1. Game
  2. MAME History, numeric ROM sets

This page is a chapter in 'Game Exploring MAME history for TG rules'


ROM set changes: no
0.106-0.183: 005 - "005"

Resolution, 0.106-0.107: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.108-0.113: 256x224 @ 59.998135Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.183: 256x224 @ 59.998138Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....6&gamename=005
(Note: matches multiple tracks unfortunately.)
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10088


ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.108: yard - "10-Yard Fight (Japan)"
0.108u5-0.214: 10yardj - "10-Yard Fight (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.108u5: Brian Troha added 10-Yard Fight (World). Renamed (yard) to (10yardj), (vsyard) to (vs10yard) and (vsyard2) to (vs10yarj).
- 0.123u2: Fixed dipswitches (especially coinage) and inputs for '10yard' (and its clones). Added iremipt.h source file (same purpose as taitoipt.h) [Stephane Humbert]. Added 'Coinage' dipswitch.

Resolution, 0.106-0.108: 256x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.109-0.122: 256x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.214: 256x224 @ 56.737589Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/10...ht-japan/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=7672

"Allow Continue" & "Defensive Man Pause" DIPs renamed to "Unused" at 0.123u2.
"Time Reduced By Dead Ball" was not included in the rules - best assume default setting of "Normal".


ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.109.
0.108u5-0.137: 10yard - "10-Yard Fight (World)"
0.138-0.205: 10yard - "10-Yard Fight (World, set 1)"

- 0.108u5: Brian Troha added 10-Yard Fight (World). Renamed (yard) to (10yardj), (vsyard) to (vs10yard) and (vsyard2) to (vs10yarj).
- 0.123u2: Fixed dipswitches (especially coinage) and inputs for '10yard' (and its clones). Added iremipt.h source file (same purpose as taitoipt.h) [Stephane Humbert]. Added 'Coinage' dipswitch.
- 0.137u3: Kevin Eshbach, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added clone '10-Yard Fight '85 (US, Taito license)'. Ranger_Lennier, W. Belk, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added clone 'Vs 10-Yard Fight (US, Taito license)'. Changed parent description to '10-Yard Fight (World, set 1)'.

Resolution, 0.109-0.122: 256x240 @ 57.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.205: 256x224 @ 56.737589Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/10...ld-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=198181

NOTE: "Allow Continue" & "Defensive Man Pause" DIPs renamed to "Unused" at 0.123u2.

1941, 1941r1

Note: two sets are represented by 1941, change over at 0.145u5.

MAME History:
- 0.139: Changed description to '1941: Counter Attack (World)' and clone (Japan) to '1941: Counter Attack (Japan)'.
- 0.145u5: Techmotour added 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227). Renamed (1941) to (1941r1).
- 0.148u5: Sonikos fixed 'Difficulty' dipswitch which has in the tab menu values from 1 (easiest) to 8 (hardest) but in the game's menu it's from 0 to 7.

1941: Counter Attack (World) (revision 1?)
ROM Set changed: yes; Difficulty DIP switch label change at 0.148u5
0.106-0.138: 1941 - "1941 - Counter Attack (World)"
0.139-0.145: 1941 - "1941: Counter Attack (World)"
0.146-0.255: 1941r1 - "1941: Counter Attack (World)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.154-0.255: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/19...r-attack-world
Rules, Single Player: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11801
Rules, Two Player: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11877
Note: does not have any date indication during boot up.

1941: Counter Attack (World 900227)
Note: this set not represented on TG's scoreboard yet.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.145u5.
0.106-0.145: NOT SUPPORTED
0.146-0.255: 1941 - "1941: Counter Attack (World 900227)"

Resolution, 0.146-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.153: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz
Resolution, 0.154-0.255: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-1 BIOS.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using the Game Mode DIP switch or the Service button (F2) which toggles the DIP switch. Navigation is with P1 Up and P1 Down, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:
NOTE: from 0.148u5 onwards, Difficulty settings have been relabelled. Verify with caution.
- Difficulty up to: 0.148u4: 1 (Easiest), 2, 3, 4 (Normal), 5, 6, 7, 8 (Hardest)
- Difficulty from : 0.148u5: 0 (Easiest), 1, 2, 3 (Normal), 4, 5, 6, 7 (Hardest)
MAME 0.148: | MAME 0.149:

From MAME 0.250 after entering Test mode:

1942a, 1942

Note: two ROM sets are represented here with the changeover at 0.124u4.

MAME History:
- 0.111u2: Brian Oberholtzer correct some incorrect dipswitch information in the 1942 driver.
- 0.122u8: RansAckeR made some minor improvements to 1942 DIPs.
- 0.124u4: Quarterarcade added clone '1942 (Williams Electronics license)'. Changed clone (set 3) to parent '1942 (Revision B)', '1942 (set 1)' to clone '1942 (Revision A)' and (set 2) to '1942 (First Version)'. Renamed (1942b) to (1942), (1942) to (1942a) and (1942a) to (1942b).
- 0.232: Adjust the common screen timings on old Capcom games [O. Galibert, Jose Tejada]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.265: Correct default 'Lives' dipswitch [ketburai, hap].

1942 (Revision A)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.124: 1942 - "1942 (set 1)"
0.124u4-0.260: 1942a - "1942 (Revision A)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.231: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.232-0.260: 256x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/1942-set-1/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5226
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=40873
Rules, 1 life only - Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=267047
Rules, Points - 2 lives start [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=245571

1942 (Revision B)
Note: this set not represented on TG's scoreboard yet.
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.124: NOT SUPPORTED
0.124u4-0.260: 1942 - "1942 (Revision B)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.231: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.232-0.260: 256x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom 1942 hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Left at the top level and instructions for sub-sections appear at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.112:
MAME 0.123:
MAME 0.250:
MAME 0.263:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the DIP switch.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.153: NOT SUPPORTED
0.154-0.173: 1942h - "42"
0.174-0.265: 1942h - "Supercharger 1942"

MAME History:
- 0.174: Dirkies changed description of clone '42' to 'Supercharger 1942' and year to 1991.
- 0.232: Adjust the common screen timings on old Capcom games [O. Galibert, Jose Tejada]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.265: Correct default 'Lives' dipswitch [ketburai, hap].

Resolution, 0.154-0.231: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.232-0.265: 256x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/su...ger-1942/mame/
Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=248983

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom 1942 hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2) followed by a reset. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Left at the top level and instructions for sub-sections appear at the bottom of the screen. However, all options appear to restart Service Mode?

Default Settings:
MAME 0.154:
MAME 0.250:
MAME 0.265:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.271: 1943kai - "1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.232: Adjust the common screen timings on old Capcom games [O. Galibert, Jose Tejada]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.231: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.232-0.271: 256x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/19...en-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=40875
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=40876
Note: Service Mode only accessible with the Service DIP switch enabled and a reboot. No gameplay-useful information in the Service Mode.

1943, 1943u

Note: two sets represented here with the changeover at 0.138u1

MAME History:
- 0.108u2: Roberto Fresca added DIP locations to 1943.
- 0.122u8: RansAckeR made some minor improvements to 1943 DIPs. Zsolt Vasvari removed colortables from 1943 driver and a number of other drivers, as part of a larger move to phase out old-style colortables. Changed palettesize to 896 colors.
- 0.138u1: Stefan Lindberg added 1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro). Renamed (1943) to (1943u).
- 0.143u5: Foul added clone 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, Rev B). Changed description of clone '1943: The Battle of Midway (US)' to '1943: The Battle of Midway (US, Rev C)'. Renamed (1943j) to (1943ja).
- 0.149u1: Alex Jackson fixed DIP locations in 1943.
- 0.232: Adjust the common screen timings on old Capcom games [O. Galibert, Jose Tejada]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.262: Improved DIP switch setting labels [chaneman, Vas Crabb]. Changed 'Cabinet' dipswitch to 'Flip Screen'.

1943: The Battle of Midway (US, Rev C)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.138: 1943 - "1943: The Battle of Midway (US)"
0.139-0.143: 1943u - "1943: The Battle of Midway (US)"
0.144-0.271: 1943u - "1943: The Battle of Midway (US, Rev C)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.231: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.232-0.271: 256x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/19...idway-us/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=5155
Rules, Single Player max points NO Specials: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=132363
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11970
Rules, Single player - NO special codes allowed - First Level Only: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=199814

1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro)
Note: this set not represented on TG scoreboard yet
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.138u1.
0.106-0.138: NOT SUPPORTED
0.139-0.271: 1943 - "1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro)"

Resolution, 0.139-0.231: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.232-0.271: 256x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom 1943: The Battle of Midway style hardware.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1. DIP switches are displayed as a binary representation in the RAM SOUND INPUT TEST option with C003 representing SWA and C004 representing SWB.

MAME Note:
- To access the unreachable tests (#4-7) in the Service Test, when starting up the machine after it has been set into Test Mode, hold down the left coin switch.
- I haven't yet been able to toggle this: Barthax, March 2024.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.109:
MAME 0.123:
MAME 0.150:
MAME 0.250:
MAME 0.262:

1944, 1944u

Note: two ROM sets represented here with changeover at 0.227

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.633333 Hz.
- 0.127u1: Derived CPS2 video timing based on measurements. These are educated guesses. The logic behind the derivations is shown in the source. Fixes the disappearing volume bar in the test menu for msh, mshvsf, xmvsf, xmcota and nwarr for sound and voice [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params. Added DSP pin info from Guru [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.227: undamned added 1944: The Loop Master (Euro 000620). ROM labels as per photo [Brian Troha]. Renamed (1944) to (1944u).
- 0.267: Changed description to '1944: The Loop Master (Europe 000620)'.

1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.111: 1944 - "1944: The Loop Master (US 000620)"
0.112-0.226: 1944 - "1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620)"
0.227-0.271: 1944u - "1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.271: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/19...s-000620/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21093
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=24400

NOTE: All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed.

1944: The Loop Master (Euro 000620)
Note: not currently tracked at TG.
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.227
0.106-0.226: NOT SUPPORTED.
0.227-0.265: 1944 - "1944: The Loop Master (Euro 000620)"
0.267-0.271: 1944 - "1944: The Loop Master (Europe 000620)"

Resolution, 0.227-0.271: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Default Settings
Taken from 1944u, 0.247:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.172: 1945kiii - "1945k III"
0.173-0.250: 1945kiii - "1945k III (newer, OPCX2 PCB)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.219: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.219-0.250: 320x224 @ 59.637405Hz

MAME History:
- 0.173: System11 added clone 1945k III (older, OPCX1 PCB). Note: Interesting version, dated a year earlier, different PCB (not using flash roms) and only 8 planes to choose from, not 10 etc. Changed parent description to '1945k III (newer, OPCX2 PCB)'.
- 0.220: Added input ports for clone 1945k III (older, OPCX1 PCB). Note: 1945K-III is clearly a retooled Solite Spirtis. There are spots in 1945K-III where it shows "SOLITE SPIRITS" such as the ship selection screen's background and after the continue countdown expires, but before the high score table. It's unknown if the changes were specifically meant for an Export version or if Promat was trying to capitalized on Psikyo's Striker 1945 series and it's name. Older version of 1945K-III there's no dipswitches for Demo Sound or Allow Continue - Demo sounds always OFF [Brian Troha]. Implemented VRAM access toggle behavior. Implemented sprite limitation per frame. Correct VRAM flip-flop behavior. Converted screen parameters into raw format. Added Hardware notes [cam900]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/1945k-iii/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19196
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19197

19xx, 19xxu

Note: two sets are represented here with the switchover at 0.215.

MAME History:
- 0.110u2: David Haywood added support for using CHDs to decrypt CPS2 games. This code is disabled for the moment, but will be enabled in the future. Only a handful of games have complete tables so far. These tables are huge (~4GB) and uncompressable until the encryption algorithm is understood.
- 0.110u3: David Haywood added raw decryption table to choko. Enabled the use of the large CHD-based tables by default.
- 0.110u4: CPS2 updates [David Haywood]: Added table for Jyangokushi (from Guru). Note that GFX/Sound roms aren't dumped on this one. Removed old 'handcrafted' XORs for games which we have CHDs for and replaced them with XORs generated from MAME using the CHD. This means anyone with the CHD can easily generate the XORs (using the code I've left in there) if they need to be able to run the games with a shorter startup time. Disabled the loading of the XORs by default for all sets with a CHD. Now only the CHD is loaded, unless the #define is changed at the top in which case only the XORs generated from the CHD are loaded.
- 0.111u3: Added machine\cps2crpt.c. Andreas Naive and Nicola Salmoria replaced CPS2 CHDs with preliminary decryption function.
- 0.113u2: Changed VSync to 59.633333 Hz.
- 0.127u1: Derived CPS2 video timing based on measurements. These are educated guesses. The logic behind the derivations is shown in the source. Fixes the disappearing volume bar in the test menu for msh, mshvsf, xmvsf, xmcota and nwarr for sound and voice [Aaron Giles]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params. Added DSP pin info from Guru [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.215: redsupra and smf added 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Euro 960104). Renamed (19xx) to (19xxu).
- 0.259: Support for CPS2 debug DIP switches: Initial working version. Fixed incorrect mapping in memory by using a custom read handler, cleaned up unnecessary port conditions and vetter comments. Moved read handler directly into the map segment and renamed hardware type device tag. Correct accidentally moved line break. Switched from native array usage to optional_ioport_array [Damian Rogers]. Changed dsw setting order in UI from on-off to off-on [hap].
- 0.267: Changed description to '19XX: The War Against Destiny (Europe 960104)'.

19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207)
ROM set changed: yes
0.106-0.111: 19xx - "19XX: The War Against Destiny (US 951207)"
0.112-0.214: 19xx - "19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207)"
0.215-0.271: 19xxu - "19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 384x224 @ 59.633331Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.127: 384x224 @ 59.633333Hz
Resolution, 0.128-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.271: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/19...s-951207/mame/
Rules, One Player: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19622
Rules, Two Player: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=19623

19XX: The War Against Destiny (Euro 960104)
Note: this set not currently represented on TG.
ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.214: NOT SUPPORTED
0.215-0.266: 19xx - "19XX: The War Against Destiny (Euro 960104)"
0.267-0.271: 19xx - "19XX: The War Against Destiny (Europe 960104)"

Resolution, 0.215-0.271: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

Rules: [no current tracks]

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-2 BIOS.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use Service Mode button (F2) to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up and Down. Action options are given in the instructions at the bottom of the screen.

Default Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.272: 2020bb - "2020 Super Baseball (set 1)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.272: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/20...ll-set-1/mame/
Rules, Biggest Blowout: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=15355

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS [neogeo/neogeo.cpp].
SM access logical after playback: Yes.
SM access recordable in INP: Yes.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent COMM Setting DIP switch values and split to COMM Setting (Cabinet No.) + COMM Setting (Link Enable) pair:
0.106-0.129 COMM Setting: Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Cabinet No.): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Link Enable): Off / On
Equivalent Test Switch/Service Mode/Setting Mode DIP switch values:
0.106-0.149 Test Switch: Off / On
0.150 Service Mode: Off / On
0.151-0.272 Setting Mode: Off / On
Equivalent Coin Chutes ? / Cabinet DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Coin Chutes ?: 1? / 2?
0.151-0.272 Cabinet : Normal / VS Mode
Equivalent Autofire (in some games) / Controller DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Autofire (in some games): Off / On
0.151-0.272 Controller: Joystick / Mahjong Panel

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:

20pacgalr4, 20pacgalr3, 20pacgalr2, 20pacgalr1, 20pacgalr0, 20pacgal, 20pacgala, 20pacgaa

Note: multiple ROM sets represented here.

MAME History:
- 0.111u1: Nicola Salmoria added 'Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion' (Namco 2000).
- 0.127u6: Johan Samuelsson added 'Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion (V1.04)'. Changed 'Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion' to clone '(V1.01)'. Renamed (20pacgal) to (20pacgaa).
- 0.133u1: Renamed (20pacgaa) to (20pacgala).
- 0.138u1: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion (V1.08) and clone (V1.02). Renamed (20pacgal) to (20pacgalr4) and (20pacgala) to (20pacgalr1). Couriersud improved Z180 timer and HALT processing. This fixes severe slowdown after initials are entered in Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion. Rewrote rom/ram banking. 20pacgal now supports save state. Added lfsr-driven starfield. The general principle is understood now but star set selection and the star drawing condition are guesses.
- 0.139: Changed descriptions to 'Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion'.
- 0.139u1: Sara S. added clone Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.00). Mark F. added clone (V1.03).

MAME Note:
- Pac-Man is also playable via CODE! To play do the following: Insert coins, then tap on the keyboard, UP-UP-UP, Down-Down-Down, Left-Right-Left-Right-Left, and then you can hear the initial sound. Hit the Start button.

Multiple tracks for this game are not written specifically: they are written with rules stipulating any revision of multiple different ROM sets. The Pac-Man tracks do not stipulate any limitation on ROM sets and therefore only implies ROM sets.

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ms...iversary/mame/
Rules, Normal Speed: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=198664
Rules, Best Score First Life: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206084
Rules, Normal Speed - Fastest Completion [Perfect Game]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206088
Rules, Normal Speed - Perfect Eat (All ghost, all fruit, all pills, all boards, pacman alive): https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206085
Rules, Speedup Hack - Best Score First Life: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206087
Rules, Speedup Hack - Fastest Completion [Perfect Game]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206089
Rules, SpeedUp Hack - Perfect Eat (All ghost, all fruit, all pills, all boards, pacman alive): https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206086
Rules, Speedup Hack Option: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206083
Rules, Pac_Man variation. Best Score First Life. See special rules.: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=212949
Rules, Pac_Man variation. See special rules.: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=212948

Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.00)
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.139u1.
0.140-0.271: 20pacgalr0 - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.00)"

Resolution, 0.140-0.271: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.01)
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.111u1. Renames at 0.127u6, 0.133u1 and 0.138u1.
0.112-0.127: 20pacgal - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion"
0.128-0.133: 20pacgaa - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion (V1.01)"
0.134-0.138: 20pacgala - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion (V1.01)"
0.139-0.271: 20pacgalr1 - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.01)"

Resolution, 0.112-0.271: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.02)
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.138u1.
0.139-0.271: 20pacgalr2 - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.02)"

Resolution, 0.139-0.271: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.03)
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.139u1.
0.140-0.271: 20pacgalr3 - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.03)"

Resolution, 0.140-0.271: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.04)
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.127u6. Rename at 0.138u1.
0.128-0.138: 20pacgal - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20 Year Reunion (V1.04)"
0.139-0.271: 20pacgalr4 - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.04)"

Resolution, 0.128-0.271: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.08)
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.138u1.
0.139-0.271: 20pacgal - "Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.08)"

Resolution, 0.139-0.271: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Service Mode:
Typical Ms.Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion hardware.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode can be accessed using the Service button (F2). Navigate with P1 Up and Down. Select menu options with P1 Button 1 which is also used to cycle through option settings.

Default Settings:
Note: the hidden Pac-Man game uses the settings of Ms. Pac-Man.
Ms. Pac-Man Adjusts:
Galaga Adjusts:
General Adjusts:
Note: revisions 1.00, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04 have been confirmed to exhibit the same defaults as version 1.08 pictured.

25pacman, 25pacmano

Note: multiple ROM sets represented here.

MAME History:
- 0.139u1: Sara S. added 'Pacman - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 2.00)' (Namco 2005).
- 0.139u2: Changed description to 'Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 2.00)'.
- 0.150: Brian Troha added 'Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 3.00)'. This will need a fair bit of work, PCB is significantly different, it saves to Flash etc. and probably uploads the palette instead of having a ROM [David Haywood]. Renamed (25pacman) to (25pacmano).
- 0.158: Tafoid added inputs for Service Mode Volume control (+/-) for specific to 25pacman. Changed input from 1 to 6 buttons.

Most tracks for this game are written with rules stipulating any revision of multiple ROM sets. the Pac-Man tracks do not stipulate any limitation on ROM sets and therefore imply any ROM set of this game.

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ms...iversary/mame/
Rules, Normal Speed: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=198664
Rules, Best Score First Life: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206084
Rules, Normal Speed - Fastest Completion [Perfect Game]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206088
Rules, Normal Speed - Perfect Eat (All ghost, all fruit, all pills, all boards, pacman alive): https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206085
Rules, Speedup Hack - Best Score First Life: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206087
Rules, Speedup Hack - Fastest Completion [Perfect Game]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206089
Rules, SpeedUp Hack - Perfect Eat (All ghost, all fruit, all pills, all boards, pacman alive): https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206086
Rules, Speedup Hack Option: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=206083
Rules, Pac_Man variation. Best Score First Life. See special rules.: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=212949
Rules, Pac_Man variation. See special rules.: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=212948

Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 2.00)
ROM set changed: yes. Added in 0.139u1.
0.140-0.149: 25pacman - "Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 2.00)"
0.150-0.271: 25pacmano - "Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 2.00)"

Resolution, 0.140-0.271: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 3.00)
ROM set changed: no. Added in 0.150.
0.150-0.271: 25pacman - "Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 3.00)"

Resolution, 0.150-0.271: 288x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Service Mode:
Typical Ms.Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion hardware.
All relevant rules are covered by internal settings. Service Mode can be accessed using the Service button (F2). Navigate with P1 Up and Down. Select menu options with P1 Button 1 which is also used to cycle through option settings.

Default Settings:
Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man Adjusts:
Galaga Adjusts:
General Adjusts: 3.00: | 2.00:
Note: revision 2.00 does not mention Pac-Man in the settings but uses the Ms. Pac-Man adjusts for Pac-Man. Revision 3.00 introduces a Clear High scores in the General Adjusts.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.147: 280zzzap - "Datsun 280 Zzzap"
0.148-0.260: 280zzzap - "280-ZZZAP"

MAME History:
- 0.111u4: Added mw8080bw.c driver, vidhrdw\mw8080bw.c, sndhrdw\mw8080bw.c and includes\mw8080bw.h. Major rewrite of the Midway 8080 black & white driver, separating it from the huge 8080bw driver and making the following changes [Zsolt Vasvari, Derrick Renaud]: 'True-to-hardware' emulation of the shifting circuits. Identified and stubbed sound triggers. Fixed dipswitches, where necessary (most games). Added DIP locations to all switches. Added watchdog. Added coin counter. Added lamp outputs to Sea Wolf, Guided Missile, Space Encounters, Phantom II and Bowling Alley. Added stereo sound to Gun Fight, Guided Missile and M-4. Partial sound emulation in Tornado Baseball, Boot Hill, Desert Gun, Double Play, Dog Patch and Blue Shark. Properly emulated shifter circuit in Boot Hill. Added gun recoil output to Desert Gun. Added second set of analog controls to Clowns. Fixed analog controls in Dog Patch. Added SN76477 sound effect to Space Encounters. Added non-memory mapped coin counters to Space Invaders, Blue Shark and Space Invaders II. Added proper watchdog times to all the games. Breadboarded the noise clocks and ensured their frequencies were correct.
- 0.111u6: Zsolt Vasvari implemented video circuits in the Midway 8080 driver based on schematics. Note that this affected the visible area, so overlays will need to be adjusted. Standardized the visible area across all games. Updated Midway 8080 driver to use properly computed video timings and scanline interrupts. Changed visible area to 260x224 and VSync to 59.541985 Hz.
- 0.147u1: Added simple color overlay to 280-ZZZAP (bonnet/sky can't be added to MAME internal layout of course). Even though the game attract mode says "DATSUN 280 ZZZAP", it was known as "280-ZZZAP" [hap]. Changed description to '280-ZZZAP'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.111: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.112-0.260: 260x224 @ 59.541985Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/da...80-zzzap/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20777

Service Mode:
Typical Midway 8080-based black and white hardware.
A test mode exists on the Language DIP switch. No settings are shown during test mode.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.112:
MAME 0.250:

280zzzap on MAME 0.106

Note: same analysis confirmed for MAME 0.101. - Barthax, Nov 2023.

# MAME 0.106 source snippet.

/* 610 */ GAME( 1976, 280zzzap, 0,        280zzzap, 280zzzap, 8080bw,	ROT0,   "Midway", "Datsun 280 Zzzap", GAME_NO_SOUND )

PORT_BIT( 0x0f, 0x00, IPT_PEDAL ) PORT_MINMAX(0x00,0x0f) PORT_SENSITIVITY(100) PORT_KEYDELTA(64) /* accelerator */

PORT_START_TAG("IN1") /* Steering Wheel */

PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x00, DEF_STR( Coinage ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0c, 0x00, "Time" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0c, "60" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "80" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, "99" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, "Test Mode" )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x30, 0x00, "Extended Time" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, "Score >= 2.5" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, "Score >= 2" )
/* 0x30 same as 0x20 */
PORT_DIPNAME( 0xc0, 0x00, DEF_STR( Language ))
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( English ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( German ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( French ) )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc0, DEF_STR( Spanish ) )

Resolution: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

Rules: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=20777
Time: 80
Extend Time Score: >= 2.5

Sample correct TG:
IN2: offset 0x2B, repeat every 0x7C, typical value 0x00
- IN2: 0x03 (Coinage): 0x00 (1 Coin 1 Credit)
- IN2: 0x0c (Time): 0x00 (80)
- IN2: 0x30 (Extended Time): 0x00 (Score >= 2.5)
- IN2: 0xc0 (Language): 0x00 (English)

00000020  00 00 00 c0 00 00 00 7f  00 00 00>00<00 00 00 00  |................|
000000a0 00 00 00 7f 00 00 00>00< 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000120 00 00 00>00<00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.143: 3countb - "3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex"
0.144-0.173: 3countb - "3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043)(NGH-043)"
0.174-0.272: 3countb - "3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043 ~ NGH-043)"

MAME History:
- 0.113u2: Zsolt Vasvari updated NeoGeo driver to the new video timing code and screen raw parameters, this fixes also the messed up graphics. Changed VSync to 59.185606 Hz.
- 0.129u3: Fabio Priuli added missing HARDDIP settings in 'STANDARD_DIPS' for DIP's 4,5 and 6 ("COMM Setting"). Added dipswitches 'COMM Setting (Cabinet No.)' and 'COMM Setting (Link Enable)'.
- 0.143u2: Fixed rom names. Changed description to '3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043)(NGH-043)'.
- 0.150: Endian fix for kof2003 protection (machine\neocrypt.c and neoprot.c). Fixed NeoGeo memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]. Changed 'Test Switch' dipswitch to 'Service Mode'.
- 0.151: [- snip -] [Alex Jackson]. Added coin slots 3 and 4. Added dipswitches 'Setting Mode', 'Cabinet' and 'Controller'.
- 0.174: Changed description to '3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043 ~ NGH-043)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 320x224 @ 59.185608Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.272: 320x224 @ 59.185606Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/3-...e-suplex/mame/
Rules, Most Money Earned [Singles Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14652
Rules, Most Money Earned [Tag Match Mode]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14653

Service Mode:
Standard SNK NeoGeo BIOS [neogeo/neogeo.cpp].
SM access logical after playback: Yes.
SM access recordable in INP: Yes.
There are both hardware DIP switches & internal settings. Hardware DIP switches will reflect local configuration after playback, not the recording. Other relevant rules are covered by internal settings. If not shown during playback, use F2 to access after playback completed. Navigation is with P1 Up & Down. Select menu option with P1 Button 1 and sub-menus can be exited with P1 Button 3. P1 Button 1 and P1 Button 2 adjust individual configuration options.

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent COMM Setting DIP switch values and split to COMM Setting (Cabinet No.) + COMM Setting (Link Enable) pair:
0.106-0.129 COMM Setting: Off / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Cabinet No.): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0.130-0.272 COMM Setting (Link Enable): Off / On
Equivalent Test Switch/Service Mode/Setting Mode DIP switch values:
0.106-0.149 Test Switch: Off / On
0.150 Service Mode: Off / On
0.151-0.272 Setting Mode: Off / On
Equivalent Coin Chutes ? / Cabinet DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Coin Chutes ?: 1? / 2?
0.151-0.271 Cabinet : Normal / VS Mode
Equivalent Autofire (in some games) / Controller DIP switch values:
0.106-0.150 Autofire (in some games): Off / On
0.151-0.271 Controller: Joystick / Mahjong Panel

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.130 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.150 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.151 DIP Switches:
MAME 0.250 DIP Switches: |
MAME 0.250 BIOS:
Cartridge: |


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.163: 3in1semi - "XESS - The New Revolution (SemiCom 3-in-1)"
0.164-0.175: 3in1semi - "New HyperMan (3-in-1 with Cookie & Bibi & HyperMan)"

MAME History:
- 0.164: Changed description to 'New HyperMan (3-in-1 with Cookie & Bibi & HyperMan)'. Note: Previously we thought that 'XESS - The New Revolution' was the title of the 3-in-1 game, but infact it's just another team name, Gaia shows it too. The actual game doesn't seem to have a proper title indicating there are 3 games within it, only the New HyperMan title screen [David Haywood].

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 57.500000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....0Revolution%20[Semi-Com%203-in-1]
Rules, Points [Cookie & Bibi, 1 Player Puzzle Game]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120667
Rules, Points [Cookie & Bibi, 1 Player vs Com]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120668
Rules, Points [Hyper Pac-Man]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120669
Rules, Points [NEW Hyper Pac-Man]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120670


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.265: 3kokushi - "Sankokushi (Japan)"

MAME History:
- 0.144u3: Fixed visible area in all Metro games. Changed VSync to 59.922743 Hz.
- 0.146u1: hap fixed regression in the Metro driver. Redo deprecat removal for Metro driver. Updated video\metro.c. This fixes black screen in 3kokushi, karatour, ladykill and moegonta or offset screens and/or misplaced graphics. Changed visible area and VSync in most games.
- 0.148: Changed dipswitch 'Free Play' to 'Service Mode / Free Play'.
- 0.192: Added video\imagetek_i4100.cpp/h. ACCESSING_BITS cleanup. Configure I4100/I4220/I4300 VDP the normal way with its standard XTAL [AJR]. Videoregs are read-backable. This fixes sprite layer disappears entirely in Blazing Tornado after completing single player game. Added sprite x/y center point registers, removed screen check hack. Rewritten Imagetek I4100/I4220/I4300 video display processor family, hooked it up to Metro driver [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 58.232800 Hz except Bang Bang Ball.

Resolution, 0.106-0.144: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.145-0.146: 320x240 @ 59.922743Hz
Resolution, 0.147-0.175: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.192-0.265: 320x240 @ 58.232800Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...hi-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [TGTS - Easy Path]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11867
Rules, Points [TGTS - Hard Path]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11868

Service Mode:
Atypical Metro Games hardware/BIOS.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch followed by holding P2 Start button during a reset thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigation of Service Mode menus is with P1 Up and Down. To exit a sub section, use P1 Start button. No DIP switch or settings configuration options have been found. - Barthax, Aug 2023.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.148:
MAME 0.250:

3kokushi on MAME 0.106

# MAME 0.106 snippets [metro.c]

GAME( 1996, 3kokushi, 0, 3kokushi, 3kokushi, karatour, ROT0, "Mitchell", "Sankokushi (Japan)", GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS )

PORT_START_TAG("IN0") //$c00000

PORT_START_TAG("IN1") //$c00002

PORT_START_TAG("IN2") //$c00004
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0007, 0x0007, DEF_STR( Coin_A ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0038, 0x0038, DEF_STR( Coin_B ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0040, 0x0040, DEF_STR( Flip_Screen ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0080, 0x0080, DEF_STR( Demo_Sounds ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0300, 0x0300, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) ) // Timer speed
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0200, DEF_STR( Easy ) ) // Slow
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0300, DEF_STR( Normal ) ) // Normal
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0100, DEF_STR( Hard ) ) // Fast
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0000, DEF_STR( Hardest ) ) // Fastest
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0400, 0x0400, DEF_STR( Unused ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0800, 0x0800, DEF_STR( Unused ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x1000, 0x1000, DEF_STR( Allow_Continue ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x2000, 0x2000, DEF_STR( Free_Play ) )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0xc000, 0xc000, "Helps" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0000, "1" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x4000, "2" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0xc000, "3" )
PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x8000, "4" )

#define COINS \
PORT_BIT( 0x0080, IP_ACTIVE_HIGH, IPT_SPECIAL ) /* From Sound CPU in some games */

#define JOY_LSB(_n_, _b1_, _b2_, _b3_, _b4_) \
PORT_BIT( 0x0010, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_##_b1_ ) PORT_PLAYER(_n_) \
PORT_BIT( 0x0020, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_##_b2_ ) PORT_PLAYER(_n_) \
PORT_BIT( 0x0040, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_##_b3_ ) PORT_PLAYER(_n_) \
PORT_BIT( 0x0080, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_##_b4_ ) PORT_PLAYER(_n_) \

#define JOY_MSB(_n_, _b1_, _b2_, _b3_, _b4_) \
PORT_BIT( 0x1000, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_##_b1_ ) PORT_PLAYER(_n_) \
PORT_BIT( 0x2000, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_##_b2_ ) PORT_PLAYER(_n_) \
PORT_BIT( 0x4000, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_##_b3_ ) PORT_PLAYER(_n_) \
PORT_BIT( 0x8000, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_##_b4_ ) PORT_PLAYER(_n_) \

Resolution: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/sa...hi-japan/mame/
Rules, Points [TGTS - Easy Path]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11867
Rules, Points [TGTS - Hard Path]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11868

Difficulty = "NORMAL"
Flip screen = "OFF"
Unused = "OFF" (both)
Allow continue = "NO"

Sample correct TG:
IN2: offset 0x2A, repeat every 0x7C, typical value 0xEFFF
- IN2: 0x0007 (Coin_A): 0x0007 (1C_1C)
- IN2: 0x0038 (Coin_B): 0x0038 (1C_1C)
- IN2: 0x0040 (Flip_Screen): 0x0040 (Off)
- IN2: 0x0080 (Demo_Sounds): 0x0080 (On)
- IN2: 0x0300 (Difficulty): 0x0300 (Normal)
- IN2: 0x0400 (Unused): 0x0400 (Off)
- IN2: 0x0800 (Unused): 0x0800 (Off)
- IN2: 0x1000 (Allow_Continue): 0x0000 (No)
- IN2: 0x2000 (Free_Play): 0x2000 (Off)
- IN2: 0xc000 ("Helps"): 0xc000 ("3")

00000020  00 00 00 3f 00 00 ff ff  00 00>ef|ff<00 00 00 00  |...?............|
000000a0 00 00 ff ff 00 00>ef|ff< 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000120 00 00>ef|ff<00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.152: 3stooges - "The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides"
0.153-0.260: 3stooges - "The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 1)"

MAME Note:
- Up to 3 players can play at once. After inserting coins, Button 1 Player 1 = start a 1 player game, Button 1 Player 2 = start a 2 players game and Button 1 Player 3 = start a 3 players game.

MAME History:
- 0.125u3: Added dipswitches 'SW5', 'SW7' and 'SW8'.
- 0.126u2: Added includes\gottlieb.h. Began Gottlieb driver cleanup [Aaron Giles]: Converted palette calculations to resistor weights. Correct video timing. Reduced the number of separate machine drivers. Fixed incorrect spriteram sizes. Populated full memory maps for the main CPU and the rev 1 sound board. More to come. Changed the 6532 RIOT device into a proper device. Rewrote the logic to be simpler and leverage the new attotime functions. Changed the I/O port setters to specify a mask, and changed the I/O port callbacks to pass in the previous value. Converted audio\gottlieb.c to use the new RIOT implementation instead of rolling their own. Changed VSync to 61.419025 Hz. Added dipswitches 'Sound Test' and 6x 'Unknown'.
- 0.126u4: Fixed audio rom address to $c000. Added dipswitches 'Sound Test' and 2x 'Unknown'.
- 0.143u8: Various Gottlieb driver fixes [Tafoid]: Verified through playtesting, manuals and in-game service modes all DIPs in the driver. Consolidated and added DIP locations based on all available information.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 256x240 @ 61.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.260: 256x240 @ 61.419025Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/th...s-brides/mame/
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10795
Rules, Points [Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10796
Rules, Points [Three Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=10797

Service Mode:
Typical Gottlieb hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch. Navigation is with quick-release use of the Service Select (F1) button, selection is with long-hold of the Service Select button. The Service Select button is used to exit options and return to the next option highlighted on the main menu, thus the full set of Service Mode options can be visited with repeated use of long-hold Service Select only.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.126:
MAME 0.127:
MAME 0.144:
MAME 0.250:
Internal Settings:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.258: 3wonders - "Three Wonders (World 910520)"

MAME History:
- 0.121: Added 'Free Play' dipswitch.
- 0.125u3: Added '2 Coins to Start, 1 to Continue' dipswitch.
- 0.126u4: Corrado Tomaselli verified and correct CPS1 refresh rate. Changed VSync to 59.610000 Hz.
- 0.147u1: Changed CPS-1 video timings to SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS [Angelo Salese]. Changed VSync to 59.629403 Hz.
- 0.153: Cleanup (includes\cps1.h) [Osso]. Willow, Strider and Ghouls'n Ghosts have some changed factory setting defaults as stated from manual. Also noted differences in bonus live coverage where applicable [Tafoid]. Cleanup QSound. No practical changes here except that i removed support for LOG_WAVE raw sound filewriting. Updated soundstream before writing (tsk). Reg 3 is key on. Small fix to sample start and loop. Guru measured qsound music timing. Modified CPS1 video params [hap]. Eliminate pointless planar-to-chunky conversion of gfx ROMs, just decode them as-is [Alex Jackson]. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.

Resolution, 0.106-0.126: 384x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.127-0.147: 384x224 @ 59.610000Hz
Resolution, 0.148-0.152: 384x224 @ 59.629403Hz
Resolution, 0.153-0.258: 384x224 @ 59.637405Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/th...d-910520/mame/
Rules, Chariot: Adventure Through The Sky [Points, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14468
Rules, Chariot: Adventure Through The Sky [Points, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14469
Rules, Don't Pull [Points, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14470
Rules, Don't Pull [Points, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14471
Rules, Midnight Wanderers, Quest For The Chariot [Points, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14466
Rules, Midnight Wanderers, Quest For The Chariot [Points, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=14467

Service Mode:
Typical Capcom CPS-1 BIOS.
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed using the Game Mode DIP switch or the Service button (F2) which toggles the DIP switch. Navigation is with P1 Up and P1 Down, selection with P1 Button 1.

Default Settings:

From MAME 0.250 after enabling the Test mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.113: 4dwarrio - "4-D Warriors"
0.114-0.175: 4dwarrio - "4-D Warriors (315-5162)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.130: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.131-0.175: 512x224 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....4-D%20Warriors
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11876


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.151: 4enraya - "4 En Raya"
0.152-0.175: 4enraya - "4 En Raya (set 1)" (minor description change)

Resolution, 0.106-0.175: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....=4%20En%20Raya
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11798


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.110: 4in1boot - "Puzzle King (bootleg)"
0.111-0.156: 4in1boot - "Puzzle King (includes bootleg of Snow Bros.)"
0.157-0.255: 4in1boot - "Puzzle King (PacMan 2, Tetris, HyperMan 2, Snow Bros.)"

MAME History:
- 0.110u5: Changed description to 'Puzzle King (includes bootleg of Snow Bros.)' and manufacturer/year to (K1 Soft 2002).
- 0.157: Changed description to 'Puzzle King (PacMan 2, Tetris, HyperMan 2, Snow Bros.)'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.255: 256x224 @ 57.500000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/pu...-bootleg/mame/
Rules, Points [Hyper Man 2, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=79012
Rules, Points [Hyper Man 2, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=79013
Rules, Points [Pacman 2, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=79014
Rules, Points [Pacman 2, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=79015
Rules, Points [Snow, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=79017
Rules, Points [Snow, Two Player Team]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=79018
Rules, Points [Tetris, Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=79016

Service Mode:
Typical Kaneko "Snow Bros." driver hardware.
Service Mode reflects the local configuration after playback ends, not the recording. Service Mode is accessed by enabling the DIP Switch which can be toggled with the Service Mode Button (F2). Navigation is with P1 Up and Down, selection with P1 Button 1. A read-only configuration is shown of the DIP switches.

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.191: 4in1 - "4 Fun in 1"

Resolution, 0.106-0.113: 256x224 @ 60.606060Hz
Resolution, 0.114-0.191: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry [old]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....ame=4+in+1+Fun
TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game_de...&platformid=46
Rules, Game 1: Galactic Convoy [Points]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21418
Rules, Game 2: Scramble PT2 [Points]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21419
Rules, Game 3: Galaxian PT5 [Points]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21420
Rules, Game 4: The Ghost Muncher PT3 [Points]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21421


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.273: 64street - "64th. Street - A Detective Story (World)"

MAME History:
- 0.106u3: Massive dipswitch update to the Mega System 1 driver [Brian Troha, Guru, Yasuhiro Ogawa].
- 0.169: [...] MegaSys1 apparently runs at 56.18Hz, based on video references, this is the same as NMK16 [David Haywood]. [...] Changed VSync to 56.191350 or 56.18 Hz.
- 0.261: Dumped I/O microcontroller (TMP91640 internal code) [Sergio Galiano]. Added Toshiba TMP91640 (12MHz) CPU3. Changed VSync to 56.205036 Hz.
- 0.268: Use default 'Lives' setting from manual for 64th. Street [Vas Crabb].

Resolution, 0.106-0.168: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.169-0.260: 256x224 @ 56.191350Hz
Resolution, 0.261-0.273: 256x224 @ 56.205036Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/64...ry-world/mame/
Rules, One Player: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11800
Rules, Two Player: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=11878
TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ma...nge-2025/mame/
Rules, 64th Street - A Detective Story - 1 Life: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=269996

Service Mode:
Typical Jaleco Mega System 1 [jaleco/megasys1.cpp].
Service Mode will reflect the local configuration after playback, not the recording. Service Mode is entered by enabling the DIP switch which can be toggled with the Service button (F2) and then a reset must occur, thus cannot be recorded in an INP. Navigate with P1 Up & Down. P1 Start to choose an option and again to exit the section. To exit Service Mode, turn off the Service DIP switch

DIP Switch Changes:
Change of default value for Lives:
0.106-0.267 Lives: 1 / 2 / 3 (default) / 5
0.268-0.273 Lives: 1 / 2 (default) / 3 / 5

Default Settings:
MAME 0.106:
MAME 0.107:
MAME 0.250:

From MAME 0.250 after entering service mode:


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.175: 720 - "720 Degrees (rev 4)"

MAME History:
- 0.122u5: Atari System 2 driver cleanup [Aaron Giles]: Proper video timing. Full memory maps. Save state support. Removed 720 sound CPU hack in favor of prepopulated EEPROM like the other games. Changed VSync to 60.096154Hz.
- 0.123u4: RasnAckeR improved dipswitch definitions, added DIP locations and simplified input ports in Atari System 2 driver.
- 0.123u4: Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.122: 512x384 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.123-0.175: 512x384 @ 60.096154Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/72...es-rev-4/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21422


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.201: 88games - "'88 Games"

Resolution, 0.106-0.201: 320x224 @ 60.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/88-games/mame/
Rules, 110m Hurdles [Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21410
Rules, 400m Relay [Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21408
Rules, Javelin Throw [Furthest Distance]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21412
Rules, Long Jump [Furthest Distance]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21407
Rules, Skeet Shooting [Points]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21409
Rules, 100m Dash [Fastest Completion]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21406
Rules, Archery [Points]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21411
Rules, High Jump [Highest Height Cleared]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21413
Rules, Points [Single Player Only]: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=21414


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.255: 8ballact - "Eight Ball Action (DK conversion)"

MAME History:
- 0.116u3: Changed VSync to 60.606061 Hz.
- 0.121u3: DKong driver updates [Couriersud]: Added configuration switch to change palette between TKG02 (radarscp conversion) and TKG04 (dkong 2board). [...]
- 0.121u3: Couriersud fixed Eight Ball Action (DK conversion) according to conversion manual, added DIP locations and fixed 2650 games to use dkong audio as well - only CPU replaced by addon board. Replaced DAC sound with Discrete. Added prom 82s147 (no dump - taken from hunchbkd). Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.

Resolution, 0.106-0.116: 256x224 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.117-0.255: 256x224 @ 60.606061Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/ei...nversion/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=22930

Service Mode:
Typical Nintendo "Donkey Kong" hardware.
No service mode.

Default Settings:

Note: the video hardware option introduced in 0.121u3. The MAME indication is this is just a palette affect.


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.274: 8ball - "Video Eight Ball"

MAME History:
- 0.122u5: Zsolt Vasvari reogranized and started to clean up the CVS driver. Added emulation of the speech CPU. Removed CVS BIOS entry. Removed unnecessary patching. Fixed 2650 disassembly of the sense and flag bits. Fixed incorrect argument order in OUT instruction. Correct spacing. Added 3rd S2650 (894886 Hz) and fixed dipswitches.
- 0.123u1: Removed button 2.
- 0.123u1: Stephane Humbert fixed dipswitches and inputs for all games in the CVS driver.
- 0.273: Make interrupts edge triggered, increased cpu clock freq and set screen refresh to 50. Fixes hunchbak and hunchbaka suffers from slowdowns [hap].

Resolution, 0.106-0.272: 240x248 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution, 0.273-0.274: 240x248 @ 50.000000Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/vi...ght-ball/mame/
Rules, Points: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=120555

DIP Switch Changes:
Equivalent Bonus/Bonus Life DIP switch values (caution: the book end values were incorrect before 0.124):
≡ 0.106-0.122 Bonus: 10k only (default, value 0) / 20k only (value 4) / 30k and every 40k (value 12) / 40k and every 80k (value 12)
≡ 0.123-0.123 Bonus Life: 10k only (default, value 0) / 20k only (value 4) / 30k and every 40k (value 12) / 40k and every 80k (value 12)
≡ 0.124-0.272 Bonus Life: 10k only (default, value 12) / 20k only (value 4) / 40k only (value 8) / 80k only (value 0)
Note: Further investigation needed (insufficient information in listxml output): Colour and Meter Pulses (both old) replaced by Registration and Registration Length meaning older versions having Registration and Registration Length were incorrectly identified?


ROM set changed: no
0.106-0.182: 9ballsht - "9-Ball Shootout (set 1)"

Resolution, 0.106-0.114: 320x240 @ 60.000000Hz
Resolution: 0.115-0.182: 320x240 @ 60.012477Hz

TG Game Entry: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores....Ball+Shootout+[Set+1]
Rules, Most Balls Pocketed: https://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?scores=41116
Settings can only be confirmed by visual confirmation during game play. This is caused by the Service Mode not showing any current values (only selections).
Game doesn't seem to play properly from 0.181... further testing required.
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