1. Game
  2. MAME History, "M" ROM sets

This page is a chapter in 'Game Exploring MAME history for TG rules'

A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: m4 - "M-4"

MAME History:
- 0.111u4: Added mw8080bw.c driver, vidhrdw\mw8080bw.c, sndhrdw\mw8080bw.c and includes\mw8080bw.h. Major rewrite of the Midway 8080 black & white driver, separating it from the huge 8080bw driver and making the following changes [Zsolt Vasvari, Derrick Renaud]: 'True-to-hardware' emulation of the shifting circuits. Identified and stubbed sound triggers. Fixed dipswitches, where necessary (most games). Added DIP locations to all switches. Added watchdog. Added coin counter. Added lamp outputs to Sea Wolf, Guided Missile, Space Encounters, Phantom II and Bowling Alley. Added stereo sound to Gun Fight, Guided Missile and M-4. Partial sound emulation in Tornado Baseball, Boot Hill, Desert Gun, Double Play, Dog Patch and Blue Shark. Properly emulated shifter circuit in Boot Hill. Added gun recoil output to Desert Gun. Added second set of analog controls to Clowns. Fixed analog controls in Dog Patch. Added SN76477 sound effect to Space Encounters. Added non-memory mapped coin counters to Space Invaders, Blue Shark and Space Invaders II. Added proper watchdog times to all the games. Breadboarded the noise clocks and ensured their frequencies were correct.
- 0.111u4: Zsolt Vasvari and Derrick Renaud added stereo sound to M-4. Changed 8080 CPU1 clock speed to 1996800 Hz. Removed the 2x SN76477 sound. Added 2nd Samples sound. Removed Invaders samples 3-18.wav. Fixed dipswitches.
- 0.111u6: Zsolt Vasvari implemented video circuits in the Midway 8080 driver based on schematics. Note that this affected the visible area, so overlays will need to be adjusted. Standardized the visible area across all games. Updated Midway 8080 driver to use properly computed video timings and scanline interrupts. Changed visible area to 260x224 and VSync to 59.541985 Hz.
- 0.112u1: Mike Ellery fixed DIPs in M-4. Added dipswitch 'Extended Play' and 'Extended Play At'.
- 0.112u4: Zsolt Vasvari fixed 'Extended Play At' dipswitch in M-4.

Resolution, 0.106-0.111: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.112-0.260: 260x224 @ 59.541985Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/m-4/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75488

Service Mode:
Typical Midway 8080-based black and white hardware.
Service Mode shows a repeating visual sequence of vertical lines only. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MaME 0.112:
MaME 0.113:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: m660 - "Mission 660 (US)"

MAME History:
- 0.172: Hardware actually runs at 224 x 256, especially noticeable in Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi [Angelo Salese].
- 0.233: Added DIP locations [Guru].

Resolution, 0.106-0.171: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.172-0.260: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ssion%20660%20[US]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19605

Service Mode:
Typical Taito "Samurai" hardware.
No service mode found. - Barthax, Dec 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.233:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.123: m79amb - "M79 Ambush"
0.125-0.175: m79amb - "M-79 Ambush"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=M79%20Ambush
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75490


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mace - "Mace: The Dark Age (boot ROM 1.0ce, HDD 1.0b)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 640x480 @ 57.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....0Dark%20Age%20[boot%20ROM%201.0ce,%20HDD%201.0b]
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75491


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.113: machbrkr - "Mach Breakers (Japan)"
0.114-0.184: machbrkr - "Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan)"
0.185- :machbrkrj - "Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan, MB1)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u3: Changed description to 'Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan)'.
- 0.185: caius, Silvio Grazini and The Dumping Union added Mach Breakers (World, MB2). Changed (Japan) to clone 'Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan, MB1)'. Fixed rom names. Renamed (machbrkr) to (machbrkrj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 59.700001Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.185: 288x224 @ 59.700000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Mach+Breakers+[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75492


Note: two ROM sets represented here with switchover at 0.185.

MAME History:
- 0.113u3: Changed description to 'Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan)'.
- 0.185: caius, Silvio Grazini and The Dumping Union added Mach Breakers (World, MB2). Changed (Japan) to clone 'Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan, MB1)'. Fixed rom names. Renamed (machbrkr) to (machbrkrj).

Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan, MB1)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.113: machbrkr - "Mach Breakers (Japan)"
0.114-0.184: machbrkr - "Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan)"
0.185- :machbrkrj - "Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan, MB1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 59.700001Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.185: 288x224 @ 59.700000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Mach+Breakers+[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75492

Mach Breakers (World, MB2)
Note: not represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.185.

0.106-0.184: NOT SUPPORTED
0.185- : machbrkr - "Mach Breakers (World, MB2)"

Resolution, 0.185- : 288x224 @ 59.700000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.198: machomou - "Macho Mouse"

Resolution, 0.106-0.118: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.119-0.198: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/macho-mouse/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10837

machridj, machridra, machridrj, machridr

See nvs_machridera, nvs_machrider.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: macross2 - "Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II"

MAME History:
- 0.122u1: Merged afega.c with nmk16.c driver. Afega/nmk16 cleanups [David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina]: Removed many hacks from both. Fixed a number of games. Changed VSync to 56Hz.
- 0.155: [- SNIP -] [David Haywood]. Changed VSync to 56.18 Hz in most games.

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 384x224 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.154: 384x224 @ 56.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.255: 384x224 @ 56.180000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/su...cross-ii/mame/
Rules, Points [Beginner Mode, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110831
Rules, Points [Beginner Mode, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110832
Rules, Points [Medium Mode, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110835
Rules, Points [Medium Mode, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110836
Rules, Points [Expert Mode, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110833
Rules, Points [Expert Mode, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110834

Service Mode:
Typical NMK 16-bit hardware.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2) and then followed by a reset, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A set of test screens are available and progressed through in turn some with instructions. Instruction written as "F1" indicates to use P1 Button 1 and instruction written for "F2" indicates to use P1 Button 2. For screens with no instructions (test patterns), use P1 Button 1 or P1 Button 2 to progress.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: macrossp - "Macross Plus"

MAME History:
- 0.119u2: Brian Troha cleans up the input port for Macross Plus driver and adds DIP locations. Added 'Flip Screen'. Removed 'Unknown' dipswitches.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 384x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/macross-plus/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11813
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11814

Service Mode:
There are no configuration settings to be found in service mode. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1 at the top level and instructions are given in sub-sections.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106: | MAME 0.250:

Comparison of DIP switch options between MAME 0.119 and 0.120:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: macross - "Super Spacefortress Macross / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross"

MAME History:
- 0.122u1: Merged afega.c with nmk16.c driver. Afega/nmk16 cleanups [David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina]: Removed many hacks from both. Fixed a number of games. Changed VSync to 56Hz.
- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Super Spacefortress Macross.
- 0.155: [- SNIP -] [David Haywood]. Changed VSync to 56.18 Hz in most games.

Resolution, 0.106-0.154: 256x224 @ 56.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.255: 256x224 @ 56.180000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/su...-macross/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110829
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110830

Service Mode:
Typical NMK 16-bit hardware.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2) and then followed by a reset, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A set of test screens are available and progressed through in turn some with instructions. Instruction written as "F1" indicates to use P1 Button 1 and instruction written for "F2" indicates to use P1 Button 2. For screens with no instructions (test patterns), use P1 Button 1 or P1 Button 2 to progress.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: No
0.106-0.159: madalien - "Mad Alien"
0.160-0.228: madalien - "Mad Alien (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.120: 256x256 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.121-0.228: 256x256 @ 54.744337Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mad-alien/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75493


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: madcrash - "Mad Crasher"

Resolution, 0.106-0.127: 256x216 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.175: 288x216 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=Mad%20Crasher
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=17188


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: madgear - "Mad Gear (US)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.150: 384x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.151-0.175: 384x240 @ 57.444400Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=Mad%20Gear%20[US]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75495


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.169: madmotor - "Mad Motor"
0.170-0.194: madmotor - "Mad Motor (prototype)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.194: 256x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/mad-motor/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11842


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: madshark - "Mad Shark"

MAME History:
- 0.224: Improved Mad Shark 'Title Language' dipswitch. The DIP switch doesn't change any regional licensing warnings or messages, all it does is change select between English and traditional Chinese title. It's better to explicitly document what the switch does [cam900].

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mad-shark/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23023
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23024

Service Mode:
Typical early Seta hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode is a set of screens. Use P1 Start button to progress past the initial screen(s). The final screen is an input test screen which also displays the DIP switches in binary form at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250: |

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.184: magdrop2 - "Magical Drop II"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.184: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....agical+Drop+II
Rules, Points [Puzzle Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14699
Rules, Points [VS. Cpu Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14700

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.184: magdrop3 - "Magical Drop III"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.184: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gical+Drop+III
Rules, Points [Challenge Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21184
Rules, Points [Magical Journey Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14702
Rules, Points [Survival Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14701

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: magicbub - "Magic Bubble"

Resolution, 0.106-0.150: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.151-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Magic Bubble


Note: two ROM sets represented here with swaps at 0.130u1 and back at 0.140u1.

MAME History:
- 0.130u1: NeoGeo update [Johnboy]: Changed Magician Lord (set 1) to clone (set 2) and (set 2) to parent (set 1). Corrected chip label of maincpu rom to 005-pg1.bin (MichaelNet) in Magician Lord (set 1). Renamed (maglord) to (maglordh) and (maglordh) to (maglord).
- 0.140u1: Johnboy fixed/mixed up crc's in Magician Lord and clone. Renamed (maglord) to (maglordh) and (maglordh) to (maglord).
- 0.142u5: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Magician Lord (NGM-005)' and clone (set 2) to 'Magician Lord (NGH-005)'.

Magician Lord (NGM-005) / (set 1, 2, 1)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.130: maglord - "Magician Lord (set 1)"
0.130u1-0.140: maglordh - "Magician Lord (set 2)"
0.140u1-0.142: maglord - "Magician Lord (set 1)"
0.143-0.204: maglord - "Magician Lord (NGM-005)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.204: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...rd-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14703

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.

Magician Lord (NGH-005) / (set 2, 1, 2)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.130: maglordh - "Magician Lord (set 2)"
0.130u1-0.140: maglord - "Magician Lord (set 1)"
0.140u1-0.142: maglordh - "Magician Lord (set 2)"
0.143-0.204: maglordh - "Magician Lord (NGH-005)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.204: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


Note: two ROM sets represented here with swaps at 0.130u1 and back at 0.140u1.

MAME History:
- 0.130u1: NeoGeo update [Johnboy]: Changed Magician Lord (set 1) to clone (set 2) and (set 2) to parent (set 1). Corrected chip label of maincpu rom to 005-pg1.bin (MichaelNet) in Magician Lord (set 1). Renamed (maglord) to (maglordh) and (maglordh) to (maglord).
- 0.140u1: Johnboy fixed/mixed up crc's in Magician Lord and clone. Renamed (maglord) to (maglordh) and (maglordh) to (maglord).
- 0.142u5: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Magician Lord (NGM-005)' and clone (set 2) to 'Magician Lord (NGH-005)'.

Magician Lord (NGM-005) / (set 1, 2, 1)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.130: maglord - "Magician Lord (set 1)"
0.130u1-0.140: maglordh - "Magician Lord (set 2)"
0.140u1-0.142: maglord - "Magician Lord (set 1)"
0.143-0.204: maglord - "Magician Lord (NGM-005)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.204: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...rd-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14703

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.

Magician Lord (NGH-005) / (set 2, 1, 2)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.130: maglordh - "Magician Lord (set 2)"
0.130u1-0.140: maglord - "Magician Lord (set 1)"
0.140u1-0.142: maglordh - "Magician Lord (set 2)"
0.143-0.204: maglordh - "Magician Lord (NGH-005)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.204: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: magmax - "Mag Max"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=Mag Max


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.189: magspot2 - "Magical Spot II"

Resolution, 0.106-0.189: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....agical+Spot+II
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10118


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.189: magspot - "Magical Spot"

Resolution, 0.106-0.189: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Magical+Spot * note that this matches more than one game
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75503


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: mahoudai - "Mahou Daisakusen (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.152: Merged othldrby.c with toaplan2.c driver. Added machine\upd4992.c/h. Converted Toaplan 2 to use SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS. Added a core for uPD4992 RTC, used by Othello Derby and Power Kick [Angelo Salese]. Fixed compile, also slightly cleanup/reorganize toaplan2.h [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.151: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.152-0.250: 320x240 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...en-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23025
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23026

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection is with P1 Button 1. Service Mode is exited by toggling the Service Mode DIP switch.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.190: mainevt - "The Main Event (4 Players ver. Y)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to The Main Event. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'. Renamed (mainev2p) to (mainevt2p).

Resolution, 0.106-0.190: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry [old]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....he+Main+Event+[4+Players+ver.+Y]
TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game_de...&platformid=46
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120399


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: majtitl2 - "Major Title 2 (World)"
0.173-0.255: majtitl2 - "Major Title 2 (World, set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.173: Porchy added clone Major Title 2 (World, set 2). Changed parent description to 'Major Title 2 (World, set 1)' and clone (World, alt sound CPU) to 'Major Title 2 (World, set 1, alt sound CPU)'. Fixed rom names.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...-2-world/mame/
Rules, Least Amount Of Strokes [American Country Course]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75507
Rules, Least Amount Of Strokes [European Woody Course]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75508

Service Mode:
Typical Irem M92 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode begins with another ROM & RAM test. Use simultaneous P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 to enter the menu of Service Mode. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection is with P1 Button 1. To exit a sub-menu simultaneously hold P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.126: majtitle - "Major Title (Japan)"
0.126u2-0.133: majtitlj - "Major Title (Japan)"
0.133u1-0.175: majtitlej - "Major Title (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Renamed (majtitlj) to (majtitlej).
- 0.126u2: Tirino73 and MAME Italia added Major Title (World). Renamed (majtitle) to (majtitlj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 384x256 @ 55.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....jor%20Title%20[Japan]
Rules, Least Amount Of Strokes: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75506


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.126u2.

MAME History:
- 0.126u2: Tirino73 and MAME Italia added Major Title (World). Renamed (majtitle) to (majtitlj).

Major Title (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.126: majtitle - "Major Title (Japan)"
0.126u2-0.133: majtitlj - "Major Title (Japan)"
0.133u1-0.175: majtitlej - "Major Title (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Renamed (majtitlj) to (majtitlej).

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 384x256 @ 55.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....jor%20Title%20[Japan]
Rules, Least Amount Of Strokes: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75506

Major Title (World)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.126u2.
0.126u2-0.175: majtitle - "Major Title (World)"

Resolution, 0.127-0.175: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.126: majtitle - "Major Title (Japan)"
0.126u2-0.133: majtitlj - "Major Title (Japan)"
0.133u1-0.175: majtitlej - "Major Title (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Renamed (majtitlj) to (majtitlej).
- 0.126u2: Tirino73 and MAME Italia added Major Title (World). Renamed (majtitle) to (majtitlj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 384x256 @ 55.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 384x256 @ 55.017606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....jor%20Title%20[Japan]
Rules, Least Amount Of Strokes: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75506


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.146: maketrax - "Make Trax (set 1)"
0.147-0.193: maketrax - "Make Trax (US set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.193: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/make-trax-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5227


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mangchi - "Mang-Chi"

Resolution, 0.106-0.154: 256x224 @ 56.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.175: 256x224 @ 56.180000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Mang-Chi
Rules, Points [Hard Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75509
Rules, Points [Normal Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75510


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: maniach - "Mania Challenge (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....20Challenge%20[Set%201]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75511


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.190.

MAME History:
- 0.190: Peter Wilhelmsen added Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE). Added DS5002FP SRAM dumps to Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE) and clone (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum CF2D) - Games now playable [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Charles MacDonald, David Haywood]. Changed Maniac Square (unprotected) to clone 'Maniac Square (unprotected, Version 1.0, Checksum BB73)' and clone (protected) to 'Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum CF2D)'. Renamed (maniacsq) to (maniacsqu).

Maniac Square (unprotected, Version 1.0, Checksum BB73)
ROM set changed: yes.
0.106-0.189: maniacsq - "Maniac Square (unprotected)"
0.190- : maniacsqu - "Maniac Square (unprotected, Version 1.0, Checksum BB73)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 59.099998Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.190: 320x240 @ 59.100000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Maniac+Square+[Unprotected]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75513

Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.190.
0.190- : maniacsq - "Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE)"

Resolution, 0.190- : 320x240 @ 59.100000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes.
0.106-0.189: maniacsq - "Maniac Square (unprotected)"
0.190- : maniacsqu - "Maniac Square (unprotected, Version 1.0, Checksum BB73)"

MAME History:
- 0.190: Peter Wilhelmsen added Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE). Added DS5002FP SRAM dumps to Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE) and clone (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum CF2D) - Games now playable [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Charles MacDonald, David Haywood]. Changed Maniac Square (unprotected) to clone 'Maniac Square (unprotected, Version 1.0, Checksum BB73)' and clone (protected) to 'Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum CF2D)'. Renamed (maniacsq) to (maniacsqu).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 59.099998Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.190: 320x240 @ 59.100000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Maniac+Square+[Unprotected]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75513


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: manybloc - "Many Block"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 256x240 @ 56.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Many%20Block
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75514


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.205: mappy - "Mappy (US)"

MAME History:
- 0.115u4: Aaron Giles removed colortables from a number of drivers that didn't need them. Also converted pacman and mappy drivers to collapse the colortable and palette. Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz and palettesize to 512 colors.

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.205: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mappy-us/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7766

Service Mode:
Typical "Mappy" BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the Service Mode DIP switch. The Service Mode button (F2) can be used to perform a restart while recording and thus DIP switches can be changed during recording coupled with a Service Mode button use. DIPs are shown by the game (very briefly) during boot up (starting around frame 780 on first boot). Any changes to the DIP settings after the display in the boot sequence will not take effect until the next Service Mode restart.
Since 0.173, the conditional DIPs feature of this game affects WolfMAME's inpview. Verify settings with caution! ["Lives" affects "Bonus_Life"]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: marble - "Marble Madness (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.114u2: Aaron Giles and Couriersud added more accurate video timing to most of the Atari 68000-era games. The parameters are from published specs, not derived. Video timing comes from an 82S163 (H) and an 82S129 (V). Changed VSync to 59.922743 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 336x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.271: 336x240 @ 59.922743Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...ss-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7767

- All sets in atarisy1.c: Sound fails after service mode reset. BarnacleEd (ID 02083)

Service Mode:
Typical Atari System 1 hardware.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. A series of configuration, test and stats screens are presented in order and are cycled through using P1 Start button. Where relevant, menu navigation is with P1 Up and P1 Down. , settings changed with P2 Start button. Additional instructions are given at the bottom of the screen where relevant.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: marineb - "Marine Boy"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Marine%20Boy
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10838


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: marinedt - "Marine Date"

Resolution, 0.106-0.171: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.172-0.175: "No screens attached to this system"

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=Marine%20Date
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75516


ROM Set Changed: no
0.106-0.228: mariner - "Mariner"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.228: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mariner/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10478

mario, marioe, mariof, mariog, marioo

Note: four ROM sets represented here with changeovers at 0.119u1, 0.132u3 and 0.193.

MAME History:
- 0.119u1: Stephane Humbert added Mario Bros. (US, set 1). Fixed dipswitches. Changed 'Mario Bros. (US)' to clone '(US, set 2)'. Renamed (mario) to (marioo) and (mariojp) to (marioj).
- 0.132u3: Mr Goodwraith, Smitdogg and Dumping Union added Mario Bros. (US, Revision F). Fixed rom names. Changed (US, set 1) to clone 'Mario Bros. (US, Revision E)' and clone (US, set 2) to clone 'Mario Bros. (US, Unknown Rev)'. Renamed (mario) to (marioe).
- 0.193: Verified Mario Bros. (US, Unknown Rev) as revision G and identified the unknown PROM as the main cpu memory map decoding PROM [Bryan McPhail]. Changed clone (US, Unknown Rev) to parent 'Mario Bros. (US, Revision G)'. Renamed (mario) to (mariof) and (marioo) to (mario).

NOTE: Reversed difficulty (MED <-> HARD) reported at 0.106 (and most likely earlier) appears to have been fixed around 0.121, though can only find anecdotal reports and no documented confirmation of this.

Mario Bros. (US) / (US, set 2) / (US, Unknown Rev) / Mario Bros. (US, Revision G)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.119: mario - "Mario Bros. (US)"
0.120-0.132: marioo - "Mario Bros. (US, set 2)"
0.133-0.192: marioo - "Mario Bros. (US, Unknown Rev)"
0.193-0.255: mario - "Mario Bros. (US, Revision G)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.255: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/mario-bros-us/mame/
Rules, Points [ Single Player: HARD ]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5224
Rules, Points [ Single Player: MEDIUM ]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=122029
Rules, Points [ No POW Challenge: HARD ]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=90384
Rules, Points [ Two Player Team: HARD ]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19169
Rules, Points [ No POW Challenge / 2 Player Team: HARD ]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=90385
Rules, [No POW Challenge: MEDIUM]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=233312

Mario Bros. (US, set 1) / (US, Revision E)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.119u1.
0.120-0.132: mario - "Mario Bros. (US, set 1)"
0.133-0.255: marioe - "Mario Bros. (US, Revision E)"

Resolution, 0.120-0.122: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.255: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Mario Bros. (US, Revision F)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.132.u2
0.133-0.192: mario - "Mario Bros. (US, Revision F)"
0.193-0.255: mariof - "Mario Bros. (US, Revision F)"

Resolution, 0.133-0.255: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Nintendo "Mario Bros." hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by holding the Service Mode button (F2). Top-level navigation is with short taps of the Service Mode button and selection with holding the Service Mode button. Instructions in other sections are given at the bottom of the screen. To exit a section, hold the Service Mode button.

Default Settings:

mariojp, marioj

ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.119: mariojp - "Mario Bros. (Japan)"
0.120-0.188: marioj - "Mario Bros. (Japan)"
0.189-0.250: marioj - "Mario Bros. (Japan, Revision C)"

MAME History:
- 0.119u1: Stephane Humbert added Mario Bros. (US, set 1). Fixed dipswitches. Changed (US) to clone 'Mario Bros. (US, set 2)'. Renamed (mario) to (marioo) and (mariojp) to (marioj).
- 0.121: Vas Crabb updated the DIP locations in Mario Bros, marked all as active high (confirmed from manuals).
- 0.189: Identified clone (Japan) as Revision C [Corrado Tomaselli]. Changed description of clone (Japan) to 'Mario Bros. (Japan, Revision C)'.

NOTE: Reversed difficulty (MED <-> HARD) reported at 0.106 (and most likely earlier) appears to have been fixed around 0.121, though can only find anecdotal reports and no documented confirmation of this.
EXERCISE CAUTION! There is no note in the track rules that this is relevant to the Japanese sets, but it may well be.
- Is there a Difficulty setting for the Japanese version? - Barthax, up to MAME 0.250.

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.250: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/mario-bros-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=119810
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=119811
Rules, Points [No POW Challenge: Single Player]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=244345

Service Mode:
Service Mode is accessed by holding the Service Mode button (F2). Multiple stats and tests are available in Service Mode but no settings are discernable other than the Free Play configuration. Top level navigation is with quick use of the Service Mode button and selection is with long use of the Service Mode button. Instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:

Note: DIP switches comparison before and after0.119 fix.
Bonus Life settings correctly labelled after 0.119: 20k 50k 30k+ / 30k 60k 30k+ / 40k 70k 30k+ / None
Bonus Life settings incorrectly labelled prior to 0.120: 20000 / 30000 / 40000 / None
From MAME 0.119:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.228: markham - "Markham"

Resolution, 0.106-0.197: 240x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.198-0.228: 240x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/markham/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75518


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.189: mars - "Mars"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.189: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....&gamename=Mars * note that this matches more than one entry
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10479


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: maruchan - "Maru-Chan de Goo! (J 971216 V1.000)"

MAME History:
- 0.131u3: Added dipswitches 'UNK' and 7x 'Unknown'.
- 0.133u1: Angelo Salese added screen raw parameters hook-up to the ST-V driver, fixes some of the current issues. Angelo Salese and Corrado Tomaselli hand-tuned ST-V pixel-clock to match measured fps from the PCB. Corrado Tomaselli verified and updated the vertical syncs on the ST-V motherboard. Changed visible area to 320x224 and VSync to 59.828244Hz.
- 0.142u5: More accurate pixel clocks for Sega Saturn / ST-V [Angelo Salese]. Angelo Salese fixed an ST-V window effect bug when it's in double interlace mode, fixes a graphic bug with Virtual Mahjong. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Oliver Stoeneberg fixed Sega Saturn / ST-V start-up crash that was happening on some ends. Added accurate hblank durations to Sega Saturn / ST-V HW [Angelo Salese, Corrado Tomaselli, Charles MacDonald]. Angelo Salese moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Angelo Salese fixed emulation hangs in Pebble Beach and Funky Head Boxers. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Added CD/DA audio and changed VSync to 59.826048 Hz.
- 0.143: Changed SH-2 CPU1/2 clock speed to 28636360 Hz, 68000 CPU3 to 11289600 Hz and VSync to 59.764793 Hz.
- 0.214: Added machine\segabill.cpp/h, layout\segabill.lay and layout\segabillv.lay. Emulated the Sega Billboard and hook it up to the STV driver. It's not shown by default. To view it, choose the layout view 'Billboard'. YouTube: https://youtu.be/csuOJBU5rzo [biggestsonicfan, Dirk Best]. Added Z80 (8MHz) CPU5. Added dipswitches 'Test Winner LED P1/2', 'Test 7-Segment P1/2', 'Demo', 'Testmode' and 2x 'Unknown'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.128: 704x513 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.133: 704x512 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.142: 320x224 @ 59.828244Hz
Resolution, 0.143-0.179: 320x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.180-0.193: 352x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.194-0.255: 352x224 @ 59.764802Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...16-v1000/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75521

Service Mode:
Standard ST-V BIOS.
Service Mode is accessed with the Service Button (F2). Navigation is with the Test (9) button and selection is with the Service Button. Each cartridge has a separate interface from the ST-V BIOS and its own navigation changes with the cart implementation: instructions on screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.228: marvins - "Marvin's Maze"

Resolution, 0.106-0.127: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.228: 288x216 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/marvins-maze/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11292

marvland, marvlandup, marvlanj, marvlandj

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.236

MAME History:
- 0.36b8: Keith Wilkins added 'Marvel Land (Japan)' (Namco 1989).
- 0.36b14: Added Marvel Land (US). Renamed (marvland) to (marvlanj).
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (marvlanj) to (marvlandj).
- 0.214: Suspicion that Marvel Land (US) is a proto, thanks https://twitter.com/GoldS_TCRF [hap]. Changed description to 'Marvel Land (US, prototype?)'.
- 0.236: Made clone Marvel Land (Japan) the parent, the US prototype is an earlier incomplete build, it ends abruptly, lacks any end credits, and is missing many of the levels plus various other incomplete elements, see https://tcrf.net/Marvel_Land_(Arcade) [David Haywood]. Changed (US, prototype?) to clone 'Marvel Land (US, prototype)'. Renamed (marvland) to (marvlandup) and (marvlandj) to (marvland).

Marvel Land (US, prototype)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.213: marvland - "Marvel Land (US)"
0.214-0.235: marvland - "Marvel Land (US, prototype?)"
0.236-0.250: marvlandup - "Marvel Land (US, prototype)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/marvel-land/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75522

Marvel Land (Japan)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.36b8.

0.106-0.133: marvlanj - "Marvel Land (Japan)"
0.134-0.235: marvlandj - "Marvel Land (Japan)"
0.236-0.250: marvland - "Marvel Land (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Namco NS-2 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). A series of screens can be transitioned with the Test (9) button. The Game Options screen can be interacted with using P1 Up and P1 Down for navigation and P1 Left and Right to change values.

Default Setting:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:
Marvel Land (Japan): | Marvel Land (US, prototype):


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: masterw - "Master of Weapon (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Added 'Cabinet' and fixed 'Ship Type' dipswitch.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...on-world/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75526

Service Mode:
Typical Taito B BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A test screen appears initially and can be progressed with P1 Start button. The second screen is an input test screen with DIP switches shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

MAME Note:
- Master of Weapon has a secret command to select level: (sequence is the same as in Metal Black): - boot machine with service switch pressed - message appears: "SERVICE SWITCH ERROR" - press 1p start, 1p start, 1p start, service switch, 1p start - message appears: "SELECT BY DOWN SW" - select level with joy down/up - press 1p start button. Other games that have this feature: Rastan Saga 2, Crime City, Violence Fight and Rambo 3.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mastkin - "The Masters of Kin"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ers%20of%20Kin


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.230: matmania - "Mat Mania"

Resolution, 0.106-0.230: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/mat-mania/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7768


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: matrim - "Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon"
0.144-0.173: matrim - "Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)"
0.174-0.175: matrim - "Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660 ~ NGH-2660)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....izoku%20Toukon
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75528


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: mausuke - "Mausuke no Ojama the World (J 960314 V1.000)"

MAME History:
- 0.131u3: Added dipswitches 'UNK' and 7x 'Unknown'.
- 0.133u1: Angelo Salese added screen raw parameters hook-up to the ST-V driver, fixes some of the current issues. Angelo Salese and Corrado Tomaselli hand-tuned ST-V pixel-clock to match measured fps from the PCB. Corrado Tomaselli verified and updated the vertical syncs on the ST-V motherboard. Changed visible area to 320x224 and VSync to 59.828244Hz.
- 0.142u5: More accurate pixel clocks for Sega Saturn / ST-V [Angelo Salese]. Angelo Salese fixed an ST-V window effect bug when it's in double interlace mode, fixes a graphic bug with Virtual Mahjong. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Oliver Stoeneberg fixed Sega Saturn / ST-V start-up crash that was happening on some ends. Added accurate hblank durations to Sega Saturn / ST-V HW [Angelo Salese, Corrado Tomaselli, Charles MacDonald]. Angelo Salese moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Angelo Salese fixed emulation hangs in Pebble Beach and Funky Head Boxers. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Added CD/DA audio and changed VSync to 59.826048 Hz.
- 0.143: Changed SH-2 CPU1/2 clock speed to 28636360 Hz, 68000 CPU3 to 11289600 Hz and VSync to 59.764793 Hz.
- 0.180: Added audio\rax.cpp/h. Emulated the Acclaim RAX sound board, fixing sound in Batman Forever [Phil Bennett]. Worked around VDP1 timings in Sega Saturn, fixes regression with (MESS) Batman Forever gameplay speed (video\stvvdp1.cpp). Added Rotation Parameter read control register, fixes at least Riddler stage ROZ positioning in Batman Forever (video\stvvdp2.cpp) [Angelo Salese]. Changed the SH2 disassemblers to use 'std::ostream &' internally [AJR]. Changed visible area to 352x224.
- 0.214: Added machine\segabill.cpp/h, layout\segabill.lay and layout\segabillv.lay. Emulated the Sega Billboard and hook it up to the STV driver. It's not shown by default. To view it, choose the layout view 'Billboard'. YouTube: https://youtu.be/csuOJBU5rzo [biggestsonicfan, Dirk Best]. Added Z80 (8MHz) CPU5. Added dipswitches 'Test Winner LED P1/2', 'Test 7-Segment P1/2', 'Demo', 'Testmode' and 2x 'Unknown'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.128: 704x513 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.133: 704x512 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.142: 320x224 @ 59.828244Hz
Resolution, 0.143-0.179: 320x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.180-0.193: 352x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.194-0.255: 352x224 @ 59.764802Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...14-v1000/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75529
Rules, Points [V.S. CPU Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75530

Service Mode:
Standard ST-V BIOS.
Service Mode is accessed with the Service Button (F2). Navigation is with the Test (9) button and selection is with the Service Button. Each cartridge has a separate interface from the ST-V BIOS and its own navigation changes with the cart implementation: instructions on screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: maxforce - "Maximum Force v1.05"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 360x240 @ 59.922743Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Maximum Force v1.05


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.141: maxrpm - "Max RPM"
0.142-0.182: maxrpm - "Max RPM (ver 2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.182: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Max+RPM
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75531


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mayday - "Mayday (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 294x239 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.153: 294x238 @ 60.096154Hz
Resolution, 0.154-0.175: 292x240 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Mayday [Set 1]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: mayhem - "Mayhem 2002"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-mayhem.bin EEPROM.

Resolution, 0.106-0.260: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mayhem-2002/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75535

Service Mode:
Typical Cinematronics Leland BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed by holding P1 Start button and then using the Service Mode button (F2) - release both once activated. Navigation is performed with P1 Button 1. Selection is performed with P1 Button 2. Instructions are given on screen.

Default Settings:
Game Set-Up:
Note: no DIP switches or Machine Configuration options in the MAME user interface:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mayjisn2 - "Mayjinsen 2"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 384x384 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....name=Mayjinsen 2

mazinger, mazingerj

ROM Set changes: no and yes*
0.106-0.121: mazinger - "Mazinger Z"
0.122-0.137: mazinger - "Mazinger Z (International/Japan)"
0.138-0.250: mazinger - "Mazinger Z (World)"
0.138-0.250: mazingerj - "Mazinger Z (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.550645 Hz.
- 0.122: Changed description to 'Mazinger Z (International/Japan)'.
- 0.136: Added eeprom-mazinger.bin EEPROM.
- 0.137u1: Added clone Mazinger Z (Japan). Changed parent description to 'Mazinger Z (World)'.

* For all versions prior to 0.137u1, there is only one ROM set, due to the EEPROM being implemented in a fake DIP switch. The EEPROM was added as a separate ROM in 0.136 witht he fake DIP switch removed in 0.137u1.
* The region rule of the variation determines which region DIP switch should be used for 0.137 and prior.
* The region rule of the variation determines which ROM set should be used for 0.138 and onwards.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x240 @ 57.550644Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 384x240 @ 57.550645Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mazinger-z/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23027
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23028

Service Mode:
Typical Cave (Motorola 68000) BIOS
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, hold the Service button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down, selection is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.228: mcatadv - "Magical Cat Adventure"

Resolution, 0.106-0.228: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...dventure/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75499


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.102u4.
0.103-0.197: mchampdx - "Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 0106, 06/01/2000)"

Resolution, 0.103-0.197: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mu...6-01-2000/mame
Rules, Points [Tetris]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23045
Rules, Points [Pac Man]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23043
Rules, Points [Solitaire]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75618
Rules, Points [Pang Pang]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23044

All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.
EEPROM was added to ROMset at 0.194, and as a result, default internal settings have changed! Please exercise caution!
After revealing 100% of each model (unless Back Type is set to None), you are able to switch games - this is disallowed.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: mechatt - "Mechanized Attack (World)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...ck-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75538
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75539

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A series of test screens are presented, progressing with P1 Start button.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: medlanes - "Meadows Lanes"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Meadow Lanes

megablst, megab

ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.136: megab - "Mega Blast (World)"
0.136u1-0.255: megablst - "Mega Blast (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.136u1: D. Beneke, hap, Smitdogg and Dumping Union added clone Mega Blast (US). Renamed (megab) to (megablst) and (megabj) to (megablstj).
- 0.143u3: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitch to 'Unused'.
- 0.252: Fixed shield powerup aura on option is missing [David Haywood].

0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...st-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=39654
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75540

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F2 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A test screen appears initially and can be progressed with P1 Start button. The second screen is an input test screen with DIP switches shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: megadon - "Megadon"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 272x236 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Megadon


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.111: megaman2 - "Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (US 960708)"
0.112-0.175: megaman2 - "Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....&gamename=Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters [US 960708]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: megaman - "Mega Man - The Power Battle (CPS1 Asia 951006)"
0.139-0.140: megaman - "Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006)"
0.140u2-0.214: megamana - "Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006)"

MAME History:
- 0.139: Changed description to 'Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006)' and clone (CPS1 Japan 950922) to 'Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS1, Japan 950922)'.
- 0.140u2: john666, gamerfan, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union (Team CPS-1) added 'Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006)'. Added missing notes about roms sockets. Renamed (megaman) to (megamana).

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.214: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...a-951006/mame/
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 1~2 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14442
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 1~2 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14440
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 3~6 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15340
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 3~6 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15338
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 7 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15344
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 7 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15342
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 1~2 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14443
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 1~2 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14441
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 3~6 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15341
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 3~6 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15339
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 7 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15345
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 7 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15343

Rules refer to Internal Settings, however these still appear to be controlled by DIPs beforehand. Please make sure they are set correctly before recording.
Also note that any changes via Service Mode [F2] will result in an error if they are not matched in the MAME's DIPs menu.


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.140u2.

MAME History:
- 0.139: Changed description to 'Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006)' and clone (CPS1 Japan 950922) to 'Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS1, Japan 950922)'.
- 0.140u2: john666, gamerfan, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union (Team CPS-1) added 'Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006)'. Added missing notes about roms sockets. Renamed (megaman) to (megamana).

Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: megaman - "Mega Man - The Power Battle (CPS1 Asia 951006)"
0.139-0.140: megaman - "Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006)"
0.140u2-0.214: megamana - "Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006)"

MAME History:
- 0.139: Changed description to 'Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006)' and clone (CPS1 Japan 950922) to 'Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS1, Japan 950922)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.214: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...a-951006/mame/
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 1~2 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14442
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 1~2 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14440
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 3~6 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15340
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 3~6 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15338
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 7 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15344
Rules, Single Player Only [Mega Man 7 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15342
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 1~2 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14443
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 1~2 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14441
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 3~6 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15341
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 3~6 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15339
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 7 - Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15345
Rules, Two Player Team [Mega Man 7 - Points, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15343

Rules refer to Internal Settings, however these still appear to be controlled by DIPs beforehand. Please make sure they are set correctly before recording.
Also note that any changes via Service Mode [F2] will result in an error if they are not matched in the MAME's DIPs menu.

Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.140u2.
0.140u2-0.214: megaman - "Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006)"

Resolution, 0.141-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.214: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.184: megatack - "Megatack"
0.185-0.189: megatack - "Megatack (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 256x256 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.189: 256x256 @ 59.196429Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=MegaTack
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9814


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.188: megazone - "Mega Zone (Konami set 1)"
0.189- : megazonei - "Mega Zone (program code I)"

MAME History:
- 0.189: Corrado Tomaselli and The Dumping Union added Mega Zone (program code L). Added new 74LS259 device [AJR]. Changed I8039 CPU3 clock speed to 7159090 Hz and AY-3-8910A sound to 1789772 Hz. Changed (Konami set 1) to clone 'Mega Zone (program code I)' and clones (Konami set 2) to 'Mega Zone (unknown program code 2)', (Kosuka set 1) to 'Mega Zone (program code J)', (Kosuka set 2) to 'Mega Zone (program code H)' and (Interlogic) to 'Mega Zone (unknown program code 1)'. Renamed (megazonec) to (megazoneh), (megazoneb) to (megazonej), (megazonea) to (megazoneb), (megazonei) to (megazonea) and (megazone) to (megazonei).

Resolution, 0.106-0.189: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Mega+Zone+[Konami,+Set+1]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75553


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.189.

MAME History:
- 0.189: Corrado Tomaselli and The Dumping Union added Mega Zone (program code L). Added new 74LS259 device [AJR]. Changed I8039 CPU3 clock speed to 7159090 Hz and AY-3-8910A sound to 1789772 Hz. Changed (Konami set 1) to clone 'Mega Zone (program code I)' and clones (Konami set 2) to 'Mega Zone (unknown program code 2)', (Kosuka set 1) to 'Mega Zone (program code J)', (Kosuka set 2) to 'Mega Zone (program code H)' and (Interlogic) to 'Mega Zone (unknown program code 1)'. Renamed (megazonec) to (megazoneh), (megazoneb) to (megazonej), (megazonea) to (megazoneb), (megazonei) to (megazonea) and (megazone) to (megazonei).

Mega Zone (program code I)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.188: megazone - "Mega Zone (Konami set 1)"
0.189- : megazonei - "Mega Zone (program code I)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.189: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Mega+Zone+[Konami,+Set+1]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75553

Mega Zone (program code L)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.189.

0.189- : megazone - "Mega Zone (program code L)"

Resolution, 0.189- : 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.245.
0.106-0.244: NOT SUPPORTED
0.245-0.253: megrescu - "Megumi Rescue"

MAME History:
- 0.245: Jeff Willard Jr added 'Megumi Rescue' (Sega / Exa 1987).

Resolution, 0.245-0.253: 256x192 @ 59.922738Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/megumi-rescue/mame/
Rules, Megumi Rescue [One Player]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=255810

Service Mode:
No service mode.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: mercs - "Mercs (World 900302)"

MAME History:
- 0.126u4: Corrado Tomaselli verified and correct CPS1 refresh rate. Changed VSync to 59.610000 Hz.
- 0.147u1: Changed CPS-1 video timings to SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.148u5: Andrew Gardner added QSound internal DSP ROM to the device. Added DSP16 (4MHz) CPU3. Sonikos fixed 'Difficulty' dipswitch which has in the tab menu values from 1 (easiest) to 8 (hardest) but in the game's menu it's from 0 to 7.
- 0.153: Cleanup (includes\cps1.h) [Osso]. Willow, Strider and Ghouls'n Ghosts have some changed factory setting defaults as stated from manual. Also noted differences in bonus live coverage where applicable [Tafoid]. Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.260: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...d-900302/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=38234
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75555
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75556

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1 at the top level, exitting sub-screens is achieved with simultaneous P1 Start and P2 Start buttons. Configuration display in Service Mode is read-only.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.153:
MAME 0.250:

NOTE: from 0.148u5 onwards, Difficulty settings have been relabelled. Verify with caution.
- Difficulty up to: 0.148u4: 1 (Easiest), 2, 3, 4 (Normal), 5, 6, 7, 8 (Hardest)
- Difficulty from : 0.148u5: 0 (Easiest), 1, 2, 3 (Normal), 4, 5, 6, 7 (Hardest)

From MAME 0.250 after enabling service mode:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.213: mermaid - "Mermaid"

- 0.124: Roberto Zandona fixed Mermaid's collision detection - Game now playable.
- 0.124u1: Roberto Zandona added proper implentation of hardware collision in Mermaid driver. This fixes Mermaid, when the player is in the water with the sharks. Roberto Zandona fixed also the priorities in Mermaid and a sprite wrapping bug.
- 0.128u4: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches (Bonus Life) for Mermaid and clone.

Resolution, 0.106-0.213: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mermaid/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=220959

Use 0.125 or later ONLY!
DIPs fix at 0.128u4 is only relevant to clone 'yachtmn'.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: metafox - "Meta Fox"

MAME History:
- 0.143u2: Brian Troha implemented coin mode 1 & 2 for Meta Fox and added DIP locations. Added 'Licensor Option' dipswitch.
- 0.176: Tafoid fixed Meta Fox bonus life settings and mask.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/meta-fox/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10120
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75557

Service Mode:
Typical early Seta hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. An test pattern/colour screen is presented first and can be progressed with P1 Start button. The second screen is an input test screen with the DIP switches shown in binary as read-only values.

Default settings:
Note: for 0.106-0.175, the Bonus Lives DIP has no effect, lives awarded at 600k & 900k regardless. For track compatibility in 0.176 or later, set Bonus Life to "600k & 900k".



ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: metalb - "Metal Black (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.143u3: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitch to 'Unused'.
- 0.191: Angelo Salese fixed inverted Single/Dual settings for 'Upright Controls' dipswitch for Metal Black. Tafoid fixed DIP settings for 'Lives' to reflect actual shown in manual and game.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...ck-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19574
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19575

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F2 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A test screen appears initially and can be progressed with P1 Start button. The second screen is an input test screen with DIP switches shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.265: metamrph - "Metamorphic Force (ver EAA)"

MAME History:
- 0.125u7: Changed VSync to 59.185606.

Resolution, 0.106-0.125: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.265: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...-ver-eaa/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75562
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75563
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75564
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75565

Service Mode:
Typical Konami "pre-GX" (Mystic Warriors driver) BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
Game Options:
Coin Options:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: metlclsh - "Metal Clash (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x232 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....tal%20Clash%20[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21045


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.152: metlhawk - "Metal Hawk"
0.153-0.250: metlhawk - "Metal Hawk (Rev C)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.153: Changed description to 'Metal Hawk (Rev C)' and clone (Japan) to 'Metal Hawk (Japan, Rev F)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/metal-hawk/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75558

Service Mode:
Typical Namco NS-2 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). A series of screens can be transitioned with the Test (9) button. The Game Options screen can be interacted with using P1 Up and P1 Down for navigation and P1 Left and Right to change values.

Default Setting:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: metlsavr - "Metal Saver"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/metal-saver/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75559
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75560

Service Mode:
Atypical "Tumble Pop"-style hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A cycle of test screens are presented with P1 Start button progressing to the next screen.
I didn't find a way to cut short the demonstration test screen so be prepared to sit through two character's full movement as examples. - Barthax, June 2023.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.121: metmqstr - "Metamoqester"
0.122-0.240: metmqstr - "Metamoqester (International)"
0.241-0.250: metmqstr - "Metamoqester (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.550645 Hz.
- 0.122: Changed description to 'Metamoqester (International)'.
- 0.241: Changed description to 'Metamoqester (World)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x240 @ 57.550644Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 384x240 @ 57.550645Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/metamoqester/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22590
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22593

Service Mode:
Typical Cave (Motorola 68000) BIOS
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, hold the Service button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down, select is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: metrocrs - "Metro-Cross (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.152: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....tro%20Cross%20[Set%201]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=26634


ROM set changed:
0.106-0.175: mf_achas - "Astro Chase (Max-A-Flex)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 336x225 @ 59.923328Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 336x225 @ 59.923329Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....tro%20Chase%20[Max-A-Flex]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41139


ROM set changed:
0.106-0.228: mf_brist - "Bristles (Max-A-Flex)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 336x225 @ 59.923328Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.228: 336x225 @ 59.923329Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/br...x-a-flex/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41814


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mf_flip - "Flip & Flop (Max-A-Flex)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 336x225 @ 59.923329Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....0%26%20Flop%20[Max-A-Flex]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=69916


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.138: mfjump - "Monster Farm Jump (JAPAN)"
0.139-0.175: mfjump - "Monster Farm Jump (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Farm%20Jump%20[Japan]
Rules, Points [Easy Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75599
Rules, Points [Hard Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75600
Rules, Points [Normal Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75601
Rules, Points [Very Hard Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75602

mgcrystj, mgcrystlj

ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.133: mgcrystj - "Magical Crystals (Japan, 92/01/13)"
0.133u1-0.250: mgcrystlj - "Magical Crystals (Japan, 92/01/13)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Renamed (mgcrysto) to (mgcrystlo) and (mgcrystj) to (mgcrystlj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...92-01-13/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19134
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75500

Service Mode:
Typical Kaneko 16-bit BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. The difficulty setting is displayed on the title screen. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which requires a reset thus cannot be recorded to an INP anyhow. Service Mode opens with the Operation Setup which can be exited to access the other service mode options. Navigation instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.103u2
0.104-0.250: mgcrystl - "Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10)"

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.
- 0.122u8: Removed 8x 'Unknown/Unused' dipswitches.

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...92-01-10/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19133
Rules, Points [Two Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75502

Service Mode:
Typical Kaneko 16-bit BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. The difficulty setting is displayed on the title screen. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which requires a reset thus cannot be recorded to an INP anyhow. Service Mode opens with the Operation Setup which can be exited to access the other service mode options. Navigation instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed:
0.106-0.175: mgolf - "Atari Mini Golf (prototype)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Mini%20Golf%20[Prototype]
Rules, Least Amount Of Strokes: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41142


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.194: mhavoc - "Major Havoc (rev 3)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.194: vector @ 50.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/major-havoc-rev-3/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20939
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20938


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: mia - "M.I.A. - Missing in Action (version T)"

MAME History:
- 0.143u8: Kanikani fixed DIPSW and added DIP locations to M.I.A.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 304x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...ersion-t/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21333
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21334

Service Mode:
Typical "TMNT"-style hardware
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A series of test screens are presented, progressing with P1 Start button. The test screens cycle while the Service Mode DIP switch remains enabled and are exited after the visual test pattern if not.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.240: midres - "Midnight Resistance (World)"
0.241-0.261: midres - "Midnight Resistance (World, set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.127u1: Additional input port cleanups in the DEC0 driver [Fabio Priuli]. Added buttons 3 or 3-5.
- 0.127u4: Tafoid added DIP locations to the DEC0 driver. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitch to 'Unused'.
- 0.142u1: Angelo Salese added screen raw parameters and IRQ ack to the DEC0 driver, fixing hole 1 hang in Birdie Try and improving fade in/out effects for Boulder Dash. Changed VSync to 57.392103 Hz.
- 0.143u8: Kanikani fixed DIPSW in Midnight Resistance.
- 0.156: More sane values for DEC0 screen raw parameters [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 57.444853 Hz.
- 0.226: Osso fixed 'Lives' dipswitch in Midnight Resistance.
- 0.241: Jorge Silva added clone Midnight Resistance (World, set 2). Note: DE-0323-4 PCB, only the first 2 main CPU ROMs differ, ROM labels weren't original so unfortunately not possible to determine version. Changed parent description to 'Midnight Resistance (World, set 1)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.142: 256x240 @ 57.410000Hz
Resolution, 0.143-0.155: 256x240 @ 57.392103Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.261: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...sistance/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75568
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75569

Service Mode:
Typical Data East 16 bit game hardware.
No service mode found. - Barthax, Nov 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.128:
MAME 0.144:
MAME 0.226:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: miexchng - "Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger
Rules, Points [Solo Play]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14710
Rules, Points [VS. Com]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14711


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.177: mightybj - "Vs. Mighty Bomb Jack (Japan)"
0.178-0.250: nvs_mightybj - "Vs. Mighty Bomb Jack (Japan)"

MAME history:
- 0.178: Renamed (mightybj) to (nvs_mightybj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.240: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.241-0.250: 256x240 @ 60.098476H

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/vs...ck-japan/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120587


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.197: mikie - "Mikie"

Resolution, 0.106-0.134: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.135-0.197: 256x224 @ 60.590000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Mikie
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20438


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.211: milliped - "Millipede"

Resolution, 0.106-0.211: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/millipede/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9868
Rules, Points [1 Life Only - ADeca 2004 Variation Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9869
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5232


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mimonkey - "Mighty Monkey"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ighty%20Monkey
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75570


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.189: minefld - "Minefield"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.189: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....name=Minefield
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75585


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.123: minferno - "Inferno (S2650)"
0.125-0.175: minferno - "Inferno (Meadows)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x184 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Inferno%20[S2650]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10440


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.148: minigolf - "Mini Golf (set 1)"
0.149-0.175: minigolf - "Mini Golf (11/25/85)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x240 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Mini%20Golf%20[Set%201]
Rules, Least Amount Of Strokes: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=16299
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=16298


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.237: mirninja - "Mirai Ninja (Japan)"
0.238-0.250: mirninja - "Mirai Ninja (Japan, set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.238: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Mirai Ninja (Japan, set 2). Changed parent description to 'Mirai Ninja (Japan, set 1)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...ja-japan/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75586

Service Mode:
Typical Namco NS-2 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). A series of screens can be transitioned with the Test (9) button. The Game Options screen can be interacted with using P1 Up and P1 Down for navigation and P1 Left and Right to change values.

Default Setting:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:

misncrfta, misncrft

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.149.

MAME History:
- 0.146u2: Readjusted visible area in the vamphalf.c driver based on tests comparing emulation and original PCB observations [David Haywood, Smitdogg]. Changed visible area to 320x236.
- 0.149: Artemio Urbina and The Dumping Union added Mission Craft (version 2.7). Renamed (misncrft) to (misncrfta).
- 0.202: Changed the common base refresh rate to 59Hz and added a note of measured sync clocks for 'Cool Minigame Collection' [Brian Troha].

Mission Craft (version 2.4)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.148: misncrft - "Mission Craft (version 2.4)"
0.149-0.255: misncrfta - "Mission Craft (version 2.4)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.146: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.201: 320x236 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.202-0.255: 320x236 @ 59.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...rsion-24/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75587
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75588

Mission Craft (version 2.7)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.149.
0.149-0.255: misncrft - "Mission Craft (version 2.7)"

Resolution, 0.149-0.201: 320x236 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.202-0.255: 320x236 @ 59.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Hyperstone System hardware.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
Version 2.7: | Version 2.4:


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.143: missile - "Missile Command (set 1)"
0.143u1-0.196: missile2 - "Missile Command (rev 2)"

MAME History:
- 0.143u1: Joe Barbara added Missile Command (rev 3). Changed (set 1) to clone 'Missile Command (rev 2)', (set 2) to 'Missile Command (rev 1)' and (for set 2) to 'Super Missile Attack (for rev 1)'. Renamed (missile2) to (missile1) and (missile) to (missile2).

Resolution, 0.106: 256x231 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.196: 256x231 @ 61.035156Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...nd-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7769
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22640
Rules, One City Only!: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=213457

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...-m-a-m-e/mame/ (hopefully this track will eventually be merged with the Game Entry above, no reason to be separate)
Rules, 3-Missiles Per Missile Base Challenge: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=207468


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.143u1.

MAME History:
- 0.143u1: Joe Barbara added Missile Command (rev 3). Changed (set 1) to clone 'Missile Command (rev 2)', (set 2) to 'Missile Command (rev 1)' and (for set 2) to 'Super Missile Attack (for rev 1)'. Renamed (missile2) to (missile1) and (missile) to (missile2).

Missile Command (rev 2)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.143: missile - "Missile Command (set 1)"
0.143u1-0.196: missile2 - "Missile Command (rev 2)"

Resolution, 0.106: 256x231 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.196: 256x231 @ 61.035156Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...nd-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7769
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22640
Rules, One City Only!: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=213457

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...-m-a-m-e/mame/ (hopefully this track will eventually be merged with the Game Entry above, no reason to be separate)
Rules, 3-Missiles Per Missile Base Challenge: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=207468

Missile Command (rev 3)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no
0.143u1-0.196: missile - "Missile Command (rev 3)"

Resolution, 0.144-0.196: 256x231 @ 61.035156Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: mk2 - "Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 53.204950 Hz.
- 0.114u1: Changed OKI6295 clock speed to 1MHz, visible area to 399x253 and VSync to 27.407585 Hz.
- 0.123u1: Added 'Service Mode' dipswitch.
- 0.137u2: Alex Jackson fixed TMS34010 parameter in the Midway T-Unit driver. Changed VSync to 54.815170 Hz.
- 0.155: Adjust initial screen sizes in Midway TMS340-based drivers so aviwrite will work better [Alex Jackson]. Changed visible area to 400x254 and VSync to 54.706840 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 400x254 @ 53.204950Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.137: 399x253 @ 27.407585Hz
Resolution, 0.138-0.154: 399x253 @ 54.815170Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.250: 400x254 @ 54.706840Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mo...-rev-l31/mame/
Rules, Fastest Completion: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=56713

Service Mode:
Standard Midway T Unit BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is performed with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1. Each entry in Game Settings is a separate menu item which must be navigated to to view.

Default Settings:
| | | | | |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.272: mk3 - "Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 53.204950 Hz.
- 0.114u1: Changed visible area to 399x253 and VSync to 54.815170 Hz.
- 0.155: Adjust initial screen sizes in Midway TMS340-based drivers so aviwrite will work better [Alex Jackson]. Changed visible area to 400x254 and VSync to 54.706840 Hz.
- 0.206: Added 'Serial Low Digit' dipswitch.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 400x254 @ 53.204950Hz
Resolution, 0.114: 400x254 @ 53.204950Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.154: 399x253 @ 54.815170Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.272: 400x254 @ 54.706840Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mo...3-rev-21/mame/
Rules, Fastest Completion: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75611

Without NVRAM, the initial screen will indicate errors as below. With NVRAM, this error should not appear.

Service Mode:
Typical Midway Wolf-unit system.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is performed with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1. Each entry in Price Options and Game Settings is a separate menu item which must be navigated to to view.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.120: mk4 - "Mortal Kombat 4 (rev L3)"
0.121-0.122: mk4 - "Mortal Kombat 4 (3.0)"
0.123-0.175: mk4 - "Mortal Kombat 4 (version 3.0)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.120: 512x400 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.121-0.122: 400x256 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 400x256 @ 56.665468Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....0Kombat%204%20[rev%20L3]
Rules, Fastest Completion: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75612


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: mk - "Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03/19/93)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 53.204950 Hz.
- 0.114u1: Changed OKI6295 clock speed to 1MHz, visible area to 399x253 and VSync to 27.407585 Hz.
- 0.123u1: Added 'Service Mode' dipswitch.
- 0.137u2: Alex Jackson fixed TMS34010 parameter in the Midway T-Unit driver. Changed VSync to 54.815170 Hz.
- 0.155: Adjust initial screen sizes in Midway TMS340-based drivers so aviwrite will work better [Alex Jackson]. Changed visible area to 400x254 and VSync to 54.706840 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 400x254 @ 53.204950Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.137: 399x253 @ 27.407585Hz
Resolution, 0.138-0.154: 399x253 @ 54.815170Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.250: 400x254 @ 54.706840Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mo...03-19-93/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=56712

Service Mode:
Standard Midway T Unit BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is performed with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1. Each entry in Game Settings is a separate menu item which must be navigated to to view.

Default Settings:
| | | | | |


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.164
0.164-0.195: mmagic - "Monkey Magic"

Resolution, 0.164-0.195: 256x192 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/monkey-magic/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=213178


Note: not currently represented on TG
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.234: mmatrixj - "Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (Japan 000412)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.234: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.111: mmatrix - "Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (US 000412)"
0.112-0.250: mmatrix - "Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (USA 000412)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.633333 Hz.
- 0.123u1: Removed button 2.
- 0.127u1: Derived CPS2 video timing based on measurements. These are educated guesses. The logic behind the derivations is shown in the source. Fixes the disappearing volume bar in the test menu for msh, mshvsf, xmvsf, xmcota and nwarr for sound and voice [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params. Added DSP pin info from Guru [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.250: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...s-000412/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75519
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75520

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-2 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. Action options are given in the instructions at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: mmaulers - "Monster Maulers (ver EAA)"

MAME History:
- 0.125u7: Changed VSync to 59.185606.
- 0.131u4: Tafoid fixed Monster Maulers and clone sits at black screen.

Resolution, 0.106-0.125: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.250: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mo...-ver-eaa/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75603
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75604

Service Mode:
Typical Konami "pre-GX" (Mystic Warriors driver) BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
| | |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mmaze - "Marchen Maze (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.152: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Marchen Maze [Japan]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: mmonkey - "Minky Monkey"

MAME History:
- 0.112u1: Changed visible area to 240x256.
- 0.126u2: Fabio Priuli added DIP locations to the Burger Time driver.
- 0.126u3: Changed name of dipswitch 'Cabinet' to 'Control Panel'.
- 0.129: Burger Time hardware fixes [Aaron Giles]: Correct sound IRQ rate and handling. Removed lnc audio reset hack. Full audio memory maps based on schematics. Correct video timing. Fixed audio rom address to $e000. Changed visible area to 240x240 and VSync to 57.444853 Hz.
- 0.221: Added DIP locations and verified DIPs for all games [Guru].

Resolution, 0.106-0.112: 240x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.113-0.128: 256x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.271: 240x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/minkey-monkey/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10839

Service Mode:
Typical Data East "Lock'n Chase/Burger Time"-style hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A set of three screens are automatically cycled through: ROM test with descriptive display of DIP configuration; test pattern screen and input test screen with binary depiction of DIP configuration.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mmpanic - "Monkey Mole Panic (USA)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 336x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Monkey Mole Panic [USA]


ROM set change: YES
0.106-0.178: mnight - "Mutant Night"
0.179- : mnightj - "Mutant Night (Japan)"

MAME history:
- 0.179: System11 added Mutant Night. Changed 'Mutant Night' to clone 'Mutant Night (Japan)'. Renamed (mnight) to (mnightj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.179: 256x192 @ 59.610000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Mutant+Night
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75620


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.179

Mutant Night (Japan)
ROM set change: YES
0.106-0.178: mnight - "Mutant Night"
0.179- : mnightj - "Mutant Night (Japan)"

MAME history:
- 0.179: System11 added Mutant Night. Changed 'Mutant Night' to clone 'Mutant Night (Japan)'. Renamed (mnight) to (mnightj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.179: 256x192 @ 59.610000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Mutant+Night
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75620

Mutant Night
Note: not currently represented on TG.

ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.179
0.179- : mnight - "Mutant night"

Resolution, 0.179- : 256x192 @ 59.610000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mofflott - "Maze of Flott (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....&gamename=Maze of Flott [Japan]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.148: moguchan - "Moguchan"
0.149-0.260: moguchan - "Mogu Chan (bootleg?)"

MAME History:
- 0.148u4: hap changed Z80 CPU1/2 clock speeds to 3072000 Hz, AY-3-8910A to 1536000 Hz and VSync to 60.606061 Hz. This fixes the Z80 and AY8910 speeds are unverified source bug.
- 0.148u4: hap changed description to 'Mogu Chan (bootleg?)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.148: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.149-0.260: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/moguchan/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10840

Service Mode:
Typical Orca Zodiack/Dogfight hardware.
No service mode found. - Barthax, Dec 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mole - "Mole Attack"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x200 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....&gamename=Mole Attack


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.180: momoko - "Momoko 120%"
0.181-0.265: momoko - "Momoko 120% (Japanese text)"

MAME History:
- 0.128u4: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches for Momoko. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.
- 0.153: Changed Momoko to 4-way Joystick. Note that the game-breaking escalator bug only happens on an 8-way joystick, it's safe to assume that this game dedicated cpanel was 4-way [hap].
- 0.181: Paul Hogger added clone Momoko 120% (English text). Changed parent description to 'Momoko 120% (Japanese text)'. Fixed rom names.

Resolution, 0.106-0.265: 240x216 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/momoko-120/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19606

Service Mode:
Typical Jaleco Momoko 120% hardware.
No service mode.

MAME Note:
- Real machine has some bugs (escalator bug, sprite garbage). It is not emulation bug.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.129:
MAME 0.250:

Labels for DIP settings change at 0.129:
Lives, 0.106: 3, 4, 5, 256
Lives, 0.129: 3, 4, 5, 255 (Cheat)
Difficulty, 0.106: Easy, Normal, Difficulty, Very Difficult
Difficulty, 0.129: Easy, Normal, Hard, Hardest
Bonus Life, 0.106: 20000, 30000, 50000, 100000
Bonus Life, 0.129: 20k, 30k, 50k, 100k


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: monsterb - "Monster Bash"

Resolution, 0.106-0.107: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.108-0.113: 256x224 @ 59.998135Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x224 @ 59.998138Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Monster Bash


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: monymony - "Money Money"

Resolution, 0.106-0.138: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.139-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.570000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=Money%20Money
Rules, Dollars: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75597

moomesa, moo

ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.141: moo - "Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EA)"
0.141u3-0.145: moomesa - "Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EA)"
0.145u4-0.265: moomesa - "Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EAB)"

MAME History:
- 0.141u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Moo driver.
- 0.141u3: Irongiant added clone Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UA, set 1). Changed description of clone 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UA)' to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UA, set 2)'. Renamed (moo) to (moomesa), (mooaa) to (moomesaa), (moobl) to (moomesabl) and (mooua) to (moomesaua).
- 0.145u4: Fixed Moo Mesa ROMs labels, added PCB locations and a better documentation about sub-revisions. Renamed some romsets to use revision codes [Team CPS-1]. Repair rom labels [Guru]. Changed description to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EAB)' and clones (ver UA, set 1) to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UAC)', (ver UA, set 2) to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UAB)', (ver AA) to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver AAB)' and (bootleg ver AA) to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (bootleg)'. Renamed (moomesau) to (moomesauac), (moomesaua) to (moomesauab) and (moomesaa) to (moomesaaab).

Resolution, 0.106-0.265: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/wi...ersion-ea/mame
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15639
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15640
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15641
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15642

Service Mode:
Typical Konami "moo.cpp" MAME driver hardware
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed by using the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.142:
MAME 0.250:
Internal Game Options:
Internal Coin Options:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: moonal2 - "Moon Alien Part 2"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.175: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....&gamename=Moon Alien Part 2


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.225: mooncrst - "Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.225: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mo...ichibutsu/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7770


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.204: moonqsr - "Moon Quasar"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.204: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/moon-quasar/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7771


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.111u1.
0.112-0.175: moonwarp - "Moon War (prototype on Frenzy hardware)"

Resolution, 0.112-0.115: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.175: 256x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Moon%20War
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=132410


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: moonwar - "Moonwar"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.125: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.175: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Moonwar


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.141: moo - "Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EA)"
0.141u3-0.145: moomesa - "Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EA)"
0.145u4-0.175: moomesa - "Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EAB)"

MAME History:
- 0.141u3: Irongiant added clone Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UA, set 1). Changed description of clone 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UA)' to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UA, set 2)'. Renamed (moo) to (moomesa), (mooaa) to (moomesaa), (moobl) to (moomesabl) and (mooua) to (moomesaua).
- 0.145u4: Fixed Moo Mesa ROMs labels, added PCB locations and a better documentation about sub-revisions. Renamed some romsets to use revision codes [Team CPS-1]. Repair rom labels [Guru]. Changed description to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EAB)' and clones (ver UA, set 1) to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UAC)', (ver UA, set 2) to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UAB)', (ver AA) to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver AAB)' and (bootleg ver AA) to 'Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (bootleg)'. Renamed (moomesau) to (moomesauac), (moomesaua) to (moomesauab) and (moomesaa) to (moomesaaab).

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....0Moo%20Mesa%20[World%20Version%20EA]
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15639
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15640
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15641
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15642


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: moremore - "More More"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 57.500000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....&gamename=More More


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: moremorp - "More More Plus"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 57.500000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....&gamename=More More Plus


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.228: mosaicf2 - "Mosaic (F2 System)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.228: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mo...2-system/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75614


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: mosaic - "Mosaic"

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mosaic/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75613

Service Mode
Do not rely on Service Mode after playback as it will only show local configuration, not the recording's DIP switches. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2). Settings are view-only.

Default settings but with Service Mode enabled:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.272: motorace - "MotoRace USA"

MAME History:
- 0.148u5: [...] Added and verified DIP locations for all sets in Traverse USA driver [Tafoid].
- 0.261: Correct CPU clock and screen timings based on schematics [AJR].
- 0.261: Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3072000 Hz and VSync to 56.737589 Hz.
- 0.263: Victor Fernandez and Recreativas.org added an alternate palette PROM arrangement (One/Two character palette PROMs BIOS) for Traverse USA and clone MotoTour. Added prom.h1 and prom.f1.
- 0.272: Revert BIOS option for color proms with exact same rom contents. Small cleanup [hap].

Resolution, 0.106-0.260: 240x256 @ 56.750000Hz
Resolution, 0.261-0.272: 240x256 @ 56.737589Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/motorace-usa/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9690

Service Mode:
Typical Irem "Traverse USA" hardware [irem/travrusa.cpp].
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode begins with a ROM and RAM test which can be progressed passed after complettion with P1 Start button. Navigation is with P1 Left and Right, selection with P1 Start button and use P2 Start button to exit a sub-section where possible.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Coinage DIP switch values, conditional on the Coin Mode DIP switch in later versions (labels incorrect for Mode 2 in earlier versions):
≡ 0.106-0.148 Coinage: "6 Coins/1 Credit" / "5 Coins/1 Credit" / "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "1 Coin/7 Credits"
≡ 0.149-0.272 Coinage, Mode 1: "Not Used" / "Not Used" / "6 Coins/1 Credit" / "5 Coins/1 Credit" / "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "1 Coin/7 Credits" / "Not Used" / "Free Play"
≡ 0.149-0.272 Coinage, Mode 2: "Free Play" / "A 3C_1C / B 1C_3C" / "A 2C_1C / B 1C_3C" / "A 1C_1C / B 1C_3C" / "Free Play" / "A 3C_1C / B 1C_2C" / "A 2C_1C / B 1C_2C" / "A 1C_1C / B 1C_2C" / "A 1C_1C / B 1C_5C" / "A 2C_1C / B 1C_5C" / "A 3C_1C / B 1C_5C" / "Free Play" / "A 1C_1C / B 1C_6C" / "A 2C_1C / B 1C_6C" / "A 3C_1C / B 1C_6C" / "Free Play"
Equivalent Fuel Consumption DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.271 Fuel Consumption: Low / Hi
≡ 0.272-0.272 Fuel Consumption: Low / High
Equivalent Fuel Reduced on Collision DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.271 Fuel Reduced on Collision: Low / Med / Hi / Max
≡ 0.272-0.272 Fuel Reduced on Collision: "8/120 Dots" / "10/120 Dots" / "12/120 Dots" / "14/120 Dots"
Equivalent Speed Type DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.271 Speed Type: M/H / Km/H
≡ 0.272 Speed Type: mph / km/h

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.149:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.200: motos - "Motos"

MAME History:
- 0.115u4: Aaron Giles removed colortables from a number of drivers that didn't need them. Also converted pacman and mappy drivers to collapse the colortable and palette. Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz and palettesize to 512 colors.

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.200: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/motos/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15284

Service Mode:
Typical "Mappy" BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the Service Mode DIP switch. The Service Mode button (F2) can be used to perform a restart while recording and thus DIP switches can be changed during recording coupled with a Service Mode button use. Any changes to the DIP settings after the display in the boot sequence will not take effect until the next Service Mode restart.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mouja - "Mouja (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.144: 320x224 @ 58.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.146: 320x240 @ 59.922743Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.175: 320x224 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Mouja [Japan]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.200: mouser - "Mouser"

Resolution, 0.106-0.200: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mouser/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19608


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.266: mpangj - "Mighty! Pang (Japan 001011)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.633333 Hz.
- 0.127u1: Derived CPS2 video timing based on measurements. These are educated guesses. The logic behind the derivations is shown in the source. Fixes the disappearing volume bar in the test menu for msh, mshvsf, xmvsf, xmcota and nwarr for sound and voice [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params. Added DSP pin info from Guru [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.266: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...n-001011/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only, Expert Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75572
Rules, Points [Single Player Only, Tour Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75574
Rules, Points [Single Player Only, Panic Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75573
Rules, Points [Two Player Team, Tour Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75575

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-2 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. Action options are given in the instructions at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
Top Menu Option 7 then:
Option 1: | Option 2:


ROM set changed: no. Note: was not considered working until 0.226.
0.106-0.260: mp_sonic - "Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Play)"

MAME History:
- 0.113: Ruben added DIP locations to the Megaplay driver.
- 0.119u1: David Haywood began moving the MegaTech/MegaPlay drivers over to the new Genesis core code. Replaced YM3438 sound with YM2612. Changed visible area to 256x224.
- 0.127: Added 4x 'Unknown' dipswitch. R. Belmont reduced YM2612 DAC level relative to FM. This better matches real hardware.
- 0.145u?, 1 Apr 2012 mmicko commit titled "MAME going modern part 2 (no whatsnew)": added Mega Play BIOS versions.
- 0.153: Changed machine\megavdp.c/h to video\315_5313.c/h. Removed includes\segamsys.h. Palette is now device. Removal of unused code in machine\segamsys.c. Some modernization [Miodrag Milanovic]. Removed some more dead code and cleaned up some function names to clarify their usage. Updated MegaPlay to use modern SMS VDP. With this, it was finally possible to remove the other outdated (& non-device) implementation which was lurking inside segamsys.c. Clean-up of the MegaPlay driver classes. Small clean-up of the MegaPlay BIOS banking. Changed Sega Genesis VDP to use macros instead of direct usage of callback defines [Fabio Priuli]. Changed VSync to 59.922738 Hz.
- 0.216: Use LCM of support horizontal resolution in both VDPs. Fixed SMS VDP overlay [cam900]. Changed visible area to 1280x224 and VSync to 59.922742 Hz.
- 0.226: Fixed a Genesis VDP status bit which was breaking Mega Play MC68000 -> Z80 communications (video\315_5313.cpp). Promoted all Mega Play games to working [Devin Acker].

Resolution, 0.106-0.119: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.120-0.120: 256x224 @ 60.000000H
Resolution, 0.121-0.152: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.215: 256x224 @ 59.922738Hz
Resolution, 0.216-0.260: 1280x224 @ 59.922742Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/so...ega-play/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=261218

Service Mode:
Typical Sega MegaPlay hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed via the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with the Test button (9) at the top menu level and selection with the Service Mode button. Instructions are given at the bottom of the screen but on some sub-menus the instruction is to press the Test button to exit but the Service Mode button is actually used.
Note: Service Mode can be accessed while recording but does not seem to have a working exit thus a reset is required which will end the recording. - Barthax, Nov 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.113:
MAME 0.127:
- Note: I haven't found any sign of these 4x 'Unknown' dipswitches. Hidden sound hardware only? - Barthax, Nov 2023.
MAME 0.146: |
MAME 0.250: |

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.31-0.255: mpatrolw - "Moon Patrol (Williams)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 240x248 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.255: 240x252 @ 56.737589Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/moon-patrol/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5215
Rules, No Shoot, Jump Only Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=212617


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: mplanets - "Mad Planets"

MAME History:
- 0.125u3: Added dipswitches 'SW5', 'SW7' and 'SW8'.
- 0.126u2: Added includes\gottlieb.h. Began Gottlieb driver cleanup [Aaron Giles]: Converted palette calculations to resistor weights. Correct video timing. Reduced the number of separate machine drivers. Fixed incorrect spriteram sizes. Populated full memory maps for the main CPU and the rev 1 sound board. More to come. Changed the 6532 RIOT device into a proper device. Rewrote the logic to be simpler and leverage the new attotime functions. Changed the I/O port setters to specify a mask, and changed the I/O port callbacks to pass in the previous value. Converted audio\gottlieb.c to use the new RIOT implementation instead of rolling their own. Changed VSync to 61.419025 Hz. Added dipswitches 'Sound Test' and 6x 'Unknown'.
- 0.143u8: Various Gottlieb driver fixes [Tafoid]: Verified through playtesting, manuals and in-game service modes all DIPs in the driver. Consolidated and added DIP locations based on all available information.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 256x240 @ 61.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.260: 256x240 @ 61.419025Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mad-planets/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23022

Service Mode:
Typical Gottlieb hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch. Navigation is with quick-release use of the Service Select (F1) button, selection is with long-hold of the Service Select button. The Service Select button is used to exit options and return to the next option highlighted on the main menu, thus the full set of Service Mode options can be visited with repeated use of long-hold Service Select only.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.126:
MAME 0.127:
MAME 0.144:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.266: mrdo - "Mr. Do!"

MAME History:
- 0.114u1: Justin Szczap added DIP locations to Mr. Do.
- 0.136u3: Oliver_A and Tafoid fixed incorrect XTALs in Mr. Do! cause for problems with refresh rate and game speed. Changed Z80 CPU1 and the 2x SN76489 clock speeds to 4.1MHz and VSync to 59.943237.

Resolution, 0.106-0.136: 240x192 @ 61.166569Hz
Resolution, 0.137-0.266: 240x192 @ 59.943237Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mr-do/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7772
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7773
Rules, Points [No shooting challenge]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=238382
Rules, Points [Default Difficulty - No Ball]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=239260
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings] - Default Difficulty: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=225229
Rules, Points [Best average level 10]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=242091

Service Mode:
Mr Do! hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by holding P1 Button 1 while the machine is reset, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A ROM test followed by visual tests occur. A further use of the P1 Button 1 will cause another ROM test following by an input test screen with read-only binary representation of the DIP switches at the bottom.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.115:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

mrdrillrja2, mrdrillrj, mrdrillr

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.153 and subsequent change at 0.271.

MAME History:
- 0.130u1: Changed description to 'Mr Driller (Japan, DRI1/VER.A2)'.
- 0.133u1: Fabio Priuli changed description to 'Mr. Driller'.
- 0.149: Added DIP location to Namco System 12, also removed unused test dipswitches [smf].
- 0.153: Tormod, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added Mr. Driller (US, DRI3/VER.A2). Renamed (mrdrillr) to (mrdrillrj).
- 0.271: Renamed (mrdrillrj) to (mrdrillrja2).

Mr. Driller (Japan, DRI1/VER.A2)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.130: mrdrillr - "Mr Driller (DRI1/VER.A2)"
0.131-0.133: mrdrillr - "Mr Driller (Japan, DRI1/VER.A2)"
0.134-0.152: mrdrillr - "Mr. Driller (Japan, DRI1/VER.A2)"
0.153-0.270: mrdrillrj - "Mr. Driller (Japan, DRI1/VER.A2)"
0.271-0.271: mrdrillrja2 - "Mr. Driller (Japan, DRI1/VER.A2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.271: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mr...ri1vera2/mame/
Rules, 500M Mode: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20779
Rules, 1000M Mode: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20780

Mr. Driller (US, DRI3/VER.A2)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.153.
0.153-0.271: mrdrillr - "Mr. Driller (US, DRI3/VER.A2)"

Resolution, 0.153-0.271: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Namco System 12 hardware.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.227: mrflea - "The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea"

- 0.139u2: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches and inputs in Mr. F. Lea (after verification of the Z80 code). Added 'Bonus Life' dipswitch.

Resolution, 0.106-0.227: 256x248 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/th...-mr-flea/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10057

NOTE: At 0.139u2, 'Bonus Life' was combined & renamed from the previously named 'Bonus?' and two 'Unknown' DIPs, For compatibility, the correctly translated 'Bonus Life' setting is 'None', which is NOT default.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mrgoemon - "Mr. Goemon (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 240x224 @ 60.600000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....46&gamename=Mr. Goemon [Japan]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mrjong - "Mr. Jong (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 240x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....46&gamename=Mr. Jong [Japan]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mrkougar - "Mr. Kougar"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....46&gamename=Mr. Kougar


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.212: mrtnt - "Mr. TNT"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.212: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mr-tnt/mame/
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9816
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9815


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.113: mrviking - "Mister Viking"
0.114-0.204: mrviking - "Mister Viking (315-5041)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.130: 240x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.131-0.144: 240x224 @ 60.096154Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.204: 479x224 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mister-viking/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75590


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: mschamp - "Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola Pac Gal"
0.138u1-0.194: mschamps - "Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola-Puc Gal"

MAME History:
- 0.138u1: Andrew Welburn and The Dumping Union added clone 'Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal'. Changed description of clone 'Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola Pac Gal' to 'Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola-Puc Gal'. Renamed (mschamp) to (mschamps).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.194: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/ms-pacm...-pac-gal/mame/
Rules, Points [Champion Edition Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=38386


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.138u1.

MAME History:
- 0.138u1: Andrew Welburn and The Dumping Union added clone 'Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal'. Changed description of clone 'Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola Pac Gal' to 'Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola-Puc Gal'. Renamed (mschamp) to (mschamps).

Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola-Puc Gal
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: mschamp - "Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola Pac Gal"
0.138u1-0.194: mschamps - "Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola-Puc Gal"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.194: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/ms-pacm...-pac-gal/mame/
Rules, Points [Champion Edition Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=38386

Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.138u1.
0.138u1-0.194: mschamp - "Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal"

Resolution, 0.139-0.194: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: msgundam - "Mobile Suit Gundam"

Resolution, 106-0.175: 384x240 @ 56.660000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Mobile Suit Gundam


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.145: mshuttle - "Moon Shuttle (US?)"
0.146-0.212: mshuttle - "Moon Shuttle (US? set 1)"

- 0.145u5: Changed description to 'Moon Shuttle (US? set 1)' and clone (Japan) to 'Moon Shuttle (Japan set 1)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.212: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mo...ttle-us-/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19607


ROM Set changes: No
0.106-0.111: mshu - "Marvel Super Heroes (US 951024)"
0.112-0.228: mshu - "Marvel Super Heroes (USA 951024)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.228: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...s-951024/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=37354
Rules, Fastest Completion [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=37958


ROM set changed: no but rules incorrectly specify mshvssfu
0.106-0.111: mshvsfu - "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (US 970827)"
0.112-0.228: mshvsfu - "Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (USA 970827)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.228: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...s-970827/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75523

Note: can use Service Mode (F2) after playback to confirm the settings. Navigation is done with Up/Down and primary fire button.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: msisaac - "Metal Soldier Isaac II"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Metal Soldier Isaac II


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.191: mslider - "Monster Slider (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.148: 352x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.149-0.191: 352x240 @ 60.186720Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game_de...&platformid=46
Rules, Points [V.S. CPU Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75605


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.145: mslug2 - "Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II"
0.146-0.173: mslug2 - "Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410)(NGH-2410)"
0.174-0.255: mslug2 - "Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410 ~ NGH-2410)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.145u6: Changed description to 'Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410)(NGH-2410)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410 ~ NGH-2410)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...e-001-ii/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14704
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14705

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: mslug3 - "Metal Slug 3"
0.144-0.255: mslug3 - "Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.143u1: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560)' and clone (not encrypted) to 'Metal Slug 3 (NGH-2560)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/metal-slug-3/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14706
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14707

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130:
MAME 0.150:
MAME 0.151:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.134: mslug4 - "Metal Slug 4"
0.135-0.143: mslug4 - "Metal Slug 4 (set 1)"
0.144-0.255: mslug4 - "Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/metal-slug-4/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=74660
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=74661

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: mslug - "Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.260: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...icle-001/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11953
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11954

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.145: mslugx - "Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001"
0.146-0.173: mslugx - "Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500)(NGH-2500)"
0.174-0.255: mslugx - "Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500 ~ NGH-2500)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.145u6: Changed description to 'Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500)(NGH-2500)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500 ~ NGH-2500)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...icle-001/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14708
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14709

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |

mspacman, mspacmnf

Note: Ms. Pac-Man standard and fast depicted here due to byte-level difference but no changeover occurred.

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.147u4: Changed description of clone (with speedup hack) to 'Ms. Pac-Man (speedup hack)'.
- 0.245: Logan B added DIP locations to Ms. Pac-Man. Removed duplicated inputs from clones 'Ms. Pac-Man Plus' and 'Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal'.

Ms. Pac-Man
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.265: mspacman - "Ms. Pac-Man"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.265: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ms-pac-man/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5162

Ms. Pac-Man (speedup hack)
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.147: mspacmnf - "Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack)"
0.148-0.265: mspacmnf - "Ms. Pac-Man (speedup hack)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.265: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ms...dup-hack/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7775
Rules, Points [1 Life]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=245328


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.177: mspacmat - "Ms. Pac Attack"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.177: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Ms.+Pac+Attack
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=124502


ROM set changed: no.
0.106-0.271: mspacpls - "Ms. Pac-Man Plus"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.106: 224x288 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.271: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ms-pac-man-plus/mame/
Rules, Normal Speed (Points): https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=231628


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.138: mstworld - "Monsters World"
0.139-0.175: mstworld - "Monsters World (bootleg of Super Pang)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 384x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Monsters World


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.138: msword - "Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)"
0.139-0.250: msword - "Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)"

MAME History:
- 0.126u4: Corrado Tomaselli verified and correct CPS1 refresh rate. Changed VSync to 59.610000 Hz.
- 0.139: Changed description to 'Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)' and clones (World 900623) to 'Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900623)' and (US 900725) to 'Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (USA 900725)'.
- 0.147u1: Changed CPS-1 video timings to SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup (includes\cps1.h) [Osso]. Willow, Strider and Ghouls'n Ghosts have some changed factory setting defaults as stated from manual. Also noted differences in bonus live coverage where applicable [Tafoid]. Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.250: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...d-900725/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14438
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14439

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Left at the top level and instructions for sub-sections appear at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: mtlchamp - "Martial Champion (ver EAB)"

MAME History:
- 0.125u7: Changed VSync to 59.185606.
- 0.191: MetalliC fixed Martial Champion does not disable interrupts during EEPROM read when in test mode.

Resolution, 0.106-0.125: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.250: 384x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...-ver-eab/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19135

Service Mode:
Typical Konami "pre-GX" (Mystic Warriors driver) BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
| | |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.228: mtrap - "Mouse Trap (version 5)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 248x256 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.228: 256x256 @ 59.996811Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mo...vision-5/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10471


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.205: mtwins - "Mega Twins (World 900619)"

MAME History:
- 0.126u4: Corrado Tomaselli verified and correct CPS1 refresh rate. Changed VSync to 59.610000 Hz.
- 0.147u1: Changed CPS-1 video timings to SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.148u5: Andrew Gardner added QSound internal DSP ROM to the device. Added DSP16 (4MHz) CPU3. Sonikos fixed 'Difficulty' dipswitch which has in the tab menu values from 1 (easiest) to 8 (hardest) but in the game's menu it's from 0 to 7.
- 0.153: Cleanup (includes\cps1.h) [Osso]. Willow, Strider and Ghouls'n Ghosts have some changed factory setting defaults as stated from manual. Also noted differences in bonus live coverage where applicable [Tafoid]. Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.205: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/me...d-900619/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14444
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14445

Service Mode:
Unusual Capcom CPS-1 BIOS.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using the Game Mode DIP switch or the Service button (F2) which toggles the DIP switch. Navigation is with P1 directional controls, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.250:
NOTE: from 0.148u5 onwards, Difficulty settings have been relabelled. Verify with caution.
- Difficulty up to: 0.148u4: 1 (Easiest), 2, 3, 4 (Normal), 5, 6, 7, 8 (Hardest)
- Difficulty from : 0.148u5: 0 (Easiest), 1, 2, 3 (Normal), 4, 5, 6, 7 (Hardest)
MAME 0.148: | MAME 0.149:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: mugsmash - "Mug Smashers"

MAME History:
- 0.128u4: Luigi30 added DIP locations to Mug Smashers.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mug-smashers/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19611
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19612

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A Single test screen appears showing current configuration with an input test facility at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106: | MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mustache - "Mustache Boy"
0.180- : mustache - "Mustache Boy (Japan)" (description change only)

MAME History:
- 0.180: ShouTime added clone Mustache Boy (Italy). Changed parent description to 'Mustache Boy (Japan)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 240x232 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.180: 240x248 @ 56.747000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Mustache+Boy
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19613


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.123: mustang - "US AAF Mustang (Japan)"
0.125-0.255: mustang - "US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990)"

MAME History:
- 0.122u1: David Haywood and Tomasz Slanina fixed US AAF Mustang - Game now playable. Changed VSync to 56Hz.
- 0.123u6: Changed description to 'US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990)' and clone (Seoul Trading) to 'US AAF Mustang (25th May. 1990 / Seoul Trading)'.
- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to US AAF Mustang.
- 0.155: [- SNIP -] [David Haywood]. Changed VSync to 56.18 Hz in most games.

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.154: 256x224 @ 56.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.255: 256x224 @ 56.180000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/us...ng-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120525
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120526

Service Mode:
Typical NMK 16-bit hardware.
No service mode.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.122: mutantf - "Mutant Fighter (World Rev 4, EM-5)"
0.123-0.175: mutantf - "Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-5)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Mutant Fighter [World Rev 4, EM-5]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: mutnat - "Mutation Nation"
0.144-0.173: mutnat - "Mutation Nation (NGM-014)(NGH-014)"
0.174-0.255: mutnat - "Mutation Nation (NGM-014 ~ NGH-014)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.128u2: JohnBoy marked mutnat MVS AND AES VERSION.
- 0.143u1: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Mutation Nation (NGM-014)(NGH-014)'.
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Mutation Nation (NGM-014 ~ NGH-014)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mutation-nation/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14713
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14714

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed by using the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.165: mvp - "MVP (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0143)"
0.166-0.175: mvp - "MVP (set 2, US) (FD1094 317-0143)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.116: 321x224 @ 60.054389Hz
Resolution, 0.117-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=MVP [set 2, US, FD1094 317-0143]


ROM Set changes:
0.106-0.111: mvscu - "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (US 980123)"
0.112-0.175: mvscu - "Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (USA 980123)" (minor description change)

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....er%20Heroes%20[US%20980123]
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75524


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.137: mwalk - "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (set 3, World, FD1094/8751 317-0159)"
0.138-0.165: mwalk - "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World, FD1094/8751 317-0159)"
0.166-0.272: mwalk - "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) (FD1094/8751 317-0159)"

MAME History:
- 0.113: Ruben added DIP locations to the Segas18 driver.
- 0.122u2: Couriersud fixed Moonwalker, which didn't starts.
- 0.129: Aaron Giles fixed Moonwalker crashed when starting game.
- 0.133u1: Corrado Tomaselli verified/changed VSync to 57.23 Hz in the Segas18 driver.
- 0.138: Changed description to 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World, FD1094/8751 317-0159)' and clones (set 2, US, FD1094/8751 317-0158) to 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (US, FD1094/8751 317-0158)' and (set 1, Japan, FD1094/8751 317-0157) to 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Japan, FD1094/8751 317-0157)'.
- 0.143u8: Added includes\segaipt.h. Kanikani fixed DIPSW and DIP locations in Segas18 driver.
- 0.166: David Haywood added clones 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Japan) (bootleg of FD1094/8751 317-0157 set)', 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (US) (bootleg of FD1094/8751 317-0158)' and 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) (bootleg of FD1094/8751 317-0159)'. Changed parent description to 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) (FD1094/8751 317-0159)' and clones (FD1094/8751 317-0157) to 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Japan) (FD1094/8751 317-0157)' and (FD1094/8751 317-0158) to 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (US) (FD1094/8751 317-0158)'.
- 0.220: Approved default DIPs. Fixed Coin1 & 2 mapping in common mode [Angelo Salese].

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.272: 320x224 @ 57.230000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/mi...317-0159/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=35227
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75566
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75567

Service Mode:
Standard Sega System 18 BIOS [sega/segas18.cpp].
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by accessed by the Service button (F2). Navigation is with the Test button (9) and selection with the Service Button.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Coin A & Coin B DIP switch values (commas added for legibility). Note: Coin A refers to Coin B and vice versa:
≡ 0.106-0.143 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 5/3 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 2/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 5/6" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"
≡ 0.144-0.272 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 5/3, 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 5/6" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 2/3" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"

Default Settings:
Note: DIP updates at 0.143u8 include a minor label change to the Coin options.
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.113:
MAME 0.144:
MAME 0.220:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mwarr - "Mighty Warriors"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 366x240 @ 54.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Mighty Warriors


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.189: mx5000 - "MX5000"

Resolution, 0.106-0.189: 280x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=MX5000
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19614


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.113: myhero - "My Hero (US)"
0.114-0.175: myhero - "My Hero (US, not encrypted)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.130: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.131-0.144: 256x224 @ 60.096154Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.175: 512x224 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....46&gamename=My Hero [US]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: mysticm - "Mystic Marathon"

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 276x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.175: 276x240 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Mystic Marathon


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.205: mysticri - "Mystic Riders (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Added missing 'Bonus Life' dipswitch.

Resolution, 0.106-0.205: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/my...rs-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19617
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19618

Service Mode:
Typical Irem M92 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode begins with another ROM & RAM test. Use simultaneous P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 to enter the menu of Service Mode. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection is with P1 Button 1. To exit a sub-menu simultaneously hold P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

NOTE: 'Bonus Life' was renamed from a previously 'Unknown' DIP, which the rules required to be 'Off'. Therefore for compatibility, the correctly translated 'Bonus Life' setting is '20000 50000 90000'.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.201: mystston - "Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x240 @ 57.444855Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.135: 256x240 @ 68.933824Hz
Resolution, 0.136-0.201: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/my...dventure/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19616


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: mystwarr - "Mystic Warriors (ver EAA)"

MAME History:
- 0.125u7: Changed VSync to 59.185606.
- 0.215: Added missing Coins 3 and 4 to Violent Storm and Mystic Warriors [Osso, Zach S.].

Resolution, 0.106-0.125: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.255: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/my...-ver-eaa/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23029
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23030
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75622
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=75623

Service Mode:
Typical Konami "pre-GX" (Mystic Warriors driver) BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
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