1. Game
  2. MAME History, "S-So" ROM sets

This page is a chapter in 'Game Exploring MAME history for TG rules'

A collection of notes from the legacy of MAME for checking INP files against rules.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: s1945iii - "Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-s1945iii.bin EEPROM.
- 0.165: Renamed 'Debug' dipswitch to 'Tilt (Enables Debug Mode)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...99-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110797
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110798

Service Mode:
Typical early Psikyo Hitachi SH-2 hardware BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection/change is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
EEPROM added at 0.136 seems to have no effect on Internal Settings.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: s1945ii - "Strikers 1945 II"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-s1945ii.bin EEPROM.
- 0.165: Renamed 'Debug' dipswitch to 'Tilt (Enables Debug Mode)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...-1945-ii/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23010
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23011

Service Mode:
Typical early Psikyo Hitachi SH-2 hardware BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection/change is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
EEPROM added at 0.136 seems to have no effect on Internal Settings.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.265: s1945p - "Strikers 1945 Plus"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.265: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...945-plus/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15414
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15415

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.127: s1945 - "Strikers 1945"
0.128-0.255: s1945 - "Strikers 1945 (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.300000 Hz.
- 0.133u1: Changed VSync to 59.9 Hz in Strikers 1945.
- 0.149u1: Added dipswitch locations to all sets in the driver. Filled in some unknown dipswitches from Battle K-Road. Moved Region settings into Game Configuration menu. Added a note about the Free Play mode in the Strikers 1945 sets not working [Brian Troha].
- 0.219: Some measurements for Strikers 1945 (HSync, VSync, etc) [Guru]. Changed Z80 CPU2 clock speed to 8MHz and VSync to 59.922900 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.299999Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.133: 320x224 @ 59.300000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.218: 320x224 @ 59.900000Hz
Resolution, 0.219-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.922900Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/strikers-1945/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20442
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20443
Note: The Country / Region DIP switch was adjusted in 0.149u1 to a Game Configuration item.

Service Mode:
Typical Psikyo Motorola 68EC020-based hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch and this can be toggled with the Service button (F2). Service Mode requires a restart thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down; P1 Button 1 to enter menu option.

Default settings:
From MAME0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: sabotenb - "Saboten Bombers (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.122u1: Merged afega.c with nmk16.c driver. Afega/nmk16 cleanups [David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina]: Removed many hacks from both. Fixed a number of games. Changed VSync to 56Hz.
- 0.123u6: Changed description to 'Saboten Bombers (9th Mar. 1992 / set 1)' and clone (set 2) to 'Saboten Bombers (9th Mar. 1992 / set 2)'.
- 0.124u1: Changed description to 'Saboten Bombers (set 1)' and clone (9th Mar. 1992 / set 2) to 'Saboten Bombers (set 2)'.
- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Saboten Bombers. Added 2x 'Unused' dipswitch. Renamed (sabotnba) to (sabotenba).
- 0.155: [- SNIP -] [David Haywood]. Changed VSync to 56.18 Hz in most games.

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.154: 384x224 @ 56.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.255: 384x224 @ 56.180000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...rs-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=18971
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=18972

Service Mode:
Atypical NMK 16-bit hardware.
No service mode.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.150: safarir - "Safari Rally (Japan)"
0.151-0.175: safarirj - "Safari Rally (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.151: Andrew Welburn added Safari Rally (World). Renamed (safarir) to (safarirj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.150: 256x208 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.151-0.175: 256x208 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ari%20Rally%20[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10024


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.151.

MAME History:
- 0.151: Andrew Welburn added Safari Rally (World). Renamed (safarir) to (safarirj).

Safari Rally (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.150: safarir - "Safari Rally (Japan)"
0.151-0.175: safarirj - "Safari Rally (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.150: 256x208 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.151-0.175: 256x208 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ari%20Rally%20[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10024

Safari Rally (World)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.151.
0.151-0.176: safarir - "Safari Rally (World)"

Resolution, 0.151-0.176: 256x208 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.136: safari - "Safari"
0.137-0.250: safari - "Safari (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/safari/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=30855

Service Mode:
Typical Sega VIC Dual BIOS.
No service mode.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.121: sailormn - "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (95/03/22B)"
0.122-0.137: sailormn - "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (JUEHTK, Ver. 95/03/22B)"
0.138-0.240: sailormn - "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/22B, Europe)"
0.241-0.255: sailormn - "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Europe)"

MAME History:
- 0.70u3: Added 'Region' dipswitch.
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 57.550645 Hz.
- 0.122: Changed description to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (JUEHTK, Ver. 95/03/22B)' and clone (95/03/22) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (JUEHTK, Ver. 95/03/22)'.
- 0.136: Added eeprom-sailormn.bin EEPROM.
- 0.137u1: Added clones Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/22B, Hong Kong), (Ver. 95/03/22B, Japan), (Ver. 95/03/22B, Korea), (Ver. 95/03/22, Hong Kong), (Ver. 95/03/22, Japan), (Ver. 95/03/22, Korea), (Ver. 95/03/22, Taiwan), (Ver. 95/03/22, USA), (Ver. 95/03/22B, Taiwan) and (Ver. 95/03/22B, USA). Changed parent description to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/22B, Europe)' and clone (JUEHTK, Ver. 95/03/22) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/22, Europe)'.
- 0.241: Changed description to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Europe)' and clones (Ver. 95/03/21, Hong Kong) to 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Hong Kong)', (Ver. 95/03/21, Japan) to 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Japan)', (Ver. 95/03/21, Taiwan) to 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Taiwan)', (Ver. 95/03/22, Hong Kong) to 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Hong Kong)', (Ver. 95/03/22, Japan) to 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Japan)', (Ver. 95/03/22, Taiwan) to 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Taiwan)', (Ver. 95/03/22B, Hong Kong) to 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Hong Kong)', (Ver. 95/03/22B, Japan) to 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Japan)', (Ver. 95/03/22B, Taiwan) to 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Taiwan)', (Ver. 95/03/21, Europe) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Europe)', (Ver. 95/03/21, Korea) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, Korea)', (Ver. 95/03/21, USA) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/21, USA)', (Ver. 95/03/22, Europe) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Europe)', (Ver. 95/03/22, Korea) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, Korea)', (Ver. 95/03/22, USA) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22, USA)', (Ver. 95/03/22B, Korea) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, Korea)' and (Ver. 95/03/22B, USA) to 'Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Version 95/03/22B, USA)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 57.550644Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x240 @ 57.550645Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/pretty-...5-03-22b/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=78971
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=78972

Service Mode:
Typical Cave (Motorola 68000) BIOS
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, hold the Service button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down, selection is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: salamand - "Salamander (version D)"

MAME History:
- 0.144u7: Removed 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 0.150: Renamed "Upright Controls" dipswitch to "Players" in gwarrior and twinbee, and make 2 players default (neither game supports cocktail cabinets). Make default difficulty normal in all games [Alex Jackson].

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...version-d/mame
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23018
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23019

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode presents a cycle of test screens which can be progressed using P1 Start button. DIP Switch configurations are shown read-only.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106: | MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:

Comparison of 0.144 and 0.145 DIP switch configuration:

"Medium" Difficulty was relabeled at 0.150 to "Normal" - all other labels remain unchanged. Comparison of 0.149 and 0.150 Difficulty DIP switch change:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: salmndr2 - "Salamander 2 (ver JAA)"

MAME HistoryL:
- 0.125u6: KonamiGX frequency tweaks [Yasuhiro Ogawa]: Set screen refresh rate to 58Hz (parameters from developer manual are not 100% correct). Removed sound CPU clock hack. Changed 68000 CPU2 clock speed to 8MHz.
- 0.125u7: GX era hardware [Yasuhiro Ogawa]: Update video parameters to use actual values written to the CCU. Changed VSync to 59.185606.
- 0.221: Added dipswitches 'Sound output', 'Left Monitor Flip Screen', 'Right Monitor Flip Screen', 'Number of Screens' and 12x 'Unused'.
- 0.221: Rework dipswitches for all games and added DIP locations. Fixed sprite DMA transfers for type 3/4 right monitor, and fixed right screen protection in Rushing Heroes and Run & Gun 2. This makes dual monitor 4 players play possible (and enabled by default) [Angelo Salese]. Added dipswitches 'Sound Output' and 14x 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106: 288x224 @ 58.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.125: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.255: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...-ver-jaa/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110582
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110583

Service Mode:
Standard Konami GX BIOS.
Has both hardware DIP switches and internal software service mode. Hardware DIP switches will reflect the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. All other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode is access using the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
Internal Configuration: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: samsh5sp - "Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (set 1, uncensored)"
0.144-0.175: samsh5sp - "Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-2720)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special [set 1, uncensored]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: samsho2 - "Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru jigokuhen"
0.144-0.173: samsho2 - "Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru jigokuhen (NGM-063)(NGH-063)"
0.174-0.175: samsho2 - "Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (NGM-063 ~ NGH-063)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru jgoksuhen


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.127: samsho3 - "Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (set 1)"
0.127u6-0.143: samsho3h - "Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (set 2)"
0.144-0.175: samsho3h - "Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGH-087)"

MAME History:
- 0.127u6: Johnboy renamed (samsho3) to (samsho3h) and (samsho3a) to (samsho3). Renamed p1 to correct chip label. Marked samsho3h as AES version.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken [Set 1]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.127: samsho3 - "Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (set 1)"
0.127u6-0.143: samsho3h - "Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (set 2)"
0.144-0.175: samsho3h - "Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGH-087)"

MAME History:
- 0.127u6: Johnboy renamed (samsho3) to (samsho3h) and (samsho3a) to (samsho3). Renamed p1 to correct chip label. Marked samsho3h as AES version.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken [Set 1]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: samsho4 - "Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin"
0.144-0.173: samsho4 - "Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222)(NGH-222)"
0.174-0.260: samsho4 - "Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222 ~ NGH-222)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.143u5: Changed description to 'Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222)(NGH-222)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222 ~ NGH-222)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.260: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...usa-kour/mame/
Rules, Fastest Completion [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5401

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: [IMG]&thumb=1[/IMG]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: samsho5 - "Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (set 1)"
0.144-0.175: samsho5 - "Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero [set 1]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.123: samsho - "Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits"
0.125-0.143: samsho - "Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (set 1)"
0.144-0.214: samsho - "Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045)"

MAME History:
- 0.124u1: Added clone Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (set 2). Replaced the 3x 512k cpu1 roms with 2x 1MB roms. Added new gfx3 roms ($800000, 800001). Changed parent description to 'Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (set 1)'.
- 0.143u4: Changed description to 'Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045)' and clone (set 2) to 'Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGH-045)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.214: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...-spirits/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15397

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: samuraia - "Samurai Aces (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.300000 Hz.
- 0.149u1: Added dipswitch locations to all sets in the driver. Filled in some unknown dipswitches from Battle K-Road. Moved Region settings into Game Configuration menu. Added a note about the Free Play mode in the Strikers 1945 sets not working [Brian Troha].
- 0.256: Correct screen timings and interrupts for clone Sengoku Ace. Gunbird is verified to use the same timings as Strikers 1945 and Tengai, so clone Sengoku Ace can be assumed to be similar [buffi]. Changed VSync to 59.922743 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.299999Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.300000Hz
Resolution, 0.256-0.271: 320x224 @ 59.922743Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...es-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20440
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20441

Service Mode:
Typical Psikyo Motorola 68EC020-based hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1 at the top level and instructions for sub-sections appear at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250: |

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

samuraij, samurai

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.245.

MAME History:
- 0.124u4: Aaron Giles fixed insert coin don't work in carnival, headon, heiankyo, pulsar, samurai and tranqgun.
- 0.245: anonymous and SNESNESCUBE64 added Samurai (World). Note: Found on a Gremlin 'EXTENDED ROM VIDEO LOGIC ASSY NO 800-003' PCB with a '834-0118' sticker and a Sega 96718-P-A riser board. Everything on the board is dated 1979, but possibly the PCB was converted from something else, given the epr numbers are way bigger than the Japanese version ones [Osso]. Changed 'Samurai' to clone 'Samurai (Japan)'. Renamed (samurai) to (samuraij).

Samurai (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.244: samurai - "Samurai"
0.245-0.255: samuraij - "Samurai (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/samurai/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110584

Samurai (World)
Note: not currently tracked on TG
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.245.
0.245-0.255: samurai - "Samurai (World)"

Resolution, 0.245-0.255: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Sega VIC Dual BIOS.
No service mode.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.123: sandscrp - "Sand Scorpion (set 1)"
0.125-0.260: sandscrp - "Sand Scorpion"

MAME History:
- 0.123u1: Stefan Lindberg added clone Sand Scorpion (Earlier). Brian Troha added PCB and/or chip docs updates for Sand Scorpion. Changed parent description to 'Sand Scorpion' and clone (set 2) to 'Sand Scorpion (Revised Hardware)'. Fixed rom names. Renamed (sandscra) to (sandscrb).
- 0.150: Brian Troha added DIP locations and correct default settings for the Sand Scorpion sets.

Resolution, 0.106-0.260: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...on-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=18969
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=18970

Service Mode:
Typical Kaneko Sand Scorpion hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A cycle of test screens are progressed through using the Test (9) button.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.150:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:
| |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sarge - "Sarge"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Sarge


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.180: sasuke - "Sasuke vs. Commander"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 61.246746Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.128: 256x224 @ 61.246745Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.180: 256x224 @ 61.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....+vs.+Commander
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10122

* Default starting lives seems to have been changed from 3 to 4 at 0.122u8. Rules still require 3.
* Bonus life was undefined at 0.106, and seems to be awarded at 10k. It is therefore not in the current rule set. However, from 0.122u8 onwards, Bonus Life became controllable by DIP, but default setting is 5k! Recommend using 10k.

MAME History:
- 0.122u8: Fixed dipswitches and added 'Bonus Life' dipswitch.


ROM set changes: none
0.106-0.118: satansat - "Satan of Saturn"
0.119-0.205: satansat - "Satan of Saturn (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 61.246746Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.128: 256x224 @ 61.246745Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.193: 256x224 @ 61.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.194-0.205: 256x224 @ 61.246745Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/satan-of-saturn/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10696


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.141: saturn - "Saturn"
0.141u1-0.175: saturnzi - "Saturn"

MAME History:
- 0.141u1: Renamed (saturn) to (saturnzi).

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Saturn
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10152


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.141: saturn - "Saturn"
0.141u1-0.175: saturnzi - "Saturn"

MAME History:
- 0.141u1: Renamed (saturn) to (saturnzi).

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Saturn
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10152


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sauro - "Sauro"

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 240x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.175: 240x224 @ 55.720000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Sauro


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.173: savagere - "Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - kakutou sousei"
0.174-0.184: savagere - "Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - Kakutou Sousei"

MAME History:
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - Kakutou Sousei'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.184: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....kakutou+sousei
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15402

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.

sbagman2, sbagman

Note: two ROM sets are represented here with the changeover at 0.218.

MAME History:
- 0.123u4: RasnAckeR improved dipswitch definitions, added DIP locations and simplified input ports in Bagman driver.
- 0.138u2: Couriersud added a new cycle exact VMS interface to TMS5110 emulating M0, M1 and ADD1 to ADD8 lines. Added TMS6100 memory controller device. Also added TMSPROM device emulating Bagman and A. D. 2083 PROM controlled speech logic. Switched Bagman, A. D. 2083 and Radar Scope (TRS01) to use the new interface and devices. Added documentation about TMS5110 PROM interface used by Bagman and A. D. 2083. Changed AY-3-8910A clock speed to 1536000 Hz and VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.184: Use 4-way joysticks in all games except Squash (Itisa) [AJR].
- 0.218: Michel Blanco added Super Bagman (version 5). Fixed rom names. Changed Super Bagman to clone 'Super Bagman (version 3?)'. Renamed (sbagman) to (sbagman2).

Super Bagman (version 3?)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.217: sbagman - "Super Bagman"
0.218-0.273: sbagman2 - "Super Bagman (version 3?)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.138: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.139-0.273: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/super-bagman/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10027

Super Bagman (version 5)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.218.
0.218-0.273: sbagman - "Super Bagman (version 5)"

Resolution, 0.218-0.273: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Valadon Bagman hardware [valadon/bagman.cpp].
No service mode found. - Barthax, Jan 2025.

Default Settings:
Cabinet becomes a Machine Configuration:
0.106-0.245 Cabinet DIP Switch: Upright / Cocktail
0.246-0.273 Cabinet Configuration: Upright / Cocktail


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sbasebal - "Super Champion Baseball (US)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.155: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.191409Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Super Champion Baseball [US]


Note: three ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.127u3 and 0.132u3.

MAME History:
- 0.127u3: Super Basketball changes [Kevin Eshbach]: Corrected the Super Basketball Revision H rom dump. Updated driver with the DIP locations. Corrected the VLM XTAL. Corrected parent/child relationships by making the Revision H the parent. Turned on save state support. Changed clone 'Super Basketball (not encrypted)' to parent 'Super Basketball (version H, unprotected)', '(version G)' to clone '(version G, encrypted)' and '(version E)' to '(version E, encrypted)'. Renamed (sbasketb) to (sbasketg), (sbasketu) to (sbasketb) and (sbasketo) to (sbaskete).
- 0.132u3: Mr Goodwraith, Smitdogg and Dumping Union added Super Basketball (version I, encrypted). Renamed (sbasketb) to (sbasketh).

Super Basketball (version G, encrypted)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.127: sbasketb - "Super Basketball (version G)"
0.127u3-0.175: sbasketg - "Super Basketball (version G, encrypted)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Super Basketball [version G]

Super Basketball (version H, unprotected)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.127u3.
0.127u3-0.132: sbasketb - "Super Basketball (version H, unprotected)"
0.132u3-0.176: sbasketh - "Super Basketball (version H, unprotected)"

Resolution, 0.128-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Super Basketball (version I, encrypted)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.132u3.
0.132u3-0.176: sbasketb - "Super Basketball (version I, encrypted)"

Resolution, 0.133-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.127: sbasketb - "Super Basketball (version G)"
0.127u3-0.175: sbasketg - "Super Basketball (version G, encrypted)"

MAME History:
- 0.127u3: Super Basketball changes [Kevin Eshbach]: Corrected the Super Basketball Revision H rom dump. Updated driver with the DIP locations. Corrected the VLM XTAL. Corrected parent/child relationships by making the Revision H the parent. Turned on save state support. Changed clone 'Super Basketball (not encrypted)' to parent 'Super Basketball (version H, unprotected)', '(version G)' to clone '(version G, encrypted)' and '(version E)' to '(version E, encrypted)'. Renamed (sbasketb) to (sbasketg), (sbasketu) to (sbasketb) and (sbasketo) to (sbaskete).

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Super Basketball [version G]


Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.127u3.
0.127u3-0.132: sbasketb - "Super Basketball (version H, unprotected)"
0.132u3-0.176: sbasketh - "Super Basketball (version H, unprotected)"

MAME History:
- 0.127u3: Super Basketball changes [Kevin Eshbach]: Corrected the Super Basketball Revision H rom dump. Updated driver with the DIP locations. Corrected the VLM XTAL. Corrected parent/child relationships by making the Revision H the parent. Turned on save state support. Changed clone 'Super Basketball (not encrypted)' to parent 'Super Basketball (version H, unprotected)', '(version G)' to clone '(version G, encrypted)' and '(version E)' to '(version E, encrypted)'. Renamed (sbasketb) to (sbasketg), (sbasketu) to (sbasketb) and (sbasketo) to (sbaskete).
- 0.132u3: Mr Goodwraith, Smitdogg and Dumping Union added Super Basketball (version I, encrypted). Renamed (sbasketb) to (sbasketh).

Resolution, 0.128-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.131: sbishi - "Super Bishi Bashi Championship (ver JAA)"
0.132-0.175: sbishi - "Super Bishi Bashi Championship (ver JAA, 2 Players)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Super Bishi Bashi Championship [ver JAA]

sbomberb, sbomber

ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.141: sbomberb - "Space Bomber (ver. B)"
0.142-0.255: sbomber - "Space Bomber (ver. B)"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Added eeprom-sbomberb.bin EEPROM.
- 0.141u2: hap, N. Francfort, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added clone Space Bomber. Renamed (sbomberb) to (sbomber).
- 0.165: Renamed 'Debug' dipswitch to 'Tilt (Enables Debug Mode)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sp...er-ver-b/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110705
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110706

Service Mode:
Typical early Psikyo Hitachi SH-2 hardware BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection/change is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
EEPROM added at 0.136 seems to have no effect on Internal Settings.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sbowling - "Strike Bowling"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 240x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Strike Bowling


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.134: sbrkout - "Super Breakout"
0.135-0.175: sbrkout - "Super Breakout (rev 04)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.114504Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Super Breakout

scfinalsoc, scfinalso, scfinals

Note: multiple ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.148 and 0.227.

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 58.970000 Hz.
- 0.148: dlfrsilver and The Dumping Union added Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13). Renamed (scfinals) to (scfinalso).
- 0.227: nnap added clone Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, single PCB). Changed parent description to 'Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13, single PCB)' and clone (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19) to 'Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, F3 Cartridge)'. Renamed (scfinalso) to (scfinalsoc).
- 0.266: Major rewrite [ywy, 12Me21]. Optimized for performance (taito\taito_f3_v.cpp): Changed per-pixed blend Z buffers from array-of-structures to structure-of-arrays. Allow vectorization of line blending operations. Restored empty line optimization by tracking tilemap row use. Consolidate sprite frame buffers (still pulls from it multiple times for each priority group). Rearranged various operations to improve performance [ywy]. Changed VSync to 58.943844 Hz.

Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, F3 Cartridge)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.147: scfinals - "Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19)"
0.148-0.226: scfinalso - "Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19)"
0.227-0.271: scfinalsoc - "Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, F3 Cartridge)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 58.970001Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.265: 320x224 @ 58.970000Hz
Resolution, 0.266-0.271: 320x224 @ 58.943844Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/su...19931119/mame/
Rules, Biggest Blowout: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110807

Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, single PCB)
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.226: NOT SUPPORTED
0.227-0.271: scfinalso - "Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.1O 1993/11/19, single PCB)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 58.970001Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.265: 320x224 @ 58.970000Hz
Resolution, 0.266-0.271: 320x224 @ 58.943844Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13, single PCB)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.148.
0.106-0.147: NOT SUPPORTED
0.148-0.226: scfinals - "Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13)"
0.227-0.271: scfinals - "Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13, single PCB)"

Resolution, 0.148-0.265: 320x224 @ 58.970000Hz
Resolution, 0.266-0.271: 320x224 @ 58.943844Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F3 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode can be accessed using the Service button (F2). Navigate with P1 Up and Down. Select menu options with P1 Button 1. Change settings with P1 Left and Right.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.147: schaser - "Space Chaser"
0.148-0.175: schaser - "Space Chaser (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 248x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 260x224 @ 59.541985Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Space Chaser


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: schmeisr - "Schmeiser Robo (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.122u7: Brian Troha fixed 'Demo Sounds' dip is reversed. Added 'Freeze Screen' dipswitch.
- 0.178: Schmeiser Robo has layer bug with flipscreen. Marked the game as MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL [Angelo Salese]. Added 'Debug Mode' dipswitch.
- 0.182: Added dipswitch locations. Filled in missing 'Difficulty' switches for Schmeiser Robo [Brian Troha].

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sc...bo-japan/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110593

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Three options are presented with different P1 buttons to access each. A binary read-only display of the DIP switches is given in the first option (which initially presents a visual test screen - P1 Button 1 to continue).

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106: | MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

The difficulty switch is the SW2's lowest two bits.
MAME 0.106 Normal Difficulty (Unknowns Off):
MAME 0.250 Hardest Difficulty:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: scion - "Scion"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 240x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Scion


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sci - "Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Special Criminal Investigation [World set 1]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: scobra - "Super Cobra"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.175: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Super Cobra [Konami]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.220: scontra - "Super Contra"
0.221-0.255: scontra - "Super Contra (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.131u3: Kanikani added DIP locations to Super Contra.
- 0.137u1: Corrado Tomaselli verified all the clocks from Super Contra PCB as well as the vsync. Changed VSync to 59.17 Hz.
- 0.144u7: Kanikani updated Super Contra dipswitches.
- 0.221: Victor Fernandez and ClawGrip added clone Super Contra (set 2). Changed parent description to 'Super Contra (set 1)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.137: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.138-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.170000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/super-contra/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15636
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15637

Service Mode:
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using the Srvice Mode DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2). Service Mode presents a series of test screens in a cycle. P1 Start button cycles through the screens. DIP Switches and configuration information are read-only.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch.
| |

The change of dipswitches at 0.144u7 is an aesthetic one only. Here are 0.144 (left) and 0.145 (right) side-by-side showing the additional display of SW1.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: scorpion - "Scorpion (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.175: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Scorpion [set 1]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: scotrsht - "Scooter Shooter"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Scooter Shooter


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.133: scrambls - "Scramble (Stern)"
0.133u1-0.138: scrambles - "Scramble (Stern)"
0.139-0.147: scrambles - "Scramble (Stern Electronics)"
0.148-0.198: scrambles - "Scramble (Stern Electronics set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Renamed (scrambls) to (scrambles).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.198: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/scramble-stern/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7808


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.189: scramble - "Scramble"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.189: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....name=Scramble+[Konami]
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7807


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.133: scrambls - "Scramble (Stern)"
0.133u1-0.138: scrambles - "Scramble (Stern)"
0.139-0.147: scrambles - "Scramble (Stern Electronics)"
0.148-0.198: scrambles - "Scramble (Stern Electronics set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Renamed (scrambls) to (scrambles).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.198: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/scramble-stern/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7808


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.207: scregg - "Scrambled Egg"

Resolution, 0.106-0.144: 240x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.207: 240x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/scrambled-egg/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110598


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: screwloo - "Screw Loose (prototype)"

MAME History:
- 0.125u3: Added dipswitches 'SW5', 'SW7' and 'SW8'.
- 0.126u2: Added includes\gottlieb.h. Began Gottlieb driver cleanup [Aaron Giles]: Converted palette calculations to resistor weights. Correct video timing. Reduced the number of separate machine drivers. Fixed incorrect spriteram sizes. Populated full memory maps for the main CPU and the rev 1 sound board. More to come. Changed the 6532 RIOT device into a proper device. Rewrote the logic to be simpler and leverage the new attotime functions. Changed the I/O port setters to specify a mask, and changed the I/O port callbacks to pass in the previous value. Converted audio\gottlieb.c to use the new RIOT implementation instead of rolling their own. Changed VSync to 61.419025 Hz. Added dipswitches 'Sound Test' and 6x 'Unknown'.
- 0.143u8: Various Gottlieb driver fixes [Tafoid]: Verified through playtesting, manuals and in-game service modes all DIPs in the driver. Consolidated and added DIP locations based on all available information.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 256x240 @ 61.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.260: 256x240 @ 61.419025Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sc...rototype/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110599

Service Mode:
Atypical Gottlieb hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. No settings found in service mode. - Barthax, Nov 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.126:
MAME 0.127:
MAME 0.144:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: scross - "Stadium Cross (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.220: Make the 4 DIPs selectable singularly and added DIP locations [Osso]. Added 4x 'Unknown' dipswitches.

Resolution, 0.106: 416x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.107-0.255: 2 screens, both 416x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...ss-world/mame/
Rules, Fastest Lap: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110751
Rules, Fastest Race: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110752

Service Mode:
Typical Sega System 32 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed by using the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with the Test Button (9), selection is with the Service Mode button (F2). Screens have instructions at the bottom.

Default Settings:
The Unknown DIP switches were introduced in MAME 0.220. No DIP switch options existing prior to this.
| | |


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.250.

MAME History:
- 0.126u4: Fabio Priuli added DIP locations to Scud Hammer.
- 0.133u1: hap changed Scud Hammer analog controls from paddle to accelerometer. Previously, if you did nothing, the paddle control caused the hammer to smash automatically.
- 0.222: Fixed Scud Hammer irq and refresh rate to be measured 59.17 Hz instead of 30 [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.250: SpinalFeyd added Scud Hammer (ver 1.4). Changed Scud Hammer to clone 'Scud Hammer (older version?)'. Renamed (scudhamm) to (scudhamma).

Scud Hammer (older version?)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.249: scudhamm - "Scud Hammer"
0.250-0.272: scudhamma - "Scud Hammer (older version?)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.221: 256x224 @ 30.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.222-0.272: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/scud-hammer/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110601

Scud Hammer (ver 1.4)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.250.
0.250-0.272: scudhamm - "Scud Hammer (ver 1.4)"

Resolution, 0.250-0.272: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Jaleco Driving Games hardware.
SM access logical after playback: No.
SM access recordable in INP: Yes.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Button 1, selection with Service Mode Button. The DIP switch section will reflect the current configuration during recording and can therefore be relied upon if recorded in the INP file. To continue recording in an INP file, using the Exit option in the top level of Service Mode.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sdgndmps - "SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ander+no+Kyoui
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110604
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110605


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.134: sdi - "SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Europe, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027)"
0.135-0.153: sdi - "SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, old, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027)"
0.154-0.175: sdi - "SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, newer, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative [Europe, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.273: sdodgeb - "Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.273: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/su...densetsu/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15416

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS [neogeo/neogeo.cpp].
SM access logical after playback: Yes.
SM access recordable in INP: Yes.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent COMM Setting DIP switch values and split to COMM Setting (Cabinet No.) + COMM Setting (Link Enable) pair:
≡ 0.106-0.129 COMM Setting: Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
≡ 0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Cabinet No.): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
+ 0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Link Enable): Off / On
Equivalent Test Switch/Service Mode/Setting Mode DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.149 Test Switch: Off / On
≡ 0.150 Service Mode: Off / On
≡ 0.151-0.272 Setting Mode: Off / On
Equivalent Coin Chutes ? / Cabinet DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.150 Coin Chutes ?: 1? / 2?
≡ 0.151-0.272 Cabinet : Normal / VS Mode
Equivalent Autofire (in some games) / Controller DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.150 Autofire (in some games): Off / On
≡ 0.151-0.272 Controller: Joystick / Mahjong Panel


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: sdtennis - "Super Doubles Tennis"

MAME History:
- 0.112u1: Changed visible area to 240x256.
- 0.126u2: Fabio Priuli added DIP locations to the Burger Time driver.
- 0.129: Burger Time hardware fixes [Aaron Giles]: Correct sound IRQ rate and handling. Removed lnc audio reset hack. Full audio memory maps based on schematics. Correct video timing. Fixed audio rom address to $e000. Changed visible area to 240x240 and VSync to 57.444853 Hz.
- 0.148: Phil Bennett fixed missing sound in Super Doubles Tennis. Replaced M6502 CPU2 with DECO C10707. Changed visible area to 240x256.
- 0.221: Added DIP locations and verified DIPs for all games [Guru].

Resolution, 0.106-0.112: 240x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.113-0.128: 256x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.147: 240x240 @ 57.444853Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.271: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/su...s-tennis/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110809


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: sdungeon - "Space Dungeon"

MAME History:
- 0.115: Aaron Giles hooked up 6845 CRTC to the qix-based games. All games now generate display resolutions and frame rates on the fly. Cleaned up memory maps and a few other bits along the way. Added save state support. Changed visible area to 256x256 and VSync to 55.838470 Hz.
- 0.115u2: Zsolt Vasvari changed the CRTC6845 emulator to optionally control the screen configuration and video rendering. Updated the Qix and Spiders driver to use the new functionality. Added notifications for when the display enable pin changes in order to drive blanking signals. Changed VSync to 76.293945 Hz.
- 0.146u3: Set screen to CRTC initial parameters (256x256 at ~55Hz) [hap]. Changed VSync to 55.838470 Hz.
- 0.183: Correctly assign service buttons [Michael.S.G].

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115: 256x256 @ 55.838470Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.146: 256x256 @ 76.293945Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.260: 256x256 @ 55.838470Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/space-dungeon/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10033

Service Mode:
Typical Taito Qix Hardware.
Service Mode is presented immediately on boot up. Service Mode is a cycle of screens, progresed using the Test Advance button. The Test Advance button also initiates Service Mode when in game mode. Service Mode navigation is with the Test Next Line button and values can be changed with the Test Slew Up and Test Slew Down buttons.
Default MAME interation keys depend on the version of MAME. In order of Test Advance, Test Next Line, Test Slew Up and Test Slew Down, the keys are:
- Keys for 0.182 and prior: F1, F2, F5, F6
- Keys for 0.183 and later: 9, 0, -, =

Default Settings:
Location Programming:
Coin Slot Programming:

No DIP switches available:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: searchar - "SAR - Search And Rescue (World)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.175: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=SAR - Search And Rescue [World]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.154: searchey - "Search Eye"
0.155-0.175: searcheya - "Search Eye (English / Korean)"

MAME History:
- 0.155: System11 and The Dumping Union added Search Eye (English / Korean / Japanese / Italian). Changed 'Search Eye' to clone 'Search Eye (English / Korean)'. Renamed (searchey) to (searcheya).

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Search+Eye
Rules, Most Objects Found: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110609


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.155.

MAME History:
- 0.155: System11 and The Dumping Union added Search Eye (English / Korean / Japanese / Italian). Changed 'Search Eye' to clone 'Search Eye (English / Korean)'. Renamed (searchey) to (searcheya).

Search Eye (English / Korean)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.154: searchey - "Search Eye"
0.155-0.175: searcheya - "Search Eye (English / Korean)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Search+Eye
Rules, Most Objects Found: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110609

Search Eye (English / Korean / Japanese / Italian)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.155.
0.155-0.176: searchey - "Search Eye (English / Korean / Japanese / Italian)"

Resolution, 0.155-0.176: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.139: seawolf - "Sea Wolf"
0.140-0.212: seawolf - "Sea Wolf (set 1)"

- 0.111u4: Zsolt Vasvari and Derrick Renaud added lamp outputs to Sea Wolf. Changed 8080 CPU1 clock speed to 1996800 Hz. Fixed 'Game Time' and 'Extended Time At' dipswitches. Added 'Enable Reset High Score' dipswitch.

Resolution, 0.106-0.111: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.112-0.212: 260x224 @ 59.541985Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sea-wolf/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7809

Correct 'Game Time' setting as a result of change at 0.111u4 is "60 seconds + 20 extended"
Since 0.173, the conditional DIPs feature of this game affects WolfMAME's inpview. Verify settings with caution! ["Extended Time At" affects "Game_Time"]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.261: sectionz - "Section Z (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.215: Measured maincpu clock and vsync on an original Section Z PCB [Corrado Tomaselli]. Measured maincpu clock on a bootleg sectionza PCB [Guru]. Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3MHz and VSync to 55.37 Hz.
- 0.261: Swapped Section Z coin inputs to match the manual. Also swapped corresponding dipswitch setting descriptions [Jose Tejada].

Resolution, 0.106-0.214: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.215-0.261: 256x240 @ 55.370000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/section-z-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10123

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom "Lethal Wings"-style hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the Service Mode DIP switch which can be toggled by the Service button (F2). A reset must be used to enter Service Mode and therefore cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode presents read-only visualisation of the DIP switches and input testing only.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
MAME 0.261:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP Switch.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.113: seganinj - "Sega Ninja"
0.114-0.205: seganinj - "Sega Ninja (315-5102)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.130: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.131-0.144: 256x224 @ 60.096154Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.205: 512x224 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sega-ninja/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10124


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: seicross - "Seicross"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Seicross


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: selfeena - "Sel Feena"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sel-feena/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110615
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110616

Service Mode:
Atypical Taito B BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Start button. DIP switches are shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: sengekis - "Sengeki Striker (Asia)"

MAME History:
- 0.125u5: Suprnova updates [David Haywood]: Now uses its own draw roz function, which supports linescroll or columnscroll, and will give us the ability to 'render' priority data (with roz applied) from the flagsmap to a temp bitmap to work with. Priorities should be correct from start to end in cyvern now... still not perfect tho. Added a note about what needs fixing for the sengekis sprite zoom (shrink flag we're not handling). Allow wraparound to be turned off (sarukani...). Changed VSync to 59.597100 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.125: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.255: 320x240 @ 59.597100Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/se...ker-asia/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110619
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110620

Service Mode:
Typical Super Kaneko Nova System hardware.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. Selection is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
Internal Defaults: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: sengoku2 - "Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/se...enshou-2/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15404
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110622

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.131: sengoku3 - "Sengoku 3"
0.132-0.197: sengoku3 - "Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001"
0.198-0.260: sengoku3 - "Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.131u1: Changed description to 'Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001'.
- 0.143u1: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017)(NGH-017)' and clone (set 2) to 'Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGH-017)(US)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.198: Razoola added clone Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 2). Changed parent description to 'Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 1)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.260: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sengoku-3/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110623
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110624

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: sengoku - "Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (set 1)"
0.144-0.173: sengoku - "Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017)(NGH-017)"
0.174-0.260: sengoku - "Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017 ~ NGH-017)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.143u1: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017)(NGH-017)' and clone (set 2) to 'Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGH-017)(US)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.174: Changed description to 'Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017 ~ NGH-017)' and clone (NGH-017)(US) to 'Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGH-017, US)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.260: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/se...ou-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15403
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110621

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.200: senjyo - "Senjyo"

Resolution, 0.106-0.200: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/senjyo/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110625


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: senknow - "Sen-Know (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.125: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.175: 320x240 @ 59.597100Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Sen-Know [Japan]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.268: sexyparo - "Sexy Parodius (ver JAA)"

MAME History:
- 0.125u6: KonamiGX frequency tweaks [Yasuhiro Ogawa]: Set screen refresh rate to 58Hz (parameters from developer manual are not 100% correct). Removed sound CPU clock hack. Changed 68000 CPU2 clock speed to 8MHz.
- 0.125u7: GX era hardware [Yasuhiro Ogawa]: Update video parameters to use actual values written to the CCU. Changed VSync to 59.185606.
- 0.135u4: Fabio Priuli updated KonamiGX driver to use EEPROM device.
- 0.137: David Haywood implemented default EEPROMs to KonamiGX driver.
- 0.176: Added coin3, coin4, service3 and service4 for type3 and type4 hardware [Osso].
- 0.221: Rework dipswitches for all games and added DIP locations. Fixed sprite DMA transfers for type 3/4 right monitor, and fixed right screen protection in Rushing Heroes and Run & Gun 2. This makes dual monitor 4 players play possible (and enabled by default) [Angelo Salese]. Added dipswitches 'Sound Output' and 14x 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.125: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.126-0.268: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz

Service Mode:
Standard Konami GX BIOS.
Has both hardware DIP switches and internal software service mode. Hardware DIP switches will reflect the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. All other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode is access using the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
Game Options:
Coin Options:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.176:
MAME 0.221:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

Initialization without NVRAM should indicate the initialisation of the EEPROM:


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: sf2ce - "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World 920313)"
0.139-0.139: sf2ce - "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920313)"
0.139u2-0.205: sf2ceea - "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920313)"

- 0.139u2: john666, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513). Renamed (sf2ce) to (sf2ceea).
- 0.148u5: Andrew Gardner added QSound internal DSP ROM to the device. Added DSP16 (4MHz) CPU3. Sonikos fixed 'Difficulty' dipswitch which has in the tab menu values from 1 (easiest) to 8 (hardest) but in the game's menu it's from 0 to 7.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.205: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Note: do not check DIP switches via Service Mode (F2) after playback ends: the settings will revert to your local copy.
TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/street-...d-920313/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11186

NOTE: from 0.148u5 onwards, Difficulty settings have been relabelled. Verify with caution.


Note: two ROM sets represented on TG with changeover at 0.139u2.

- 0.139u2: john666, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513). Renamed (sf2ce) to (sf2ceea).
- 0.148u5: Andrew Gardner added QSound internal DSP ROM to the device. Added DSP16 (4MHz) CPU3. Sonikos fixed 'Difficulty' dipswitch which has in the tab menu values from 1 (easiest) to 8 (hardest) but in the game's menu it's from 0 to 7.

Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920313)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: sf2ce - "Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World 920313)"
0.139-0.139: sf2ce - "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920313)"
0.139u2-0.205: sf2ceea - "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920313)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.205: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Note: do not check DIP switches via Service Mode (F2) after playback ends: the settings will revert to your local copy.
TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/street-...d-920313/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11186

NOTE: from 0.148u5 onwards, Difficulty settings have been relabelled. Verify with caution.

Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.139u2.
0.139u2-0.205: sf2ce - "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513)"

Resolution, 0.139-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.205: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: sf2t - "Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (US 921209)"
0.138u2-0.205: sf2hfu - "Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (USA 921209)"

MAME History:
- 0.138u2: Changed 'Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (World 921209)' from a clone of Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World 920313) to parent and 'Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (US 921209)' and 'Street Fighter II' Turbo - Hyper Fighting (Japan 921209)' to the clones. Renamed (sf2t) to (sf2hfu).
- 0.148u5: Andrew Gardner added QSound internal DSP ROM to the device. Added DSP16 (4MHz) CPU3. Sonikos fixed 'Difficulty' dipswitch which has in the tab menu values from 1 (easiest) to 8 (hardest) but in the game's menu it's from 0 to 7.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.205: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...s-921209/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11187

NOTE: from 0.148u5 onwards, Difficulty settings have been relabelled. Verify with caution.


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: sf2t - "Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (US 921209)"
0.138u2-0.205: sf2hfu - "Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (USA 921209)"

MAME History:
- 0.138u2: Changed 'Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (World 921209)' from a clone of Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World 920313) to parent and 'Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (US 921209)' and 'Street Fighter II' Turbo - Hyper Fighting (Japan 921209)' to the clones. Renamed (sf2t) to (sf2hfu).
- 0.148u5: Andrew Gardner added QSound internal DSP ROM to the device. Added DSP16 (4MHz) CPU3. Sonikos fixed 'Difficulty' dipswitch which has in the tab menu values from 1 (easiest) to 8 (hardest) but in the game's menu it's from 0 to 7.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.205: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...s-921209/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11187

NOTE: from 0.148u5 onwards, Difficulty settings have been relabelled. Verify with caution.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.138: sf2 - "Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (World 910522)"
0.139-0.205: sf2 - "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522)"

MAME History:
- 0.139: Changed description to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522)' and clones (World 910214) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910214)', (World 910214, TAB Austria bootleg) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (TAB Austria, bootleg)', (US 910206) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910206)', (US 910214) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910214)', (US 910318) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910318)', (US 910228) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910228)', (US 910411) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910411)', (US 910522) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910522)', (US 911101) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 911101)', (Japan 911210) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 911210)', (Japan 910214) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910214)', (Japan 910306) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910306)', (Quicken Pt-I, bootleg) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken Pt-I, bootleg)' and (Thunder Edition) to 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Thunder Edition, bootleg)'.
- 0.148u5: Andrew Gardner added QSound internal DSP ROM to the device. Added DSP16 (4Mhz) CPU3. Sonikos fixed 'Difficulty' dipswitch which has in the tab menu values from 1 (easiest) to 8 (hardest) but in the game's menu it's from 0 to 7.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.205: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...d-910522/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7862

NOTE: from 0.148u5 onwards, Difficulty settings have been relabelled. Verify with caution.


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.124u5.

MAME History:
- 0.124u5: Razoola added Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229). Renamed (sfa2) to (sfa2u).
- 0.141u1: Ricky74, Layne, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added clone Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960430). Renamed (sfa2u) to (sfa2ur1).

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.111: sfa2 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960306)"
0.112-0.124: sfa2 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)"
0.124u5-0.141: sfa2u - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)"
0.141u1-0.175: sfa2ur1 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....5BUS+960306%5D
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110780

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229)
Note: not currently tracked at TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.124u5.
0.124u5-0.176: sfa2 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229)"

Resolution, 0.125-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.176: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.111: sfa2 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960306)"
0.112-0.124: sfa2 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)"
0.124u5-0.141: sfa2u - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)"
0.141u1-0.175: sfa2ur1 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)"

MAME History:
- 0.124u5: Razoola added Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229). Renamed (sfa2) to (sfa2u).
- 0.141u1: Ricky74, Layne, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added clone Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960430). Renamed (sfa2u) to (sfa2ur1).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....5BUS+960306%5D
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110780


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.141u1.

MAME History:
- 0.124u5: Razoola added Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229). Renamed (sfa2) to (sfa2u).
- 0.141u1: Ricky74, Layne, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added clone Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960430). Renamed (sfa2u) to (sfa2ur1).

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.111: sfa2 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960306)"
0.112-0.124: sfa2 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)"
0.124u5-0.141: sfa2u - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)"
0.141u1-0.175: sfa2ur1 - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960306)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....5BUS+960306%5D
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110780

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960430)
Note: not currently represented at TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.141u1.
0.141u1-0.176: sfa2u - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA 960430)"

Resolution, 0.142-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.176: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.118u6.

- 0.118u6: David Haywood added Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904). Renamed (sfa3) to (sfa3u) and (sfa3r1) to (sfa3ur1).

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.111: sfa3 - "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904)"
0.112-0.118: sfa3 - "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904)"
0.119-0.232: sfa3u - "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.232: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...us-980904/mame
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110781

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
0.118u6-0.232: sfa3 - "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904)"

Resolution, 0.119-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.232: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.111: sfa3 - "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904)"
0.112-0.118: sfa3 - "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904)"
0.119-0.232: sfa3u - "Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980904)"

- 0.118u6: David Haywood added Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904). Renamed (sfa3) to (sfa3u) and (sfa3r1) to (sfa3ur1).

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.232: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...us-980904/mame
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110781

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.137: sf - "Street Fighter (World)"
0.138-0.154: sf - "Street Fighter (World, Analog buttons)" (minor description change)
0.155-0.175: sfan - "Street Fighter (World, pneumatic buttons)"

MAME History:
- 0.155: Changed 'Street Fighter (World, Analog buttons)' to clone 'Street Fighter (World, pneumatic buttons)' and clone Street Fighter (US, set 1) to parent. Small cleanup. Added DIP locations and analog buttons to (World, pneumatic buttons), removed the fake ones. Note: Timing is a matter of tenth-seconds. Tapping the button too lightly/quickly, will not trigger an attack, same as on the original cab. Similarly, holding the button for too long won't register either, analogous to the original cab by pushing the button down slowly instead of hammering it [hap]. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'. Renamed (sf) to (sfan) and (sfu) to (sf).

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: sf - 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....t%20Fighter%20[World]
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23012


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sfa - "Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams [Euro 950727]


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.205

MAME History:
- 0.144u4: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Street Fighter EX2 Plus'.
- 0.205: Nomax, Brian Troha, Sean Sutton, Henrique Areias Pontes, MetalliC, Evan Korzon, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added Street Fighter EX2 Plus (Euro 990611). Renamed (sfex2p) to (sfex2pu).

Street Fighter EX2 Plus (USA 990611)
ROM set changed: YES
0.106-0.144: sfex2p - "Street Fighter EX 2 Plus (USA 990611)"
0.145-0.204: sfex2p - "Street Fighter EX2 Plus (USA 990611)"
0.205- : sfex2pu - "Street Fighter EX2 Plus (USA 990611)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.205: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...a-990611/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110784

NOTE: This game has both DIPs & internal settings covered by the rules. If not shown during playback, press F2 to access & check internal settings afterwards.

Street Fighter EX2 Plus (Euro 990611)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.205.
0.205- : sfex2p - "Street Fighter EX2 Plus (Euro 990611)"

Resolution, 0.205- : 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: YES
0.106-0.144: sfex2p - "Street Fighter EX 2 Plus (USA 990611)"
0.145-0.204: sfex2p - "Street Fighter EX2 Plus (USA 990611)"
0.205- : sfex2pu - "Street Fighter EX2 Plus (USA 990611)"

MAME History:
- 0.144u4: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Street Fighter EX2 Plus'.
- 0.205: Nomax, Brian Troha, Sean Sutton, Henrique Areias Pontes, MetalliC, Evan Korzon, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added Street Fighter EX2 Plus (Euro 990611). Renamed (sfex2p) to (sfex2pu).

Resolution, 0.106-0.205: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...a-990611/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110784

NOTE: This game has both DIPs & internal settings covered by the rules. If not shown during playback, press F2 to access & check internal settings afterwards.


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.210.

- 0.144u4: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Street Fighter EX2'.
- 0.210: Jorge Silva added Street Fighter EX2 (Euro 980312). Renamed (sfex2) to (sfex2u).

Street Fighter EX2 (USA 980526)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.144: sfex2 - "Street Fighter EX 2 (USA 980526)"
0.145-0.209: sfex2 - "Street Fighter EX2 (USA 980526)"
0.210- : sfex2u - "Street Fighter EX2 (USA 980526)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.210: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...sa-980526/mame
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110783

Street Fighter EX2 (Euro 980312)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no
0.210- : sfex2 - "Street Fighter EX2 (Euro 980312)"

Resolution, 0.210- : 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.144: sfex2 - "Street Fighter EX 2 (USA 980526)"
0.145-0.209: sfex2 - "Street Fighter EX2 (USA 980526)"
0.210- : sfex2u - "Street Fighter EX2 (USA 980526)"

- 0.144u4: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Street Fighter EX2'.
- 0.210: Jorge Silva added Street Fighter EX2 (Euro 980312). Renamed (sfex2) to (sfex2u).

Resolution, 0.106-0.210: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...sa-980526/mame
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110783


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sfexp - "Street Fighter EX Plus (USA 970407)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Street Fighter EX Plus [USA 970407]


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changover at 0.114u2.

MAME History:
- 0.114u2: Guru added 'Street Fighter EX' (EURO 961219). Renamed (sfex) to (sfexu).

Street Fighter EX (USA 961219)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.114: sfex - "Street Fighter EX (USA 961219)"
0.114u2-0.175: sfexu - "Street Fighter EX (USA 961219)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ighter%20EX%20[USA%20961219]
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110782

Street Fighter EX (Euro 961219)
Note: not currently represented at TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.114u2.
0.114u2-0.138: sfex - "Street Fighter EX (EURO 961219)"
0.139-0.176: sfex - "Street Fighter EX (Euro 961219)"

Resolution, 0.115-0.176: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.114: sfex - "Street Fighter EX (USA 961219)"
0.114u2-0.175: sfexu - "Street Fighter EX (USA 961219)"

MAME History:
- 0.114u2: Guru added 'Street Fighter EX' (EURO 961219). Renamed (sfex) to (sfexu).

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ighter%20EX%20[USA%20961219]
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110782


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.144: sfootbal - "Street Football"
0.145-0.175: sfootbal - "Street Football (11/12/86)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x240 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Street Football


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.227: sfposeid - "Sea Fighter Poseidon"

Resolution, 0.106-0.227: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/se...poseidon/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10068

NOTE: at 0.221, 'Invulnerability (Cheat): Off/On' renamed to 'Hit Detection: Normal Game/No Hit'


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sfrush - "San Francisco Rush"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 640x480 @ 57.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.205: sftm - "Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x255 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.122: 200x200 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.153: 384x256 @ 60.106990Hz
Resolution, 0.154-0.205: 384x240 @ 60.106990Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...ovie-v112/mame
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11188
Rules, Points [Tag Team Mode, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11189


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.155.

MAME History:
- 0.155: Changed 'Street Fighter (World, Analog buttons)' to clone 'Street Fighter (World, pneumatic buttons)' and clone Street Fighter (US, set 1) to parent. Small cleanup. Added DIP locations and analog buttons to (World, pneumatic buttons), removed the fake ones. Note: Timing is a matter of tenth-seconds. Tapping the button too lightly/quickly, will not trigger an attack, same as on the original cab. Similarly, holding the button for too long won't register either, analogous to the original cab by pushing the button down slowly instead of hammering it [hap]. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'. Renamed (sf) to (sfan) and (sfu) to (sf).

Street Fighter (World, pneumatic buttons)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.137: sf - "Street Fighter (World)"
0.138-0.154: sf - "Street Fighter (World, Analog buttons)" (minor description change)
0.155-0.175: sfan - "Street Fighter (World, pneumatic buttons)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: sf - 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....t%20Fighter%20[World]
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23012

Street Fighter (US, set 1)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.155.
0.155-0.175: sf - "Street Fighter (US, set 1)"

Resolution, 0.155-0.175: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sfx - "SF-X"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 224x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 224x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.175: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....&gamename=SF-X


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.111: sgemf - "Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (US 970904)"
0.112-0.175: sgemf - "Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA 970904)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.175: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix [US 970904]


ROM set change:
0.106-0.175: sgladiat - "Gladiator 1984"

Resolution, 0.106-0.127: 256x216 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.175: 288x216 @ 60.000000Hz

TG rules state "Allow Continue: No". For version 0.128 and beyond the equivalent is "No Opponents (Cheat)" set to On: https://forums.marpirc.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15663
"With v0.127u1, it was found to be a dipswitch issue; the "No Continues" dipswitch in older versions is actually a debug dip that disables the opponents, and the game doesn't have continues at all."

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....name=Gladiator 1984


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: sgunner2 - "Steel Gunner 2 (US)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/st...ner-2-us/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110768
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110769

NOTE: Rules incorrectly refer to ROMset "sgunner"

Service Mode:
Typical Namco NS-2 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). A series of screens can be transitioned with the Test (9) button. The Game Options screen can be interacted with using P1 Button 2 for navigation and P1 Start button or P2 Start button to change values.

Default Setting:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.152: sgunner - "Steel Gunner"
0.153-0.250: sgunner - "Steel Gunner (Rev B)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.153: Changed description to 'Steel Gunner (Rev B)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/steel-gunner/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110766
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110767

Service Mode:
Typical Namco NS-2 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). A series of screens can be transitioned with the Test (9) button. The Game Options screen can be interacted with using P1 Button 2 for navigation and P1 Start button or P2 Start button to change values.

Default Setting:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: shackled - "Shackled (US)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.147: 256x240 @ 58.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.155: 256x240 @ 57.392103Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.175: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Shackled [US]

shadfrceu, shadfrce

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.168.

MAME History:
- 0.168: David Haywood reverted a MAME 0.164 video change. Changed clone (Japan Version 3) to parent 'Shadow Force (World, Version 3)', (US Version 2) to clone 'Shadow Force (US, Version 2)' and (Japan Version 2) to 'Shadow Force (Japan, Version 2)'. Renamed (shadfrce) to (shadfrceu), (shadfrcej) to (shadfrce) and (shadfrcejv2) to (shadfrcej).
- 0.221: Verified DIPs and added DIPs locations [Guru].

Shadow Force (US, Version 2)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.167: shadfrce - "Shadow Force (US Version 2)"
0.168-0.255: shadfrceu - "Shadow Force (US, Version 2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.128: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.163: 320x240 @ 59.572440Hz
Resolution, 0.164-0.255: 320x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sh...ersion-2/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110629
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110630

Shadow Force (World, Version 3)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.168.
0.168-0.255: shadfrce - "Shadow Force (World, Version 3)"

Resolution, 0.168-0.255: 320x240 @ 57.444853Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Technos "Shadow Force" hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up & P1 Down, selection is with P1 Start button. Instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.108: shadoww - "Shadow Warriors (World set 1)"
0.109-0.255: shadoww - "Shadow Warriors (World, set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.108u1: Patrik Styrnell added clone Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 2). Changed parent description to 'Shadow Warriors (World, set 1)' and clones (World set 2) to 'Shadow Warriors (World, set 2)' and 'Ninja Ryukenden (Japan)' to 'Ninja Ryukenden (Japan, set 1)'. Fixed rom names.
- 0.133u1: Corrado Tomaselli verified/changed VSync to 59.17 Hz in Shadow Warriors. Renamed (ryukenda) to (ryukendna).
- 0.143u8: Kanikani fixed DIPSW in Ninja Ryukenden / Ninja Gaiden.

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.255: 256x224 @ 59.170000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sh...rld-set-1/mame
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110631
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110632

Service Mode:
Typical Tecmo "Ninja Gaiden" style hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback, not the recording. The DIP switches are shown read-only during the boot up sequence after the ROM and RAM test screen. This screen will be automatically progressed unless the P1 Start or P2 Start button is held.

Default Settings:
NOTE: at 0.143u8, two of the "Unused" DIPs were discovered to control "Difficulty". The correct translation of these "Unused: Off" settings is "Difficulty: Normal".
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
DIP Switches During Boot Up:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.148: shangha2 - "Shanghai II (Japan)"
0.149-0.175: shangha2 - "Shanghai II (Japan, set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.171: 384x280 @ 30.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.172-0.175: 384x280 @ 57.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Shanghai II [Japan]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.149: shangha3 - "Shanghai III (Japan)"
0.149u1-0.175: shangha3j - "Shanghai III (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.149u1: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added Shanghai III (US). Renamed (shangha3) to (shangha3j).

Resolution, 0.106-0.148: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.149-0.175: 384x224 @ 59.410646Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Shanghai III [Japan]


Note: three ROM sets represented here with changeovers at 0.149u1 and 0.153.

MAME History:
- 0.149u1: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added Shanghai III (US). Renamed (shangha3) to (shangha3j).
- 0.153: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added Shanghai III (World). Added Korean (?) tile rom to newly dumped Shanghai3 set. Was present on the board, but unused in our sets. Probably for use with undumped Korean program roms and leftover from conversion [Brian Troha]. Renamed (shangha3) to (shangha3u).

Shanghai III (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.149: shangha3 - "Shanghai III (Japan)"
0.149u1-0.175: shangha3j - "Shanghai III (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.148: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.149-0.175: 384x224 @ 59.410646Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....nghai%20III%20[Japan]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23017

Shanghai III (US)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.149u1.
0.149u1-0.152: shangha3 - "Shanghai III (US)"
0.153-0.176: shangha3u - "Shanghai III (US)"

Resolution, 0.149u1-0.176: 384x224 @ 59.410646Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Shanghai III (World)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.153.
0.153-0.176: shangha3 - "Shanghai III (World)"

Resolution, 0.153-0.176: 384x224 @ 59.410646Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.152: shanghai - "Shanghai (Japan)"
0.153-0.175: shanghaij - "Shanghai (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.153: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added Shanghai (World). Actual rom dumped from 2 different boards (NOT a hack!). Verified chip and speed for Shanghai (Japan). Added PCB layout and ROM locations for Shanghai sets [Brian Troha]. Renamed (shanghai) to (shanghaij).

Resolution, 0.106-0.171: 384x280 @ 30.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.172-0.175: 384x280 @ 57.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ai+%5BJapan%5D
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23015


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.153.

MAME History:
- 0.153: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added Shanghai (World). Actual rom dumped from 2 different boards (NOT a hack!). Verified chip and speed for Shanghai (Japan). Added PCB layout and ROM locations for Shanghai sets [Brian Troha]. Renamed (shanghai) to (shanghaij).

Shanghai (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.152: shanghai - "Shanghai (Japan)"
0.153-0.175: shanghaij - "Shanghai (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.171: 384x280 @ 30.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.172-0.175: 384x280 @ 57.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ai+%5BJapan%5D
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23015

Shanghai (World)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.153.
0.153-0.176: shanghai - "Shanghai (World)"

Resolution, 0.153-0.171: 384x280 @ 30.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.172-0.176: 384x280 @ 57.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: shangkid - "Shanghai Kid"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Shanghai Kid


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.107: shangon - "Super Hang-On (set 4, 68000)"
0.108-0.165: shangon - "Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright, unprotected)"
0.166-0.232: shangon - "Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright) (unprotected)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.175: 321x224 @ 60.054389Hz
Resolution, 0.176-0.232: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/su...t-4-68000/mame
Rules, Points [Beginner Course]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110812
Rules, Points [Expert Course]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110813
Rules, Points [Junior Course]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110814
Rules, Points [Senior Course]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110815


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: shanhigw - "Shanghai - The Great Wall / Shanghai Triple Threat (JUE 950623 V1.005)"

MAME History:
- 0.131u3: Added dipswitches 'UNK' and 7x 'Unknown'.
- 0.133u1: Angelo Salese added screen raw parameters hook-up to the ST-V driver, fixes some of the current issues. Angelo Salese and Corrado Tomaselli hand-tuned ST-V pixel-clock to match measured fps from the PCB. Corrado Tomaselli verified and updated the vertical syncs on the ST-V motherboard. Changed visible area to 320x224 and VSync to 59.828244Hz.
- 0.142u5: More accurate pixel clocks for Sega Saturn / ST-V [Angelo Salese]. Angelo Salese fixed an ST-V window effect bug when it's in double interlace mode, fixes a graphic bug with Virtual Mahjong. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Oliver Stoeneberg fixed Sega Saturn / ST-V start-up crash that was happening on some ends. Added accurate hblank durations to Sega Saturn / ST-V HW [Angelo Salese, Corrado Tomaselli, Charles MacDonald]. Angelo Salese moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Angelo Salese fixed emulation hangs in Pebble Beach and Funky Head Boxers. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Added CD/DA audio and changed VSync to 59.826048 Hz.
- 0.143: Changed SH-2 CPU1/2 clock speed to 28636360 Hz, 68000 CPU3 to 11289600 Hz and VSync to 59.764793 Hz.
- 0.180: Added audio\rax.cpp/h. Emulated the Acclaim RAX sound board, fixing sound in Batman Forever [Phil Bennett]. Worked around VDP1 timings in Sega Saturn, fixes regression with (MESS) Batman Forever gameplay speed (video\stvvdp1.cpp). Added Rotation Parameter read control register, fixes at least Riddler stage ROZ positioning in Batman Forever (video\stvvdp2.cpp) [Angelo Salese]. Changed the SH2 disassemblers to use 'std::ostream &' internally [AJR]. Changed visible area to 352x224.
- 0.214: Added machine\segabill.cpp/h, layout\segabill.lay and layout\segabillv.lay. Emulated the Sega Billboard and hook it up to the STV driver. It's not shown by default. To view it, choose the layout view 'Billboard'. YouTube: https://youtu.be/csuOJBU5rzo [biggestsonicfan, Dirk Best]. Added Z80 (8MHz) CPU5. Added dipswitches 'Test Winner LED P1/2', 'Test 7-Segment P1/2', 'Demo', 'Testmode' and 2x 'Unknown'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.128: 704x513 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.133: 704x512 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.142: 320x224 @ 59.828244Hz
Resolution, 0.143-0.179: 320x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.180-0.193: 352x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.194-0.255: 352x224 @ 59.764802Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sh...23-v1005/mame/
Rules, Points [Beijing]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110633
Rules, Points [Classic]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110634
Rules, Points [Great Wall]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110635

Service Mode:
Standard ST-V BIOS.
Service Mode is accessed with the Service Button (F2). Navigation is with the Test (9) button and selection is with the Service Button. Each cartridge has a separate interface from the ST-V BIOS and its own navigation changes with the cart implementation: instructions on screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: sharkatt - "Shark Attack"

MAME History:
- 0.194: Interrupt modernization and use MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS. TMS9927 video: Added BL line read for future use. Correct sync timings and added untested HSYN callback. Disabled side effects for reads. Fixed excessive sync width after recomputing parameters during sync. Adjust vertical positioning of cursor by upscroll value [AJR]. Changed VSync to 57.444853 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/shark-attack/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10069

Service Mode:
Atypical Pacific Novelty's hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which immediately switches to a CRC calculation on the ROMs only.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering Service Mode:

Note: the only manual I've found lists two different versions (one cocktail, one upright) which both have different ROMs from this Rev 0 - Barthax, July 2023.


ROM set changd: no
0.106-0.175: sharrier - "Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Space Harrier


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.137: shdancer - "Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)"
0.138-0.272: shdancer - "Shadow Dancer (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.113: Ruben added DIP locations to the Segas18 driver.
- 0.133u1: Corrado Tomaselli verified/changed VSync to 57.23 Hz in the Segas18 driver.
- 0.138: Changed description to 'Shadow Dancer (World)' and clones 'Shadow Dancer (set 2, Japan)' to 'Shadow Dancer (Japan)' and 'Shadow Dancer (set 1)' to 'Shadow Dancer (US)'.
- 0.143u8: Added includes\segaipt.h. Kanikani fixed DIPSW and DIP locations in Segas18 driver.
- 0.220: Approved default DIPs. Fixed Coin1 & 2 mapping in common mode [Angelo Salese].

Resolution, 0.106-0.133: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.272: 320x224 @ 57.230000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sh...set-3-us/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110628

Service Mode:
Standard Sega System 18 BIOS [sega/segas18.cpp].
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by accessed by the Service button (F2) and access can be recorded in the INP file. Navigation is with the P1 Up and P1 Down buttons with selection being the P1 Start button (1).

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Coin A & Coin B DIP switch values (commas added for legibility). Note: Coin A refers to Coin B and vice versa:
≡ 0.106-0.143 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 5/3 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 2/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit 5/6" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"
≡ 0.144-0.272 Coin A / Coin B: "4 Coins/1 Credit" / "3 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 5/3, 6/4" / "2 Coins/1 Credit, 4/3" / "1 Coin/1 Credit" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 5/6" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 4/5" / "1 Coin/1 Credit, 2/3" / "2 Coins/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/2 Credits" / "1 Coin/3 Credits" / "1 Coin/4 Credits" / "1 Coin/5 Credits" / "1 Coin/6 Credits" / "Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1"

Additional information to confirm no change in ROM set:
T:\LocalMAME\combined>mame137 -listcrc shdancer
3d5b3fa9 shdancer.a6 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
2596004e shdancer.a5 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
9bdabe3d mpr12712.b1 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
852d2b1c mpr12713.b2 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
448226ce mpr12714.b3 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
d6888534 mpr12719.b11 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
ff344945 mpr12726.a11 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
ba2efc0c mpr12718.b10 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
268a0c17 mpr12725.a10 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
c81cc4f8 mpr12717.b9 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
0f4903dc mpr12724.a9 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
a870e629 epr12716.b8 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
c606cf90 epr12723.a8 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
7a0d8de1 epr12720.a4 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)
07051a52 mpr12715.b4 Shadow Dancer (set 3, US)

T:\LocalMAME\combined>mame138 -listcrc shdancer
3d5b3fa9 shdancer.a6 Shadow Dancer (World)
2596004e shdancer.a5 Shadow Dancer (World)
9bdabe3d mpr-12712.b1 Shadow Dancer (World)
852d2b1c mpr-12713.b2 Shadow Dancer (World)
448226ce mpr-12714.b3 Shadow Dancer (World)
d6888534 mpr-12719.b11 Shadow Dancer (World)
ff344945 mpr-12726.a11 Shadow Dancer (World)
ba2efc0c mpr-12718.b10 Shadow Dancer (World)
268a0c17 mpr-12725.a10 Shadow Dancer (World)
c81cc4f8 mpr-12717.b9 Shadow Dancer (World)
0f4903dc mpr-12724.a9 Shadow Dancer (World)
a870e629 epr-12716.b8 Shadow Dancer (World)
c606cf90 epr-12723.a8 Shadow Dancer (World)
7a0d8de1 epr-12720.a4 Shadow Dancer (World)
07051a52 mpr-12715.b4 Shadow Dancer (World)


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: shienryu - "Shienryu (JUET 961226 V1.000)"

MAME History:
- 0.131u3: Added dipswitches 'UNK' and 7x 'Unknown'.
- 0.133u1: Angelo Salese added screen raw parameters hook-up to the ST-V driver, fixes some of the current issues. Angelo Salese and Corrado Tomaselli hand-tuned ST-V pixel-clock to match measured fps from the PCB. Corrado Tomaselli verified and updated the vertical syncs on the ST-V motherboard. Changed visible area to 320x224 and VSync to 59.828244Hz.
- 0.142u5: More accurate pixel clocks for Sega Saturn / ST-V [Angelo Salese]. Angelo Salese fixed an ST-V window effect bug when it's in double interlace mode, fixes a graphic bug with Virtual Mahjong. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Oliver Stoeneberg fixed Sega Saturn / ST-V start-up crash that was happening on some ends. Added accurate hblank durations to Sega Saturn / ST-V HW [Angelo Salese, Corrado Tomaselli, Charles MacDonald]. Angelo Salese moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Angelo Salese fixed emulation hangs in Pebble Beach and Funky Head Boxers. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Added CD/DA audio and changed VSync to 59.826048 Hz.
- 0.143: Changed SH-2 CPU1/2 clock speed to 28636360 Hz, 68000 CPU3 to 11289600 Hz and VSync to 59.764793 Hz.
- 0.180: Added audio\rax.cpp/h. Emulated the Acclaim RAX sound board, fixing sound in Batman Forever [Phil Bennett]. Worked around VDP1 timings in Sega Saturn, fixes regression with (MESS) Batman Forever gameplay speed (video\stvvdp1.cpp). Added Rotation Parameter read control register, fixes at least Riddler stage ROZ positioning in Batman Forever (video\stvvdp2.cpp) [Angelo Salese]. Changed the SH2 disassemblers to use 'std::ostream &' internally [AJR]. Changed visible area to 352x224.
- 0.214: Added machine\segabill.cpp/h, layout\segabill.lay and layout\segabillv.lay. Emulated the Sega Billboard and hook it up to the STV driver. It's not shown by default. To view it, choose the layout view 'Billboard'. YouTube: https://youtu.be/csuOJBU5rzo [biggestsonicfan, Dirk Best]. Added Z80 (8MHz) CPU5. Added dipswitches 'Test Winner LED P1/2', 'Test 7-Segment P1/2', 'Demo', 'Testmode' and 2x 'Unknown'.
- 0.214: Emulated the Sega Billboard and hook it up to the STV driver. Added vertical billboard layout for Shienryu [biggestsonicfan, Dirk Best].

Resolution, 0.106-0.128: 704x513 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.133: 704x512 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.142: 320x224 @ 59.828244Hz
Resolution, 0.143-0.179: 320x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.180-0.193: 352x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.194-0.255: 352x224 @ 59.764802Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sh...26-v1000/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110640
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110641

Service Mode:
Standard ST-V BIOS.
Service Mode is accessed with the Service Button (F2). Navigation is with the Test (9) button and selection is with the Service Button. Each cartridge has a separate interface from the ST-V BIOS and its own navigation changes with the cart implementation: instructions on screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
Cartridge, Difficulty:
Cartridge, Shot Trigger Speed:
Cartridge, Extend Bonus:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.124: shinobi - "Shinobi (set 5, System 16A, unprotected)"
0.124u3-0.165: shinobi - "Shinobi (set 6, System 16A, unprotected)"
0.166-0.187: shinobi - "Shinobi (set 6, System 16A) (unprotected)"

MAME History:
- 0.124u3: Brian Troha added clone Shinobi (set 5, System 16B, unprotected). Arzeno Fabrice added correct rom dump for clone Shinobi (set 4). Changed parent description to 'Shinobi (set 6, System 16A, unprotected)' and clone '(set 4, System 16B, unprotected)' to '(set 4, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-0054)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.187: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Shinobi+[set+5,+System+16A,+unprotected]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20930


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.265: shippumd - "Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.111u2: Brian Oberholtzer correct some incorrect dipswitch information in the Toaplan2 driver.
- 0.141u4: Removed audio\toaplan2.c. Major toaplan2.c updates [Alex Jackson]: [...] Fixed region jumpers and dipswitches in many sets, based on analysis of the program code and strings in the ROMs. [...] Also fixed inconsistent ROM naming between some of the batrider clones.
- 0.144: Start of input ports cleanup in the Toaplan2 driver [Alex Jackson, Kanikani]: Removed some unused macros from toaplipt.h. Fixed polarity of DIP locations in Toaplan2. Added some missing inputs. Added more DIP locations and missing inputs. Added information about ingame test/debug features to comments. Unified Toaplan2 inputs with the other Toaplan drivers. Added 'Test Switch' dipswitch.
- 0.147u4: Bulk replace of Jumper settings from DIP-switches menu to Game Configuration in Toaplan2 driver [Angelo Salese].
- 0.152: Merged othldrby.c with toaplan2.c driver. Added machine\upd4992.c/h. Converted Toaplan 2 to use SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS. Added a core for uPD4992 RTC, used by Othello Derby and Power Kick [Angelo Salese]. Fixed compile, also slightly cleanup/reorganize toaplan2.h [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.151: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.152-0.265: 320x240 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sh...en-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110642
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110643

Service Mode:
Typical Toaplan 2 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and P1 Down, selection with P1 Button 1. Sub-menus have additional instructions.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.112:
MAME 0.142:
MAME 0.144:
MAME 0.148:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: shngmtkb - "Shanghai Matekibuyuu"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Shanghai Matekibuyuu


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: shocking - "Shocking"

MAME History:
- 0.109u2: Added dipswitches 'Coinage', 'Difficulty' and 6x 'Unused'.
- 0.151: Deprecated MCFG_SCREEN_VBLANK_TIME() / MCFG_SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE() in favor of MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS() function for YunSung16 driver [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 60.096154 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.150: 380x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.151-0.255: 380x224 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/shocking/mame
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110644
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110645

Service Mode:
Typical Yun Sung 16 Bit hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Service Mode shows a scrolling background with test characters in the middle of the screen.
I have not found any interaction with service mode that yields anything different. - Barthax, Sept 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

At 0.109u2, DIP setting "Unknown 2-0&1&2: 3" (as defined in the rules) became "Difficulty: Normal", both of which were default settings.
Visual comparison of DIP switches at 0.109 and 0.110:
MAME 0.109:
MAME 0.110:

DIP Switch Update At 0.109u2

Additional confirmation that the default DIP switches between 0.109 and 0.110 did not change.

MAME > hexdump -C shocking109.inp | head -n 15
00000000 58 49 4e 50 00 00 00 73 68 6f 63 6b 69 6e 67 00 |XINP...shocking.|
00000010 30 2e 31 30 39 20 28 53 65 70 20 32 37 20 32 30 |0.109 (Sep 27 20|
00000020 30 36 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |06).............|
00000030 c8 9e 16 65 05 9f 16 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |...e...e........|
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000050 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff |................|
00000060 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
000000d0 00 00 59 40 ef cd ab 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 00 ff |..Y@............|
000000e0 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
000000f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000150 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 40 ef cd ab 00 00 00 ff ff |......Y@........|
00000160 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 |................|

MAME > hexdump -C shocking110.inp | head -n 15
00000000 58 49 4e 50 00 00 00 73 68 6f 63 6b 69 6e 67 00 |XINP...shocking.|
00000010 30 2e 31 31 30 20 28 4e 6f 76 20 20 36 20 32 30 |0.110 (Nov 6 20|
00000020 30 36 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |06).............|
00000030 0f 9f 16 65 27 9f 16 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |...e'..e........|
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000050 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff |................|
00000060 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
000000d0 00 00 59 40 ef cd ab 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 00 ff |..Y@............|
000000e0 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
000000f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000150 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 40 ef cd ab 00 00 00 ff ff |......Y@........|
00000160 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 |................|


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: shocktr2 - "Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sh...nd-squad/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15406
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15407

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:

shocktroa, shocktro

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.189.

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.139u2: Johnboy renamed (shocktra) to (shocktroa).
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.189: Swapped Shock Troopers sets since what was known as set 2 is actually a newer revision than set 1, as per MAME parent-clone policies parent must be the newer revision [Angelo Salese]. Renamed (shocktro) to (shocktroa) and (shocktroa) to (shocktro).

Shock Troopers (set 2)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.188: shocktro - "Shock Troopers (set 1)"
0.189-0.255: shocktroa - "Shock Troopers (set 2)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sh...rs-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9866
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15405

Shock Troopers (set 1)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: yes.

0.074-0.139: shocktra - "Shock Troopers (set 2)"
0.139u2-0.188: shocktroa - "Shock Troopers (set 2)"
0.189-0.255: shocktro - "Shock Troopers (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.074-0.090: 304x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.091-0.103: 304x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.104-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.255: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: shollow - "Satan's Hollow (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...ow-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7806

Service Mode:
Typical Bally MCR BIOS.
This game has both DIPs & internal settings covered by the rules. Hardware DIP switches will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. To enter Service Mode, enable the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) and then use Tilt (T) to reset. Navigation is achieved with P1 Left and Right. Top-level menu selection is with P1 Button 1 and instructions are given on screen for each sub-section. To return to game, adjust the DIP Switch or press F2 - no need to Tilt.

Default Settings:
Minor note: I find the BIOS unresponsive so have some patience with Left/Right inputs - Barthax, July 2023.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: shootout - "Shoot Out (US)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Shoot Out [US]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: shpeng - "Sea Hunter Penguin"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 512x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....nter%20Penguin
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110608


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: shrike - "Shrike Avenger (prototype)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x240 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....5Bprototype%5D
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110647


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.273: shtrider - "Shot Rider"

MAME History:
- 0.148u5: [...] Added and verified DIP locations for all sets in Traverse USA driver [Tafoid].
- 0.261: Correct CPU clock and screen timings based on schematics [AJR].
- 0.261: Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3072000 Hz and VSync to 56.737589 Hz.
- 0.272: Assume Z80 is 6MHz. Fixes race countdown timing is too slow. TODO: Verify maincpu XTAL, 3.072MHz seems too slow. See race countdown at start and overall a lot of frame overflows. Make sure to refresh flipscreen when changing the dsw. Fixes flip screen does not work at all [hap]. Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 6MHz. Added 'Fuel Reduced on Collision' dipswitch.

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 240x256 @ 56.750000Hz
Resolution, 0.261-0.273: 240x256 @ 56.737589Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/shot-rider/mame/\
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110646

Service Mode:
Atypical Irem "Traverse USA" hardware [irem/travrusa.cpp].
No service mode found. - Barthax, Nov 2023.

DIP Switch Changes:
Note: no changes found for this ROM set with changes cited at 0.148u5.
Equivalent Unknown (mask 4)/"Fuel Reduced on Collision" DIP switch values:
≡ 0.106-0.271 Unknown: Off (default, value 4) / On (value 0)
≡ 0.272-0.273 Fuel Reduced on Collision: 10% (default, value 4) / 15% (value 0)

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.149:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: shuffle - "Shuffleboard"

Resolution, 0.106-0.111: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.112-0.175: 260x224 @ 59.541985Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Shuffleboard


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.186: shufshot - "Shuffleshot (v1.40)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x255 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.122: 200x200 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.153: 384x256 @ 60.106990Hz
Resolution, 0.154-0.186: 384x240 @ 60.106990Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Shuffleshot+[v+1.40]
Rules, Points [Pro Challenge]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=32670
Rules, Points [Regular Play, Bocce]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=32697
Rules, Points [Regular Play, Bullseye]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=32703
Rules, Points [Regular Play, Shuffle Alley]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=32721
Rules, Points [Regular Play, Shuffleboard]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=32716

NOTE: This game has both DIPs & internal settings covered by the rules. If not shown during playback, press F2 to access & check internal settings afterwards.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: shuttlei - "Shuttle Invader"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.133: 260x224 @ 59.541985Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.147: 256x192 @ 59.541985Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.175: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Shuttle Invader


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.158: sidearms - "Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World)"
0.159-0.260: sidearms - "Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World, 861129)"

MAME History:
- 0.148: Brian Troha added DIP locations to the Side Arms sets.
Note: for sidearms these don't show up until 0.158.
- 0.159: System11 added clone Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (US, 861202). Note, the date string for this game can be found in the ROMs, so I've added it to all sets, the new set is the newest, others are a few days earlier. Changed parent description to 'Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World, 861129)' and clones (US) to 'Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (US, 861128)' and (Japan) to 'Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (Japan, 861128)'. Renamed (sidearmsr) to (sidearmsur1).

Resolution, 0.106-0.260: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/si...ne-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10126
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110650

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom "Sidearms" hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A single test screen is available with the DIP swithes represented in binary as indicators C003 and C004.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.148:
MAME 0.158:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sidepckt - "Side Pocket (World)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....&gamename=Side Pocket [World]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.115: sidetrac - "Side Track"
0.116-0.122: sidetrac - "Side Trak"
0.123-0.149: sidetrac - "Side Track"
0.150-0.204: sidetrac - "Side Trak"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 248x256 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.204: 256x256 @ 59.996811Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/side-track/mame/
Rules, TGTS: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10054


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: silentd - "Silent Dragon (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.178: Angelo Salese fixed dipswitches 'Friendly Fire', 'Power-Up at Stage Clear' and 'Regain Power buy-in'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/silent-dragon/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110652
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110653
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110654
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110655

Service Mode:
Atypical Taito B BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Start button. DIP switches are shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.177:
MAME 0.178:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:

silentd MAME 0.178 retroinspection

silentd MAME defaults comparison - confirming no changes in default DIP switch values, confirming the 0.178 DIP switch changes are aesthetic naming corrections only.

DWSA has a default value of 0xFF. DWSB has a default value of 0xBF - this differs from rules requirement only in Cabinet type: default is Cabinet Style of 2 Players vs. rules requirement of Cabinet Style: 4 Players / 1 Machine (value would change to 0x7F).

DSWB can be easily spotted in the below via its 0xBF value with DSWA being the preceding FF value. The additional spacing in the INP file (the multiple 00 values in between) is the move from 32-bit values to 64-bit values.

MAME 0.106:
00000000  73 69 6c 65 6e 74 64 00  00 57 6a 00 00 00 01 01  |silentd..Wj.....|
00000010 50 30 48 dc 00 00 00 00 e2 d6 36 65 e2 d6 b4 a8 |P0H.......6e....|
00000020 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff |................|
00000030 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff |................|
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3e 82 43 e1 00 00 00 ff |........>.C.....|
000000a0 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff |................|
000000b0 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 |................|
000000c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|

MAME 0.107:
00000000  58 49 4e 50 00 00 00 73  69 6c 65 6e 74 64 00 00  |XINP...silentd..|
00000010 30 2e 31 30 37 20 28 4a 75 6c 20 32 34 20 32 30 |0.107 (Jul 24 20|
00000020 30 36 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |06).............|
00000030 e3 d6 36 65 e5 d6 36 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |..6e..6e........|
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 ff |................|
00000060 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff |................|
00000070 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|

MAME 0.130 (after decompression):
00000000  4d 41 4d 45 49 4e 50 00  58 d7 36 65 00 00 00 00  |MAMEINP.X.6e....|
00000010 03 00 00 00 73 69 6c 65 6e 74 64 00 00 00 00 00 |....silentd.....|
00000020 4d 41 4d 45 20 30 2e 31 33 30 20 5b 57 5d 20 28 |MAME 0.130 [W] (|
00000030 4d 61 72 20 20 39 20 32 30 30 39 29 00 00 00 00 |Mar 9 2009)....|
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 |................|
00000050 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000060 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|

MAME 0.150 (after decompression):
00000000  4d 41 4d 45 49 4e 50 00  b4 d7 36 65 00 00 00 00  |MAMEINP...6e....|
00000010 03 00 00 00 73 69 6c 65 6e 74 64 00 00 00 00 00 |....silentd.....|
00000020 4d 41 4d 45 20 30 2e 31 35 30 5b 57 5d 20 28 53 |MAME 0.150[W] (S|
00000030 65 70 20 31 38 20 32 30 31 33 29 00 00 00 00 00 |ep 18 2013).....|
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 |................|
00000050 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000060 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|

MAME 0.177 (after decompression):
00000000  4d 41 4d 45 49 4e 50 00  34 e0 36 65 00 00 00 00  |MAMEINP.4.6e....|
00000010 03 05 00 00 73 69 6c 65 6e 74 64 00 00 00 00 00 |....silentd.....|
00000020 30 2e 31 37 37 57 20 28 75 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6e 29 |0.177W (unknown)|
00000030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3e e0 36 65 00 00 00 00 |........>.6e....|
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 |................|
00000050 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000060 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|

MAME 0.178 (after decompression):
00000000  4d 41 4d 45 49 4e 50 00  44 e0 36 65 00 00 00 00  |MAMEINP.D.6e....|
00000010 03 05 00 00 73 69 6c 65 6e 74 64 00 00 00 00 00 |....silentd.....|
00000020 30 2e 31 37 38 57 20 28 75 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6e 29 |0.178W (unknown)|
00000030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4e e0 36 65 00 00 00 00 |........N.6e....|
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 |................|
00000050 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 bf 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000060 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|

silentd on MAME 0.106

# MAME 0.106 source snippet [taito_b.c]

GAME( 1992, silentd, 0, silentd, silentd, taito_b, ROT0, "Taito Corporation Japan", "Silent Dragon (World)", GAME_SUPPORTS_SAVE )

PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x03, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) ) \
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( Easy ) ) \
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, DEF_STR( Medium ) ) \
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( Hard ) ) \
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Hardest ) )

INPUT_PORTS_START( silentd ) /* World Version */
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, DEF_STR( Unused ) ) /* Listed as "NOT USED" in the manual and only shown as "OFF" */
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x02, 0x02, DEF_STR( Flip_Screen ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, DEF_STR( Demo_Sounds ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x30, 0x30, DEF_STR( Coinage ) )

/* These next two are listed as Unused for "Oversea Versions"
For the USA version use this description:

Buy-In Pricing Same As Play Pricing OFF OFF (Default)
1 Coin = Continue ON OFF
2 Coins = Contniue OFF ON
3 Coins = Continue ON ON

PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x40, DEF_STR( Unused ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, DEF_STR( Unused ) )

PORT_DIPNAME( 0x04, 0x04, "Invulnerability (Cheat)")
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x08, 0x08, "Power-Up Bonus" ) /* Manual States "Power-Up at Stage Clear" */
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x10, 0x10, "Regain Power" )

/* Manual Shows "1 Coin Slot (Shared)" and "4 Coin Slot (1 Per Player)"

You can play the game with 2, 3, or 4 players and the last option is a linked 4 players.
Using bit6 and bit7&8 you end up with 1, 2 or 4 separate "Credits" on the demo screens.
Using bits7&8 you can have 2-4 players as shown at the top of the game screens.


PORT_DIPNAME( 0x20, 0x20, "Credits" ) /* Only shows 4 separate credits with 4p/1m below */
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, "Combined" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "Separate" ) /* When multiple credits show, Coin B will affect p2 credits */
PORT_DIPNAME( 0xc0, 0x80, "Cabinet Style" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, "3 Players")
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, "2 Players")
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, "4 Players/1 Machine") /* with bit6, shows 4 separate credits */
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "4 Players/2 Machines") /* with bit6 shows 2 separate credits */






PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN3 ) PORT_IMPULSE(2) PORT_NAME ("Coin 3 2nd input")/*not sure if this is legal under MAME*/
PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN4 ) PORT_IMPULSE(2) PORT_NAME ("Coin 4 2nd input")/*not sure if this is legal under MAME*/

Resolution: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/silent-dragon/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110652
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110653
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110654
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110655

ROMSet: SilentD
Unused: Off [All]
Flip Screen: Off
Service Mode: Off
Difficulty: Medium
Invulnerability [Cheat]: Off
Power-Up Bonus: Off
Regain Power: Off
Credits: Combined
Cabinet Style: 4 Players / 1 Machine

Sample correct TG:
DSWA: offset 0x23, repeat every 0x7C, typical value 0xFF
- DSWA: 0x01 (Unused): 0x01 (Off)
- DSWA: 0x02 (Flip_Screen): 0x02 (Off)
- DSWA: 0x04 (PORT_SERVICE): 0x04 (Off)
- DSWA: 0x08 (Demo_Sounds): [not relevant]
- DSWA: 0x30 (Coinage): [not relevant]
- DSWA: 0x40 (Unused): 0x40 (Off)
- DSWA: 0x80 (Unused): 0x80 (Off)
DSWB: offset 0x27, repeat every 0x7C, typical value 0x7F
- DSWB: 0x03 (Difficulty): 0x03 (Medium)
- DSWB: 0x04 (Invulnerability (Cheat)): 0x04 (Off)
- DSWB: 0x08 (Power-Up Bonus): 0x08 (Off)
- DSWB: 0x10 (Regain Power): 0x10 (Off)
- DSWB: 0x20 (Credits): 0x20 (Combined)
- DSWB: 0xc0 (Cabinet Style): 0x40 (4 Players / 1 Machine)

20: 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 7F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF
90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3E 82 43 E1 00 00 00 FF
A0: 00 00 00 7F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF
110: 00 00 00 00 3E 82 43 E1 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 7F


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: silkroad - "The Legend of Silkroad"

MAME History:
- 0.148: Brian Troha added DIP locations to The Legend of Silkroad. Restored bad_dump flag about questionable gfx1 rom.

Resolution, 0.106-0.260: 380x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/th...ilk-road/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120396
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120397

Service Mode:
Typical Unico Silk Road hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1 at the top level and instructions are appear at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.148:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: silkworm - "Silk Worm (set 1)"
0.144-0.271: silkworm - "Silk Worm (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.143u4: Brian Troha added proper region to Silk Worm sets and DIP locations. Changed description to 'Silk Worm (World)' and clone (set 2) to 'Silk Worm (Japan)'. Renamed (silkworm2) to (silkwormj).
- 0.178: Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.177: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.178-0.271: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/silk-worm-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19166
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19167

Service Mode:
Typical "Tecmo.cpp" driver hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback, not the recording. The DIP switches are shown read-only during the boot up sequence after the ROM and RAM test screen. This screen will be automatically progressed unless the P1 Start or P2 Start button is held.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
Boot Up:


ROM Set changes: No
0.106-0.175: simpbowl - "Simpsons Bowling (GQ829 UAA)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 640 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....s%20Bowling%20[GQ829%20UAA]
Rules, Most Money [Spares Bowling]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110656
Rules, Points [Standard Bowling]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110657

- To initialize the EEPROM, hold down test switch (F2) and press reset (F3) once. Do not let go of F2 until you see a message that says "Initializing EEPROM".


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.122: simpsons - "The Simpsons (4 Players)"
0.123-0.260: simpsons - "The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.122u3: Arzeno Fabrice added clone The Simpsons (2 Players Asia). Changed parent description to 'The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1)' and clones (4 Players alt) to 'The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 2)', (2 Players) to 'The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 1)' and (2 Players alt) to 'The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 2)'.
- 0.138: Magic Knight and Machone fixed vertical refresh rate to 59.185600 Hz in The Simpsons and clones. Magic Knight (simpsons0103ora2): With regards to the problem with the bonus stage where the balloons get corrupted, I've never seen this on my PCB, though it's reported as happening on the real thing, maybe there are slightly different hardware revisions to fix this. Machone: According to Guru's readme attached to The Simpsons driver in 0.128, the vertical refresh rate for this game is 59.1856 Hz. MAME currently lists it as 60 Hz.
- 0.165: Added screen raw parameters to The Simpsons. Added note about correct dotclock [Dirk Best]. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.222: Correct video clocks [Phil Bennett]. Fixed K053260 panning, interrupts and general volume for The Simpsons [O. Galibert, P. Bennett]. READ/WRITE macros removal (machine\simpsons.cpp). READ/WRITE macros removal [Osso]. Changed visible area to 320x224 and VSync to 61.035156Hz.
- 0.223: Get rid of black borders by improving the screen aspect ratio [hap]. Changed visible area to 288x224 and VSync to 59.185606 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.137: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.138-0.164: 288x224 @ 59.185600Hz
Resolution, 0.165-0.221: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz
Resolution, 0.222 : 320x224 @ 61.035156Hz
Resolution, 0.223-0.260: 288x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/th...-players/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120407
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120408
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120409
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120410

Service Mode:
Typical Konami "The Simpsons" hardware.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection is with P1 Button 1.

Default Sttings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sindbadm - "Sindbad Mystery"

Resolution, 0.106-0.107: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.108-0.113: 256x224 @ 59.998135Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x224 @ 59.998138Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....mename=Sindbad Mystery


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.193: sinistar - "Sinistar (revision 3)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.115: 292x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.193: 292x240 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/sinistar-revision-3/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7812


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.129: skullfng - "Skull Fang (Japan)"
0.129u4-0.133: skullfnj - "Skull Fang (Japan)"
0.133u1-0.175: skullfngj - "Skull Fang (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.129u4: Mexa added Skull Fang (World). Renamed (skullfng) to (skullfnj).
- 0.133u1: Renamed (skullfnj) to (skullfngj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....kull%20Fang%20[Japan]
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110660
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110661


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.129u4.

MAME History:
- 0.129u4: Mexa added Skull Fang (World). Renamed (skullfng) to (skullfnj).
- 0.133u1: Renamed (skullfnj) to (skullfngj).

Skull Fang (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.129: skullfng - "Skull Fang (Japan)"
0.129u4-0.133: skullfnj - "Skull Fang (Japan)"
0.133u1-0.175: skullfngj - "Skull Fang (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....kull%20Fang%20[Japan]
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110660
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110661

Skull Fang (World)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.129u4.
0.129u4-0.176: skullfng - "Skull Fang (World)"

Resolution, 0.130-0.176: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.129: skullfng - "Skull Fang (Japan)"
0.129u4-0.133: skullfnj - "Skull Fang (Japan)"
0.133u1-0.175: skullfngj - "Skull Fang (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.129u4: Mexa added Skull Fang (World). Renamed (skullfng) to (skullfnj).
- 0.133u1: Renamed (skullfnj) to (skullfngj).

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....kull%20Fang%20[Japan]
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110660
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110661


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.212: skullxbo - "Skull & Crossbones (rev 5)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 672x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.143: 672x240 @ 59.922743Hz
Resolution, 0.144-0.212: 672x240 @ 59.922748Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sk...es-rev-5/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110659

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: skyadvnt - "Sky Adventure (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.156: Added SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS for Alpha 68k HW [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 60.191409 Hz.
- 0.182: Increased buttons usable from 2 to 3 in Sky Adventure and clones which matches port test in service mode as well as matching information in the conversion manual [Tafoid].
- 0.215: Added video\alpha68k_palette.cpp/h. Support for opaque tiles for V board, fixes title screen clipping effect in Sky Adventure. Also removed hack for the priest priority in level 1 in Sky Adventure, being a game original bug. Converted Alpha68k driver to snk68 sprite chip. Converted Alpha68k driver to a common palette device and decoded it with NeoGeo specs, causing more accurate colors especially visible on dithered backgrounds. Simulated screen blanking for Gold Medalist starter pistol shot on dash events [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.221: Added DIP locations [Guru].

Resolution, 0.106-0.155: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.212: 256x224 @ 60.191409Hz
Resolution, 0.215-0.255: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sk...re-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110662
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110663

Service Mode:
Typical SNK/Alpha Motorola 68000-based hardware.
Settings are shown at boot up. Note that modifications to DIP switches after this are honoured so verify with caution.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: skyalert - "Sky Alert"

Resolution, 0.106-0.144: 360x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.146: 360x240 @ 59.922743Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.175: 360x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=Sky Alert


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: skyarmy - "Sky Army"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=Sky Army


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: skybase - "Sky Base"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.123: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz
Resolution, 0.125-0.175: 768x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=Sky Base


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: skybump - "Sky Bumper"

Resolution, 0.106-0.109: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.110-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=Sky Bumper


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: skychut - "Sky Chuter"

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 240x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.128: 240x224 @ 60.012483Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.175: 240x224 @ 61.783314Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Sky%20Chuter
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10037


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.200: skydiver - "Sky Diver"

Resolution, 0.106-0.199: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.200- : 256x224 @ 60.114504Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sky-diver/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9949


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: skyfox - "Sky Fox"

Resolution, 0.106-0.138: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.139-0.175: 320x224 @ 62.650000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=Sky Fox


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.272: skykiddx - "Sky Kid Deluxe (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.130u3: Kanikani added DIP locations to Namco System 86 driver.
- 0.153: Fixed flipscreen in Namco System 86 driver after core changes and added SCREEN_RAW_PARAMs [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.152: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.272: 288x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sky-kid-deluxe/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110669
Rules, Points[Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=239984

Service Mode:
Typical Namco System 86 hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. The Service Mode Button and the Service Mode DIP switch have different effects. The Service Mode Button performs a soft-reset (which can be recorded in an INP) but does not show the DIP Switch configuration. Enabling the Service Mode DIP Switch performs a soft reset (again, can be recorded in an INP) and then displays a read-only configuration of the machine.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode via the DIP switch:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.123: skykid - "Sky Kid (New Ver.)"
0.124-0.255: skykid - "Sky Kid (new version)"

MAME History:
- 0.121u2: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Sky Kid (Manufactured by Sipem). No license text is displayed but the PCB was licensed by Namco for production by Sipem (formerly Sidam) with Namco supplying the Custom chips (MCU etc.). The level select is handled in a much more user-friendly way in this set and the dip for it is inverted (although this is displayed incorrectly in the test mode). Renamed dipswitch 'Round Select' to 'Round Skip'.
- 0.123u1: Zsolt Vasvari removed color tables from Sky Kid. Added RESNET color computations where appropriate. Changed palettesize to 1280 colors. Changed description to 'Sky Kid (new version)' and clones (Old Ver.) to 'Sky Kid (old version)', (CUS60 Ver.) to 'Sky Kid (CUS60 version)' and (Manufactured by Sipem) to 'Sky Kid (Sipem)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 288x224 @ 60.606060Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sky-kid-new-ver/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9236
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=239261

Service Mode:
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2). A single non-interactive screen shows the current configuration.

Default settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering Service Mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: skylancr - "Sky Lancer"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 236x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=Sky Lancer


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.133u2.
0.133u2-0.181: skylove - "Sky Love"

MAME History:
- 0.133u2: BBmmamoh and David Haywood added Sky Love (Omori 1979).

Resolution, 0.134-0.147: 256x192 @ 59.541985Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.181: 256x192 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Sky+Love
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=172440


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.194: skyraid - "Sky Raider"

Resolution, 0.106-0.194: 512x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sky-raider/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21182


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.154: skyshark - "Sky Shark (US)"
0.155-0.240: skyshark - "Sky Shark (US, set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.136u4: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches and inputs in Twin Cobra clones (after verification of the M68000 and Z80 code).
- 0.137u1: Changed VSync to 54Hz.
- 0.141u2: Alex Jackson added MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS to Twincobr driver, correcting their refresh rates. Changed VSync to 54.877858 Hz.
- 0.155: Caius added clone Sky Shark (US, set 2). Changed description of clone (US) to 'Sky Shark (US, set 1)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x240 @ 54.877857Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.137: 320x240 @ 54.877858Hz
Resolution, 0.138-0.141: 320x240 @ 54.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.142-0.240: 320x240 @ 54.877858Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sky-shark-us/mame
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7813
Rules, Points [Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=232467

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106: | MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP Switch Display switch.

Lives DIP will only be read in at the time of coin drop, and can be changed up to that point
Bonus Life & Difficulty DIPs will only be read in at the time of 1P start, and can be changed up to that point. Best practice is to ensure settings are correct before recording.

DIP changes at 0.136u4: in 0.136 a "Cross Hatch Pattern" DIP switch existed. This was adjusted to "Service Mode". The "Unknown" DIP switches were changed to "Unused". The Bonus Life was corrected and the Difficulty was corrected.

Bonus Life changes:
- Up to 0.136: 50K, and then 150K+ / 70K, then every 200K / 50000 / 100000
- From 0.137+: 50k 200k 150k+ / 70k 270k 200k+ / 50k Only / 100k Only
Note: the "DIP Switch Display" screen will show meanings more akin to the older MAMEs:
- DIP EXTEND : 50000,150000 / 70000,200000 / 50000 ONLY / 100000 ONLY

Difficulty changes:
- Up to 0.136: Easy / Normal / Hard / Hardest
- From 0.137+: Easy / Medium / Hard / Hardest
Note: the "DIP Switch Display" screen will show letters instead:
- DIP Game Diff.: A / B / C / D

Comparison of 0.136 and 0.137 side-by-side:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.199: skyskipr - "Sky Skipper"

Resolution, 0.106-0.199: 512x448 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sky-skipper/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110671


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: skysmash - "Sky Smasher"

MAME History:
- 0.124u1: Blood Brothers driver improvements to DIP locations and coin modes. Added notes for 'bloodbra' [RansAckeR, Stephane Humbert]. Added dipswitches 'Coin A/B' and 2x 'Unknown'.
- 0.125u3: Added 'Coinage' dipswitch.
- 0.133u1: Corrado Tomaselli verified/changed VSync to 59.39 Hz in Blood Bros driver.

Resolutions, 0.106-0.133: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolutions, 0.134-0.255: 256x224 @ 59.390000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sky-smasher/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110672
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110673

Service Mode:
Type "Blood Brothers" driver hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed only during boot up (or reset) by holding P1 Right button. Read-only DIP switches are displayed in On/Off and descriptive forms.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: skysoldr - "Sky Soldiers (US)"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Sky Soldier.
- 0.156: Added SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS for Alpha 68k HW [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 60.191409 Hz.
- 0.215: Added video\alpha68k_palette.cpp/h. [- snip -] [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.221: Added DIP locations [Guru].
- 0.234: Demoted Sky Soldiers with MACHINE_UNEMULATED_PROTECTION flag since MCU actually controls bosses time out behaviour [Angelo Salese].

Resolution, 0.106-0.155: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.191409Hz
Resolution, 0.215-0.255: 256x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sky-soldiers-us/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10127
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110674

Service Mode:
Typical SNK/Alpha Motorola 68000-based hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is displayed only during boot with no operator interaction needed. Only a descriptive form of the configuration is displayed.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 during boot up:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: slammast - "Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713)"

MAME History:
- 0.126u4: Corrado Tomaselli verified and correct CPS1 refresh rate. Changed VSync to 59.610000 Hz.
- 0.147u1: Changed CPS-1 video timings to SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup (includes\cps1.h) [Osso]. Willow, Strider and Ghouls'n Ghosts have some changed factory setting defaults as stated from manual. Also noted differences in bonus live coverage where applicable [Tafoid]. Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.255: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...d-930713/mame/
Rules, Points/Singles Match [Single Player]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14456
Rules, Points/Team Battle Royale [Single Player]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14457
Rules, Points/Team Battle Royale [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14458
Rules, Points[Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=258279
Rules, Points[Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=258280

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-1 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode is accessed using the Game Mode DIP switch or the Service button (F2) which toggles the DIP switch. Navigation is with P1 Up and P1 Down, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
Internal Configuration:


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: slapbtuk - "Slap Fight (English bootleg)"
0.138u3-0.213: slapfighb2 - "Slap Fight (bootleg set 2)"

MAME History:
- 0.138u3: Phil Bennett and Dr. Decapitator hooked up Slap Fight/Alcon 68705 MCU. Brian Troha and Guru corrected rom names for the Slap Fight sets, added PCB locations to any set where possible, added DIP locations and moved PCB information down to matching rom sets. Changed clone 'Alcon' to parent 'Alcon (US)', (set 1) to clone 'Slap Fight (Japan set 1)', (set 2) to 'Slap Fight (Japan set 2)', (Japan bootleg) to 'Slap Fight (bootleg set 1)', (English bootleg) to 'Slap Fight (bootleg set 2)' and (bootleg) to 'Slap Fight (bootleg set 3)'. Renamed (slapbtjp) to (slapfighb1), (slapbtuk) to (slapfighb2) and (slapfgtr) to (slapfighb3).

Resolution, 0.106-0.213: 280x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sl...h-bootleg/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10025


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: slapbtuk - "Slap Fight (English bootleg)"
0.138u3-0.213: slapfighb2 - "Slap Fight (bootleg set 2)"

MAME History:
- 0.138u3: Phil Bennett and Dr. Decapitator hooked up Slap Fight/Alcon 68705 MCU. Brian Troha and Guru corrected rom names for the Slap Fight sets, added PCB locations to any set where possible, added DIP locations and moved PCB information down to matching rom sets. Changed clone 'Alcon' to parent 'Alcon (US)', (set 1) to clone 'Slap Fight (Japan set 1)', (set 2) to 'Slap Fight (Japan set 2)', (Japan bootleg) to 'Slap Fight (bootleg set 1)', (English bootleg) to 'Slap Fight (bootleg set 2)' and (bootleg) to 'Slap Fight (bootleg set 3)'. Renamed (slapbtjp) to (slapfighb1), (slapbtuk) to (slapfighb2) and (slapfgtr) to (slapfighb3).

Resolution, 0.106-0.213: 280x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sl...h-bootleg/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10025

slapshotj, slapshot

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.223.

MAME History:
- 0.223: Jorge Silva added Slap Shot (Ver 3.0 O). Changed 'Slap Shot (Japan)' to clone 'Slap Shot (Ver 2.2 J)'. Renamed (slapshot) to (slapshotj).

Slap Shot (Ver 2.2 J)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.222: slapshot - "Slap Shot (Japan)"
0.223-0.255: slapshotj - "Slap Shot (Ver 2.2 J)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/slap-shot-japan/mame
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110675

Slap Shot (Ver 3.0 O)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.223.
0.223-0.255: slapshot - "Slap Shot (Ver 3.0 O)"

Resolution, 0.223-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changes: no
0.106-0.118: slipstrm - "Slipstream"
0.119-0.120: slipstrm - "Slipstream (Brazil 950515)" (minor description change only)
0.121-0.138: slipstrm - "Slipstream (950515 BRAZIL)" (minor description change only)
0.139-0.149: slipstrm - "Slip Stream (950515 Brazil)" (minor description change only)
0.150-0.255: slipstrm - "Slip Stream (Brazil 950515)" (minor description change only)

MAME History:
- 0.118u1: Changed description to 'Slipstream (Brazil 950515)'.
- 0.120u4: Guru added clone Slipstream (950515 HISPANIC). Changed parent description to 'Slipstream (950515 BRAZIL)'. Fixed rom names.
- 0.138u3: Changed description to 'Slip Stream (950515 Brazil)' and clone (950515 HISPANIC) to 'Slip Stream (950515 Hispanic)'.
- 0.149u1: Changed description to 'Slip Stream (Brazil 950515)' and clone (950515 Hispanic) to 'Slip Stream (Hispanic 950515)'.
- 0.220: Make the 4 DIPs selectable singularly and added DIP locations [Osso]. Added 4x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.240: Third DIP switch freezes game on Slip Stream and clone (undocumented feature?) [Cow, Steven Coomber]. Added 'Freeze Frame' dipswitch.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 416x224 @ 60.000000 Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/slipstream/mame/
Rules, Australian Course [Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110676
Rules, Australian Course [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110677
Rules, German Course [Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110678
Rules, German Course [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110679
Rules, Japanese Course [Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110680
Rules, Japanese Course [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110681
Rules, Monaco Course [Fastest Lap]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110682
Rules, Monaco Course [Fastest Race]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110683

Service Mode:
Typical Sega System 32 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed by using the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with the Service Mode buttone. Selection is with the P1 Start button.

Default Settings:
The Unknown DIP switches were introduced in MAME 0.220. No DIP switch options existing prior to this.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.260: slither - "Slither (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.115: Aaron Giles hooked up 6845 CRTC to the qix-based games. All games now generate display resolutions and frame rates on the fly. Cleaned up memory maps and a few other bits along the way. Added save state support. Changed visible area to 256x256 and VSync to 55.838470 Hz.
- 0.115u2: Zsolt Vasvari changed the CRTC6845 emulator to optionally control the screen configuration and video rendering. Updated the Qix and Spiders driver to use the new functionality. Added notifications for when the display enable pin changes in order to drive blanking signals. Changed VSync to 76.293945 Hz.
- 0.146u3: Set screen to CRTC initial parameters (256x256 at ~55Hz) [hap]. Changed VSync to 55.838470 Hz.
- 0.183: Correctly assign service buttons [Michael.S.G].

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 256x256 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115 : 256x256 @ 55.838470Hz
Resolution, 0.116-0.146: 256x256 @ 76.293945Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.260: 256x256 @ 55.838470Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/slither/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110684

Service Mode:
Typical Taito Qix Hardware.
Service Mode is presented immediately on boot up. Service Mode is a single screen with instructions. Note: the instructions include "Use Fire Down to advance item" but this is the only item: using Fire Down will appear to begin the game but it will return back to this screen. Use P2 Start button to exit (saving the current settings).

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
Location Programming:

slyspy3, slyspy

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.170.

MAME History:
- 0.127u1: Additional input port cleanups in the DEC0 driver [Fabio Priuli]. Added buttons 3 or 3-5.
- 0.127u4: Tafoid added DIP locations to the DEC0 driver. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitch to 'Unused'.
- 0.142u1: Angelo Salese added screen raw parameters and IRQ ack to the DEC0 driver, fixing hole 1 hang in Birdie Try and improving fade in/out effects for Boulder Dash. Changed VSync to 57.392103 Hz.
- 0.156: More sane values for DEC0 screen raw parameters [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 57.444853 Hz.
- 0.170: System11 added clone Sly Spy (US revision 4). Renamed (slyspy) to (slyspy3).
- 0.191: Added buttons for 'Attack' and 'Jump'.
- 0.261: Changed description to 'Secret Agent (World, revision 3)' and clones (Japan revision 2) to 'Secret Agent (Japan, revision 2)', (US revision 2) to 'Sly Spy (US, revision 2)', (US revision 3) to 'Sly Spy (US, revision 3)' and (US revision 4) to 'Sly Spy (US, revision 4)'.

Sly Spy (US revision 3)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.169: slyspy - "Sly Spy (US revision 3)"
0.170-0.260: slyspy3 - "Sly Spy (US revision 3)"
0.261: slyspy3 - "Sly Spy (US, revision 3)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.142: 256x240 @ 57.410000Hz
Resolution, 0.143-0.155: 256x240 @ 57.392103Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.261: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sl...vision-3/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110685

Sly Spy (US revision 4)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.170.
0.170-0.260: slyspy - "Sly Spy (US revision 4)"
0.261: slyspy - "Sly Spy (US, revision 4)"

Resolution, 0.170-0.261: 256x240 @ 57.444853Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Data East 16 bit game hardware.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration only, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.128:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.209: smashtv - "Smash T.V. (rev 8.00)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 410x256 @ 53.204948Hz
Resolution, 0.114: 410x256 @ 53.204950Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.122: 399x253 @ 27.407585Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.154: 399x253 @ 54.815170Hz
Resolution, 0.155-0.209: 410x256 @ 54.706840Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sm...-rev-800/mame/
Rules, ADeca 2005 ONLY Variation!: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=9870
Rules, Points [Single Player Only, Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=96891
Rules, Points [Single Player Only, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=96896
Rules, Points [Two Player Team, Marathon Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110686
Rules, Points [Two Player Team, Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110687


Note: two ROM sets represented here with swap over at 0.146u1.

MAME History:
- 0.122u8: Changed description to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 1)' and clone (Men set 2) to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 2)'.
- 0.146u1: Changed clone (Men Version, set 2) to parent 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 F)', (Men Version, set 1) to clone 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 ?)', (Men Version) (Japan) to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version) (Japan, set GF3 B)', (Ladies Version, set ?) to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Ladies Version, set LG4 ?)' and (Ladies Version, set E) to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Ladies Version, set LG4 E)'. Renamed (smgolf) to (smgolfb) and (smgolfb) to (smgolf).

Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 1)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.122: smgolf - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version)"
0.122u8-0.146: smgolf - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 1)"
0.146u1-0.180: smgolfb - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 ?)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.180: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....46&gamename=Vs. Stroke & Match Golf
(Note: shared with ladygolf set.)
Rules, Men Version [Lowest Possible Score]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=30809

Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 F)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
0.106-0.122: smgolfb - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men set 2)"
0.122u8-0.146: smgolfb - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 2)"
0.146u1-0.180: smgolf - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 F)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.180: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


Note: two ROM sets represented here with swap over at 0.146u1.

MAME History:
- 0.122u8: Changed description to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 1)' and clone (Men set 2) to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 2)'.
- 0.146u1: Changed clone (Men Version, set 2) to parent 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 F)', (Men Version, set 1) to clone 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 ?)', (Men Version) (Japan) to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version) (Japan, set GF3 B)', (Ladies Version, set ?) to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Ladies Version, set LG4 ?)' and (Ladies Version, set E) to 'Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Ladies Version, set LG4 E)'. Renamed (smgolf) to (smgolfb) and (smgolfb) to (smgolf).

Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 1)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.122: smgolf - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version)"
0.122u8-0.146: smgolf - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 1)"
0.146u1-0.180: smgolfb - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 ?)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.180: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....46&gamename=Vs. Stroke & Match Golf
(Note: shared with ladygolf set.)
Rules, Men Version [Lowest Possible Score]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=30809

Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 F)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
0.106-0.122: smgolfb - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men set 2)"
0.122u8-0.146: smgolfb - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set 2)"
0.146u1-0.180: smgolf - "Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 F)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.180: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: smgp - "Super Monaco GP (set 9, World, Rev B, 'Twin', FD1094 317-0126a)"
0.144-0.146: smgp - "Super Monaco GP (World, Rev B, 'Twin', FD1094 317-0126a)"
0.147-0.165: smgp - "Super Monaco GP (World, Rev B, FD1094 317-0126a)"
0.166-0.175: smgp - "Super Monaco GP (World, Rev B) (FD1094 317-0126a)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.175: 320x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Super Monaco GP [set 8, World, Rev B, 'Twin', FD1094 317-0126a]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: snakepit - "Snake Pit"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.175: 256x240 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Snake Pit


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.194: snakjack - "Snacks'n Jaxson"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.194: 256x240 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/snacksn-jaxson/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110688


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.222: snapjack - "Snap Jack"

Resolution, 0.106-0.222: 240x192 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/snap-jack/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10220


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: snapper - "Snapper (Korea)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=Snapper%20[Korea]
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110689


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.138: sncwgltd - "Sonic Wings Limited (JAPAN)"
0.139-0.255: sncwgltd - "Sonic Wings Limited (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 640x480 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/so...ed-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23013
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=23014

Service Mode:
Typical Sony ZN-1 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation instructions are given at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:
Internal Settings:

snowbros3, snowbro3

ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.133: snowbro3 - "Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure"
0.134-0.148: snowbros3 - "Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure"
0.149-0.265: snowbro3 - "Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure"

MAME History:
- 0.133u1: Renamed (snowbro3) to (snowbros3).
- 0.148u4: The Dumping Union added clone Ball Boy. Changed 'Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure' from a clone of 'Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)' to parent [David Haywood]. Renamed (snowbros3) to (snowbro3).

Resolution, 0.106-0.265: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sn...ball-boy/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only Variation]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=255666
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=257023

Service Mode:
Atypical Kaneko "Snow Bros." driver hardware.
DIP switches reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Has a Service Mode DIP switch but not found a way to enter a service mode. - Barthax, Sept 2024.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.216: snowbro2 - "Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise"
0.217-0.270: snowbro2 - "Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Hanafram)"

MAME History:
- 0.144: Start of input ports cleanup in the Toaplan2 driver [Alex Jackson, Kanikani]: Removed some unused macros from toaplipt.h. Fixed polarity of DIP locations in Toaplan2. Added some missing inputs. Added more DIP locations and missing inputs. Added information about ingame test/debug features to comments. Unified Toaplan2 inputs with the other Toaplan drivers. Added 'Test Switch' dipswitch.
- 0.147u4: Bulk replace of Jumper settings from DIP-switches menu to Game Configuration in Toaplan2 driver [Angelo Salese].
- 0.152: Merged othldrby.c with toaplan2.c driver. Added machine\upd4992.c/h. Converted Toaplan 2 to use SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS. Added a core for uPD4992 RTC, used by Othello Derby and Power Kick [Angelo Salese]. Fixed compile, also slightly cleanup/reorganize toaplan2.h [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.217: jordigahan, Heckler and ClawGrip added clone Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Nyanko). Note: Game is not a bootleg, has original parts (the "GP9001 L7A0498 TOA PLAN" IC and the three mask ROMs). Changed parent description to 'Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Hanafram)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.151: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.152-0.270: 320x240 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sn...paradise/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10221
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10222
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10223
Rules, Points [Four Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10224

Service Mode:
Typical Toaplan 2 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and P1 Down, selection with P1 Button 1. Sub-menus have additional instructions.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 Machine Configuration:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:
Input Test Screen: |
DIP SW Screen: |

DIP Locations update in 0.144 (0.143 left, 0.144 right):

DIP Switch -> Machine Configuration in 0.148 (0.147 left, 0.148 right):
DIP Switch Change: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: snowbros - "Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 256x224 @ 57.500000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sn...om-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21083
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110690


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.121: socbrawl - "Soccer Brawl"
0.122-0.138: socbrawl - "Soccer Brawl (set 1)"
0.138u4-0.143: socbrawlh - "Soccer Brawl (set 2)"
0.143u2-0.184: socbrawlh - "Soccer Brawl (NGH-031)"

MAME History:
- 0.122: Johnboy added clone Soccer Brawl (set 2). Added correct cpu2 rom to (set 1). Changed parent description to 'Soccer Brawl (set 1)'.
- 0.138u4: Changed clone (set 2) to parent 'Soccer Brawl (set 1)' and 'Soccer Brawl (AES cart)' to clone 'Soccer Brawl (set 2)'. Renamed (socbrawl) to (socbrawlh) and (socbrawla) to ( socbrawl).
- 0.143u2: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Soccer Brawl (NGM-031)' and clone (set 2) to 'Soccer Brawl (NGH-031)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.184: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Soccer+Brawl
Rules, Biggest Blowout: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15408

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.138u4.

MAME History:
- 0.122: Johnboy added clone Soccer Brawl (set 2). Added correct cpu2 rom to (set 1). Changed parent description to 'Soccer Brawl (set 1)'.
- 0.138u4: Changed clone (set 2) to parent 'Soccer Brawl (set 1)' and 'Soccer Brawl (AES cart)' to clone 'Soccer Brawl (set 2)'. Renamed (socbrawl) to (socbrawlh) and (socbrawla) to ( socbrawl).
- 0.143u2: Fixed rom names. Changed description to 'Soccer Brawl (NGM-031)' and clone (set 2) to 'Soccer Brawl (NGH-031)'.

Soccer Brawl (NGH-031) / (set 1) / (set 2)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.121: socbrawl - "Soccer Brawl"
0.122-0.138: socbrawl - "Soccer Brawl (set 1)"
0.138u4-0.143: socbrawlh - "Soccer Brawl (set 2)"
0.143u2-0.184: socbrawlh - "Soccer Brawl (NGH-031)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.184: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....e=Soccer+Brawl
Rules, Biggest Blowout: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15408

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.

Soccer Brawl (NGM-031) / (set 1)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.138u4.
0.138u4-0.143: socbrawl - "Soccer Brawl (set 1)"
0.143u2-0.184: socbrawl - "Soccer Brawl (NGM-031)"

Resolution, 0.139-0.184: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sokonuke - "Sokonuke Taisen Game (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Sokonuke Taisen Game [Japan]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: sokyugrt - "Soukyugurentai / Terra Diver (JUET 960821 V1.000)"

MAME History:
- 0.131u3: Added dipswitches 'UNK' and 7x 'Unknown'.
- 0.133u1: Angelo Salese added screen raw parameters hook-up to the ST-V driver, fixes some of the current issues. Angelo Salese and Corrado Tomaselli hand-tuned ST-V pixel-clock to match measured fps from the PCB. Corrado Tomaselli verified and updated the vertical syncs on the ST-V motherboard. Changed visible area to 320x224 and VSync to 59.828244Hz.
- 0.142u5: More accurate pixel clocks for Sega Saturn / ST-V [Angelo Salese]. Angelo Salese fixed an ST-V window effect bug when it's in double interlace mode, fixes a graphic bug with Virtual Mahjong. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Oliver Stoeneberg fixed Sega Saturn / ST-V start-up crash that was happening on some ends. Added accurate hblank durations to Sega Saturn / ST-V HW [Angelo Salese, Corrado Tomaselli, Charles MacDonald]. Angelo Salese moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Angelo Salese fixed emulation hangs in Pebble Beach and Funky Head Boxers. Fixed a rather silly bug with SCU DSP execute flag. Moved SMPC intback command inside a timer, removes a kludge for SMPC mask irq. Added CD/DA audio and changed VSync to 59.826048 Hz.
- 0.143: Changed SH-2 CPU1/2 clock speed to 28636360 Hz, 68000 CPU3 to 11289600 Hz and VSync to 59.764793 Hz.
- 0.180: Added audio\rax.cpp/h. Emulated the Acclaim RAX sound board, fixing sound in Batman Forever [Phil Bennett]. Worked around VDP1 timings in Sega Saturn, fixes regression with (MESS) Batman Forever gameplay speed (video\stvvdp1.cpp). Added Rotation Parameter read control register, fixes at least Riddler stage ROZ positioning in Batman Forever (video\stvvdp2.cpp) [Angelo Salese]. Changed the SH2 disassemblers to use 'std::ostream &' internally [AJR]. Changed visible area to 352x224.
- 0.191: Added machine\sega_scu.cpp/h. Fixed STV crashing [...] [AJR]. Removed 10x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.214: Added machine\segabill.cpp/h, layout\segabill.lay and layout\segabillv.lay. Emulated the Sega Billboard and hook it up to the STV driver. It's not shown by default. To view it, choose the layout view 'Billboard'. YouTube: https://youtu.be/csuOJBU5rzo [biggestsonicfan, Dirk Best]. Added Z80 (8MHz) CPU5. Added dipswitches 'Test Winner LED P1/2', 'Test 7-Segment P1/2', 'Demo', 'Testmode' and 2x 'Unknown'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.128: 704x513 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.133: 704x512 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.134-0.142: 320x224 @ 59.828244Hz
Resolution, 0.143-0.179: 320x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.180-0.193: 352x224 @ 59.764793Hz
Resolution, 0.194-0.271: 352x224 @ 59.764802Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/so...21-v1000/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110703
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110704

Service Mode:
Standard ST-V BIOS.
Service Mode is accessed with the Service Button (F2). Navigation is with the Test (9) button and selection is with the Service Button. Each cartridge has a separate interface from the ST-V BIOS and its own navigation changes with the cart implementation: instructions on screen.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: solarfox - "Solar Fox (upright)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 512x480 @ 30.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Solar Fox [Upright]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: solarq - "Solar Quest"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: vector @ 38.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Solar Quest


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: soldamj - "Soldam (Japan)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.168: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.169-0.175: 256x224 @ 56.191350Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....amename=Soldam [Japan]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.250: soldivid - "Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness"

MAME History:
- 0.136: Fabio Priuli and Aaron Giles added GAME_SUPPORTS_SAVE flag to PsikyoSH driver, since the conversion to EEPROM devices fixed the remaining issues with save states.
- 0.165: Renamed 'Debug' dipswitch to 'Tilt (Enables Debug Mode)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.250: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/so...darkness/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110692
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110693

Service Mode:
Typical early Psikyo Hitachi SH-2 hardware BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed via the DIP Switch which is toggled with the Service button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection/change is with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
EEPROM added at 0.136 seems to have no effect on Internal Settings.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: solfigtr - "Solitary Fighter (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.143u3: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/so...er-world/mame/
Rules, Points [Tournament Settings]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110698

Service Mode:
Typical Taito F2 BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. A test screen appears initially and can be progressed with P1 Start button. The second screen is an input test screen with DIP switches shown in read-only binary form.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.108: solomon - "Solomon's Key (Japan)"
0.108u3-0.141: solomonj - "Solomon's Key (Japan)"
0.141u4-0.175: solomonj - "Solomon no Kagi (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.108u3: Bobby Conover added Solomon's Key (US). Renamed (solomon) to (solomonj). Aaron Giles added new ROM loading option ROM_IGNORE() for the rom 8.3jk. This is a 32k rom and only 4k are needed.
- 0.141u4: Changed description of clone (Japan) to 'Solomon no Kagi (Japan)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ey+%5BJapan%5D
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7815


Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.108u3.

MAME History:
- 0.108u3: Bobby Conover added Solomon's Key (US). Renamed (solomon) to (solomonj). Aaron Giles added new ROM loading option ROM_IGNORE() for the rom 8.3jk. This is a 32k rom and only 4k are needed.

Solomon no Kagi (Japan) / Solomon's Key (Japan)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.108: solomon - "Solomon's Key (Japan)"
0.108u3-0.141: solomonj - "Solomon's Key (Japan)"
0.141u4-0.178: solomonj - "Solomon no Kagi (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.141u4: Changed description of clone (Japan) to 'Solomon no Kagi (Japan)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.178: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ey+%5BJapan%5D
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7815

Solomon's Key (US)
Note: not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.108u3.
0.108u3-0.178: solomon - "Solomon's Key (US)"

Resolution, 0.109-0.178: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sonicbom - "Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.115-0.116: 321x224 @ 60.054389Hz
Resolution, 0.117-0.175: 320x224 @ 60.054389Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....gamename=Sonic Boom [FD1094 317-0053]


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: sonic - "SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan, rev. C)"

MAME History:
- 0.220: Make the 4 DIPs selectable singularly and added DIP locations [Osso]. Added 4x 'Unknown' dipswitches.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 416x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/se...an-rev-c/mame/
Rules, Rings [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110612
Rules, Rings [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110613
Rules, Rings [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110614

Service Mode:
Typical Sega System 32 BIOS.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode to access after playback completed. Service Mode is accessed by using the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with the P1 Up and Down. Selection to progress to the next screen is with the Service Mode button (F2) but selection within a screen to the next field is with the Test Button (9).

Default Settings:
The Unknown DIP switches were introduced in MAME 0.220. No DIP switch options existing prior to this.
| |


ROm set changed: no
0.106-0.250: sonicwi2 - "Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.250: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/aero-fi...-wings-2/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14654
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14655
Note: access Service Mode with Service button (F2). Navigation with P1 Up & Down. P1 Button 1 selects entry. P1 button 1 and P1 button 2 adjust settings. P1 button 3 exits sub-sections.

Default Settings
| |


ROM set changed:
0.106-0.209: sonicwi3 - "Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.209: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ae...-wings-3/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14656
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14657

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.147: sonofphx - "Son of Phoenix"
0.148-0.175: sonofphx - "Son of Phoenix (bootleg of Repulse)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=Son of Phoenix


ROM set changed: no; DIP labels updated in 0.133u1
0.106-0.250: sonson - "Son Son"

Resolution, 0.106-0.155: 240x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.156-0.249: 240x240 @ 57.370000Hz
Resolution, 0.250: 240x240 @ 55.400000Hz

MAME History:
- 0.250: Consolidated driver in single file. Minor cleanups [Osso]. Changed vsync to 55.40Hz. Source of measurements: https://github.com/MikeS11/Arcade-So...ent-1312089702. The value originally set must have been a typo, according to Corrado Tomaselli. The original PCB alternates between 55.37Hz and 55.43Hz and it is Corrado's suggestion to run it at 55.40Hz [birdybro].
- 0.193: Changed MC6809 CPU1/2 clock speed to 6MHz.
- 0.156: Corrado Tomaselli correct audio CPU clock for Son Son as measured on PCB. Changed M6809 CPU1/2 clock speeds to 1.5MHz and VSync to 57.37 Hz.
- 0.133u1: Angelo Salese fixed unsupported negative sprite positions and unimplemented coincounter in Son Son. Tafoid updated Son Son DIP locations and defaults to match those of the game upgrade manual. Added 'Flip Screen' dipswitch.

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/son-son/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110699
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=110700
0.106-0.133: Difficulty: Medium
0.134-0.250: Difficulty: Normal


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sos - "SOS"

Resolution, 0.106-0.128: 272x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.129-0.175: 272x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=SOS


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: sotsugyo - "Sotsugyo Shousho"

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 320x240 @ 58.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ename=Sotsugyo Shousho
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