New Fortnite Season 4 Teaser Image Points to Graffiti Artist Skin

Nicholas Barth,

April 29, 2018 5:15 PM

A fourth skin for Season 4 of Fortnite Battle Royale has been teased in a new image and it points to the character being a Graffiti artist.

With the beginning of Season 4 of Fortnite Battle Royale right around the corner, Epic Games has been building up the anticipation of the new season with the teasing of new skins that will be available for players to acquire. Three superhero themed skins have already been partially revealed and today Epic Games teased a fourth skin for Season 4 of Fortnite. However, it looks to stray away from the rumored superhero theme of the upcoming season. 

(Source: Epic Games)
(Source: Epic Games)

With Epic Games providing the message of "Leave you mark" in the announcement of the updated teaser image and the gas mask that the new character is wearing, members of the community are believing the new skin to be that of a graffiti artist. This new character has also brought up speculation that Epic Games could possibly be implementing a graffiti system into Fortnite where players would be able to spray custom art onto any surface of the map. Blizzard Entertainment's first person shooter Overwatch employs a graffiti like spray system that allows players to mark anything they please with a variety of unique pieces of art, and it has been a major hit with the game's playerbase. 

It is important to note that this is currently all speculation, and nothing will be confirmed until Epic Games officially announces the true nature of these skins with the arrival of Season 4 for Fortnite. However, the studio's goal of building hype up for the new season by teasing these new characters has worked extremely well, as players are now anxiously awaiting for Season 4 to begin in order to see who these characters truly are. 

Interested in more Fortnite content? Check out the rumor that is stating that Tilted Towers is not the intended target of the meteor floating in the sky of Fortnite.

(Cover photo courtesy of


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