1. Historical
  2. The Old Twin Galaxies INP Archive - Replay Videos, "A" game names

This page is a chapter in 'Historical The Old Twin Galaxies INP Archive - Replay Videos'

Aggressors Of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku


Just the one track.

Recording Details

Video Link:

Timestamps into the video are given in the table below in the notation @H:MM:SS (the first hour if no hour shown).

Original FileMAME VersionAchievementNotes
scoreRecording_2007_8_16_790_R_Lopes_aodk_12815_w1 06.zip: @00:00WolfMAME 0.10612815, ROD: @5:1002:00; With; With; Level 4; With; Infinite; With; English: @6:16
scoreRecording_2008_7_26_533_RLopes_aodk_88830_w10 6.zip: @6:23WolfMAME 0.10688830, ROD: @22:4002:00; With; With; Level 8; With; Infinite; With; English: @7:04 & 23:26
scoreRecording_2009_1_8_533_flu-aodk-94175.zip: @23:33WolfMAME 0.10694175, FLU: @37:3202:00; With; With; Level 8; With; Without; With; English: @7:04 & 23:26

Air Gallet


Recording Details

Video Link:

Timestamps into the video are given in the table below in the notation @H:MM:SS (the first hour if no hour shown).

Original FileMAME VersionAchievementNotes
scoreRecording_2006_11_18_364_TRB_agallet_2689840_ wolf101-st-6.zip: @00:00WolfMAME 0.1012689940, TRB: @21:04Normal / 3 / Off / On / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1500000PTS, @22:21
scoreRecording_2008_3_7_580_agallet_paitreault_106 _81050.zip: @22:39WolfMAME 0.10663040, ___: @25:23
+ 18010, ___: @24:56
= 81050
Normal / 3 / Off / On / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1500000PTS, @26:06
scoreRecording_2008_8_28_706_RLopes_agallet_991720 _w106.zip: @26:25WolfMAME 0.106991720, ROD: @35:50Normal / 3 / Off / On / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1500000PTS, @37:05
scoreRecording_2009_5_4_533_RTF_-_agallet_-_759550.zip: @37:23WolfMAME 0.106759550, RTF: @46:37Normal / 3 / Off / On / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1500000PTS, @48:06
scoreRecording_2009_6_23_706_GFG-Air_Gallet_June_23_2009-300780.zip: @48:25WolfMAME 0.106300780, GFG: @53:34Normal / 3 / Off / On / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1500000PTS, @54:58
scoreRecording_2009_12_13_706_DM-390520-agallet.zip: @55:17WolfMAME 0.106390520, DAM: @1:01:27Normal / 3 / Off / On / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1500000PTS, @1:02:51
scoreRecording_2010_5_25_706_GMC_DAN-Date-5-24-2010_Air_Gallet_Score-395660.zip: @1:03:10
Duplicate: scoreRecording_2010_6_22_706_GMC_DAN-Date-5-24-2010_Air_Gallet_Score-395660.zip
WolfMAME 0.106171180, ___: @1:08:18
+ 224470, ___: @1:08:56
= 395650
Normal / 3 / Off / On / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1500000PTS, @1:09:43
sr02251265472g5986_DO - Air Gallet - 403970 - ya16-02-12.zip: @1:10:02WolfMAME 0.106113200, ___: @1:13:53
+ 290770, DIE: @1:16:07
= 403970
Normal / 3 / Off / On / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1 Coin 1 Play / 1500000PTS, @1:17:37

Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007 ~ NGH-007)


Recording Details

Video Link:

Timestamps into the video are given in the table below in the notation @H:MM:SS (the first hour if no hour shown).

Original FileMAME VersionAchievementNotes
scoreRecording_2007_5_8_997_alpham2.zip: @00:00WolfMAME 0.10654600, ___, @4:253, Infinite, Level 3, Second Bonus, 200000/250000, On, On, Pick Option, Type 2, 10: @5:15
scoreRecording_2007_6_2_236_RJM_alpham2_317900.zi p: @5:39WolfMAME 0.106317900, RJM: @19:553, Without, Level 7, Second Bonus, 200000/250000, On, On, Pick Option, Type 2, 10: @6:23 & 22:03
scoreRecording_2008_3_7_706_alpham2_paitreault_10 6_76200.zip: @22:27WolfMAME 0.10664300, AAA: @26:41
+ 11900, ___: @24:27
= 76200
3, Infinite, Level 3, Second Bonus, 200000/250000, On, On, Pick Option, Type 2, 10: @27:42
scoreRecording_2008_7_21_533_alpham2-VMF-389000-0106.zip: @28:06WolfMAME 0.106389000, VMF: @48:063, Infinite, Level 3, Second Bonus, 200000/250000, On, On, Pick Option, Type 2, 10: @48:35
scoreRecording_2008_7_24_414_RMacauley_alpham2_46 1300.zip: @49:59WolfMAME 0.106461300, RJM: @1:11:273, Without, Level 7, Second Bonus, 200000/250000, On, On, Pick Option, Type 2, 10: @50:39 & 1:14:09
scoreRecording_2008_10_18_709_RLopes_alpham2_1842 00_w106.zip: @1:14:33WolfMAME 0.106184200, ROD: @1:24:233, Infinite, Level 3, Second Bonus, 200000/250000, On, On, Pick Option, Type 2, 10: @1:26:54
scoreRecording_2009_4_27_706_DM-84600-alpham2.zip: @1:27:18WolfMAME 0.10684600, DAM: @1:32:173, Without, Level 7, Second Bonus, 200000/250000, On, On, Pick Option, Type 2, 10: @1:27:56 (screen 1 only) & 1:33:39
scoreRecording_2009_5_7_533_RTF_-_alpham2_-_163600.zip: @1:34:03WolfMAME 0.106163600, RTF: @1:43:333, Infinite, Level 7, Second Bonus, 200000/250000, On, On, Pick Option, Type 2, 10: @1:34:40 & 1:46:03
scoreRecording_2009_11_22_706_Alpha_Mission_2.zip : @1:46:27WolfMAME 0.10636600, ___: @1:50:22
+ 74400, ASG: @1:53:09
= 111000
3, Infinite, Level 3, Second Bonus, 200000/250000, On, On, Pick Option, Type 2, 10: 1:54:19

Andro Dunos


Just the one track.

Recording Details

Video Link:

Timestamps into the video are given in the table below in the notation @H:MM:SS (the first hour if no hour shown).

Original FileMAME VersionAchievementNotes
scoreRecording_2005_12_18_533_androdun_didyeah_wo lf0.101.zip: @00:00WolfMAME 0.101644300, D.S, @20:353, Infinite, Normal, On, On, 100000 / _, On: @21:27
scoreRecording_2007_11_11_923_Androdun.zip: @21:33WolfMAME 0.10675700, SKB: @29:123, Infinite, Normal, On, On, 100000 / _, On: @30:47
scoreRecording_2008_11_1_706_RLopes_androdun_2692 00_w106.zip: @30:52WolfMAME 0.106269200, ROD: @43:033, Infinite, Normal, On, On, 100000 / _, On: @44:08
scoreRecording_2009_3_6_706_bwp_bwh-androdun-113500.zip: @44:14WolfMAME 0.10664300, BWP, @50:45
+ 49200, BWH
= 113500, @51:09
3, Infinite, Normal, On, On, 100000 / _, On: @52:27
scoreRecording_2011_1_29_706_PM_Andro_Dunos_12305 0.zip: @52:32
Duplicate: scoreRecording_2011_2_3_706_PM_Andro_Dunos_123050. zip
Duplicate: sr04021158196g5054_PM Andro Dunos 123050.zip
WolfMAME 0.10658400, PJM
+ 64650, RKM, @59:08
= 123050, @59:44
3, Infinite, Normal, On, On, 100000 / _, On: @1:02:17
sr02141249071g5054_RTF - androdun - 1348260.zip: @1:02:22WolfMAME 0.1061348260, RTF: @1:42:333, Infinite, Normal, On, On, 100000 / _, On: @1:43:33
sr02251265472g5054_DO - Andro Dunos - 167100 - ya19-02-12.zip: @1:43:41WolfMAME 0.106109550, OSK
+ 57550, DIE, @1:52:03
= 167100, @1:52:53
3, Infinite, Normal, On, On, 100000 / _, On: @1:54:01

Arabian Fight (World)


Recording Details

Video Link:

Timestamps into the video are given in the table below in the notation @H:MM:SS (the first hour if no hour shown).

Original FileMAME VersionAchievementNotes
scoreRecording_2008_7_30_706_DM-2490-arabfgt.zip: @00:00WolfMAME 0.1062490, ___, @5:187, 2, off, 4P: @6:01
scoreRecording_2008_8_26_580_RLopes_arabfgt_6130_w 106.zip: @6:07WolfMAME 0.1066130, ROD: @17:057, 2, off, 4P: @18:16
scoreRecording_2009_1_17_580_arabfgt-FRD-23780-0106.zip: @18:28WolfMAME 0.10623780, FRD: @57:117, 2, off, 4P: @58:29
scoreRecording_2009_5_19_706_RTF_-_arabfgt_-_2900.zip: @58:40WolfMAME 0.1062900, ___: @1:06:197, 2, off, 4P: @1:07:23
scoreRecording_2010_5_14_580_MVJS_05_13_2010_arabi anfight_world_7440.zip: @1:07:35WolfMAME 0.1066020, MIK: @1:16:45
+ 1420, ___: @1:14:07
= 7440
7, 2, off, 4P: @1:18:13
sr01181264970g5998_UWC - Arabian Fight - 9020 - ya29-11-11.zip: @1:18:25WolfMAME 0.1061800, ___: @1:27:24
+ 2350, ___: @1:29:08
+ 870, ___: @1:25:11
+ 3940, ___: @1:28:45
= 8960
7, 2, off, 4P: @1:30:09
sr01181264971g5998_HDO - Arabian Fight - 5920 - ya18-01-12.zip: @1:30:20WolfMAME 0.1062780, ___: @
+ 2540, ___: @1:40:36
+ 600, ___: @1:34:27
= 5920
7, 2, off, 4P: @1:42:36
sr06151155733g5998_PAT _ OSK_arabfgt_27Apr2011_8230.zip: @1:42:47WolfMAME 0.1066030, OSK: @1:53:18
+ 2200, ____: @1:52:50
= 8230
7, 2, off, 4P: @1:54:31
sr07251160959g5998_OSK PAT _ NAH_arabfgt_20Jul2011_4110.zip: @1:54:41WolfMAME 0.106840, ___: @1:59:48
+ 1920, ___: @2:00:00
+ 1350, ___: @2:01:41
= 4110
7, 2, off, 4P: @2:02:56
sr07281162316g5998_OSK PAT NAH _ KIB_arabfgt_09Jul2011_7920.zip: @2:03:06WolfMAME 0.1061930, ___: @2:10:18
+ 2950, ___: @2:11:54
+ 1650, ___: @2:09:44
+ 1390, ___: @2:10:13
= 7920
7, 2, off, 4P: @2:13:17

Problematic INP Files

This files are acknowledged as being identified for this game but the playback of the INP file is unsuccessful.
  • scoreRecording_2007_8_17_592_arabfight-4390.zip

Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken


Just the one track.

Recording Details

Video Link:

Timestamps into the video are given in the table below in the notation @H:MM:SS (the first hour if no hour shown).

Original FileMAME VersionAchievementNotes
scoreRecording_2007_11_19_706_aof_179140.zip: @00:00WolfMAME 0.106179140, FAB: @10:3460, English, With, With, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @00:50 (screen 1 only) & 11:21
scoreRecording_2008_8_28_706_RLopes_aof_31600_w106 .zip: @11:45WolfMAME 0.10631600, ___: @15:5360, English, Without, With, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @12:21 (screen 1 only) & 17:00
scoreRecording_2008_12_3_580_RLopes_aof_118310_w10 6.zip: @17:24
Duplicate: scoreRecording_2008_12_3_775_scoreRecording_2008_1 2_3_580_RLopes_aof_118310_w106
WolfMAME 0.106118310, ROD: @25:2361, English, Without, With, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @18:04 (screen 1 only) & 26:15
scoreRecording_2009_12_7_533_Art_of_Fighting_19051 0_SPK.zip: @26:40WolfMAME 0.106190510, SPK: @36:3760, English, Without, With, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @27:19 (screen 1 only) & 38:31
scoreRecording_2010_1_21_706_fra-aof-87580-21_01_2010.zip: @38:55WolfMAME 0.10687580, FRA: @46:5660, English, With, With, Level 3, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @48:13
scoreRecording_2010_8_24_533_srg_aof_205700.zip: @48:37WolfMAME 0.106205700, SRG: @56:3260, English, Without, Without, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @49:16 (screen 1 only) & 57:31
scoreRecording_2010_12_17_533_Art_of_Fighting_1_Re cord_220010_SPK.zip: @57:55
Duplicate: scoreRecording_2011_1_25_775_Art_of_Fighting_1_Rec ord_220010_SPK.zip
WolfMAME 0.106220010, SPK: @1:10:1660, English, Without, Without, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @58:31 (screen 1 only) & 1:12:23
scoreRecording_2011_1_16_580_sam-aof-01-16-2011-532100.zip: @1:12:49WolfMAME 0.106532100, SAM: @1:29:2960, English, With, With, Level 3, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @1:32:29
scoreRecording_2011_2_6_706_SADIQEEN_MUSHTAQ_{S.M* *_-_212070_-_06-02-2011.zip: @1:32:53WolfMAME 0.106212070, S·M: @1:41:0160, English, Without, Without, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @1:33:30 (screen 1 only) & 1:42:16
sr04111154914g5055_SAM-04-11-2011-aof-468470.zip: @1:42:41WolfMAME 0.106468470, SAM: @1:58:0360, English, With, With, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, With: @1:43:23 (screen 1 only) & 1:59:18

Problematic INP Files

This files are acknowledged as being identified for this game but the playback of the INP file is unsuccessful.
  • scoreRecording_2007_10_26_583_aof.zip
  • scoreRecording_2007_11_5_492_aof_twin_galaxies.zip
  • scoreRecording_2007_11_19_469_scoreRecording_2007_ 11_5_492_aof_twin_galaxies.zip

Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden


Just the one track.

Recording Details

Video Link:

Timestamps into the video are given in the table below in the notation @H:MM:SS (the first hour if no hour shown).

Original FileMAME VersionAchievementNotes
scoreRecording_2008_8_23_45_RLopes_aof3_64570_w106 .zip: @00:00WolfMAME 0.1066:45.70, ROD: @12:0660, English, With, Without, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, On/On, Red: @00:59 (screen 1 only) & 13:29
scoreRecording_2009_12_5_533_Art_of_Fighting_3_Pat h_of_the_Warrior_60012_SPK.zip: @13:53WolfMAME 0.1066:00.12, SPK: @25:1260, English, With, Without, Level 8, 3 Rounds, With, With, On/On, Red: @14:44 (screen 1 only) & 26:45

Asterix (ver EAD)


Recording Details

Video Link:

Timestamps into the video are given in the table below in the notation @H:MM:SS (the first hour if no hour shown).

Original FileMAME VersionAchievementNotes
scoreRecording_2007_3_13_227_asterix_didyeah_wolf 0.106.zip: @00:00WolfMAME 0.10614900, D-S: @10:323 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @11:21
scoreRecording_2007_10_17_100_JWG-asterix-10000.zip: @12:02WolfMAME 0.10110000, JWG: @18:363 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @19:46
scoreRecording_2008_6_7_290_Charles_Gibbs_asterix _9400: @20:27WolfMAME 0.1069400, CEG: @25:593 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @27:22
scoreRecording_2008_8_5_580_DM-11000-asterix.zip: @28:05WolfMAME 0.10611000, DAM: @34:033 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @35:17
scoreRecording_2008_9_10_580_RLopes_asterix_45800 _w106.zip: @35:58WolfMAME 0.10645800, ROD: @59:433 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @1:00:29
scoreRecording_2008_10_28_302_ASTERIX_-_6500.zip: @1:01:11WolfMAME 0.1066800, AAK: @1:07:143 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @1:02:14 & 1:08:40
scoreRecording_2008_11_8_290_AAA-asterix-65400.zip: @1:09:23WolfMAME 0.10665400, AAA: @1:40:173 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @1:41:30
scoreRecording_2009_4_7_706_asterix_CAA_9800_106. zip: @1:42:11WolfMAME 0.1069800, CAA: @1:47:493 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @1:48:58
scoreRecording_2010_11_4_533_PAT___OSK_asterix_03 Nov2010_34500.zip: @1:49:40WolfMAME 0.10618800, PAT: @2:00:23
+ 15700, OSK: @2:01:57
= 34500
3 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @2:03:07
sr02111258475g6009_scoreRecording_2012_2_11_metal candyman_Asterix_064900.zip: @2:03:48WolfMAME 0.10664900, MET: @2:33:283 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @2:34:30
sr04011155114g6009_PAT_asterix_01Apr2011_54700.zi p: @2:35:01WolfMAME 0.10654700, PAT: @3:04:363 Lives, 5/Medium Hard, Normal, Monaural, On, After Stage 1, Yes: @3:07:14
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