- Policy
- Bounty Creation and Claims Guidelines
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This page is a chapter in 'Policy Official Book of TG Guidelines'
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Welcome to the Twin Galaxies Bounty Creation and Bounty Claim Guideline section.
Twin Galaxies is excited to offer its community a one-of-a-kind system and toolset that is designed to allow verified users the opportunity to easily create or claim achievement-oriented bounties!This system is entirely new and unique; therefore, it is important to understand that the system itself, along with the rules and guidelines that govern its use, will change, and evolve as it grows. Please check these guidelines regularly.
Users of the TG Community can create Bounty/Bounties or challenges that lets the Creator give out a prize, or Bounty, upon completion, subject to the Creator's conditions. Claimants or Winners to the Bounty/Bounties can join the quest or task set by the Bounty and claim the rewards, under the below guidelines.
Bounty Creation and Claims Guidelines
- To participate in the system, Bounty Creator or Claimant/Winner must be fully registered and verified Twin Galaxies members.
- Both the Bounty Creator and the Claimant/Winner shall agree and abide by all of the Bounty System Terms of Service/Use. As part of the Bounty creation process, the Creator needs to agree to all the terms and conditions of creating a Bounty with the TG System.
- The TGSAP process is the only mechanism by which Claims are officially verified and authenticated. Both Creator and Claimant/Winner shall agree and abide by this process and direct emails or other off-platform contact sent to the Creator in an attempt to establish a valid Claim shall not be honored and may result in punitive TG administrative action.
- All Claims shall be submitted to TGSAP for authentication. Upon authentication, such Claim will occupy one of the available Claim slots for the Bounty being claimed. The Creator shall fulfill the promised reward obligation of such authenticated Claimant.
- Claimant must reimburse Creator of any Bounty disbursement received if Claimant's previously authenticated Claim to that Creator's Bounty is successfully disputed using the Twin Galaxies Dispute Process (TGDP) within 90 days of the original Claim authentication date.
- When creating a bounty, the Creator must define and propose a task or objective that can be factually, definitively and quantitatively measured in relation to that specific bounty's posted ruleset.
- Unless otherwise specified, the Twin Galaxies General Gameplay Global Rules and Guidelines shall be the default minimum rules for any bounty posted. Any or all of these default rules may be overridden by Creator's bounty rules.
- When creating a Bounty, the Creator is required to provide as much specific detail as possible when describing their bounty's objective and rules. If the objective and rules are not clear and defined it may become impossible for the TGSAP to authenticate claim submissions for the Bounty. This may result in immediate administrative deletion of the Creator's bounty.
- Once the Creator has created and posted a Bounty, Creator is only able to make further edits to the bounty as long as there have been no bounty claims submitted for it. For clarity: this does not just mean adjudicated submissions, this means any submissions.
- The Creator shall not specifically describe, advertise, or imply that a Bounty they created is aimed at a specific player or user, unless such specific player or user has consented to the use of their name associating the player to the Bounty.
- Creator shall not directly use other player/user's names, accomplishments or fame as a marketing method to promote, draw attention, interest, or credibility to a Bounty, unless permission by such player/user has been obtained. Failure to follow these recommendations by the Creator may expose the Creator to potential liability from a player/user referred to and may lead to the Bounty being reported to TG for review and the possibility of the Bounty privilege being revoked.
- The TG Bounty System will automatically handle the disbursement of the reward types of Submission Points and TG Achievement Points - however, when the Custom Reward Option is selected by the Creator, the entire burden of disbursement of whatever the reward is, must be promptly handled by the Creator.
Bounty Rewards/Prizes
- The Creator shall be responsible for the payout of all Bounties and shall disburse the Bounty reward obligation when a TGSAP verified and authenticated claim is accepted.
- The Creator shall describe the exact method and procedure of how the Bounty reward is to be delivered so that any Claimant will know ahead of time what their expectations should be.
- Any non-disbursement from a Creator will result in immediate suspension from the Bounty Creation System until the matter is resolved, and there will be a permanent and publicly viewable record of the non-disbursement which can potentially impact the perception of any future Bounties that the Creator may post.
- The Creator cannot choose to ignore the results of the TGSAP adjudication of the Bounties and decide who should recieve the award at their discretion. That will end such Creator's Bounty System Privileges instantly.