Jace Hall's Feed

Jace Hall
05-29-2018 at 12:22 AM

This post is for H1Z1 community informational purposes.

Before I go into any detail regarding my trip to Daybreak last Friday, I would like to establish some basic facts regarding my limitations:

1.) I am not an employee or representative of Daybreak in any way.
2.) I can not officially speak on Daybreak's behalf.
3.) I can not specifically control Daybreak's decisions or actions.

With that being said, here are some facts regarding what I do offer in the situation:

1.) As a representative of Twin Galaxies, which is closely partnered with Daybreak for the H1Z1 Pro League, I am in regular communication with Daybreak, and must have greater visibility into some of the internal plans regarding the ongoing development of H1Z1 in order to help make sure the Pro League is executing its function in the best way possible.

2.) As a life time video game player and proven game creator, development executive, publishing executive, and successful company leader/owner in the video game industry that spans nearly 28 years, I have a reasonable amount of on-the-ground experience, predictive insight, and management knowledge that I can offer which may be helpful.

3.) Specifically with H1Z1, with more than 2000+ hours in the game that spans the entire existence of the product, as well as my personal historical knowledge and long term relationship with Sony Online Entertainment (which later became Daybreak), as well as the fact that I play the game every day - allows me to provide an informed opinion where needed.

Ok, with that being said:

I arrived at Daybreak at around 1:30pm. I was greeted with smiles and we all went to a conference room where the first topic was a discussion regarding communication with the PC community.

As we all know, Daybreak has been very focused on trying to launch the PS4 version of the game. They recently have done this and it looks like it is quite successful so far - however, this intense focus they have had in order to accomplish the launch has understandably come a cost/focus to their communication with the PC community.

It was very clear to me that everyone at Daybreak was aware of this and obviously were keen to address it as soon as they were able - Which basically is now since the PS4 title finally launched. :)

The good news is that their relative silence with the PC community was not a direct result of them not doing work on the PC version. They in fact have been working as much as possible based on the available resources, and they do have some great things to talk about.

The meeting lasted for 5 hours. Not kidding. We discussed everything. Everyone who was a decision-maker was in the room.

I directly raised all the various community concerns and issues and desires in the room.

Thankfully, they were already completely aware of them and it was quite clear that they had already been taking the community feedback into direct consideration as they have been working on the forward direction of the product.

There wasn't any kind of push-back or argument. They have definitely heard the community. They support.

I know that many people who are reading this want me to provide absolute specifics on planned updates and etc., but at the moment I am not comfortable doing that because I currently do not speak for Daybreak and it should be them to announce any good stuff because they were the ones who did and are doing the work. It is really for them to address the community on their behalf and let everyone know what news there is. They will, have no worries.

With that being said, I would definitely let the community know right now if there was no hope, or if it was going to be a thousand years before you see any tangible desired action. So you can at least be assured of that.

Here are the primary takeaways from the meeting that the community should know:

1.) The community should expect more meaningful communication from Daybreak. VERY SOON. This was already planned before I got there and said anything.

2.) Yes the community desire for things like bringing back the best of previous season's elements are well understood at Daybreak and not conceptually opposed. Forward motion in this area already exists. Daybreak will discuss soon. Just have a tiny bit more patience...

3.) This is important to understand - Daybreak only has so many resources at any given time. Right now, they MUST dedicate most of their resources to the PS4 version (as they have been doing for the last couple months). As we all know the PS4 version is having success and if they stay on top of it that will be good for the entire H1Z1 scene. This resource dedication in the short-term will naturally limit how much/fast Daybreak can continue to modify the PC version - but that is ok, because I have personally seen that regardless over the long-term they will continue to work on the PC version and move it in the desired community direction.

4.) I point blank asked if portions of the revenue generated from the PS4 version will be used to help fuel the ongoing development of the PC version - they said it would be. Boom.

5.) I asked if Daybreak viewed the PS4 version as "different" than the PC version, or if they planned on trying to make them more and more similar to each other. They said they view them as unique and will not try to force them to be the same, however where content or strong ideas can be shared and makes sense, and is desired by the total community, that would be taken under consideration.

6.) One big problem that both Daybreak and the community knows exists is how rough the "new user" experience is in the PC version of the game. A new user comes in and is killed almost immediately, which is not the best outcome for user base growth and retention. While Daybreak understands the established community desires for things like PS3 and etc., it also MUST address the new user experience for the benefit of everyone. So it is important that we all understand that there are only so many resources available at any given time to use, and there has to be a balance between work on any "revert" or feature type stuff and work on "new user experience" type stuff. We, as a community, need both of these things for long term viability. All of this will get resolved together in time.

7.) In the meeting, I formally asked Daybreak to consider letting me "drive the car" in some form or fashion - and they are thinking about it, but I have no expectations, and neither should the community. Regardless whether I am invited in or not, going there and talking to them directly let me personally know that they do understand the issues and are (and have recently been) heading in the right direction. By my measure, at this time, the DB mindset is in the exact direction the community desires.

8.) I saw our old friend Z1. Up close. Prepare yourselves for glory. Not kidding.

The meeting ended around 6:30pm but my conversations with Daybreak have been ongoing. You should expect more actual, real, information this week.


Daybreak heard the community. I've seen it for myself. They are taking action.
Daybreak must dedicate most resources to PS4 version. Winning there benefits all. We want this.
Limited resources mean Daybreak cant do everything the community wants instantly. That's fine as long as they keep heading in the right direction, which it looks to be.
Expect Daybreak to be more communicative going forward in meaningful ways very soon.

Final word:
Daybreak is listening to the community and taking action. Honestly. There is a real opportunity here.

For now we need to do what we can, which is try to continue to reduce overall toxicity in general and be as welcoming to new users as we can.

Also be sure to watch this Wednesday's H1Z1 Pro League match at 6:45pm PST! Three different items being given away instead of just one! www.h1pl.com

More soon.

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User comments (7)

Unregistered's Avatar

Excited for the future
Likes Jace Hall liked this post
  • alarm

Sounds great ! let's ride on the PS4 hype :)
Likes Jace Hall liked this post
  • alarm

I downloaded and tried H1Z1 on PS4 and it runs REALLY well on a vanilla system. Enjoy it a lot but it can definitely be improved. Looking forward to seeing more updates on the PS4.
@Jace Hall will @TWIN GALAXIES be doing anything H1Z1 related for the PS4 version?
  • alarm

Of course its not in your power however it was mentioned in the post that they will need to keep the revert so that new player can enjoy the experience. As much as i agree what you are saying in my personal opinion it was so much easier for new players in PS3 as i joined then. It was so much easier to get a kill for new players as i could just look at someone and spam left click which made me enjoy the game as i was successful at getting kills. Thanks anyway
  • alarm

can't wait to see the change
  • alarm

Quote Originally Posted by spectre
I downloaded and tried H1Z1 on PS4 and it runs REALLY well on a vanilla system. Enjoy it a lot but it can definitely be improved. Looking forward to seeing more updates on the PS4.
@Jace Hall will @TWIN GALAXIES be doing anything H1Z1 related for the PS4 version?
Yes. TG will likely run a PS4 league when the game is ready for it....
  • alarm

I am working on a Raspberry Pi version. H1ZDot. 8x8 pixels. Talking about a HUGE map folks.
  • alarm
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