"
0.125-0.138: dynwar - "Dynasty Wars (US set 1)"
0.139: dynwar - "Dynasty Wars (USA, set 1)"
0.140-0.251: dynwar - "Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 89624B-?)"

MAME History:
- 0.124u3: Changed description of 'Dynasty Wars (World)' to 'Dynasty Wars (US)'.
- 0.124u5: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Dynasty Wars (US set 2). Changed parent description to 'Dynasty Wars (US set 1)'.
- 0.126u4: Corrado Tomaselli verified and correct CPS1 refresh rate. Changed VSync to 59.610000 Hz.
- 0.139: Corrado Tomaselli dumped and added TK24B1.1A to Dynasty Wars. Changed description to 'Dynasty Wars (USA, set 1)' and clone (US set 2) to 'Dynasty Wars (USA, set 2)'.
- 0.139u1: Team CPS-1 replaced gfx rom 14.bin in clone Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan), it was a bad dump. Changed parent description to 'Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 89624B-?)' and clone (USA, set 2) to 'Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 88622B-3)'. Renamed (dynwaru) to (dynwara).
- 0.147u1: Changed CPS-1 video timings to SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup (includes\cps1.h) [Osso]. Willow, Strider and Ghouls'n Ghosts have some changed factory setting defaults as stated from manual. Also noted differences in bonus live coverage where applicable [Tafoid]. Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.251: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/dy...rs-world/mame/
Points [1 Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10144
Points [2 Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14430

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS1 BIOS.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2) and then resetting the machine, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode only presents a series of test options.

Default Settings:

Note: the visuals of the DIPs are flipped between MAME and the Service Mode:

Confirmation of only a description change from 0.124 to 0.125:
mame124.exe -listcrc dynwar | sort
068741db tke19.12c Dynasty Wars (World)
0bf228cb tkm-6.3a Dynasty Wars (World)
1255dfb1 tkm-7.5a Dynasty Wars (World)
21fe6274 tkm-8.9a Dynasty Wars (World)
44f7661e tkm-1.8a Dynasty Wars (World)
7a13cfbf 36.12h Dynasty Wars (World)
93654bcf tkm-9.8h Dynasty Wars (World)
a54c515d tkm-4.10a Dynasty Wars (World)
ac6e307d tke18.11c Dynasty Wars (World)
b3b79d4f tke17.12b Dynasty Wars (World)
ca5c687c tkm-2.4a Dynasty Wars (World)
e3de76ff 31.12f Dynasty Wars (World)
e41fff2f 35.11h Dynasty Wars (World)
f64bb6a0 tkm-5.7a Dynasty Wars (World)
f9ec6d68 30.11f Dynasty Wars (World)
f9fe6591 tkm-3.6a Dynasty Wars (World)

mame125.exe -listcrc dynwar | sort
068741db tke_19.12c Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
0bf228cb tkm-6.3a Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
1255dfb1 tkm-7.5a Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
21fe6274 tkm-8.9a Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
44f7661e tkm-1.8a Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
7a13cfbf 36.12h Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
93654bcf tkm-9.8h Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
a54c515d tkm-4.10a Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
ac6e307d tke_18.11c Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
b3b79d4f tke_17.12b Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
ca5c687c tkm-2.4a Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
e3de76ff 31.12f Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
e41fff2f 35.11h Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
f64bb6a0 tkm-5.7a Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
f9ec6d68 30.11f Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
f9fe6591 tkm-3.6a Dynasty Wars (US set 1)
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