Dark Bomber Skin is Now in the Fortnite Daily Item Shop

Nicholas Barth,

October 4, 2018 11:15 PM

The new Dark Bomber skin has finally made its way to the Fortnite daily item shop to the joy of the community.

The community for Epic Games' massively popular battle royale game of Fortnite has been anxiously awaiting for the arrival of the mysterious Dark Bomber skin that has been a major topic of discussion since the first image of it was leaked. However, now players can finally add the Dark Bomber skin to their Fortnite cosmetic item collections, as the new outfit is now available in the battle royale title's daily item shop for the remainder of Thursday, October 4th and until 8 PM EST on Friday, October 5th. 

Players will be able to purchase the newly added Dark Bomber skin to their Fortnite cosmetic collections for 1,200 V-Bucks. In addition to the skin, players will also receive the Dark bag back bling. The Thunder Crash harvesting tool will put players back another 1,200 V-Bucks, while the new Dark Glyph glider costs 500 V-Bucks. 

Fortnite Dark Bomber Skin Daily Item Shop
The alternate dark version of the Brite Bomber

Epic Games first teased the existence of the outfit back in a Season 5 loading screen where the Brite Bomber character could be seen touching Kevin the infamous purple cube. A reflection of the character could be seen in the cube, but it was no ordinary reflection. Showcasing a character that looks to have possible evil intentions, the Dark Bomber skin was first seen in the reflection inside of Kevin the cube. 

Excitement has since built for the possibility that the skin could be making its way to the daily item shop for Fortnite, as the latest major content update gave dataminers the chance to comb through the files of the battle royale game. In these files, dataminers were able to leak a vast array of new Fortnite cosmetic items with the alternate version of the Brite Bomber harvesting tool having been uncovered.

The Thunder Crash Harvesting Tool Dark Bomber Skin Fortnite Daily Item Shop
The Thunder Crash Harvesting Tool

The discovery of what looks to be the Dark Bomber skin's harvesting tool fueled speculation that the skin would soon be making its way to the daily item shop for Fortnite

Thursday, October 4th is when the excitement for the Dark Bomber skin making an appearance in the Fortnite daily item shop due to the official Twitter account for Fortnite tweeting out a post that looked to hint at the arrival of the Dark Bomber skin.

The imagery of a lighting bolt and cloud being greater that the sun and a rainbow led many members of the community to believe that today was the day that the outfit would make its way to the daily item shop for Fortnite.

Now, the community for Epic Games' title can add the long awaited Dark Bomber skin and other items from the new Lighting and Thunderstorms gears sets to their collections. 

(cover photo courtesy of Epic Games)


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